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Module 01 - Event Files - Clean and Import Data

Import Built-in Libraries

The dataset for this project is stored in several CSV files found in the games folder. It represents all events that occurred in all of the MLB All-star games. We will import and clean these files in this module.

To start, open the file called in the stats folder - the rest of the tasks in this module happen in this same file.

At the top of the file create two import statements for os and glob. These libraries will allow us to work with a collection of files.

Import Pandas

Import the core library that we will use throughout the project: pandas.

For convenience use an as statement to import pandas as pd.

Python File Management

Below the import statements create a variable called game_files that is set to a call to the glob.glob() function.

Pass the glob function a single argument, a call to the os.path.join() function.

In turn pass os.path.join() three arguments: os.getcwd(), 'games', and '*.EVE'.

Sorting File Names

game_files now contains a list of all file names that end with .EVE in the games folder.

To better prepare the game_files list for reading into pandas, sort it in place by calling sort().

Note: There are two sorting functions in Python. To sort in place use list.sort(), not sorted(list) which returns a new list.

Read CSV Files

The game_files list now contains a sorted list of file names i.e. ['1933AS.EVE', '1934AS.EVE', ..., '2017AS.EVE', '2018AS.EVE']

To read each of these files into Pandas create a for in loop that loops through game_files, call the current file game_file

In the body of the for in loop use the pd.read_csv() function to read the current file game_file into a Pandas DataFrame called game_frame.

Now that the current game_file is being passed to pd.read_csv(), add a keyword argument to the pd.read_csv() call of names set equal to a list with the values: 'type', 'multi2', 'multi3', 'multi4', 'multi5', 'multi6', and 'event'.

Append Event Frames

Above the for in loop create an empty list called event_frames. In the body of the for in loop below the pd.read_csv call, append the current event_frame to the event_frames list.

Concatenate DataFrames

Below the for in loop create a variable called games and assign it a call to the pd.concat() function. Pass in the list of DataFrames game_frames.

Clean Values

We now have a large DataFrame called games that contains all of the data from all of the event files. Let's clean up some of the data so that it will not hinder our analysis.

Use the loc[] function to select rows that have a value of ?? in the multi5 column in the games DataFrame. Replace ?? with and empty string.

Extract Identifiers

Each row of data should be associated with the proper game_id. This can be accomplished with the extract() function.

Below the existing code select just the multi2 column of the games DataFrame using games['multi2'].

Call the extract() function of the str namespace on this column. Hint: column.str.extract().

Pass the regular expression, r'(.LS(\d{4})\d{5})' to the extract() function.

The extract() function returns a DataFrame, assign this resulting DataFrame the name identifiers.

Forward Fill Identifiers

The identifiers DataFrame now has two columns. For rows that match the regex, the row has the correct extracted values.

We need these values to be filled in for all rows on the identifiers DataFrame.

To do this, call the fillna() function on the identifiers DataFrame. Provide a keyword argument to fillna() of method='ffill'.

Assign the resulting DataFrame back to identifiers.

Rename Columns

Let's change the columns labels of the identifiers DataFrame.

Below the fillna() function call, set the columns property of the identifiers DataFrame to a list with the values 'game_id', and 'year'.

Concatenate Identifier Columns

Use pd.concat() to append the columns of the identifiers DataFrame to the games DataFrame.

This will require passing three arguments to the pd.concat() function.

The first argument is the list of the DataFrames to concatenate: [games, identifiers].

The second and third arguments are the keyword arguments, axis=1, and sort=False.

Fill NaN Values

Fill in all NaN values in the games DataFrame with ' ' using the fillna() function.

Don't forget to reassign the resulting DataFrame to games.

Categorical Event Type

To slightly reduce the memory used by the games DataFrame we can provide Pandas with a clue to what data is contained in certain columns.

The type column of our games DataFrame only contains one of six values info, start, play, com, sub, and data. Pandas can optimize this column with Categorical().

