Table of contents:
We will see how to constrain the exploration. We will make the assumption that the
documentation of f()
states that the function is never called with a == 65
, so any bug with a == 65
is not a real bug. The target is still the following smart contract (examples/example.sol):
pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.6.0;
contract Simple {
function f(uint a) payable public{
if (a == 65) {
The Operators module facilitates the manipulation of constraints, among other it provides:
- Operators.AND,
- Operators.OR,
- Operators.UGT (unsigned greater than),
- Operators.UGE (unsigned greater than or equal to),
- Operators.ULT (unsigned lower than),
- Operators.ULE (unsigned lower than or equal to).
To import the module use the following:
from manticore.core.smtlib import Operators
is used to concatenate an array to a value. For example, the return_data of a transaction needs to be changed to a value to be checked against another value:
last_return = Operators.CONCAT(256, *last_return)
You can use constraints globally or for a specific state.
Use m.constrain(constraint)
to add a global cosntraint.
For example, you can call a contract from a symbolic address, and restraint this address to be specific values:
symbolic_address = m.make_symbolic_value()
m.constraint(Operators.OR(symbolic == 0x41, symbolic_address == 0x42))
Use state.constrain(constraint) to add a constraint to a specific state It can be used to constrain the state after its exploration to check some property on it.
Use solver.check(state.constraints)
to know if a constraint is still feasible.
For example, the following will constraint symbolic_value to be different from 65 and check if the state is still feasible:
state.constrain(symbolic_var != 65)
if solver.check(state.constraints):
# state is feasible
Adding constraint to the previous code, we obtain:
from manticore.ethereum import ManticoreEVM
from manticore.core.smtlib.solver import Z3Solver
solver = Z3Solver.instance()
m = ManticoreEVM()
with open("example.sol") as f:
source_code =
user_account = m.create_account(balance=1*10**18)
contract_account = m.solidity_create_contract(source_code, owner=user_account)
symbolic_var = m.make_symbolic_value()
no_bug_found = True
## Check if an execution ends with a REVERT or INVALID
for state in m.terminated_states:
last_tx = state.platform.transactions[-1]
if last_tx.result in ['REVERT', 'INVALID']:
# we do not consider the path were a == 65
condition = symbolic_var != 65
if m.generate_testcase(state, name="BugFound", only_if=condition):
print(f'Bug found, results are in {m.workspace}')
no_bug_found = False
if no_bug_found:
print(f'No bug found')
All the code above you can find into the examples/
The next step is to follow the exercises.