This tool serves a single, simple purpose: visualizing a user's GCP architecture and environment, so that they have a dynamic and simple-to-use way to view their world in GCP.
It does this by:
- Ingesting a strictly-formatted CSV input file, which is generally output from a Forseti Security Inventory scan.
- Dynamically building the parent->child tree of inventory resources in GCP.
- Drawing an interactive tree structure using D3.js, containing useful GCP info and per-resource icons.
The tool has been tested with Forseti Security 2.0, and can be used to draw out any CSV input (currently stored in gcp-data.csv) that conforms to the following schema:
id, resource_type, category, resource_id, parent_id, resource_name
CSV generation currently performed using Google Cloud SQL export from Forseti Security Inventory tables, using the query below:
SELECT id, resource_type, category, resource_id, parent_id, IFNULL(resource_data->>'$.displayName', '') as resource_data_displayname, IFNULL(resource_data->>'$.name', '') as resource_data_name FROM gcp_inventory WHERE inventory_index_id = (SELECT id FROM inventory_index ORDER BY completed_at_datetime DESC LIMIT 1) AND (category='resource') AND (resource_type='organization' OR resource_type='project' OR resource_type='folder' OR resource_type='appengine_app' OR resource_type='kubernetes_cluster' OR resource_type='cloudsqlinstance');
Other useful queries:
Get id of latest inventory scan (timestamp):
SELECT id FROM inventory_index ORDER BY completed_at_datetime DESC LIMIT 1;
Check schema of gcp_inventory table (in case schema changes, and query needs to be updated):
Describe forseti_security.gcp_inventory;
Fully functional example available here. Looks like this: