diff --git a/FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/IDEA_o2_v01.xml b/FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/IDEA_o2_v01.xml
index 3e72430dc..40edfbd2e 100644
--- a/FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/IDEA_o2_v01.xml
+++ b/FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/IDEA_o2_v01.xml
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
diff --git a/example/SteeringFile_IDEA_o2_v01.py b/example/SteeringFile_IDEA_o2_v01.py
index 2f11b8e8f..4eef726d7 100644
--- a/example/SteeringFile_IDEA_o2_v01.py
+++ b/example/SteeringFile_IDEA_o2_v01.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
SIM = DD4hepSimulation()
## The compact XML file, or multiple compact files, if the last one is the closer.
-SIM.compactFile = ["FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/IDEA_o2_v01.xml"]
+SIM.compactFile = ["../FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/IDEA_o2_v01.xml"]
## Lorentz boost for the crossing angle, in radian!
SIM.crossingAngleBoost = 0.0
SIM.enableDetailedShowerMode = False
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
SIM.enableG4Gun = False
SIM.enableGun = True
## InputFiles for simulation .stdhep, .slcio, .HEPEvt, .hepevt, .pairs, .hepmc, .hepmc.gz, .hepmc.xz, .hepmc.bz2, .hepmc3, .hepmc3.gz, .hepmc3.xz, .hepmc3.bz2, .hepmc3.tree.root files are supported
-SIM.inputFiles = ["/home/wonyongc/src/calvision/SCEPCal-public/examples/wzp6_ee_ZZ_test_ecm240_1k.stdhep"]
+SIM.inputFiles = []
## Macro file to execute for runType 'run' or 'vis'
SIM.macroFile = ""
## number of events to simulate, used in batch mode
-SIM.numberOfEvents = 1
+SIM.numberOfEvents = 10
## Outputfile from the simulation: .slcio, edm4hep.root and .root output files are supported
SIM.outputFile = "IDEA_o2_v01.root"
## Physics list to use in simulation
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
SIM.action.calorimeterSDTypes = ["calorimeter"]
## Replace SDAction for subdetectors
-SIM.action.mapActions = { 'SCEPCal' : "SCEPCalSDAction_DRHit",
- 'DREndcapTubes' : "DRTubesSDAction" }
+SIM.action.mapActions["DREndcapTubes"] = "DRTubesSDAction"
+SIM.action.mapActions["SCEPCal"] = "SCEPCalSDAction_DRHit"
## Configure the regexSD for DREndcapTubes subdetector
SIM.geometry.regexSensitiveDetector["DREndcapTubes"] = {
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
## direction of the particle gun, 3 vector
-SIM.gun.direction = (0, 0, 0)
+SIM.gun.direction = (0, 0, 1)
## choose the distribution of the random direction for theta
@@ -279,10 +279,10 @@
SIM.gun.isotrop = False
## Maximal momentum when using distribution (default = 0.0)
-SIM.gun.momentumMax = 10.0*GeV
+SIM.gun.momentumMax = 10000.0
## Minimal momentum when using distribution (default = 0.0)
-SIM.gun.momentumMin = 10.0*GeV
+SIM.gun.momentumMin = 0.0
SIM.gun.multiplicity = 1
SIM.gun.particle = "e-"
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ def setupEDM4hepOutputDR(dd4hepSimulation):
## Set of Generator Statuses that are used to mark unstable particles that should decay inside of Geant4.
-# SIM.physics.alternativeDecayStatuses = set()
+SIM.physics.alternativeDecayStatuses = set()
## If true, add decay processes for all particles.
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ def setupCerenkov(kernel):
seq = kernel.physicsList()
cerenkov = PhysicsList(kernel, "Geant4CerenkovPhysics/CerenkovPhys")
- cerenkov.MaxNumPhotonsPerStep = 100
+ cerenkov.MaxNumPhotonsPerStep = 1000
# cerenkov.MaxBetaChangePerStep = 10.0
# cerenkov.TrackSecondariesFirst = True
cerenkov.VerboseLevel = 0
diff --git a/example/scepcal_steering.py b/example/scepcal_steering.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0590f6aee..000000000
--- a/example/scepcal_steering.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-from DDSim.DD4hepSimulation import DD4hepSimulation
-from g4units import mm, GeV, MeV, keV, eV
-from math import pi
-SIM = DD4hepSimulation()
-SIM.runType = "batch"
-SIM.printLevel = 5
-SIM.output.geometry = 7
-SIM.output.inputStage = 7
-SIM.output.kernel = 5
-SIM.output.part = 7
-SIM.output.random = 7
-SIM.compactFile = ['FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o2_v01/SCEPCal.xml']
-SIM.macroFile = ""
-opticalPhysics = True
-def setupCerenkovScint(kernel):
- from DDG4 import PhysicsList
- seq = kernel.physicsList()
- scint = PhysicsList(kernel, 'Geant4ScintillationPhysics/ScintillationPhys')
- scint.VerboseLevel = 0
- scint.TrackSecondariesFirst = True
- scint.enableUI()
- seq.adopt(scint)
- cerenkov = PhysicsList(kernel, 'Geant4CerenkovPhysics/CerenkovPhys')
- cerenkov.VerboseLevel = 0
- cerenkov.MaxNumPhotonsPerStep = 10
- cerenkov.MaxBetaChangePerStep = 10.0
- cerenkov.TrackSecondariesFirst = True
- cerenkov.enableUI()
- seq.adopt(cerenkov)
- ph = PhysicsList(kernel, 'Geant4OpticalPhotonPhysics/OpticalGammaPhys')
- ph.addParticleConstructor('G4OpticalPhoton')
- ph.VerboseLevel = 0
- ph.enableUI()
- seq.adopt(ph)
- return None
-if opticalPhysics:
- SIM.physics.setupUserPhysics(setupCerenkovScint)
- print ("Optical physics is ON !")
