Module | Version |
genie.libs.parser |
19.11.0 |
- Added ShowRouteIpDistributor for commands;
- 'show route vrf {vrf} ipv4'
- 'show route ipv4'
- 'show route ipv4 {route}'
- 'show route ipv4 {protocol}'
- 'show route vrf {vrf} ipv4 {protocol}'
- 'show route vrf {vrf} ipv4 {route}'
- Added ShowRouteIpv6Distributor for commands;
- 'show route vrf {vrf} ipv6'
- 'show route ipv6'
- 'show route ipv6 {route}'
- 'show route ipv6 {protocol}'
- 'show route vrf {vrf} ipv6 {protocol}'
- 'show route vrf {vrf} ipv6 {route}'
- Added ShowInterfacesDescription for commands;
- 'show interfaces description'
- 'show interfaces {interface} description'
- Added ShowIpNatTranslations
- show ip nat translations
- show ip nat translations verbose
- show ip nat translations vrf {vrf}
- show ip nat translations vrf {vrf} verbose
- Added ShowIpNatStatistics
- show ip nat statistics
- Added ShowIpCefInternal
- show ip cef {ip} internal
- show ip cef internal
- Added ShowFlowMonitorCache for command;
- show flow monitor {name} cache
- Added ShowFlowMonitorCacheRecord for command;
- show flow monitor {name} cache format record
- Enhanced Dir
- added 'dir {directory}' support
- Updated ShowIpBgpDetail for:
- show ip bgp {address_family} all detail
- cat9500
- Added ShowIssuStateDetail
- show issu state detail
- Added ShowIssuRollbackTimer
- show issu rollback-timer
- Added ShowVersion
- show version
- Added ShowRedundancy
- show redundancy
- Added ShowInventory
- show inventory
- Added ShowPlatform
- show platform
- Added ShowIssuStateDetail
- Added ShowRouteIpDistributor for commands;
- Added ShowInterfacesDescription for commands;
- 'show interface description'
- 'show interface {interface} description'
- Added ShowAccessLists for commands:
- 'show access-lists'
- 'show access-lists {acl}'
- 'show access-lists summary'
- Enhanced Dir
- added 'dir {directory}' support
- Added ShowIsis for commands:
- 'show isis'
- 'show isis vrf {vrf}'
- Added ShowIsisInterface for commands:
- 'show isis interface'
- 'show isis interface vrf {vrf}'
- Added ShowIsisSpfLogDetail for commands:
- 'show isis spf-log detail'
- 'show isis spf-log detail vrf {vrf}'
- Added ShowIsisAdjacency for commands:
- 'show isis adjacency'
- 'show isis adjacency vrf {vrf}'
- Added ShowIsisHostname for commands:
- 'show isis hostname'
- 'show isis hostname vrf {vrf}'
- Added ShowIsisDatabaseDetail for commands:
- 'show isis database detail'
- 'show isis database detail vrf {vrf}'
- Added ShowInterfacesDescription for commands;
- Added ShowInterfacesDescription for commands;
- 'show interfaces description'
- 'show interfaces {interface} description'
- Added ShowIpNatTranslations for commands:
- show ip nat translations
- show ip nat translations verbose
- show ip nat translations vrf {vrf}
- show ip nat translations vrf {vrf} verbose
- Added ShowIpNatStatistics
- show ip nat statistics
- Added ShowIgmp for commands:
- 'show igmp interface'
- 'show igmp interface {interface}'
- 'show igmp vrf {vrf} interface'
- 'show igmp vrf {vrf} interface {interface}'
- 'show igmp summary'
- 'show igmp vrf {vrf} summary'
- 'show igmp groups detail'
- 'show igmp vrf {vrf} groups detail'
- Added ShowInterfacesDescription for commands;
- 'show interfaces description'
- 'show interfaces {interface} description'
- Added ShowIsisPrivateAll for commands;
- 'show isis private all'
- Added ShowInterfacesDescription for commands;
- Added ShowMsdpPeer for commands:
- 'show msdp peer'
- 'show msdp peer {peer}'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} peer'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} peer {peer}'
- Added ShowMsdpContext for commands:
- 'show msdp context'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} context'
- Added ShowMsdpSummary for commands:
- 'show msdp summary'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} summary'
- Added ShowMsdpSaCache for commands:
- 'show msdp sa-cache'
- 'show msdp sa-cache {group}'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} sa-cache'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} sa-cache {group}'
- Added ShowMsdpStatisticsPeer for commands:
- 'show msdp statistics peer'
- 'show msdp statistics peer {peer}'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} statistics peer'
- 'show msdp vrf {vrf} statistics peer {peer}'
- Added ShowBgpNeighbors for commands:
