- Here'a Web App Challenge for everyone in the KGISL community (faculty, students, engineers).
- Rs 10,000 prize for the most elegant cross-platform solution - Web, Android, iOS in that order.
- Build a Real-time Analytics Web App by consuming the submissions events happening on a particular classroom in repl.it and present some analytics
- including generating a End of Day Leaderboard.
- Announce yourself as a team of not more than 2 and go for it!
- Visit the gitter room https://gitter.im/kgisl/campsite and get further clarifications
- Ask Srikanth for priorities of user-stories that you might want to implement
Write up a document that outlines the following:
The RECAAP problem statement
The current state of project - what you have accomplished so far
What is the roadmap forward
Discuss with Prof Srikanth and transfer the project to a junior student team in KITE
Define what the junior team's priorities for next 3 months (along with Prof Srikanth)