title: Invariant Subspaces author: Keith A. Lewis institution: KALX, LLC email: [email protected] classoption: fleqn abstract: Do they exist? ...
\newcommand\RR{\boldsymbol{R}} \newcommand\CC{\boldsymbol{C}} \newcommand\FF{\boldsymbol{F}} \newcommand\HH{\mathcal{H}} \newcommand\MM{\mathcal{M}} \newcommand\span{\operatorname{span}} \newcommand\ran{\operatorname{ran}} \newcommand\ker{\operatorname{ker}}
The invariant subspace problem is "Given a linear operator on a vector space does it have a non-trivial invariant subspace?" The subspace consisting of the 0 vector and the vector space are trivially invariant.
Exercise. Show if $T\colon V\to V$ is a linear operator then $T0 = 0$.
Hint: Show
Eigenvectors determine one-dimensional invariant subspaces.
Exercise. Show $\FF v$ is an invariant suBspace of $T$ if $v$ is an eigenvalue.
Not every operator on a finite-dimensional vector space has an invariant subspace.
Exercise. Show $R\colon\RR^2\to\RR^2$ defined by $R(x, y) = (-y, x)$ has no eigenvectors.
Note the linear operator
Exercise. Show $R\colon\CC^2\to\CC^2$ defined by $R(x, y) = (-y, x)$ has two eigenvectors.
Hint: If
When looking for invariant subspaces mathematicians pick up some bad habits. Our first one is to assume the underlying field is always the complex numbers.
There are two usual suspects when looking for invariant subspaces, the kernel and the range of the operator.
The kernel of
Exercise. Show $\ker T$ is an invariant subspace of $T$.
The range of
Exercise. Show $\ran T$ is an invariant subspace of $T$.
Our next bad habit to always assume
Exercise. Show $v\not=0$ is an eigenvector with eigenvalue $\lambda$ if and only if $v\in\ker(T-\lambda I)$.
We use
Every linear operator on a vactor space over
A norm on a vector space is a function
An inner product on a vector space is a function
Exercise. Show $|v| = (v, v)$ is a norm.
A vector space with an inner product that is complete under this norm is a Hilbert space.
There are bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space that have no eigenvectors.
The vector space of square summable sequences
Exercise. If $Sx = \lambda x$ then $x = 0$.
The shift operator has lots of non-trivial invariant subspaces. Let
Exercise. Show $\MM_1$ is an invariant subspace.
It should be obvious to you now that
Arne Beurling figured out all of the invariant subspaces of the shift operator. The theory of vector spaces is quite spartan. Beurling brought in tools from functional analysis to do the heavy lifting.
He started with identifying
Exercise. Show $\MM_n$ can be identified with $z^n H^2$.
Beurling showed every invariant subspace of the shift operator has
the form