From 03e663aa7d79c883abbb996e27e03b6ebd560341 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kgostic Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 11:11:40 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Updated bug in AIC calculation, and loaded missing package. --- .Rhistory | 512 ++++++++++++++++++ Full_analysis_script_revised_submission.R | 3 +- code_outputs/sessionInfo.txt | 28 +- manuscript_figures/Fig2_par_ests.pdf | Bin 13849 -> 13849 bytes manuscript_figures/Fig3_model_fits.pdf | Bin 31420 -> 31420 bytes .../Fig4_prob_inf_given_dose_and_route.pdf | Bin 10659 -> 10651 bytes scratch_figures/Profiles_basic_model.pdf | Bin 29126 -> 29126 bytes scratch_figures/pI_profiles.pdf | Bin 8034 -> 8034 bytes 8 files changed, 529 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .Rhistory diff --git a/.Rhistory b/.Rhistory new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07a71c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.Rhistory @@ -0,0 +1,512 @@ +## Base plot +plotdf = data.frame(alpha = aas.rat, beta = BBs.rat, nll = prof2d.rat) ## 2d profiles +plotdf$line_alphas =$minimum*plotdf$beta/($minimum) ## Add coords for line representing alpha/(alpha+beta) = 0.02 +linepts = which(abs(plotdf$alpha/(plotdf$alpha+plotdf$beta) -$minimum) < 5e-5)## extract (alpha, beta) pairs that fall on the line +linepts = linepts[c(1, 15, 34)] +plotdf[linepts, ] +pp = ggplot(subset(plotdf, alpha <=1000))+geom_point(aes(x = alpha, y = beta, color = nll)) + +scale_color_distiller(palette = "Spectral") + +geom_contour(aes(x = alpha, y = beta, z = nll), binwidth = 2, color = 'gray20') + +geom_line(aes(x = line_alphas, y = beta), color = 'white', lwd = 2) + +geom_point(data = plotdf[linepts[1],], aes(x = alpha , y = beta), shape = 7, size = 2)+ +geom_point(data = plotdf[linepts[2],], aes(x = alpha , y = beta), shape = 8, size = 2)+ +geom_point(data = plotdf[linepts[3],], aes(x = alpha , y = beta), shape = 5, size = 2)+ +geom_text(data = plotdf[linepts[1],], aes(x = alpha +90, y = beta, label = round(nll, 4))) + +geom_text(data = plotdf[linepts[2],], aes(x = alpha +90, y = beta, label = round(nll, 4))) + +geom_text(data = plotdf[linepts[3],], aes(x = alpha +90, y = beta, label = round(nll, 4))) + +ggtitle('2D likelihood surface', subtitle = 'mixture model fitted to data from rats, abraded skin')+ +xlab(expression(alpha)) + +ylab(expression(beta)) + +theme_bw() +pp +## Plot beta CDF for the three focal points +xx = seq(0, .05, by = 0.0001) +bdlist = data.frame(xx = xx, +pt1 = pbeta(q = xx, shape1 = plotdf[linepts[3],'alpha'], shape2 = plotdf[linepts[3],'beta']), +pt2 = pbeta(q = xx, shape1 = plotdf[linepts[2],'alpha'], shape2 = plotdf[linepts[2],'beta']), +pt3 = pbeta(q = xx, shape1 = plotdf[linepts[1],'alpha'], shape2 = plotdf[linepts[1],'beta'])) +bdlist = melt(bdlist, id.var = 'xx') +bdplot = ggplot(data = bdlist)+ +geom_point(aes(x = xx, y = value, shape = variable, color = variable), size = 2, alpha = .5)+ +geom_line(aes(x = xx, y = value, color = variable), alpha = .7)+ +scale_color_discrete(name = "", +breaks=c("pt1", "pt2", "pt3"), +labels=c("upper point", "middle point", "lower