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Releases: keep-network/tbtc-v2

Solidity: v1.3.1

11 May 09:59
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solidity/v1.3.1 release provides a fix to L2WormholeGateway contract to normalize the amount before bridging it through Wormhole. The amount has to be normalized to eliminate the dust that cannot be bridged with Wormhole due to the decimal shift in the Wormhole Bridge contract.

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/[email protected].

The commit hash for clean builds is f56423d7dff3b4faf90ab255fb89863d6d0f8230.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegAUIXnbK HQzyT9S4fLIUDvI t7Wt3FyBM8dI9tI Pvm5IeSfbWTp9C6 G60CYV4vcKZvthE lYF2jKkYBA9yaeG nA2LXnCYoPLN1ZF 4GugwBcVe5NyzJt Uxs9tSIZdi0nN35 b9VfXnmuL69jy87 WlKwk0RblOoUPY2 pNTQJeyeyIUdz3Q . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38oHsIFG LLAW9sSp1MnsQ9f awoXo99jYYZb861 puWyMeIPQ95d4kZ 5nCNgQVPiLRrkt2 rMiHtr2dE9nk3iJ ETxqeVaJUMp8hgq iUBe1MnGCDg5lGu 42QTcHW6mtfgkdR yoxOGLJq5qeUkDb UUabS0RblOoUPY2 pNTQJeyeyIUdz3Q . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into the solidity/v1.3.1 version can be found in the corresponding solidity/v1.3.1 milestone.

Cross-chain/polygon: v1.0.1

11 May 10:28
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The release of cross-chain/polygon/v1.0.1 provides a fix to L2WormholeGateway implementation contract to normalize the amount before bridging it through Wormhole. The amount has to be normalized to eliminate the dust that cannot be bridged with Wormhole due to the decimal shift in the Wormhole Bridge contract.

L2TBTC and L2WormholeGateway proxy contract addresses remain the same:

The new L2WormholeGateway implementation contract address is 0xdf708431162ba247ddae362d2c919e0fbafcf9de.

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2-polygon

The commit hash for clean builds is 71c5fd8f297030d0ae2062cd1d241c6bd2f4f459.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verified in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATKerkr ZrpCToHneHkuhyT 1c3zB535Dm6xNDC sb7m3y1ErJT1qKa 6QC5QGlzXFYkPxS eDpS88XHddjOOtr 8DhVPkJDGWKIiYo GxocSHyrovYTFYJ ZdH1wTO4BfpCeUG BPwxVt23VghM1Du Tj3vm0pZVBOywwF q7XCdria7ajAiz3 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38om4c1T 9UUZcXFqFdcSRQT fDAbVDk0aQrgIsG CtgOksS1pva4GZM urByYt86wrjp2zm 0cFuPthQZuFfh44 4b1gbfUKyumChyA dm1eqCdb0sOSWHw VAUEWaxx6xYKsHB kKseYEjES29D3sw VLfQw0pZVBOywwF q7XCdria7ajAiz3 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Cross-chain/optimism: v1.0.1

11 May 10:24
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The release of cross-chain/optimism/v1.0.1 provides a fix to L2WormholeGateway implementation contract to normalize the amount before bridging it through Wormhole. The amount has to be normalized to eliminate the dust that cannot be bridged with Wormhole due to the decimal shift in the Wormhole Bridge contract.

L2TBTC and L2WormholeGateway proxy contract addresses remain the same:

The new L2WormholeGateway implementation contract address is 0xf94d0d0471ae14b6310d94fa4f95e5fc9f3ffc17.

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2-optimism

The commit hash for clean builds is 44c15b584844904671557fec3ba5f4fb38f6fd25.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verified in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATTdutB ORyJGD1F6BoPPQ4 a7hUhhaUYtjPxJI 4arVxdnKT8BvASQ xCLjDxh6IvE4Mdq mUPk7BMOy2Ob0ps 39878fK6UHeuOFg x5pte5D77PhC8VM gOtuiWIe06UO6Ag any9gh5AragWS48 9iGOc0qbidQNqsr 5AbzItRw0Nyn3S9 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38oC54cT gi7tl8NExDobgvT ryQpOlpOvbrTudg tjoBOly3UB2bUpM sd01lnCJLZLnYd8 Gl8lrjh07odeCOa UkcbF6xal4bYZuS 68v10lbFFtqavAb opjI7SoOVE15QLW qht7OygYbKAOlzD TWiFa0qbidQNqsr 5AbzItRw0Nyn3S9 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Cross-chain/arbitrum: v1.0.1

11 May 10:19
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The release of cross-chain/arbitrum/v1.0.1 provides a fix to L2WormholeGateway implementation contract to normalize the amount before bridging it through Wormhole. The amount has to be normalized to eliminate the dust that cannot be bridged with Wormhole due to the decimal shift in the Wormhole Bridge contract.

