From 7a649b1e3f850ef5d6949de30870d36203f89292 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kat Holt Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 14:04:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] add python3 version of parseSNPtable script --- | 1250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1250 insertions(+) create mode 100755 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e35fe89 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,1250 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +''' +Copyright (c) 2015,2020 David Edwards, Bernie Pope, Kat Holt, Stephen Watts +All rights reserved. (see README.txt for more details) +''' +# +# Read in SNP alleles (csv format) +# can take a file containing a list of strains to include (-l), otherwise all are included +# can take a list of outgroups (-o) => if specified SNPs that are non-variable in in the ingroup are removed on read-in; and variation in the outgroups is ignored in assessing conservation +# Note it doesn't matter whether or not the outgroup is included in the list of strains. +# The table is then parsed as specified by the modules in -m, these include: +# aln - convert to fasta alignment +# filter - filter SNPs that are included/excluded in regions specified via -x (genbank, gff or 2-column CSV table format) +# clean - filter out any pairs of SNPs with -P bp between them (default 3bp, minimum 2bp) and any trio or more of SNPs within -W bp in any isolate (default 10bp, minimum 3bp or -P if greater than 3) +# cons - filter SNP positions that are not conserved above a cutoff specified via -c (e.g. -c 0.99 -> all snps with >1% missing alleles is filtered out) +# core - filter SNPs not in genes that are conserved with % coverage cutoff, specified via -Z, obtained from the gene cover table, specified via -z, across all core isolates, specified via -L. As for -l, outgroups are ignored. +# fasttree - submit a fasttree job to SLURM +# rax - submit threaded RAxML jobs to SLURM (can specify walltime, memory, threads, number of boostraps and number of replicate runs) +# Any number of these modules can be supplied in any order; the order they are given is the order they will be run +# specify modules in a comma-separated list, e.g. '-m filter,cons,aln' will run region filtering, then conservation filter, then make a fasta alignments +# clean should only be run after any recombinant regions have been indentified for exclusion +# +# This version also handles multiple sequence genbank files for coding entries. The sequence in the genbank relevant to the SNP table must be specified (-q queryseq). +# It is also quicker generating coding consequences, and now uses much less memory (about twice the size of the allele table) +# +# NOTE: this script submits fasttree or RAxML jobs to SLURM +# +# Authors - Kat Holt ( +# - David Edwards ( +# - Stephen Watts +# +''' +python -s snps.csv -p prefix -r genbank -q queryseq -m aln,coding,rax,hard_filter +''' +# +# Last modified - Aug 25th, 2020 +# Changes: +# 15/10/13 - added strain subset option +# 25/03/14 - added multiple sequence genbank file handling +# - improved 'coding' option performance +# 27/05/14 - changes to improve memory performance and filter of regions (especially overlapping regions) +# - also added -d directory option +# 12/09/14 - fix for filter of regions: filtered table now passed back correctly +# - also updated inital SNP table reading message +# 28/09/14 - added cleaning (filtering) of erroneous SNPs +# 01/10/14 - added output of SNP table to vcf format +# 03/10/14 - fixed minor error in output of compound vcf format for Gingr +# 07/10/14 - added filtering for core SNPs as specified by Gene Coverage table from RedDog +# 08/03/15 - fixed reported position of SNP in non-coding feature +# 22/05/15 - changed way variable snps are assessed during reading in snp table +# 02/06/15 - restored RAxML and FastTree, former with smaller defaults +# 14/07/15 - changed RAxML to use ASC_ (correct for ascertainment bias) +# 24/05/19 - fixed indexing for genes, added support of ambiguous base calls and edited trees for Massive +# 09/10/19 - converted to Python>=3.6 +# - conservation default set to 0.95 +# - excluded features extended to repeat_region and mobile_element +# - removed vcf creation +# 01/06/20 - added 'hard_filter' option to remove snps in partially excluded genes +# - also reports on all genes (id by gene_tag) by bp% excluded (on length) +# - also fixed count of excluded/included feature (out by -1 for each region excluded!) +# - fixed how excluded features are merged (now merges consecutive regions into longer length if no gap between) +# - fixed check for SNP at stop location of excluded/included features +# 28/07/20 - added base counts for non-SNP sequences that are not part of the excluded sequences +# - correction to filtering at stop position +# 25/08/20 - fix for calculation of bases masked using 'hard_filter' + +import os, sys, subprocess, string, re, random, argparse +from argparse import ArgumentParser +import collections +import operator +from optparse import OptionParser +from Bio import SeqIO +from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation +from Bio.Seq import Seq +from Bio.Seq import _dna_complement_table as dna_complement_table +from Bio.Data.CodonTable import TranslationError +from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC +from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord +from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna +from Bio import AlignIO +from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment +#import resource + +version = "0.3dev" + +def main(): + parser = ArgumentParser(description='\nparseSNPTable3: "Swiss-Army Knife" for SNP tables. Version '+ version) + + # output options + parser.