point")) + +scale_shape_manual(name = "", +values = c(5,8,7), +breaks=c("pt1", "pt2", "pt3"), +labels=c("upper point", "middle point", "lower point")) + +xlab('pc')+ +ylab('cumulative density')+ +ggtitle('Fitted Beta(\u03B1,\u03B2) distribution', subtitle = 'selected points in top panel specify (\u03B1, \u03B2) values')+ +theme_bw() +bdplot +outplot = arrangeGrob(pp, bdplot, nrow = 2) +ggsave(filename = figS1, plot = outplot, width = 5, height = 7, dpi = 'print', device = png()) +## Calculate delta AIC for fits to abraded skin data +## Mixture model vs basic model in hamsters +## Not possible to do this comparison in rats, because there was no real MLE in rat mixture model +AICcalc = function(, nll){ +2**nll +} +AIC.basic.ham = AICcalc( = 2, nll =$value) +AIC.mixture.ham = AICcalc( = 3, nll =$value) +del.AIC.hamster = c(AIC.basic.ham, AIC.mixture.ham); del.AIC.hamster = del.AIC.hamster-min(del.AIC.hamster) +del.AIC.hamster +#################################################################### +########################### SECTION 4 ########################## +#### +#### 4. Plot results! +#### +#################################################################### +#################################################################### +## Plot point estimates and CIs of each free paramter, as well as estimated Beta ditribution of pc values +{ +pdf(fig2) +par(mgp = c(2, 1, 0), mar = c(3,7,2,2)) +layout(mat = matrix(c(1,1,2,3), byrow = T, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)) +ham.col = 'dodgerblue3' +rat.col = 'gold' +## Plot1 - point estimates and CIs ---------- +xtext = c(-1.9, -8.5, -7.1, -5.4) +ytext = c(1.001, 1.001, 1.001, 1.001)+.0005 +#cols = c('firebrick1', 'deepskyblue', 'limegreen', 'chocolate1') +labs = c(expression('p'[c]*' abraded'), +expression('p'[c]*' intact'), +expression('p'[c]*' shaved'), +expression('p'[c]*' conjunctival'), +expression('p'[p]), +expression('p'[c]*' abraded'), +expression('p'[p])) +ests = c($minimum,$minimum,$minimum,$minimum, pP,$minimum, pP.rat) +CI.lows = c(CI.abraded[1], CI.intact[1], CI.shaved[1], CI.conjunctival[1], CI.pP[1], CI.abraded.rat[1], CI.pP.rat[1]) +CI.highs = c(CI.abraded[2], CI.intact[2], CI.shaved[2], CI.conjunctival[2], CI.pP[2], CI.abraded.rat[2], CI.pP.rat[2]) +yvals = length(ests):1 +plot(log10(ests), yvals, pch = c(rep(21, 5), 22,22), bg = c(rep(ham.col, 5), rat.col, rat.col), col = c(rep('black', 5), 'gray', 'gray'), xlab = 'log10(value)', ylab = '', yaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', xlim = c(-10, 0)) +segments(x0 = log10(CI.lows), x1 = log10(CI.highs), y0 = yvals, bty = 'n', col = c(rep(ham.col, 5), rat.col, rat.col)) +axis(2, at = yvals, labels = labs, las = 2) +legend(-10, 2.5, c('hamsters', 'rats'), pch = c(21,22), yjust = .5, col = c('black', 'gray'), = c(ham.col, rat.col), bty = 'n') +abline(h = 2.5, lty = 2) +mtext(3, text = 'A', at = -12, line = 1, font = 2, xpd = NA) +xlims = par('usr')[1:2] +par(mar = c(3, 4,3,2)) +xx = seq(0, 1, by = 0.001) +plot((xx), (dbeta(xx, shape1 =$par['aa'], shape2 =$par['bb'])), lty = 1, pch = 21, type = 'b', lwd = .5, ylab = 'density', xlab = expression('p'[c]), bg = ham.col) +text(x = -.3, 