L2TBTC and L2WormholeGateway proxy contract addresses remain the same:

The new L2WormholeGateway implementation contract address is 0xa10ad2570ea7b93d19fdae6bd7189ff4929bc747.

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2-arbitrum

The commit hash for clean builds is 14b63ca5aa3295f9025b46ac3d8acf22aaafede1.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verified in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38odSwfE l9kUUSsQlGvjtBL woPnR8ZQeqWLqqm 2ncE8eZ4DLVIAj9 i7KE1SLmQ6Aizcz u1rcU5bFmw3AgWi HeHFc0MBbNqCPKi 7ZkWjoT35TlbvVA dzXqavcxXDNDhIX ujP6K29U3sSQdTz 97un00oX2Gmevzw EEXGvIriAHriaUD . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Solidity: v1.3.0 (Mainnet)

10 May 15:40
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solidity/v1.3.0 is the release of the LightRelayMaintainerProxy Solidity smart contract that enables reimbursing the maintainer of the Bitcoin difficulty relay. LightRelayMaintainerProxy is a wrapper around LightRelay, the actual contract responsible for validating and storing of information on Bitcoin epoch difficulties. It forwards the retarget requests to LightRelay and reimburses the caller with funds from ReimbursementPool.

The address of LightRelayMaintainerProxy is 0x4ca2f6206Da1A7Cb8155FEA68797EFDf25EFa3C8.

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/[email protected].

The commit hash for clean builds is b9635037b18303d0c196406532b404b902170b94.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATHwzI6 XSQVfCsCvt925Xb v2y34tFBq5fF5mQ G2kQlxwmtRiJ0Qz HPWI3NXXDshWoqW CvB0fn0GOU3rc88 3ZZIi9uJi9P8Vmv XFSBzlvXoaVKPFC js4Xke2sotdB1oV Zdlj4zI6JCPJqrf 2q22C0S7uQtA3Bi kTxW1yNdTGQ0YHk . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @tomaszslabon
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7xdHzK Gm9BtmKb2FhcVia 1x14PuUuG7fVaLE jQhGdMxCf7eZ95Z i8H96YS8Bl3mb4P 5BNc974l0xgf2c7 D6CGgZ25GKsNdAN 5oadVhhXNVLQG0i h9h8icpdxgmS5tJ iz42UArwQWden6k YwBBpzmAsgegCgF b7hF9k4X5e5wbZf 8s5KHtj2A61rDWQ avMsC0S7uQtA3Bi kTxW1yNdTGQ0YHk . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into the solidity/v1.3.0 version can be found in the corresponding solidity/v1.3.0 milestone.


25 Apr 14:23
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typescript/v1.2.0 is the next release of the TypeScript library for interacting with tBTC v2 smart contracts on the Ethereum mainnet.

This release includes partial events pull mechanism that can be helpful for certain Ethereum providers (e.g. Alchemy, QuickNode) that limit the maximum number of blocks that can be queried in one get_logs call.

The NPM package is available on the NPM registry as @keep-network/[email protected].

The commit hash for clean builds is bfed39ca087282d1a986df3fb8731288ebf61e9c.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATuwhtp 5sxVC695tjAsoZ9 Qgk0ZjcNCT2wU97 28tpjqy8JY6Zwnj mOjFKle2RNqMifB vVgMt26eaasGeth vbelKNWl11XpDYM AhR7iFOjJxrWDwu XsSiK81yJHV2zAS JJ1YtMWfuPP2q0p pwBXy0QfZron7Py vNRWRtQ6royUg7v . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38o0KKwY WWT5FRTrncwR23a CeXDOolwTaF6RTo Y4brZT2ltoBccn1 j3VTXxXsioceRFh BjXlbWWzlUEI0Cu OglV2XCg2qJuIzt pwVEpSrlevMyX4n M4h2hwY7WuVvMbt 1J5TPelJc37MIDo 2JANa0QfZron7Py vNRWRtQ6royUg7v . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

The complete set of work for version 1.2.0 can be found in the corresponding typescript/v1.2.0 milestone.