Select all rows and just the type column with the loc() function. Hint: use the : wildcard . Assign this the result of pd.Categorical(), passing in a call to games.loc() with the same row and column selection.

Print DataFrame

To ensure that the games DataFrame contains the correct data print the first five rows to the terminal.

Hint: use the head() function.

Finally, run the file with this command at the terminal: python3 stats/

The event files for this project are provided by Retrosheet.

As per the Retrosheet license.

The information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.
Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at "".

Module 2 - Attendance - Select and Plot Data

Import Pandas

Let's answer the question: 'How has All-star game attendance changed over time.'

Open, which we will work in for the rest of the module, and at the top import pandas as pd.

Import MatPlotLib

Below the pandas import, import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

Import games DataFrame

The final import should import the games DataFrame from .data.

Select Attendance

The games DataFrame contains the attendance for each game. The row looks like this:

type multi2    multi3 ... year
info attendance  45342 ... 1946

We need to select all of these rows, so below the import statements, select these rows using loc[] with the conditions:

  • games['type'] == 'info'
  • games['multi2'] == 'attendance'

Select only the year, and multi3 columns.

loc[] returns the new selection as a DataFrame. Call this new DataFrame attendance.

Column Labels

The attendance DataFrame only has two columns now. Change the labels of these columns to year, and attendance with the columns property.

Convert to Numeric

Select all rows and just the attendance column of the attendance DataFrame with the loc[] function.

Hint: dataframe.loc[:, [column1, column2]]

Set this selection equal to a call to pd.to_numeric().

As an argument to the pd.to_numeric() function call, pass in the same loc[] selection as above.

Hint: selection = pd.to_numeric(selection)

Plot DataFrame

Call plot() on the attendance DataFrame with the keyword arguments x='year', y='attendance', and kind='bar'.

To show the plot you will need to call

Axis Labels

To add a bit of polish to the plot change the x and y-axis labels.

Above use the plt.xlabel() function to add an x-axis label of Year.

Change the y-axis label to Attendance using plt.ylabel().

Mean Line

Add code below the axis labels to draw a dashed green line perpendicular to the x-axis at the mean.

Hint: Use the plt.axhline() function, the dataframe['column'].mean() function, and the keyword arguments of plt.axhline() should be: label, linestyle, and color.

Module 3 - Pitching - Group Data

Select All Plays

Open the file called, this modules file, in the stats folder.

At the top, you will find that pandas and matplotlib have already been imported.

Import the games DataFrame from .data.

With access to the games DataFrame we can condense the data to just rows of type play.

As a shortcut use games[] to access the DataFrame.

In the square brackets use a conditional to test if the type columns value equals 'play'.

Store this new DataFrame in a variable called plays.

Select All Strike Outs

Now that we have a DataFrame in that includes only plays called plays. Let's pare it down even farther.

Select all rows of the plays DataFrame that contain the letter K in the event column.

Hint: Use shortcut selection i.e. dataframe[] and the dataframe['column'].str.contains() function.

Call this new DataFrame strike_outs.

Group by Year and Game

Still in group the strike_outs DataFrame by year and then game_id.

Hint: dataframe.groupby([column1, column2])

Chain a call to the size() function on this new groupby object.

Reassign the result to the strike_outs DataFrame.

Reset Index

strike_outs in is now a groupby object, that is grouped by year and game_id. It also contains a new column that contain the number of strike outs in the game.

To convert this groupby object to a DataFrame and to name the column that was created use the reset_index() function with a keyword argument of name='strike_outs'.

Reassign these set of operations to strike_outs.

Apply an Operation to Multiple Columns

A frequently needed operation when working with DataFrames is to apply a function to multiple columns.

Select all rows, the year, and strike_outs columns of the strike_outs DataFrame with the loc[] function.

Chain a call to apply() and pass in the function to apply pd.to_numeric.

This converts the two selected columns values to numeric.