36, 'B', font = 2, xpd = NA) +plot((xx), (dbeta(xx, shape1 =$par['aa'], shape2 =$par['bb'])), lty = 1, bg = rat.col, pch = 22, type = 'b', lwd = .5, ylab = 'density', xlab = expression('p'[c]), col = 'gray') +text(x = -.3, 655, 'C', font = 2, xpd = NA) +} +########################## Plot data vs. model fits ############################ +##### Fig. 3: +## Reformat observed data for plotting +dat = reformat.route(intact) +intact.CIs = binom.confint(dat[,'died'], dat[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +dat = reformat.route(shaved) +shaved.CIs = binom.confint(dat[,'died'], dat[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +dat = reformat.route(abraded) +abraded.CIs = binom.confint(dat[,'died'], dat[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +dat = reformat.route(conjunctival) +conjunctival.CIs = binom.confint(dat[,'died'], dat[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +IP.CIs = binom.confint(IP[,'died'], IP[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +ratdat = reformat.route(abraded.rat) +rat.CIs = binom.confint(ratdat[,'died'], ratdat[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +IP.CIs.rat = binom.confint(IP.rat[,'died'], IP.rat[,'n'], conf.level = .95, methods = 'wilson')[,c('lower', 'upper')] +#Define a function to plot probability of infection at different D0s, given parameter estimates +p.inf = function(doses, best.pc, best.pp = pP){ +1-exp(-doses*best.pc*best.pp) +} +## Repeat for prob infection, given IP inoculation +p.inf.IP = function(dose, best.pp){ +1-exp(-dose*best.pp) +} +## Repeat for prob infection, given mixture model +p.inf.mixture = function(,,,, sp = 'hamsters'){ +sapply(, function(DD) {p_inf_fun(DD,,,, sp)}) +} +# Convert color to color + transparency +col2alpha <- function(col, alpha) { +col_rgb <- col2rgb(col)/255 +rgb(col_rgb[1], col_rgb[2], col_rgb[3], alpha = alpha) +} +{ +pdf(fig3, height = 5, width = 7) +par(mfrow = c(2,3), mgp = c(2,1,0), mar = c(3,3,3,1)) +dd = round(10^seq(0, 9, by = .01)) +plot(dd, p.inf(dd,$minimum), ylab = 'Probability of Infection', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,1), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, xlim = c(1, 1e8)) +#Plot CI bars +segments(x0 = intact[,'dose'], y0 = intact.CIs[,1], y1 = intact.CIs[,2]) +segments(x0 = intact[,'dose']*.7, y0 = intact.CIs[,1], x1 = intact[,'dose']*1.3) +segments(x0 = intact[,'dose']*.7, y0 = intact.CIs[,2], x1 = intact[,'dose']*1.3) +# data +points(intact[,'dose'], intact[,'died']/intact[,'n'], pch = 21, cex = 1.5, bg = ham.col) +text(.1, 1.15, 'A', font = 2, xpd = NA) +#Shaved +plot(dd, p.inf(dd,$minimum, pP), ylab = 'Probability of Infection', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,1), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, xlim = c(1, 1e8)) +#Plot CI bars +segments(x0 = shaved[,'dose'], y0 = shaved.CIs[,1], y1 = shaved.CIs[,2]) +segments(x0 = shaved[,'dose']*.7, y0 = shaved.CIs[,1], x1 = shaved[,'dose']*1.3) +segments(x0 = shaved[,'dose']*.7, y0 = shaved.CIs[,2], x1 = shaved[,'dose']*1.3) +# data +points(shaved[,'dose'], shaved[,'died']/shaved[,'n'], pch = 21, cex = 1.5, bg = ham.col) +text(.1, 