Cross-chain/polygon: v1.0.0

14 Apr 10:06
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The release of cross-chain/polygon/v1.0.0 is one of the steps to facilitate the integration of Bitcoin into Polygon using the Wormhole cross-chain contracts. This implementation involves the deployment of two upgradeable generic contracts from the tbtc-v2 project. These contract artifacts are named PolygonTBTC and PolygonWormholeGateway in the NPM package. They were deployed behind the OpenZeppelin transparent proxy and their contract addresses are as follows:

The L2WormholeGateway smart contract is authorized to mint L2TBTC, and can wrap and unwrap Wormhole-specific tBTC representation into the canonical L2TBTC token. Ownership, including ProxyAdmin, of these two contracts has been transferred to the Threshold Council (0x9f6e831c8f8939dc0c830c6e492e7cef4f9c2f5f)

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2-polygon

The commit hash for clean builds is e86533a75c3b020fec61c56ac795d0c3cb69138f.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verified in the Keybase app):

  • @dparemski
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkEUJD61 aS5dXdI0P9hkT7A V1KLgryVhYq77Eh HjVwI1gm0piUkwg j5WGLJdUtNVMizh 8Zm2qa5RrAJTU57 SU7SyA204DRFGhO UXq4QzHHcKz9C7r 9nAehJyG8ZGisRk N3GEpBKP3jbC7m0 kdR7glox5qjloC2 AxuLVA7mHlctlc3 ziIenUxCBl42uKe mblyP0SDSiMZlHT moCUbTp2KXJ1qy6 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegATZHLrQ FcNlRtq3UujiHcx 8Y0GgNltP6w9tpZ XZH5PQVshuf22l7 f3o3efj0Y5J0med frsZOY8zoaCQ3fP l98ywKRqhcfKui6 IIPk64x77lGQvLt abnOy0LUavNmZml RsbtdYovGEmmrti 8wint0SDSiMZlHT moCUbTp2KXJ1qy6 . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Cross-chain/optimism: v1.0.0

13 Apr 14:36
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The release of cross-chain/optimism/v1.0.0 is one of the steps to facilitate the integration of Bitcoin into Ethereum L2 Optimism using the Wormhole cross-chain contracts. This implementation involves the deployment of two upgradeable generic contracts from the tbtc-v2 project. These contract artifacts are named OptimismTBTC and OptimismWormholeGateway in the NPM package. They were deployed behind the OpenZeppelin transparent proxy and their contract addresses are as follows:

The L2WormholeGateway smart contract is authorized to mint L2TBTC, and can wrap and unwrap Wormhole-specific tBTC representation into the canonical L2TBTC token. Ownership, including ProxyAdmin, of these two contracts has been transferred to the Threshold Council (0x9f6e831c8f8939dc0c830c6e492e7cef4f9c2f5f)

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2-optimism

The commit hash for clean builds is 07a2680d41b6c639dc4a2573a976ba0fba640601.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verified in the Keybase app):

  • @dparemski
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkEUJD61 aS5dXdI0P9hkT7A V1KLgryVhYq77Eh HjVwI1gm0p88EjA pq3WE70cxeDNJoo lHn4KitCIC1uUCB Nr3FysO58exz2Uc 9srcZDoCzw4ZT34 9RQIN5pkWibZ7fb RXeAT8noZyrZWBK tJ16UxqfrI4wrxC oUUe37JKkRVJbw0 KLKMk3IrPWubrnG VqaIv0SdqqH05Op GcqYx71XiNFCH7B . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegAULwqWp ZQhZbrbUF3NfE6e U5rrJpB6kEYL8RL 01bqTZvRaa0mGog rrHuW10BRHTxpaa TRe2rpEiAyDtMvr fmmEDsptuQ3rnwI WbvLnxYlaFEMEb3 Fb4NkAzZWoODQe5 Xie28aeLcuijDUO sjOvF0SdqqH05Op GcqYx71XiNFCH7B . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Solidity: v1.2.0

03 Apr 10:44
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solidity/v1.2.0 is the release of two Solidity smart contracts supporting L2 bridging. Those two contracts will be deployed on EVM-compatible sidechains and L2s to enable efficient cross-chain tBTC liquidity. This release did not lead to the deployment of any contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet. The code released in this version is imported by respective cross-chain modules for EVM-compatible chains.

  • L2TBTC: Canonical L2/sidechain token implementation. tBTC token is minted on L1 and locked there to be moved to L2/sidechain. By deploying a canonical token on each L2/sidechain, we can ensure the supply of tBTC remains sacrosanct, while enabling quick, interoperable cross-chain bridges and localizing ecosystem risk.

    This contract is flexible enough to:

    • Delegate minting authority to a native bridge on the chain, if present.
    • Delegate minting authority to a short list of ecosystem bridges.
    • Have mints and burns paused by any one of n guardians, allowing avoidance of contagion in case of a chain- or bridge-specific incident.
    • Be governed and upgradeable.

