All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
BREAKING CHANGE bumped to the next major version of eslint-config-standard
which as lots of new rules.
New Rules:
- move jsx-quotes rule from eslint-config-standard-react
- New rule: Disallow empty destructuring patterns (no-empty-pattern)
- New rule: Disallow string concatenation when using __dirname and __filename (no-path-concat)
- New rule: Disallow unnecessary constructor (no-useless-constructor)
- New rule: Disallow Self Assignment (no-self-assign)
- New rule: Disallow Symbol Constructor (no-new-symbol)
- New rule: Enforce Usage of Spacing in Template Strings (template-curly-spacing)
- add promise/param-names rule
- New rule: Require parens in arrow function arguments
- New rule: Enforce spaces around * in "yield *"
- disallow label usage, even with loops/switch statements
- no-return-assign: make default option explicit
- remove unneeded peerDeps
- To include the react rules, extend from both packages in your eslint config:
"extends": ["semistandard", "standard-react"]
- New Rules coming from eslint-config-standard:
- accessor-pairs - warns if setters are defined without getters.
- "one-var": [2, { "initialized": "never" }] - Split initialized 'var' declarations into multiple statements.
no-extra-semi - This rule is aimed at eliminating extra unnecessary semicolons. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can be a source of confusion when reading code.
semi-spacing - Disallow a space before semicolons and force a space after them.
- Update to
2.0.0 which has a breaking change:- new rule operator-linebreak