Add this project in your composer.json:
"scripts": { "post-install-cmd": ["php vendor/kevin-olbrich/composer-svn-externals-hook/bin/add-externals.php"], "post-update-cmd": ["php vendor/kevin-olbrich/composer-svn-externals-hook/bin/add-externals.php"], "post-autoload-dump": ["php vendor/kevin-olbrich/composer-svn-externals-hook/bin/add-externals.php"] }, "require": { "kevin-olbrich/composer-svn-externals-hook": "1.0.*@dev" }
Create the folder vendor/externals and add an svn-external.
Add an "external.json" file to your external library root directory including the root-namespace of your lib. You can commit this file to your svn to use the external mechanism in a team.
Now tell composer to download composer-svn-externals-hook by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update
Just add a new svn:external to vendor/externals.
"svn update" to receive the files.
Add an "external.json" file to your external library root directory as described above.
Trigger the integration:
$ php composer.phar update