Get a Kubernetes Cluster. In this video, I use Docker for Windows. If you are new to Kubernetes, checkout my videos here
I used Flux 1.18 which I got from the GitHub Release Page
Rename it to fluxctl.exe
& place it in a folder that is on your $env:Path
environment variable.
Open a new terminal and try
Make sure you are pointing to the kubernetes cluster you want to use
kubectl config current-context
kubectl get nodes
kubectl create ns flux
$GHUSER = "marcel-dempers"
fluxctl install `
--git-user=${GHUSER} `
--git-email=${GHUSER} `${GHUSER}/docker-development-youtube-series `
--git-path=kubernetes/configmaps,kubernetes/secrets,kubernetes/deployments `
--git-branch=flux-test `
--namespace=flux | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl -n flux rollout status deployment/flux
fluxctl list-workloads
fluxctl identity
fluxctl sync
annotations: semver:~1.0 'true'
fluxctl policy -w default:deployment/example-deploy --tag "example-app=1.0.*"