Because apply() returns a new DataFrame, assign the chain dataframe.loc[].apply() to the same variable strike_outs.

Change Plot Formatting

To plot the strikes_outs DataFrame in call plot().

In the call to plot specify the x-axis as the year, and the y-axis as strike_outs, and use a scatter plot. This is all done with keyword arguments.

Adjust the legend to say Strike Outs instead of strikes_outs by chaining a call to the legend() function on plot().

Don't forget to show the plot.

Module 4 - Offense - Reshape with Pivot

Select All Plays

In the file called in the stats folder. You will find similar imports as the last module.

Import the games DataFrame from .data.

With access to the games DataFrame, select all rows that have a type of play. Use the shortcut method. Hint: square brackets, simple boolean comparison.

Assign this new DataFrame to a variable called plays.

To make it easier to access certain columns, label them with the columns property: 'type', 'inning', 'team', 'player', 'count', 'pitches', 'event', 'game_id', and 'year'.

Select Only Hits

The plays DataFrame now contains all plays from every All-star game.

The question we want to answer in this plot is: What is the distribution of hits across innings.

For this we need just the hits, singles, doubles, triples, and home runs.

Use loc[], str.contains() and the regex '^(?:S(?!B)|D|T|HR)' to select the rows where the events column value starts with S (not SB), D, T, and HR in the plays DataFrame.

Only return the inning and event columns. Assign the result DataFrame to hits.

Convert Column Type

Convert the inning column of the hits DataFrame from strings to numbers using the pd.to_numeric() function. Hint: select the column with loc[]

Replace Dictionary

The event column of the hits DataFrame now contains event information of various configurations. It contains where the ball was hit and other information that isn't needed. We will replace this with the type of hit for grouping later on.

Create a dictionary called replacements that contains the following key value pairs

  • r'^S(.*)': 'single'
  • r'^D(.*)': 'double'
  • r'^T(.*)': 'triple'
  • r'^HR(.*)': 'hr'

Replace Function

Call the replace() function on the hits['event'] column and pass in the replacements dictionary as the first parameter and regex=True as a keyword argument.

Assign the result which is a DataFrame to hit_type.

Add A New Column

We have previously created new columns using groupby and concatenated DataFrames together. This time we will add a new column with assign().

Below the replace() function, call assign() on the hits DataFrame, pass in the keyword argument with the new column name and the new column hit_type=hit_type. Reassign the new resulting DataFrame to hits.

Group By Inning and Hit Type

In one line, group the hits DataFrame by inning and hit_type.

Then call size() to count the number of hits. Reset the index calling the new column count assign it all back to hits.

Convert Hit Type to Categorical

Since there are only four types of hits let's save some memory by making hits['hit_type'] a categorical column with pd.Categorical().

Pass a second parameter as a list 'single', 'double', 'triple', and 'hr'. This specifies the order.

Sort Values

Sort the values in the hits DataFrame by inning, and hit_type using the sort_values() function. Remember to reassign this operation to hits.

Reshape With Pivot

We need to reshape the hits DataFrame for plotting.

Call the pivot() function of the hits DataFrame.

To get clean results, pass the pivot() function three keyword arguments index='inning', columns='hit_type', and values='count'

Stacked Bar Plot

The most appropriate plot for our data is a stacked bar chart. To create this type of plot call with stacked set to True on the hits DataFrame.

As always, show the plot.

Module 5 - Defensive Efficiency Ratio - Merge Data

Import Existing DataFrames

In this module we will answer the question: 'What is the DER by league since 1978.'

Open and keep it open for the duration of the module. Pandas and Matplotlib have been imported.

For this module there are three DataFrames that have been prepared: games, info and events. Import them from .frames.

Query Function

After the import statements use the query() function to select all rows of the games DataFrame that have a type of play but do not have NP as an event.

Save the resulting DataFrame as plays.

Column Labels

Adjust the columns labels of the plays DataFrame so they match these values: 'type', 'inning', 'team', 'player', 'count', 'pitches', 'event', 'game_id', 'year'.