    The token is burnable by the token holder and supports EIP2612 permits. A token holder can authorize a transfer of their token with a signature conforming EIP712 standard instead of an on-chain transaction from their address. Anyone can submit this signature on the user's behalf by calling the permit function, paying gas fees, and possibly performing other actions in the same transaction. The governance can recover ERC20 and ERC721 tokens sent mistakenly to the L2TBTC token contract.

  • L2WormholeGateway: Selected cross-ecosystem bridges are given the minting authority for tBTC token on L2 and sidechains. This contract gives a minting authority to the Wormhole Bridge.

    The process of bridging from L1 to L2 (or sidechain) looks as follows:

    1. There is a tBTC holder on L1. The holder goes to the Wormhole Portal and selects the chain they want to bridge to.
    2. The holder submits one transaction to L1 locking their tBTC tokens in the bridge’s smart contract. After the transaction is mined, they wait about 15 minutes for the Ethereum block finality.
    3. The holder submits one transaction to L2 which is minting tokens. After that transaction is mined, they have their tBTC on L2.

    The process of bridging from L2 (or sidechain) to L1 looks as follows:

    1. There is a tBTC holder on L2. That holder goes to the Wormhole Portal and selects one of the L2 chains they want to bridge from.
    2. The holder submits one transaction to L2 that is burning the token. After the transaction is mined, they wait about 15 minutes for the L2 block finality.
    3. The holder submits one transaction to L1 unlocking their tBTC tokens from the bridge’s smart contract. After that transaction is mined, they have their tBTC on L1.

    This smart contract is integrated with step iii. of L1->L2 bridging and step i. of L2->L1 or L2->L2 bridging. When the user redeems the token on L2, this contract receives the Wormhole tBTC representation and mints the canonical tBTC in an equal amount. When the user sends their token from L1, this contract burns the canonical tBTC and sends Wormhole tBTC representation through the bridge in an equal amount.

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/[email protected]

The commit hash for clean builds is 8b59d5e15e0b368b5bfba269312f1481f88ad224.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38nmzbv9 WNLNJ9RYX81bFSB hASCbZPMtNhUVLc ImMVa5cZML9E0hz hLcqLvTCWmUbsAi RKPQdUv3IzIj2G7 YXJ0dOxG610QzYy DadJ1WSn7NFmjMl R9vflX9KeHJvHC0 GSHFirzwy50tsqN 7NK8Q0S8Pb8lHUG EJKea55SY9fhaCa . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @nkuba

Finally, note that the full set of work that went into the solidity/v1.2.0 version can be found in the corresponding solidity/v1.2.0 milestone.

Cross-chain/arbitrum: v1.0.0

03 Apr 13:10
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The release of cross-chain/arbitrum/v1.0.0 is one of the steps to facilitate the integration of Bitcoin into Ethereum L2 Arbitrum using the Wormhole cross-chain contracts. This implementation involves the deployment of two upgradeable generic contracts from the tbtc-v2 project. These contract artifacts are named ArbitrumTBTC and ArbitrumWormholeGateway in the NPM package. They were deployed behind the OpenZeppelin transparent proxy and their contract addresses are as follows:

The L2WormholeGateway smart contract is authorized to mint L2TBTC, and can wrap and unwrap Wormhole-specific tBTC representation into the canonical L2TBTC token. Ownership, including ProxyAdmin, of these two contracts has been transferred to the Threshold Council (0x9f6e831c8f8939dc0c830c6e492e7cef4f9c2f5f)

The NPM package is available in the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2-arbitrum

The commit hash for clean builds is 439db6e8dea89d8c9b0795a08820c6a6c3de5729.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verified in the Keybase app):

  • @nkuba
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkUgHswq LONGnytauGuQ68W zKcm0YTewHXEGd3 2M8FiSegAURpxPs mn5N4f7QVvaWzny KU0VBnYYGpEvEYw fbDvWo471FAzRcE ZYpRlA8x1kYtxAf mSZpTyvNunsqxJR wRO0WXCmbdaawmY H6AYy5xPK4ydtCo DGoebCyJCGzqxUq Dmg7z8CMdRCiSjf 9ZqWD0oQd3ZgGDK 0Qb2sFLokJmcLWr . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @pdyraga
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk8SRO9e gN94erb57G43YvY asc2ypx7KtJhJpq tOozFkj38okUg5U 1fOtNF2a2NYKvHN 7FJWs62Sp3kltCv ToPqN3dKmXMmkpP YlOAV8Rf3GogSKS bfOyJIwNFBXr5OF yLd99xszYA6QjMS JoPboWdShGN8Md9 mDJ7xUbL6F4TGjs YyYF2br2ANBzfTv cBmBZ0oQd3ZgGDK 0Qb2sFLokJmcLWr . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.