Releases: kevinchappell/formBuilder
Releases · kevinchappell/formBuilder
3.17.3 (2023-12-08)
Bug Fixes
- Only setup sortable row wrapper and invisible row placeholders when adding a row to the stage (25a27e6)
- Use last-of-type instead of last-child due to drag/drop placeholder occupying last-child position (dc4f312)
- Use the pointer to for sortable intersect detection when dragging controls from the control panel onto a bootstrap row. jQuery.ui sortable used tolerance: intersect which caused the placeholder in a row to jump around when near the edges and the new control is less than 50% contained. (995fc2e)
- When adding rows, reset the hidden flag for all placeholders (939341c)
3.17.2 (2023-12-08)
Bug Fixes
- For TextArea control have made the value input a textarea and not a single input[type=text] value. Formatting of TextAreas is now preserved. (0b64d37)
- For TextArea control have made the value input a textarea and not a single input[type=text] value. Formatting of TextAreas is now preserved. (8da4cb5)
3.17.0 (2023-11-07)
Bug Fixes
- add additional row cleanup check to ensure no artifacts are left in the DOM (612d009)
- If label is intentionally blank or label is not enabled we fallback to 'type: name' for the control label to ensure a value is visible on the stage (fcff9e9)
- remove bootstrap initialisation of blank row on empty form. It is not required. (b8fd49a)
- remove redundant checkRowCleanup() (9b27a6e)
- remove redundant droppingToPlaceholderRow which uses the same check as droppingToNewRow, and simplify the logic. (62c0562)
- store the bootstrap row's id to the rowWapper via data-row-id (dd68b52)