Shift DataFrame

There are some spots in the event data where there are consecutive rows that represent the same at bat.

To calculate plate appearances which is a factor of DER these need to be removed.

To remove these consecutive rows it is best to use the shift() function. The shift() function moves the index a specified amount up or down.

To select all rows that do not match either other in the player column use plays['player'].shift() != plays['player'] in a loc[] function.

Also refine the columns to year, game_id, inning, team, player. The resulting DataFrame should be called pa.

Group Plate Appearances

We need to then calculate the plate appearances for each team for each game.

Below the pa DataFrame use a groupby() function to group the pa DataFrame by year, game_id, and team.

As usual we will use the size() function to count the plate appearances.

Chain a call to reset_index() after size(), passing in the right keyword argument to name the column for plate appearances, PA.

Unstack the DataFrame

In order to calculate the DER of a team we need to reshape the data by the type of event that happened at each plate appearance. The event types need to be the columns of our DataFrame. The unstack() function is perfect for this.

Before we unstack() the index needs to be adjust.

Set the index of the events DataFrame to four columns, year, game_id, team, and event_type with the set_index() function.

Make sure you reassign the resulting DataFrame to events.

Then, call unstack() on the events DataFrame, also chaining two more calls to fillna(0) and reset_index().

reset_index() returns a DataFrame so reassign it to events.

Manage Column Labels

After we unstack() our events DataFrame it will have multiple levels of column labels use droplevel() to remove one level.

droplevel() needs to be called on events.columns and then re-assigned to events.columns.

Next, change the events DataFrame column labels to 'year', 'game_id', 'team', 'BB', 'E', 'H', 'HBP', 'HR', 'ROE', and 'SO'.

Lastly, remove the label of the index using rename_axis(). Pass in a label of None and make sure it is on the columns axis. This operation returns a new DataFrame so save it to events.

Merge - Plate Appearances

We now have two DataFrames that have similar columns. The pa DataFrame has year, game_id, team and PA.

The events DataFrame has year, game_id, and team as well as a column for every event_type. For convenience lets merge them together with pd.merge().

As the first two arguments pd.merge() requires the two DataFrames to merge, in our case events and pa.

The are, several other keyword arguments that can be used with pd.merge().

In our case, we will use how set to outer, and both left_on and right_on set to a list of columns to merge on, year, game_id, and team.

Like many Pandas functions pd.merge() returns a DataFrame, save this one as events_plus_pa.

Merge - Team

events_plus_pa contains almost all of the information we need to calculate the DER of each All-star team.

The final piece needed is which league was the home team and which was the visiting team.

The info DataFrame that was imported from frames has already been prepared with the necessary columns and configuration.

We can do a straight across merge between events_plus_pa and info to add the correct team.

Call pd.merge() only passing in the two DataFrames to merge. Save the result as defense.

Calculate DER

Below the pd.merge() call calculate the DER of each team.

Add a new column to the defense DataFrame with defense.loc[:, 'DER']

Set this equal to the calculation: 1 - ((H + ROE) / (PA - BB - SO - HBP - HR)), pulling each of these as a column from the defense DataFrame.

Convert the year column of the defense DataFrame to numeric values with loc[] and pd.to_numeric().

Reshape With Pivot

We are only going to plot the DER of the All-star teams in the last 40 years.

Select these rows of our defense DataFrame with loc[] and a condition of defense['year'] >= 1978. Keep in mind we only need the year, defense, and DER columns. Assign the resulting DataFrame to der.

Call pivoton der to adjust the data for potting. Use the keyword arguments index, columns and values in pivot with the correct column labels.

Plot Formatting - xticks

For the DER plot, we will use the default line plot type.

Call plot on der with a few keyword arguments x_compat set to True, xticks set to a range(1978, 2018, 4) and rotate the labels by 45 degrees with rot=45.

Show the der plot with