933a91a [fix] check for geoarrow extension in geojson layer (#2916 )
0abe997 [fix] opening multiple examples breaks url (#2915 )
49e7956 [fix] Don't show 0 when description is empty (#2913 )
cb5d4ed [fix] fix styled-components version in exported map (#2907 )
b1d2433 [fix] adjust tooltip style (#2910 )
f0c57a8 [fix] fix website commit section
2753321 [feat] Vector Tile layer fixes (#2899 )
073c585 [Fix] add_data() function failed in keplergl-jupyter
6e42597 [feat] mapbox and maplibre simultaneous support (#2897 )
22f9ba1 [Chore] Fix lint error for Register actions (#2896 )
ccfc2e2 [fix] Image export legend positioning (#2895 )
cf02a3c [chore] Upgrade styled components to v6 (#2894 )
4c9ffe8 [fix] Prevent infinite useEffects loop in range-plot (#2892 )
0b67c54 [fix] fixed onOptionSelected handler when option is null (#2891 )
40ba839 [fix] Add ellipsis in LayerTypeListItem (#2890 )
d0d31bd [fix] Handle selecting geojson polygon with missing properties (#2889 )
79801be [fix] Tippy tooltips in animation controls (#2888 )
0ad5372 [feat] Adding setAnimationConfig action (#2887 )
67b0019 [chore] export TimeFieldFilterProps (#2883 )
603fde8 [fix] Fixed issue when mapstate latitude or langitude are out of bounds (#2882 )
92c9e6a [fix] Use floating-ui to deal with closing on click outside (#2886 )
4bcf55b [Feat] Custom color scale for categorical/ordinal field (#2880 )
23f6034 [Bug] Prevent dragging legend component outside of container (#2885 )
d549fcd [fix] copy map config style (#2878 )
34444fa [fix] check for allBins (#2876 )
8335ba4 [fix] Custom Color Scale fixes (#2875 )
1412365 [chore] Add several vis state mergers combineConfigs and improve TS (#2634 )
9f3f089 [Chore] Add composedReducerSchema to schema manager (#2633 )
e633177 [chore] applyFilterConfig action (#2872 )
ceb930e [Fix] incorrect multi-dataset filter domain (#2871 )
00dd002 [fix] show scale options for Point Count in aggregation layers (#2870 )
a39fcf8 [fix] pass strings to color palette inputs (#2873 )
b89b19c [chore] Consolidate vis state tests (#2869 )
77e7857 [feat] Support custom ordinal color scale on string field in layer config (#2868 )
cccc4be [feat] Free positioning of the legend (#2874 )
2d1d8e5 [Fix] add_data() function in keplergl-jupyter (#2867 )
3b46abd [feat] add LayerToggleVisibility for single splitMap (#2863 )
b2b6f10 [Release] Candidate Kepler-Jupyter v0.3.4 (#2588 )
3bf006f [fix] Remove legend layer groups height capping (#2864 )
f1245d7 [chore] ts refactoring (#2861 )
a897715 [Feat] Add custom color scale for aggregate layers (#2860 )
6bc5946 [Feat] replaceDataInMap action - save colorsByDataId (#2859 )
be2f04e [chore] add fsq color palettes (#2862 )
c7d3777 [fix] change process to globalThis.process (#2865 )
5cb8a34 [chore] Create (#2845 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.