Trashure App, v. 1.0.0
Team Project
🏘 Are you moving out soon? 🚚 Still have some stuff you love but not able to take with you? 🎫 Have spare tickets fot tonight? Give it to someone for free! Share your Trashure!
- User can see on the map 🌏 any Trashure Items available in nearby area (user-geolocation feature is implemented)
- User can sign up and login
- Registered User can Reserve any available item
- Registered User can Post Items
- Registered User can see a list of Items (posted and reserved)
🛠 To build the App the following technologies and tools were used:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- PostgreSQL
- Node.js
- Express
- middleware: pg, bcrypt, passport, express-session, method-overide, ejs
- Heroku for deployment
- version control system: Git
- Whimsical for creating storyboards
- Trello for keeping track of development
One of the main challenges the Team faced with the project is being able to obtain information from a 3d party API, manipulatianig with geodata, storing these data in DB
- Search option so User can sort all available in DB items by certain criteria
- Email notifications with details of reservation can be sent to the User who posted the Item and to the User who reserved the Item
- Integrate third party API to improve UX uploading images (e.g. use Cloudinary)