- 'show bgp neighbors'
- 'show bgp neighbors {neighbor}'
- 'show bgp vrf {vrf} neighbors'
- 'show bgp vrf {vrf} neighbors {neighbor}'
- 'show bgp {address_family} neighbors'
- 'show bgp {address_family} neighbors {neighbor}'
- 'show bgp vrf {vrf} {address_family} neighbors'
- 'show bgp vrf {vrf} {address_family} neighbors {neighbor}'
- Added ShowBgpSummary for commands:
- 'show bgp summary'
- 'show bgp {address_family} summary'
- Enhanced Dir
- added 'dir {directory}' support
- Added ShowIpv4InterfaceBrief for commands:
- 'show ipv4 interface brief | include {ip}'
- 'show ipv4 interface brief'
- Added ShowMsdpPeer for commands:
- Added ShowOspfInterface for commands:
- 'show ospf interface'
- 'show ospf interface {interface}'
- 'show ospf interface instance {instance}'
- Added ShowOspfInterfaceDetail for commands:
- 'show ospf interface detail'
- 'show ospf interface {interface} detail'
- 'show ospf interface detail instance {instance}'
- 'show ospf interface {interface} detail instance {instance}'
- Added ShowTedDatabaseExtensive for commands:
- 'show ted database extensive'
- 'show ted database extensive {node_id}'
- Added ShowOspfInterface for commands:
- Enhanced ShowBgpInstanceNeighborsReceivedRoutes;
- Updated code to support various outputs
- Added unittest corresponding to the new supported output
- Enhanced ShowBgpInstanceSummary;
- Updated code to support various outputs
- Added unittest corresponding to the new supported output
- Enhanced ShowRouteIpv6:
- Updated regex to support various outputs
- Updated ShowBgpSessions
- Updated regex to accommodate different formats
- Updated ShowIgmpGroupsDetail
- Updated schema and patten match for source list
- Enhanced ShowBgpInstanceNeighborsReceivedRoutes;
- ShowIpOspf
- Added missing keys to schema
- Added regex to capture more outputs
- Updated ShowVpc for:
- Parser schema and regex to support more output
- Updated ShowVersion:
- Updated regex matching for platform:chassis and platform:model
- Updated ShowIpOspfInterfaceVrfAll
- Changed keywords schema to optional
- ShowIpOspf
- Updated ShowAuthenticationSessions
- Changed keyword to Optional
- Added keyword to schema
- Added regex to support new output
- Updated ShowIpRoute for:
- show ip route vrf {vrf} {protocol}
- show ip route vrf {vrf}
- show ip route {protocol}
- show ip route
- Updated ShowIpRouteWord for:
- show ip route {route}
- show ip route vrf {vrf} {route}
- Updated ShowIpv6Route for:
- show ipv6 route vrf {vrf} {protocol}
- show ipv6 route vrf {vrf}
- show ipv6 route {protocol}
- show ipv6 route
- Updated ShowIpv6RouteWord for:
- show ipv6 route {route}
- show ipv6 route vrf {vrf} {route}
- Updated ShowMplsForwardingTable for:
- show mpls forwarding-table
- show mpls forwarding-table {prefix}
- show mpls forwarding-table vrf {vrf}
- Updated ShowIpCefInternal for:
- show ip cef internal
- show ip cef {prefix} internal
- show ip cef vrf {vrf} {prefix} internal
- Updated ShowBgpDetailSuperParser for:
- show ip bgp {address_family} vrf {vrf} detail
- Updated ShowVersion:
- Added keywords to schema
- Added regex for unparsed outputs
- Removed extra spaces in platform keyword
- Updated ShowPlatform
- Updated parser logic to support c8300 platform
- Updated ShowIpOspfSegmentRoutingSidDatabase for:
- Supporting more than one entry under one sid
- Updated ShowAuthenticationSessionsInterfaceDetails
- Added keywords to schema
- Added and changed regex to accommodate different outputs
- Updated ShowSegmentRoutingTrafficEngPolicy for:
- Better support for hop configurations
- Updated ShowSegmentRoutingTrafficEngPolicy
- Updated regex and added optional key to support more outputs
- Updated ShowClnsProtocol
- Changed keyword 'process_handle' to Optional
- Updated ShowAuthenticationSessions
- Updated ShowInventory
- Added regex to support various outputs
- Updated ShowIpOspfSegmentRoutingProtectedAdjacencies for:
- changed backup_nexthop and backup_nexthop to optional
- Updated ShowVersion
- Corrected the value in os key
- Updated ShowVtpStatus
- Updated schema to fix customer issue for show vtp status
- Updated ShowInventory
- Enhanced ShowOspfInterfaceBrief:
- Added command 'show ospf interface {interface} brief'
- Enhanced ShowInterfacesTerse:
- Added command 'show interfaces {interface} terse'
- Enhanced ShowOspfInterfaceBrief: