The ROS package used for calibrating CeleX™ CeleX5-MIPI Dynamic Vision Sensor.
This repository provides tools and tutorials related to the calibration of CeleX5-MIPI, based on events data. Including:
- calibration board generation (currently only support the blinking checkerboard, other types to be added)
- Intrinsics calibration
- Extrinsics calibration with another traditional frame camera (using Kalibr)
- Synchronous data collection and publishing of image data required for calibration
- Time stamp alignment with traditional camera (TODO, existing problems)
A series of methods and tools for camera parameter calibration based on events data are provided.
Pattern generator (blinking chessboard). More details
rosrun celex5_ros pattern_generator_node # In a new Terminal rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure # Open rqt_reconfigure to config
Intrinsics calibration based on camera_calibration toolkit in ROS. (if you want to calibrate the external parameters of other cameras, this tool in ROS only supports the same resolution...)
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-calibration
The detailed tutorials: link
Based on Kalibr toolkit, which supports both intrinsics calibration and extrinsics calibration with another (traditional or event-based) cameras, in different resolutions. Event data based method.
The detailed tutorials: link
Also provides a series of tools to collect calibration data of CeleX5-MIPI Camera.
Time stamp calibration with another camera.
TODO, existing problems. link
- The time stamp calibration with another camera.