All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fix SCT-2930: not honoring withPublic and withPrivate
- fix SCT-2931: maximum reported search results was 10,000 - fixed to report actual search results with > 10K.
- fix SCT-2932: throws error if object has been deleted
- fix SCT-2933, SCT-2956: Searchapi2 legacy endpoint uses jsonrpc 2.0 not 1.1
- fix SCT-2937: searchapi2/legacy search_objects should be tolerant of inaccessible workspaces
- fix SCT-2947: unauthenticated search not working correctly (no ws or narr info)
- fix SCT-2969: not honoring object_types
- fix SCT-2970: not narrowing search with additional terms
- fix SCT-3001: Data-search ui / Searchapi2 legacy endpoint generates incorrect object landing page links
- fix SCT-3002: Searchpi2 legacy endpoint returns incorrect index and index version
- implement SCT-2966: add a "build and test" workflow for GitHub Actions which builds an image, runs tests, and pushes the resulting image to GH Container Registry.
- Use the AND operator for legacy full-text search
- Set pagination parameters for the
- Include narrative info parameter setting bug
- Fixed the highlight fields for legacy search
- Prevent removal of trailing slash in configured user profile URL
- Fix format string in error