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Salve (Schema-Aware Library for Validation and Edition) is a JavaScript library which implements a validator able to validate an XML document on the basis of a subset of Relax NG (RNG). It is developed as part of the Buddhist Translators Workbench. It can be seen in action in wed.

Plans are to support as much Relax NG as possible but for now salve has, by conscious design, the following limitations:

  • Does not support <interleave> or <mixed>.
  • Does not support <anyName>.
  • Does not support <except>.
  • Does not support <nsName>.
  • Treats all attributes as if they were specified to contain text of any length, format, etc. (All attributes accept any text whatsoever.)

At the moment the library is able to know that a document is valid according to the schema it has received. (But keep in mind the provision above regarding attributes.)

A full validation solution has the following components:

  • A tokenizer: responsible for recognizing XML tokens, tag names, tag delimiters, attribute names, attribute values, etc.
  • A parser: responsible for converting tokens to validation events (see below) and optionally managing the mapping between namespace prefixes and namespace URIs.
  • A validator: responsible for checking that validation events are valid against a schema, telling the parser what is possible at the current point in validation, and telling the parser what is possible generally speaking (e.g., what namespace uris are used in the schema). This is what salve offers, and only this!

A good example of this division of labor can be found in lib/salve/parse.js and in the test suite. In both cases the tokenizer function is performed by sax, and the parser function is performed by a parser object that sax creates, customized to call salve's Walker.fireEvent().


Salve is packaged as a RequireJS module. So to use it in a browser environment, you need to first load RequireJS and pass to it a configuration that will allow it to find salve's code.

Loading salve in a Node.js environment requires installing the following node package:

  • node-amd-loader

Running salve's tests additionally requires the following node packages:

  • mocha
  • chai
  • sax
  • semver-sync (installed so that the semver-sync executable is in your path).

Please see the package.json file for details regarding these dependencies. The salve-simplify script requires that xmllint and xsltproc be installed on your system.

If you want to contribute to salve, your code will have to pass the checks listed in .glerbl/ So you either have to install glerbl to get those checks done for you or run the checks through other means. See Contributing.


Running the following command from the root of salve will install the dependencies required for testing and will run the tests:

$ npm test

Or you may bypass npm with this command:

$ make test

Running mocha directly also works but you may run the test against stale code whereas make test always runs a build first.



$ npm build


$ make

This will create a build subdirectory in which the JavaScript necessary to validate XML files against a prepared Relax NG schema. (See below for how preparation happens.) You could copy what is in build to a server to serve these files to a client that would then perform validation. Future releases will include automatic support for minified versions of salve.


Contributions must pass the commit checks turned on in .glerbl/ Use glerbl install to install the hooks. Glerbl itself can be found at It will eventually make its way to the Python package repository so that pip install glerbl will work.

Basic Usage

An RNG schema must be prepared before it can be used by salve. The first step is to simplify the schema. The bin subdirectory contains a rudimentary shell script. (If you are using Windows you are on your own; contributions welcome.) It can be used like this:

$ bin/salve-simplify [input] [output]

The [input] parameter should be the RNG to simplify. The [output] parameter should be where to save the simplification. The output must then be converted to JavaScript code:

$ xsltproc lib/salve/rng-to-js.xsl [simplified rng] > [js]

This example uses xsltproc but any XSLT processor able to process XSLT 1.0 would work. The [simplified rng] parameter is the result of the earlier simplify pass. The [js] parameter is where you want to save the resulting JavaScript. (Actually, the simplified RNG is converted to JSON. Generally speaking JSON is not a subset of JavaScript but in this instance, the JSON produced is a subset, so calling it JavaScript is not wrong.)

Before version 0.14 rng-to-js.xsl by default included information which made it easy to determine where each JavaScript object modeling the original RNG came from. (Each object had path information pointing to the location of the corresponding element in the simplified RNG.) However, this information is useful only for debugging salve and its associated software. Starting with version 0.14 rng-to-js.xsl no longer outputs this information by default. It has to be turned on by passing --param output-paths true() to xsltproc. (Most likely the string true() must be quoted to avoid shell interpretation. Or you could pass anything that XSLT considers to be "true".) This change reduces the size of a JavaScript file created for a vanilla TEI schema by a factor of more than 4.