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", type=str, help="prefix to add to output files - default: none", default="") + parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", type=str, help="directory to send output files - default: none", default="") + + # modules to run + parser.add_argument("-m", "--modules", type=str, help="modules to run, comma separated list in order - default: aln, e.g. filter,cons,aln,fasttree,rax,coding", default="aln") + + # snptable reading + parser.add_argument("-s", "--snptable", type=str, help="SNP table - CSV", default="") + parser.add_argument("-g", "--gapchar", type=str, help="gap character - default: -", default="-") + parser.add_argument("-o", "--outgroup", type=str, help="comma separated list; outgroup strains - alleles will be included but not sites that vary only in outgroups", default="") + parser.add_argument("-l", "--subset", type=str, help="file containing list of strains to include - one per line - otherwise all strains included", default="") + + # region filtering + parser.add_argument("-x", "--regions", type=str, help="file of regions to include/exclude - gbk", default="") + parser.add_argument("-y", "--include", type=str, help="include - default: exclude", default="exclude") + parser.add_argument("-C", "--count", help="count invariant bases for ASC", default=False, action="store_true") + + # conservation filtering + parser.add_argument("-c", "--conservation", type=str, help="minimum conservation across samples required to retain SNP locus - default: 0.95", default="0.95") + + # snp cleaning + parser.add_argument("-P", "--pairs", type=str, help="maximum distance between pairs of SNPs to remove - default 3bp, minimum 2bp", default="3") + parser.add_argument("-W", "--window", type=str, help="snp window to check clusters with more than three SNPs - default 10bp, minimum 3bp or -P if greater than 3", default="10") + + # core gene filtering and/or coding consequences + parser.add_argument("-r", "--refseq", type=str, help="reference sequence file - gbk", default="") + parser.add_argument("-q", "--queryseq", type=str, help="query sequence in reference sequence file - multisequence gbk", default="") + + # core gene filtering + parser.add_argument("-L", "--core_strains", type=str, help="file containing list of strains to include in core genome - one per line, outgroup ignored - otherwise all strains sans outgroups included", default="") + parser.add_argument("-z", "--gene_coverage", type=str, help="gene coverage table - CSV", default="") + parser.add_argument("-Z", "--core_coverage", type=str, help="minimum percentage coverage of each gene - as ratio - across core_isolates required to retain SNP locus - default 0.9", default="0.9") + + # coding consequences + parser.add_argument("-f", "--genefeatures", type=str, help="feature types for protein coding genes - default: CDS; can be multiple comma-sep", default="CDS") + parser.add_argument("-e", "--excludefeatures", type=str, help="feature types to exclude - default: gene,misc_feature,repeat_region,mobile_element", default="gene,misc_feature,repeat_region,mobile_element") + parser.add_argument("-i", "--identifier", type=str, help="unique identifier for features - default: locus_tag", default="locus_tag") + + # rax parameters + parser.add_argument("-t", "--walltime", type=str, help="walltime for raxml or fasttree jobs - default: 1-0:0, ie 1 day", default="1-0:0") + parser.add_argument("-M", "--memory", type=str, help="memory for raxml or fasttree jobs - default: 8GB", default="8192") + parser.add_argument("-T", "--threads", type=str, help="number of threads per raxml job - default: 8", default="8") + parser.add_argument("-N", "--N", type=str, help="number of raxml bootstraps - default: 100", default="100") + parser.add_argument("-n", "--numrax", type=str, help="number of raxml jobs - default: 5", default="5") + + return parser.parse_args() + +if __name__ == "__main__": + + options = main() + nt = ["A","C","G","T"] + genefeatures = 'CDS' + excludefeatures = 'gene,misc_feature,repeat_region,mobile_element' + + def isVariable(snp_calls): + return len(set(snp_calls.upper()).intersection(nt)) > 1 + + def readInput(input_file_name): + input_file_handle = open(input_file_name, 'r') + input_file = input_file_handle.readlines() + input_file_handle.close() + return input_file + + # read csv; return as dictionary of dictionaries and list of strains + def readSNPTable(infile,outgroup_list,strain_list_file,pre): + if not infile: + print("\nNo SNP table provided: terminating\n") + sys.exit() + print("\nReading SNP table from " + infile) + outgroups = [] # list of outgroups provided + outgroups_used = [] # list of outgroups encountered + if options.outgroup != "": + outgroups = options.outgroup.split(",") + print(" outgroup(s): " + ",".join(outgroups)) + pre += "_" + str(len(outgroups)) + "outgroup" + if len(outgroups) > 1: + pre += "s" + + strainlist = [] # list of strains to include, excluding outgroups + if strain_list_file != "": + f = readInput(strain_list_file) + for line in f: + strain = line.rstrip() + if strain not in outgroups: + strainlist.append(strain) + print(" including " + str(len(strainlist)) + " ingroup strains listed in file " + strain_list_file) + pre += "_" + str(len(strainlist)) + "strains" + else: + print(" including all strains") + snptable = [] + strains = [] # strains from header + ignored = [] + pre += "_var" + lines = readInput(infile) + o = open(pre + ".csv","w") + o.write("Pos") + fields = [] + count = 0 + keep = [] + keep_ingroup = [] + for i in range(len(lines)): +# if i % 10000 == 0: +# print 'Memory usage: %s (kb)' % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss + if fields == []: + fields = lines[i].rstrip().split(',') + if len(strains)==0: + strains = fields + if len(strainlist) == 0: + for j in range(1,len(strains)): + if strains[j] not in outgroups: + strainlist.append(strains[j]) # retain all strains (except outgroups) + # remove strains from the strainlist if we have not encountered them in the actual table + for strain in strainlist: + if strain not in strains: + strainlist.remove(strain) + # print header for new table + for j in range(1, len(fields)): + if strains[j] in strainlist or strains[j] in outgroups: + keep.append(j) + o.write(","+strains[j]) + if strains[j] not in outgroups: + keep_ingroup.append(j) + o.write("\n") + else: + j=0 + snp = '' + while lines[i][j] != ',': + snp += lines[i][j] + j+=1 + # create list of in-group snp calls + snp_calls_ingroup = '' + for k in keep_ingroup: + snp_calls_ingroup += lines[i][(j+2*(k-1)+1)].upper() + if isVariable(snp_calls_ingroup): + # create list of all snp calls + snp_calls = '' + if len(keep) == len(keep_ingroup): + snp_calls = snp_calls_ingroup + else: + for k in keep: + snp_calls += lines[i][(j+2*(k-1)+1)].upper() + snp_calls_out = ',' + ','.join(snp_calls) + snp_out = str(snp) + snp_calls_out + "\n" + + o.write(snp_out) + snptable.append([snp, snp_calls]) + count +=1 + else: + ignored.append(snp) + o.close() + strains.pop(0) # remove SNP column header + strains_used = [] + for strain in strains: + if strain in strainlist or strain in outgroups: + strains_used.append(strain) + + print("\n... finished reading " + str(len(snptable) + len(ignored)) + " SNPs in total") + print("... keeping " + str(len(snptable)) + " variable SNPs in " + str(len(strainlist)) + " ingroup strains") + print("... ignoring " + str(len(ignored)) + " SNPs that are non-variable among these ingroup strains") + return(snptable, strains_used, pre) # include outgroups that appear in the snptable in strainlist + + def printFasta(snptable, strains, outfile): + print("\nPrinting alignment to file " + outfile) + o = open(outfile,"w") + for strain in range(len(strains)): # cycle over strains + o.write(">" + strains[strain] + "\n") + seq = '' + for snp in range(len(snptable)): # cycle over SNPs + seq += snptable[snp][1][strain] + o.write(seq + "\n") + o.close() + print("\n... done") + return + + def getCodons(genestart,genestop,genestrand,snp,derived,ancestral,sequence): + codon = () + posincodon = 0 + # determine coordinates of codon within genome + if genestrand == 1: + posingene = snp-genestart # note genestart is in -1 offset space, snp is not + if posingene % 3 == 0: + codon = (snp-2,snp-1,snp) + posincodon = 3 + elif posingene % 3 == 1: + codon = (snp,snp+1,snp+2) + posincodon = 1 + else: + codon = (snp-1,snp,snp+1) + posincodon = 2 + elif genestrand == -1: + posingene = genestop-snp+1 # note genestop is not in -1 offset space + if posingene % 3 == 0: + codon = (snp+2,snp+1,snp) + posincodon = 3 + elif posingene % 3 == 1: + codon = (snp,snp-1,snp-2) + posincodon = 1 + else: + codon = (snp+1,snp,snp-1) + posincodon = 2 + else: + DoError("Unrecognised gene strand:" + genestrand) + # extract codon sequence from reference genome + codonseq = [ str(sequence[codon[0]-1]), str(sequence[codon[1]-1]) , str(sequence[codon[2]-1]) ] # codon sequence + if genestrand == -1: + # complement the reverse strand + codonseq = [s.translate(dna_complement_table) for s in codonseq] + # insert ancestral base + if genestrand == 1: + codonseq[posincodon-1] = ancestral # replace snp within codon + elif genestrand == -1: + codonseq[posincodon-1] = ancestral.translate(dna_complement_table) # replace snp within codon + ancestral_codon = Seq(''.join(codonseq),IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) + # mutate with current SNP + if genestrand == 1: + codonseq[posincodon-1] = derived # replace snp within codon + elif genestrand == -1: + codonseq[posincodon-1] = derived.translate(dna_complement_table) # replace snp within codon + derived_codon = Seq(''.join(codonseq),IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) + # Translate codons; codons containing ambigous bases cannot always be translated, in these + # cases set amino acid product to 'None' + try: + ancestralAA = ancestral_codon.translate() + except TranslationError: + ancestralAA = None + try: + derivedAA = derived_codon.translate() + except TranslationError: + derivedAA = None + return(ancestral_codon,derived_codon,ancestralAA,derivedAA,posingene,posincodon) + + def runCoding(pre, snptable, options): + if options.refseq=="": + print("\nNo reference genbank file specified (-r), can't do coding analysis") + else: + genefeatures = options.genefeatures.split(",") + excludefeatures = options.excludefeatures.split(",") + # order SNPs + snp_list_ordered = [] + snp_list_paired = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): # cycle over SNPs + snp_list_paired.append([snp,int(snptable[snp][0])]) + snp_list_paired.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + snp_list_ordered.append(snp_list_paired[snp][0]) + print("\nReading gene features from reference " + options.refseq) + # check coding consequences and generate genbank file of SNP loci + ## READ IN GENBANK FILE + Passed = True + handle = open(options.refseq,"r") + if options.queryseq=="": + try: + record =, "genbank") + sequence = record.seq + geneannot = record.features + except: + Passed = False + print("\nCheck reference sequence for multiple records: can't do coding analysis") + else: + records = SeqIO.parse(handle, "genbank") + Passed = False + for item in records: + if + record = item + sequence = SeqRecord(item.seq) + geneannot = item.features + Passed = True + if Passed == False: + print("\nCheck reference sequence: queryseq (-q) not found") + if Passed==True: + print("Determining coding changes") + ## GET CONSEQUENCES FOR SNPS and WRITE SNP ANNOTATION FILE + # first make index for features + feature_list = [] + feature_count = 0 + for feature in geneannot: + if feature.type != "source" and feature.type not in excludefeatures: + strand = feature.location.strand + if strand: + start = feature.location.nofuzzy_start + stop = feature.location.nofuzzy_end + 1 + else: + start = feature.location.nofuzzy_start + 1 + stop = feature.location.nofuzzy_end + feature_list.append([start,stop,feature_count]) + feature_count += 1 + feature_slice = [] + if len(feature_list) > 0: + slice_size = len(sequence)//len(feature_list)+1 + for slice in range((len(sequence)//slice_size)+2): + feature_slice.append([]) + else: + slice_size = len(record) +1 + feature_slice.append([]) + feature_slice.append([]) + feature_count=0 + for feature in feature_list: + slice1 = feature_list[feature_count][0]//slice_size + slice2 = feature_list[feature_count][1]//slice_size + feature_slice[slice1].append([feature_list[feature_count][0],feature_list[feature_count][1],feature_list[feature_count][2]]) + while slice1 < slice2: + slice1 += 1 + feature_slice[slice1].append([feature_list[feature_count][0],feature_list[feature_count][1],feature_list[feature_count][2]]) + feature_count += 1 + o = open(pre + "_consequences.txt","w") + o.write("\t".join(["SNP","ref","alt","change","gene","ancestralCodon","derivedCodon","ancestralAA","derivedAA","product","ntInGene","codonInGene","posInCodon","\n"])) # header + intergenic_count = 0 + ns_count = 0 + syn_count = 0 + ambiguous_count = 0 + other_feature_count = 0 + for snp in snp_list_ordered: + ref_allele = sequence[int(snptable[snp][0])-1] + allele_list = [] + for strain in range(len(snptable[snp][1])): + if snptable[snp][1][strain] not in allele_list: + allele_list.append(snptable[snp][1][strain]) + if options.gapchar in allele_list: + allele_list.remove(options.gapchar) + if ref_allele in allele_list: + allele_list.remove(ref_allele) + if len(allele_list)>0: + for alt_allele in allele_list: + hit = 0 # initialize + snp_slice = int(snptable[snp][0])//slice_size + if feature_slice[snp_slice] != []: + for feature_index in feature_slice[snp_slice]: + if int(snptable[snp][0]) > geneannot[feature_index[2]].location.nofuzzy_start and int(snptable[snp][0]) <= geneannot[feature_index[2]].location.nofuzzy_end: + hit = 1 + start = int(geneannot[feature_index[2]].location.nofuzzy_start) # feature start + stop = int(geneannot[feature_index[2]].location.nofuzzy_end) # feature stop + id = "" + product = "" + if options.identifier in geneannot[feature_index[2]].qualifiers: + id = geneannot[feature_index[2]].qualifiers[options.identifier][0] + if 'product' in geneannot[feature_index[2]].qualifiers: + product = geneannot[feature_index[2]].qualifiers['product'][0] + if geneannot[feature_index[2]].type in genefeatures: + # get coding effect of coding features + (ancestral_codon,derived_codon,ancestralAA,derivedAA,posingene,posincodon)=getCodons(start,stop,geneannot[feature_index[2]].strand,int(snptable[snp][0]),alt_allele,ref_allele,sequence) + change = None + if isinstance(ancestralAA, Seq) and ancestralAA == derivedAA: + change = "s" + syn_count += 1 + elif ancestralAA and derivedAA: + change = "ns" + ns_count += 1 + else: + change = 'ambiguous' + ambiguous_count += 1 + # add SNP to genbank + codon_number = posingene // 3 + if posincodon != 3: + codon_number += 1 + note = change + " SNP " + ref_allele + "->" + alt_allele + " at nt " + str(posingene) + ", position " + str(posincodon) + " in codon " + str(codon_number) + "; " + str(ancestral_codon) + "->" + str(derived_codon) + "; " + str(ancestralAA) + "->" + str(derivedAA) + record.features.append(SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(int(snptable[snp][0])-1,int(snptable[snp][0])), type="variation", strand=1, qualifiers = {'note' : [note]})) + o.write("\t".join([snptable[snp][0],ref_allele,alt_allele,change,id,str(ancestral_codon),str(derived_codon),str(ancestralAA),str(derivedAA),product,str(posingene),str(codon_number),str(posincodon),"\n"])) + else: + # non-protein coding feature + other_feature_count += 1 + if geneannot[feature_index[2]].strand == 1: + posingene = int(snptable[snp][0])-start # note genestart is in -1 offset space, snp is not + else: + posingene = stop-int(snptable[snp][0])+1 # note genestop is not in -1 offset space + o.write("\t".join([snptable[snp][0],str(ref_allele),str(alt_allele),geneannot[feature_index[2]].type,id,"","","","",product,str(posingene),"","","\n"])) + record.features.append(SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(int(snptable[snp][0])-1,int(snptable[snp][0])), type="variation", strand=1, qualifiers = {'note' : ["SNP " + ref_allele + "->" + alt_allele + " in non-CDS feature" ]})) + if hit == 0: + # SNP is intergenic + intergenic_count += 1 + o.write("\t".join([snptable[snp][0],str(ref_allele),str(alt_allele),"intergenic","","","","","","","","\n"])) + record.features.append(SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(int(snptable[snp][0])-1,int(snptable[snp][0])), type="variation", strand=1, qualifiers = {'note' : ["intergenic SNP " + ref_allele + "->" + alt_allele]})) + o.close() + SeqIO.write(record, pre + ".gbk", "genbank") + print("\n... " + str(ns_count) + " nonsynonymous, " + str(syn_count) + " synonymous, " + str(ambiguous_count) + " ambiguous, " + str(other_feature_count) + " in other features, " + str(intergenic_count) + " in non-coding regions") + print("... coding consequences written to file " + pre + "_consequences.txt") + print("... SNP loci annotated in genbank file " + pre + ".gbk") + return + + def runFasttree(pre, snptable, strains): + aln = pre + ".mfasta" + if not os.path.exists(aln): + printFasta(snptable, strains, aln) # make alignment first + jobscript = pre + "" + o = open(jobscript, "w") + print("\nRunning FastTree v2.1.10 on " + aln + ", using job script: " + jobscript) + o.write("#!/bin/bash") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --account=js66") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --partition=m3i,m3m,comp") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --qos=normal") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --job-name=ft_" + pre) + o.write("\n#SBATCH --time=" + options.walltime) + o.write("\n#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=" + options.memory) + o.write("\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1") + o.write("\ncd " + os.getcwd()) + o.write("\nmodule load fasttree/2.1.10\n") + o.write("FastTreeDbl -gtr -gamma -nt " + aln + " > " + pre + ".tree\n") + o.close() + os.system('sbatch ' + jobscript) + print("\n... output tree will be in " + pre + ".tree") + return + + def runRax(pre, options, snptable, strains): + aln = pre + ".mfasta" + if not os.path.exists(aln): + printFasta(snptable, strains, aln) # make alignment first + for rep in range(0,int(options.numrax)): + # get random seeds + seed = random.randint(10000,1000000) + if seed % 2 == 0: + seed += 1 + p = random.randint(10000,1000000) + if p % 2 == 0: + p += 1 + # prepare job script + jobscript = pre + "_rax_" + str(rep) + ".sh" + o = open(jobscript, "w") + print("\nRunning RAxML 8.2.12 (PTHREADS-SSE3) on " + aln + ", using job script: " + jobscript) + rax_pre = pre + "_" + str(rep) + if os.path.exists("RAxML_info."+rax_pre): + rax_pre = pre + "_" + str(rep) + "_" + str(seed) # make sure output is unique + o.write("#!