This is our Blog where I will publish interesting information about stuff I like
Using hpstr-jekyll-theme Uses Liquid
├── _includes
| ├── browser-upgrade.html # prompt to upgrade browser on < IE8
| ├── footer.html # site footer
| ├── head.html # site head
| ├── navigation.html # site navigation
| └── scripts.html # jQuery, plugins, GA, etc
├── _layouts
| ├── page.html # page layout
| ├── page.html # post-index layout used on home page
| └── post.html # post layout
├── _posts
├── _sass # Sass partials
├── assets
| ├── css # compiled stylesheets
| ├── js
| | ├── _main.js # plugin options
| | ├── scripts.min.js # concatenated and minifed site scripts
| | ├── plugins # plugin scripts
| └── └── vendor # jQuery and Modernizr scripts
├── images # images for posts and pages
├── _config.yml # Jekyll options
├── about/ # about page
├── posts/ # all posts
├── tags/ # all posts grouped by tag
├── images/ # all images. Can also use hosted images
└── index.html # home page with pagination