- print ("Optical physics is OFF !")
-# SIM.inputFiles = ['examples/wzp6_ee_ZZ_test_ecm240_1k.stdhep']
-# SIM.outputFile = 'examples/wzp6_ee_ZZ_test_ecm240_n1_cut0_BEonly.root'
-SIM.numberOfEvents = 1
-SIM.skipNEvents = 0
-SIM.gun.multiplicity = 1
-# SIM.gun.position = (0, 0, 0) #(0, 0, -50.0*mm) #(0, 0, 50.0*mm) #(0, 0, 0)
-# SIM.gun.direction = (1, 1, 0)
-# SIM.gun.isotrop = False
-# SIM.gun.distribution = 'uniform'
-# SIM.gun.energy = 10*GeV
-# SIM.gun.particle = "gamma"
-SIM.gun.momentumMin = 10.0*MeV-10*keV #10.00000*GeV
-SIM.gun.momentumMax = 10.0*MeV+10*keV #10.00001*GeV
-# SIM.gun.phiMin = 10*pi/180.0
-# SIM.gun.phiMax = 10*pi/180.0
-# SIM.gun.thetaMin = (90-10)*pi/180.0
-def setupEDM4hepOutputDR(dd4hepSimulation):
- from DDG4 import EventAction, Kernel
- dd = dd4hepSimulation
- evt_edm4hep = EventAction(Kernel(), 'Geant4Output2EDM4hep_DRC/' + dd.outputFile, True)
- evt_edm4hep.Control = True
- output = dd.outputFile
- if not dd.outputFile.endswith(dd.outputConfig.myExtension):
- output = dd.outputFile + dd.outputConfig.myExtension
- evt_edm4hep.Output = output
- evt_edm4hep.enableUI()
- Kernel().eventAction().add(evt_edm4hep)
- eventPars = dd.meta.parseEventParameters()
- evt_edm4hep.RunHeader = dd.meta.addParametersToRunHeader(dd)
- evt_edm4hep.EventParametersString, evt_edm4hep.EventParametersInt, evt_edm4hep.EventParametersFloat = eventPars
- evt_edm4hep.RunNumberOffset = dd.meta.runNumberOffset if dd.meta.runNumberOffset > 0 else 0
- evt_edm4hep.EventNumberOffset = dd.meta.eventNumberOffset if dd.meta.eventNumberOffset > 0 else 0
- return None
-SIM.outputConfig.userOutputPlugin = setupEDM4hepOutputDR
-SIM.outputConfig.myExtension = '.root'
-SIM.crossingAngleBoost = 0.0
-SIM.vertexOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-SIM.vertexSigma = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
-SIM.filter.filters = {
- 'geantino':{'name':'GeantinoRejectFilter/GeantinoRejector',
- 'parameter':{}},
- 'edep1keV':{'name':'EnergyDepositMinimumCut/1keV',
- 'parameter':{'Cut':1.0*keV}},
- 'edep0' :{'name':'EnergyDepositMinimumCut/Cut0',
- 'parameter':{'Cut':0.0}}
-SIM.action.calo = "SCEPCalSDAction_DRHit"
-SIM.action.calorimeterSDTypes = ['SegmentedCrystalCalorimeter']
-SIM.filter.calo = "edep0"
-print(f'Using filter {SIM.filter.calo} !')
-SIM.action.trackerSDTypes = ['tracker']
-SIM.action.tracker = (
- 'Geant4TrackerWeightedAction',
- {
- 'HitPositionCombination':2,
- 'CollectSingleDeposits':False
- }
-SIM.filter.tracker = "edep0"
-SIM.part.enableDetailedHitsAndParticleInfo = False
-SIM.part.keepAllParticles = True
-SIM.part.minDistToParentVertex = 2.2e-10
-SIM.part.minimalKineticEnergy = 0.0
-SIM.part.printEndTracking = False
-SIM.part.printStartTracking = False
-SIM.part.saveProcesses = ['Decay']
-SIM.part.userParticleHandler = ''
-SIM.physics.decays = False
-SIM.physics.list = "FTFP_BERT"
-SIM.physics.pdgfile = None
-SIM.physics.rangecut = None
-SIM.physics.rejectPDGs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
- 3201, 3203, 4101, 4103,
- 21, 23, 24, 25,
- 5401, 2203, 5403,
- 3101, 3103, 4403,
- 2101, 5301, 2103, 5303,
- 4301, 1103, 4303, 5201,
- 5203, 3303, 4201, 4203,
- 5101, 5103, 5503}
-SIM.physics.zeroTimePDGs = {17, 11, 13, 15}
-SIM.random.enableEventSeed = False
-SIM.random.file = None
-SIM.random.luxury = 1
-SIM.random.replace_gRandom = True
-SIM.random.seed = None
-SIM.random.type = None
\ No newline at end of file