/bin/bash") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --account=js66") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --partition=m3i,m3m,comp") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --qos=normal") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --job-name=rax_" + pre + str(rep)) + o.write("\n#SBATCH --time=" + options.walltime) + o.write("\n#SBATCH --mem=" + options.memory) + o.write("\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1") + o.write("\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=" + options.threads) + o.write("\ncd " + os.getcwd()) + o.write("\nsource /usr/local2/bioinformatics/") + o.write("\nmodule load raxml/8.2.12") + o.write("\nraxml -T " + options.threads + " -s " + aln) + o.write(" -n " + rax_pre + " -f a -m ASC_GTRGAMMA --asc-corr=lewis -x " + str(seed)) + o.write(" -N " + options.N + " -p " + str(p) + "\n") + o.close() + os.system('sbatch ' + jobscript) + print("\n... output will be in RAxML*" + rax_pre) + return + + def filter(snptable, strainlist, pre, options): + # parse genomic regions + if options.regions =="": + print("\nNo regions file provided (-x), can't filter SNPs from genomic regions") + else: + regions = [] # list of positions to exclude/include + (f,ext) = os.path.splitext(options.regions) + if ext == ".gbk" or ext == ".gb": + handle = open(options.regions,"r") + record =, "genbank") + for region in record.features: + region_start = min(int(region.location.nofuzzy_start),int(region.location.nofuzzy_end)) + region_stop = max(int(region.location.nofuzzy_start),int(region.location.nofuzzy_end)) + regions.append([region_start,region_stop]) + else: + start = 0 + stop = 1 + delim = "," # assume csv + if ext == ".gff": + start = 3 + stop = 4 + delim = "\t" # gff is tab-delim + elif ext == ".txt": + # assume text table exported from genbank + start = 2 + stop = 3 + delim = "\t" + e = open(options.regions, "r") + for line in e: + fields = line.rstrip().split(delim) + region_start = min(int(fields[start]),int(fields[stop])) + region_stop = max(int(fields[start]),int(fields[stop])) + if region_start == int(fields[stop]): + region_start += 1 + region_stop += 1 + regions.append([region_start,region_stop]) + e.close() + region_list = [] + regions.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) + regions.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) + x = 0 + while x < len(regions): + if x == len(regions) - 1: #last region in list + region_list.append(regions[x]) + elif regions[x][0] < regions[x+1][0] - 1 and regions[x][1] < regions[x+1][0] - 1: + region_list.append(regions[x]) + elif regions[x][1] >= regions[x+1][0] - 1: + if regions[x][1] <= regions[x+1][1]: + regions[x+1] = [regions[x][0], regions[x+1][1]] + else: + regions[x+1] = regions[x] + x += 1 + total_masked_bases = 0 + for region in region_list: + total_masked_bases += (region[1] - region[0] + 1) + last_region_call = region_list[-1][1] + region_slice = [] + if len(region_list) > 0: + slice_size = (last_region_call + 1)//len(region_list)+1 + for slice in range(((last_region_call + 1)//slice_size)+1): + region_slice.append([]) + else: + slice_size = (last_region_call + 1) +1 + region_slice.append([]) + region_slice.append([]) + for region in region_list: + slice1 = region[0]//slice_size + slice2 = region[1]//slice_size + region_slice[slice1].append([region[0],region[1]]) + while slice1 < slice2: + slice1 += 1 + region_slice[slice1].append([region[0],region[1]]) + # filter snps + o = open(pre + "_regionFiltered.csv","w") + o.write(",".join(["Pos"] + strainlist) + "\n") # write header + print("\nFiltering SNPs that are ") + if options.include != "include": + # excluding snps + print("located in excluded regions") + else: + print("located outside included regions") + print("totalling " + str(total_masked_bases) + " bases\n") + print("specified in file " + options.regions) + snpcount = 0 + to_remove = [] # list of snps to remove + for snp in snptable: + snp_slice = int(snp[0])//slice_size + if options.include != "include": + if int(snp[0]) > last_region_call: + keep = True + elif region_slice[snp_slice] == []: + keep = True + else: + keep = True + for region in region_slice[snp_slice]: + if int(snp[0]) >= region[0] and int(snp[0]) <= region[1]: + keep = False + elif options.include == "include": + if int(snp[0]) > last_region_call: + keep = False + elif region_slice[snp_slice] == []: + keep = False + else: + keep = False + for region in region_slice[snp_slice]: + if int(snp[0]) >= region[0] and int(snp[0]) <= region[1]: + keep = True + if keep: + o.write(snp[0]) + for strain in range(len(strainlist)): + o.write(","+snp[1][strain]) + o.write("\n") + snpcount += 1 + else: + to_remove.append(int(snp[0])) + o.close() + pre += "_regionFiltered" + print("... " + str(snpcount) + " SNPs passed filter; printed to " + pre + ".csv") + if to_remove != []: + filtered_snptable = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + if int(snptable[snp][0]) not in to_remove: + filtered_snptable.append(snptable[snp]) + snptable = filtered_snptable + if options.count and (options.refseq and options.include != "include"): + handle = open(options.refseq,"r") + record =, "genbank") + handle.close() + sequence = record.seq + a_adjust = 0 + c_adjust = 0 + g_adjust = 0 + t_adjust = 0 + n_adjust = 0 + for snp in snptable: + if sequence[int(snp[0])-1] in ["A","a"]: + a_adjust += 1 + elif sequence[int(snp[0])-1] in ["C","c"]: + c_adjust += 1 + elif sequence[int(snp[0])-1] in ["G","g"]: + g_adjust += 1 + elif sequence[int(snp[0])-1] in ["T","t"]: + t_adjust += 1 + else: + n_adjust += 1 + a_count = 0 + c_count = 0 + g_count = 0 + t_count = 0 + n_count = 0 + for i in range(1,len(sequence)+1): + snp_slice = i//slice_size + if i > last_region_call: + keep = True + elif region_slice[snp_slice] == []: + keep = True + else: + keep = True + for region in region_slice[snp_slice]: + if i >= region[0] and i <= region[1]: + keep = False + if keep: + if sequence[i-1] in ["A","a"]: + a_count += 1 + elif sequence[i-1] in ["C","c"]: + c_count += 1 + elif sequence[i-1] in ["G","g"]: + g_count += 1 + elif sequence[i-1] in ["T","t"]: + t_count += 1 + else: + n_count += 1 + print("\nBase counts for ASC using RAxML or IQTREE") + print("A: " + str(a_count-a_adjust) + " C: " + str(c_count-c_adjust) + " G: " + str(g_count-g_adjust) + " T: " + str(t_count-t_adjust) + " N: " + str(n_count-n_adjust)) + return pre, snptable + + def filterCons(snptable, strainlist, pre, options, outgroups): + try: + cons = float(options.conservation) + print("\nFiltering SNPs with fewer than " + str(round(100*float(options.conservation),5)) + "% known alleles") + if len(outgroups) > 0: + print("amongst ingroups") + pre += "_cons" + options.conservation + outfile = pre + ".csv" + o = open(outfile,"w") + o.write(",".join(["Pos"] + strainlist) + "\n") # write header + to_remove = [] # list of snps to remove + snpcount = 0 + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + n = len(strainlist) # total strains + alleles = [] + for strain in range(len(strainlist)): + alleles.append(snptable[snp][1][strain]) + if len(outgroups) == 0: + allele_list = alleles # all alleles + else: + allele_list = [] + for strain in range(len(strainlist)): + if strainlist[strain] not in outgroups: + allele_list.append(alleles[strain]) + else: + n -= 1 #correct n for outgroup + numgaps = allele_list.count(options.gapchar) # number of gaps at this position, excluding outgroups + callrate = 1 - float(numgaps) / n + if callrate >= float(options.conservation): + o.write(snptable[snp][0]) + for strain in range(len(strainlist)): + o.write(","+alleles[strain]) + o.write("\n") + snpcount += 1 + else: + to_remove.append(snp) # remove SNP from table + o.close() + print("\n... " + str(snpcount) + " SNPs passed filter; printed to " + pre + ".csv") + + if to_remove != []: + filtered_snptable = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + if snp not in to_remove: + filtered_snptable.append(snptable[snp]) + snptable = filtered_snptable + except: + print("\nCouldn't filter SNPs based on missing alleles, couldn't understand the proportion given: -c " + options.conservation) + return pre, snptable + + def cleanSNPs(snptable, strainlist, pre, options): + try: + pairs = int(options.pairs) + if pairs < 2: + pairs = 2 + window = int(options.window) + if window < pairs: + window = pairs + if window == 2: + window += 1 + print("\nFiltering SNP pairs within " + str(pairs) + "bp (minimum 2bp)") + print("Also filtering when 3 or more SNPs found within window of " + str(window) + "bp (minimum 3 bp or -P, if greater than 3)") + to_remove = [] + for j in range(1,len(strainlist)): + all_snps = [] #all snps for one strain + for i in range(len(snptable)-1): + if snptable[i][1][j] != snptable[i][1][0]: + if snptable[i][1][j] in nt: + all_snps.append(i) + if len(all_snps) >= 2: #check pairs of snps + for i in range(len(all_snps)-1): + if int(snptable[all_snps[i+1]][0]) - int(snptable[all_snps[i]][0]) < pairs: + if all_snps[i] not in to_remove: + to_remove.append(all_snps[i]) + if all_snps[i+1] not in to_remove: + to_remove.append(all_snps[i+1]) + if len(all_snps) >= 3: #check triplets of SNPs (or more) within window + for i in range(len(all_snps)-2): + a = 1 + while (i+a < len(all_snps)) and (int(snptable[all_snps[i+a]][0]) - int(snptable[all_snps[i]][0]) < window): + a += 1 + if a > 2: + for b in range(a): + if all_snps[i+b] not in to_remove: + to_remove.append(all_snps[i+b]) + if to_remove != []: + filtered_snptable = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + if snp not in to_remove: + filtered_snptable.append(snptable[snp]) + snptable = filtered_snptable + pre += "_cleanP" + str(pairs) + "W" + str(window) + outfile = pre + ".csv" + o = open(outfile,"w") + o.write(",".join(["Pos"] + strainlist) + "\n") # write header + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + o.write(snptable[snp][0]) + for strain in range(len(strainlist)): + o.write(","+snptable[snp][1][strain]) + o.write("\n") + print("\n... " + str(len(to_remove)) + " SNPs failed one or both filters") + print("... " + str(len(snptable)) + " SNPs passed filters; printed to " + pre + ".csv") + except: + print("\nCouldn't filter SNPs based on pairs/window, couldn't understand the option(s) given: -P " + options.pairs + ", and/or -W " + options.window) + return pre, snptable + + def filterCore(snptable, strains, pre, options, outgroups): + if options.refseq=="": + print("\nNo reference genbank file specified (-r), can't do core SNP filtering") + else: + try: + print("\nFiltering SNPs based on genes in core genome in core strains...") + core_strains_file_name = options.core_strains + core_strains = [] + if core_strains_file_name == "": + for strain in strains: + if strain not in outgroups: + core_strains.append(strain) + else: + core_strains_file = open(core_strains_file_name, 'r') + for line in core_strains_file: + core_strain = line.rstrip('\n') + if core_strain not in outgroups and core_strain in strains: + if core_strain not in core_strains: + core_strains.append(core_strain) + core_strains_file.close() + print("\nReading gene features from reference " + options.refseq) + ## READ IN GENBANK FILE + Ref_Passed = True + handle = open(options.refseq,"r") + if options.queryseq=="": + try: + record =, "genbank") + sequence = record.seq + geneannot = record.features + mapped = + except: + Ref_Passed = False + print("\nCheck reference sequence for multiple records: can't do core SNP filtering") + else: + records = SeqIO.parse(handle, "genbank") + Ref_Passed = False + mapped = options.queryseq + for item in records: + if == mapped: + record = item + sequence = SeqRecord(item.seq) + geneannot = item.features + Ref_Passed = True + if Ref_Passed == False: + print("\nCheck reference sequence: queryseq (-q) not found") + handle.close() + if Ref_Passed==True: + gene_list = [] + gene_position = [] + for f in geneannot: + if f.type == "CDS": + start = f.location.nofuzzy_start + stop = f.location.nofuzzy_end + sysid = mapped+";"+str(start+1)+'-'+str(stop+1) + f.qualifiers['sysid'] = [sysid] + if 'locus_tag' in f.qualifiers: + locus_tag = f.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] + else: + #if the locus_tag is missing from the genbank record make up a tag as RedDog does + locus_tag = "tag_" + str(start)+'-'+str(stop) + gene_list.append(locus_tag) + gene_position.append([start, stop]) + if options.gene_coverage == "": + print("\nNo gene coverage file specified (-z), can't do core SNP filtering") + else: + core_coverage = float(options.core_coverage) + if core_coverage < 0 or core_coverage > 1: + print("\nCore coverage (-Z) outside expect range (0 to 1), can't do core SNP filtering") + else: + core_strain_index = [] + ordered_core_genes = [] + gene_coverage = open(options.gene_coverage, 'r') + for line in gene_coverage: + # header + line = line.rstrip('\n') + if line.startswith("replicon__gene"): + mapped_strains = line.split(',') + for i in range(1,len(mapped_strains)): + if mapped_strains[i] in core_strains: + core_strain_index.append(i) + core_count_test = len(core_strain_index) + #core genes + if line.startswith(mapped): + entry = line.split(',') + core_count = 0 + for i in core_strain_index: + if float(entry[i])/100 >= core_coverage: + core_count += 1 + if core_count == core_count_test: + tag = entry[0].split('__') + locus_tag = tag[1] + i = gene_list.index(locus_tag) + start = min(gene_position[i][0],gene_position[i][1]) + stop = max(gene_position[i][0],gene_position[i][1]) + if start == gene_position[i][1]: #ie if gene in reverse position + start += 1 + stop += 1 + ordered_core_genes.append([start,stop]) + gene_coverage.close() + ordered_core_genes.