diff --git a/man/tableone-package.Rd b/man/tableone-package.Rd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5417deb --- /dev/null +++ b/man/tableone-package.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +\docType{package} +\name{tableone-package} +\alias{tableone} +\alias{tableone-package} +\title{Create "Table 1" to describe baseline characteristics} +\description{ +Table 1, i.e., description of baseline patient +characteristics is essential every medical research. This +package provides functions to create such summaries for +continuous and categorical variables, optionally with +subgroups and groupwise comparison. The package was +insipired by descriptive statistics functions in Deducer, +Java-based GUI package. This package does not require GUI +or Java, and intended for CUI users. +} +\details{ +\tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab tableone\cr Type: \tab +Package\cr Version: \tab 0.1.1\cr Date: \tab 2014-02-08\cr +License: \tab GPL-2\cr } Create an object summarizing +continous and categorical variables optionally stratifying +by one or more startifying variables and performing +statistical tests. The object gives a table that is easy to +use in medical research papers. Continuous variables are +handled by CreateContTable, and categorical variables are +handled by CreateCatTable. +} +\note{ +Special Thanks: + +This package was inspired by and based on the Deducer +package. + +Developmental repository is on github. Your contributions +are appreciated. + +https://github.com/kaz-yos/tableone +} +\examples{ +## Load +library(tableone) + +## Load Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data +library(survival) +data(pbc) +## Check variables +head(pbc) + +## Create an overall table for categorical variables +catVars <- c("status","ascites","hepato","spiders","edema","stage") +catTableOverall <- CreateCatTable(vars = catVars, data = pbc) + +## Simply typing the object name will invoke the print.CatTable method, +## which will show the sample size, frequencies and percentages. +## For 2-level variables, only the higher level is shown for simplicity. +catTableOverall + +## Create an overall table for continuous variables +contVars <- c("time","age","bili","chol","albumin","copper","alk.phos","ast", + "trig","platelet","protime") +contTableOverall <- CreateContTable(vars = contVars, data = pbc) + +## Simply typing the object name will invoke the print.ContTable method, +## which will show the sample size, means and standard deviations. +contTableOverall +} +\author{ +Kazuki Yoshida + +Maintainer: Kazuki Yoshida +} +