Version 0.14 also changes the structure of the output of rng-to-js.xsl. See File Format for more details.

Turning to actual code, a typical usage scenario would be as follows:

// Import the validation module
var validate = require("./lib/salve/validate");

// Source should be a string which contains the entire
// output of having simplified the original RNG and converted it to JS.
// This would be read from [js] in the example of xsltproc invocation
// above.
var tree = validate.constructTree(source);

// Get a walker on which to fire events.
var walker = tree.newWalker();

Then the code that parses the XML file to be validated should call fireEvent() on the walker.

The file lib/salve/parse.js contains an example of a rudimentary parser runnable in Node.js:

$ node parse.js [rng as js] [xml to validate]

The [rng as js] parameter is the RNG, simplified and converted to JavaScript. The [xml to validate] parameter is the XML file to validate against the RNG.

Remember to call the end() method on your walker at the end of validation to make sure that there are no unclosed tags, etc.


The parser is responsible for calling fireEvent() on the walker returned by the tree created from the RNG. (See above.) The events currently supported are defined below:

Event("enterStartTag", uri, local-name)
Emitted when encountering the beginning of a start tag (the string "<tag", where "tag" is the applicable tag name) or the equivalent. The qualified name should be resolved to its uri and local-name components.
Emitted when encountering the end of a start tag (the string ">") or equivalent.
Event("endTag", uri, local-name)
Emitted when encountering an end tag.
Event("attributeName", uri, local-name)
Emitted when encountering an attribute name.
Event("attributeValue", value)
Emitted when encountering an attribute value
Emitted when encountering text.
Emitted when entering a new namespace context.
Emitted when leaving a namespace context.
Event("definePrefix", prefix, uri)
Emitted when defining a namespace prefix.

Looking at an XML document as a set of DOM nodes, the set of events supported by salve might seem strange. Why would one need an enterStartTag event and a leaveStartTag event given that if the document can be modeled using DOM there cannot ever be an enterStartTag event without a corresponding leaveStartTag event? The reason for the set of events supported is that salve is designed to handle not only XML modeled as a DOM tree but also XML parsed as a text string being dynamically edited. The best and closest example of this would be what nxml-mode does in Emacs. If the user starts a new document and types only the following into their editing buffer:


then what the parser has seen by the time it gets to the end of the buffer is an enterStartTag event with an empty uri and the local-name "html". The parser will not see a leaveStartTag event until the user enters the greater-than symbol ending the start tag.

If there is already functionality allowing the resolution of namespace prefixes that allows you to resolve names to their uri/local-name parts, you can use salve without ever emitting enterContext, leaveContext and definePrefix. However, if you want to have salve keep track of namespace prefixes, you must first call useNameResolver() on the walker you get from newWalker(). Then you must issue an enterContext each time you encounter a start tag that defines namespaces and issue leaveContext when you encounter its corresponding end tag. You must also issue definePrefix for each prefix defined by the element. Example:

<p xmlns="q" xmlns:foo="foons">...

would require issuing:

Event("definePrefix", "", "q")
Event("definePrefix", "foo", "foons")
(Presumably, your code here would call resolveName("p") to determine
 what namespace p is in, which would yield the result "q".)
Event("enterStartTag", "q", "p")

Note the order of the events. The new context must start before salve sees the enterStartTag event because the way namespace works, a start tag can declare its own namespace. So by the time enterStartTag is issued, salve must know what namespaces are declared by the tag. If the events were not issued this way, then the start tag p in the example would be interpreted to be in the default namespace in effect before it started, which could be other than q. Similarly, leaveContext must be issued after the corresponding endTag event.

For the lazy: it is possible to issue enterContext for each start tag and leaveContext for each end tag irrespective of whether or not the start tag declares new namespaces. The test suite does it this way. Note, however, that performance will be affected somewhat because name resolution will have to potentially search a deeper stack of contexts than would be strictly necessary.

What determines whether or not you want to use the name resolver included with salve is whether or not you need to use salve's cloning facilities to record validation state. The namespaces that are in effect at the point a walker is cloned are also part of the validation state. If you have to use a name resolver that does not allow for recording validation state, you can call useNameResolver on your walker and use the facilities described here, or provide such functionality yourself.

Support for Guided Editing

Calling the possible() method on a walker will return the list of valid Event objects that could be fired on the walker, given what the walker has seen so far. Again, if the user is editing a document which contains only the text:


and hits a function key which makes the editor call possible(), then the editor can tell the user what attributes would be possible to add to this element. In editing facilities like nxml-mode in Emacs this is called completion. Similarly, once the start tag is ended by adding the greater-than symbol:


and the user again asks for possibilities, calling possible() will return the list of Event objects that could be fired. Note here that it is the responsibility of the editor to translate what salve returns into something the user can use. The possible() function returns only Event objects, in the exact same form as what must be passed to fireEvent().

Editors that would depend on salve for guided editing would most likely need to use the clone() method on the walker to record the state of parsing at strategic points in the document being edited. This is to avoid needless reparsing. How frequently this should happen depends on the structure of the editor. The clone() method and the code it depends on has been optimized since early versions of salve, but it is possible to call it too often, resulting in a slower validation speed than could be attainable with less aggressive cloning.


The code is documented using jsdoc3. The following command will generate the documentation:

$ make doc

Create a file that sets the variable JSDOC3 to the location of the jsdoc3 executable in your setup and RST2HTML points to the location of the rst2html executable. (Defaults are such that Makefile will use your PATH to execute them.) The formatted jsdoc3 will appear in the build/doc subdirectory, and the README.html in the root of the source tree.

File Format

When you simplify your RNG schema and pass it to rng-to-js.xsl for conversion to JSON, you get a file which salve will use to create a run-time representation of your schema when you call constructTree. The file instructs salve on how to create this memory representation.

Before 0.14 rng-to-js.xsl would generate a file with the following structure:

{ "type": <object type>, "args": [...]}

The <object type> would be a string like "Choice" or "Group" indicating which constructor to use to build the object. The args field would be a list of arguments to pass to the constructor. These arguments were either primitive JSON objects (integers, strings, arrays, etc.) or objects of the same format as described above, with a type and args field. The problem with this format is that it wastes a lot of space. We could call this version 0 of salve's schema format.

Version 0.14 introduces a new format. This format has version number 1. The new structure is:


The v field gives the version number of the data. Only version 1 exists for now. The o field is a bit field of options indicating how the file was created. Right now the only thing it records is whether or not element paths are present in the generated file. More on this later. The d field contains the actual schema. Each item in it is of the form:

[<array type>, ...]

The first element <array type> determines how to interpret the array. The array type could indicate that the array should be interpreted as an actual array or that it should be interpreted as an object of type Group or Choice, etc. If it is an array, then <array type> is discarded and the rest of the array is the converted array. If it is another type of object then again the <array type> is discarded and an object is created with the rest of the array as its constructor's parameters. All the array's elements after <array type> can be JSON primitive types, or arrays to be interpreted as actual arrays or as objects as described above.

It is likely that salve will always support version 0 of the format because it is useful for debugging.


Original Code

Code completely original to salve is released under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. Copyright Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages, Berkeley, CA.

RNG Simplification Code

The RNG simplification transformation files are adapted from Nicolas Debeissat's code. They are covered by the CeCILL license. Some bugs have been corrected and some changes made for salve. For the sake of simplicity, these changes are also covered by the CeCILL license.


Salve is designed and developed by Louis-Dominique Dubeau, Director of Software Development for the Buddhist Translators Workbench project, Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages.

This software has been made possible in part by a Level I Digital Humanities Start-up Grant and a Level II Digital Humanities Start-up Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (grant numbers HD-51383-11 and HD-51772-13). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this software do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.