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) + ordered_core_genes.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) + ordered_snp_list = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): # cycle over SNPs + ordered_snp_list.append([int(snptable[snp][0]),snp]) + ordered_snp_list.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) + + to_remove = [] + i = 0 + j = 0 + while i < len(ordered_snp_list) and j < len(ordered_core_genes): + if ordered_snp_list[i][0] < ordered_core_genes[j][0]: + to_remove.append(ordered_snp_list[i][1]) + i += 1 + elif ordered_snp_list[i][0] < ordered_core_genes[j][1]: + i += 1 + else: + j += 1 + if i < len(ordered_snp_list): + while i < len(ordered_snp_list): + to_remove.append(ordered_snp_list[i][1]) + i += 1 + if to_remove != []: + filtered_snptable = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + if snp not in to_remove: + filtered_snptable.append(snptable[snp]) + snptable = filtered_snptable + pre += "_core" + str(core_coverage) + outfile = pre + ".csv" + o = open(outfile,"w") + o.write(",".join(["Pos"] + strains) + "\n") # write header + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + o.write(snptable[snp][0]) + for strain in range(len(strains)): + o.write(","+snptable[snp][1][strain]) + o.write("\n") + o.close() + print("\n... " + str(len(to_remove)) + " SNPs removed as not in core genes") + print("... " + str(len(snptable)) + " SNPs passed filter; printed to " + outfile) + except: + print("\nCouldn't filter SNPs based on genes in core genome, check the following option(s):") + if options.core_strains != "": + print(" core_strains -L " + options.core_strains) + print(" gene_coverage -z " + options.gene_coverage) + print(" core_coverage -Z " + options.core_coverage) + return pre, snptable + + def hard_filter(snptable, strains, pre, options): + if options.refseq=="": + print("\nNo reference genbank file specified (-r), can't do 'hard_filter'") + elif options.regions =="": + print("\nNo regions file provided (-x), can't do 'hard_filter'") + elif options.include == "include": + print("\nInclude option (-y) not yet available, can't do 'hard_filter'") + else: + genefeatures = options.genefeatures.split(",") + excludefeatures = options.excludefeatures.split(",") + + # order SNPs + snp_list_ordered = [] + snp_list_paired = [] + + for snp in range(len(snptable)): # cycle over SNPs + snp_list_paired.append([snp,int(snptable[snp][0])]) + snp_list_paired.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) + + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + snp_list_ordered.append(snp_list_paired[snp][0]) + ## READ IN GENBANK FILE + Passed = True + handle = open(options.refseq,"r") + if options.queryseq=="": + try: + record =, "genbank") + sequence = record.seq + geneannot = record.features + except: + Passed = False + print("\nCheck reference sequence for multiple records: can't do 'hard_filter'") + else: + records = SeqIO.parse(handle, "genbank") + Passed = False + for item in records: + if + record = item + sequence = SeqRecord(item.seq) + geneannot = item.features + Passed = True + if Passed == False: + print("\nCheck reference sequence: queryseq (-q) not found, can't do 'hard_filter'") + if Passed==True: + # make index for features + feature_list = [] + feature_count = 0 + for feature in geneannot: + if (feature.type != "source" + and feature.type not in options.excludefeatures + and feature.type in options.genefeatures): + start = feature.location.start + 1 + stop = feature.location.end + if 'locus_tag' in feature.qualifiers: + locus_tag = feature.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] + else: + #if the locus_tag is missing from the genbank record make up a tag + locus_tag = "Tag_" + str(feature_count) + length = stop - start + 1 + feature_list.append([start,stop,feature_count,locus_tag,length,0]) + feature_count += 1 + region_slice = [] + feature_slice = [] + if len(feature_list) > 0: + slice_size = len(sequence)//len(feature_list) + 1 + for x in range((len(sequence)//slice_size) + 2): + region_slice.append([]) + feature_slice.append([]) + else: + slice_size = len(record) + 1 + region_slice.append([]) + region_slice.append([]) + feature_slice.append([]) + feature_slice.append([]) + # make list of positions to exclude/include + regions = [] + (f,ext) = os.path.splitext(options.regions) + if ext == ".gbk" or ext == ".gb": + handle = open(options.regions,"r") + record =, "genbank") + for region in record.features: + region_start = min(int(region.location.start),int(region.location.end)) + region_stop = max(int(region.location.start),int(region.location.end)) + regions.append([region_start,region_stop]) + else: + start = 0 + stop = 1 + delim = "," # assume csv + if ext == ".gff": + start = 3 + stop = 4 + delim = "\t" # gff is tab-delim + elif ext == ".txt": + # assume text table exported from genbank + start = 2 + stop = 3 + delim = "\t" + e = open(options.regions, "r") + for line in e: + fields = line.rstrip().split(delim) + try: + region_start = min(int(fields[start]),int(fields[stop])) + region_stop = max(int(fields[start]),int(fields[stop])) + except: + region_start = min(int(fields[start][1:]),int(fields[stop])) + region_stop = max(int(fields[start][1:]),int(fields[stop])) + if region_start == int(fields[stop]): + region_start += 1 + region_stop += 1 + regions.append([region_start,region_stop]) + e.close() + region_list = [] + regions.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) + regions.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) + # merge overlapping and consequtive regions and add unique regions to region list + x = 0 + while x < len(regions): + if x == len(regions) - 1: #last region in list + region_list.append(regions[x]) + elif regions[x][0] < regions[x+1][0] - 1 and regions[x][1] < regions[x+1][0] - 1: + region_list.append(regions[x]) + elif regions[x][1] >= regions[x+1][0] - 1: + if regions[x][1] <= regions[x+1][1]: + regions[x+1] = [regions[x][0], regions[x+1][1]] + else: + regions[x+1] = regions[x] + x += 1 + total_masked_bases = 0 + for region in region_list: + total_masked_bases += (region[1] - region[0] + 1) + slice1 = region[0]//slice_size + slice2 = region[1]//slice_size + region_slice[slice1].append([region[0],region[1]]) + while slice1 < slice2: + slice1 += 1 + region_slice[slice1].append([region[0],region[1]]) + # check if any gene has any filtered sites and count hits + hit_features = [] + for feature in range(len(feature_list)): + slice1 = (feature_list[feature][0])//slice_size + slice2 = feature_list[feature][1]//slice_size + # test include/exclude will need to go here - exclude only for now + if region_slice[slice1] == []: + hit = False + if slice1 != slice2 and not hit: + while slice1 < slice2: + slice1 += 1 + if region_slice[slice1] == []: + hit = False + else: + hit = True + first_hit = slice1 + else: + hit = True + first_hit = slice1 + if hit: + checked_regions = [] + slice1 = first_hit + while slice1 <= slice2: + for region in region_slice[slice1]: + if region not in checked_regions: + checked_regions.append(region) + if not (feature_list[feature][0] > region[1]): + if not(feature_list[feature][1] < region[0]): + # we have an overlap - add hits to feature + if feature_list[feature][2] not in hit_features: + hit_features.append(feature_list[feature][2]) + if region[0] <= feature_list[feature][0]: + if region[1] >= feature_list[feature][1]: + feature_list[feature][5] = feature_list[feature][4] #i.e. gene masked 100% + else: + feature_list[feature][5] += region[1] - feature_list[feature][0] + 1 + else: + if region[1] <= feature_list[feature][1]: + feature_list[feature][5] += region[1] - region[0] + 1 #i.e. region 100% within gene + else: + feature_list[feature][5] += feature_list[feature][1] - region[0] + 1 + slice1 += 1 + # report on gene hits + print("\nOutputting list of all genes with total base counts of overlap with excluded regions, as:") + print(pre + "_hardFiltered.txt") + o = open(pre + "_hardFiltered.txt","w") + o.write("\t".join(["gene_tag","length","hits","percent"]) + "\n") # write header + for feature in feature_list: + o.write("\t".join([feature[3],str(feature[4]),str(feature[5]),str(feature[5]/feature[4]*100)]) + "\n") # write data + o.close() + # filter snps on gene hits > 1 + max_feature_slice = -1 + min_feature_slice = -1 + for feature in feature_list: + if feature[5] > 0: + total_masked_bases += (feature[4]-feature[5]) + slice1 = feature[0]//slice_size + slice2 = feature[1]//slice_size + if min_feature_slice == -1: + min_feature_slice = slice1 + elif slice1 < min_feature_slice: + min_feature_slice =slice1 + if slice2 > max_feature_slice: + max_feature_slice = slice2 + feature_slice[slice1].append([feature[0],feature[1],feature[2]]) + while slice1 < slice2: + slice1 += 1 + feature_slice[slice1].append([feature[0],feature[1],feature[2]]) + print("total_masked_bases") + print(total_masked_bases) + o = open(pre + "_hardFiltered.csv","w") + o.write(",".join(["Pos"] + strains) + "\n") # write header + print("\nFiltering SNPs that are ") + print("located in genes overlapping with any excluded region") + snpcount = 0 + to_remove = [] # list of snps to remove + for snp in snp_list_ordered: + snp_slice = int(snptable[snp][0])//slice_size + if snp_slice < min_feature_slice or snp_slice > max_feature_slice: + keep = True + elif feature_slice[snp_slice] == []: + keep = True + else: + keep = True + for feature in feature_slice[snp_slice]: + if int(snptable[snp][0]) >= feature[0] and int(snptable[snp][0]) <= feature[1]: + keep = False + if keep: + o.write(snptable[snp][0]) + for strain in range(len(strains)): + o.write(","+snptable[snp][1][strain]) + o.write("\n") + snpcount += 1 + else: + to_remove.append(int(snptable[snp][0])) + o.close() + pre += "_hardFiltered" + print("... " + str(snpcount) + " SNPs passed filter; printed to " + pre + ".csv") + if to_remove != []: + filtered_snptable = [] + for snp in range(len(snptable)): + if int(snptable[snp][0]) not in to_remove: + filtered_snptable.append(snptable[snp]) + snptable = filtered_snptable + return pre, snptable + + # run module and return updated values for snptable, strains and pre + # aln,fasttree,filter,rax,coding + def runModule(m, snptable, strains, pre, options, outgroups): + if m == "aln": + # print mfasta alignment of the current table + printFasta(snptable, strains, pre + ".mfasta") + elif m == "cons": + pre, snptable = filterCons(snptable, strains, pre, options, outgroups) + elif m == "core": + pre, snptable = filterCore(snptable, strains, pre, options, outgroups) + elif m == "filter": + pre, snptable = filter(snptable, strains, pre, options) # return filtered snp table + elif m == "clean": + pre, snptable = cleanSNPs(snptable, strains, pre, options) + elif m == "coding": + runCoding(pre, snptable, options) + elif m == "rax": + runRax(pre, options, snptable, strains) + elif m == "fasttree": + runFasttree(pre, snptable, strains) + elif m == "hard_filter": + pre, snptable = hard_filter(snptable, strains, pre, options) + return pre, snptable + + ### MAIN PROCESS + + # set up variables + (dir,filename) = os.path.split(options.snptable) + (pre,ext) = os.path.splitext(filename) # pre = current file prefix, updated if file is filtered to exclude SNPs + + pre = options.prefix + pre # add user specified prefix + + if != "": + if[:-1] != '/': + pre = + '/' + pre + else: + pre = + pre + + outgroups = [] # list of outgroups provided + if options.outgroup != "": + outgroups = options.outgroup.split(",") + + # read in raw SNP table + snptable, strains, pre = readSNPTable(options.snptable,options.outgroup,options.subset,pre) + + # run modules in order + for m in options.modules.split(","): + pre, snptable = runModule(m, snptable, strains, pre, options, outgroups) + + print() +# print('Memory usage: %s (kb)' % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)