1.15, 'B', font = 2, xpd = NA) +#Abraded +## Basic model fit and data +plot(dd, p.inf(dd,$minimum, pP), ylab = 'Probability of Infection', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,1), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, xlim = c(1, 1e8)) +yy.mixture.plot = p.inf.mixture( = dd, =$par['aa'], =$par['bb'], = pP) +lines(dd, yy.mixture.plot, lty = 3, lwd = 2) +#Plot data CI bars +segments(x0 = abraded[,'dose'], y0 = abraded.CIs[,1], y1 = abraded.CIs[,2]) +segments(x0 = abraded[,'dose']*.7, y0 = abraded.CIs[,1], x1 = abraded[,'dose']*1.3) +segments(x0 = abraded[,'dose']*.7, y0 = abraded.CIs[,2], x1 = abraded[,'dose']*1.3) +# data +points(abraded[,'dose'], abraded[,'died']/abraded[,'n'], pch = 21, cex = 1.5, bg = ham.col) +legend('bottomright', legend = c('basic model', 'mixture model'), lty = c(1, 3), bty = 'n', lwd = 2) +text(.1, 1.15, 'C', font = 2, xpd = NA) +#Conjunctval +plot(dd, p.inf(dd,$minimum), ylab = 'Probability of Infection', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,1), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, xlim = c(1, 1e8)) +#Plot CI bars +segments(x0 = conjunctival[,'dose'], y0 = conjunctival.CIs[,1], y1 = conjunctival.CIs[,2]) +segments(x0 = conjunctival[,'dose']*.7, y0 = conjunctival.CIs[,1], x1 = conjunctival[,'dose']*1.3) +segments(x0 = conjunctival[,'dose']*.7, y0 = conjunctival.CIs[,2], x1 = conjunctival[,'dose']*1.3) +# data +points(conjunctival[,'dose'], conjunctival[,'died']/conjunctival[,'n'], pch = 21, cex = 1.5, bg = ham.col) +text(.1, 1.15, 'D', font = 2, xpd = NA) +#Abraded, rats +plot(dd, p.inf(dd, best.pc =$minimum, best.pp = pP), ylab = 'Probability of Infection', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', lwd = 2, ylim = c(0,1), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, xlim = c(1, 1e8), col = 'gray55') +# Mixture model fits +yy.mixture.plot.rat = p.inf.mixture( = dd, =$par['aa'], =$par['bb'], =pP.rat, sp = 'rats') +lines(dd, yy.mixture.plot.rat, lty = 3, lwd = 2, col = 'gray55') +#Plot data CI bars +segments(x0 = abraded.rat[,'dose'], y0 = rat.CIs[,1], y1 = rat.CIs[,2], col = 'gray55') +segments(x0 = abraded.rat[,'dose']*.7, y0 = rat.CIs[,1], x1 = abraded.rat[,'dose']*1.3, col = 'gray55') +segments(x0 = abraded.rat[,'dose']*.7, y0 = rat.CIs[,2], x1 = abraded.rat[,'dose']*1.3, col = 'gray55') +# Data +points(abraded.rat[,'dose'], abraded.rat[,'died']/abraded.rat[,'n'], pch = 22, cex = 1.5, bg = rat.col, col = 'gray') +legend('bottomright', legend = c('basic model', 'mixture model'), lty = c(1, 3), bty = 'n', lwd = c(1,2), col = 'gray55') +text(.1, 1.15, 'E', font = 2, xpd = NA) +#IP, hamsters +plot(dd, p.inf.IP(dose = dd, best.pp = pP), ylab = 'Probability of Infection', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', ylim = c(0,1), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, xlim = c(1, 1e8), lwd = 2) +segments(x0 = IP[,'dose'], y0 = IP.CIs[,1], y1 = IP.CIs[,2], lwd = 1) +segments(x0 = IP[,'dose']*.7, y0 = IP.CIs[,1], x1 = IP[,'dose']*1.3, lwd = 1) +segments(x0 = IP[,'dose']*.7, y0 = IP.CIs[,2], x1 = IP[,'dose']*1.3, lwd = 1) +points(IP[,'dose'], IP[,'died']/IP[,'n'], pch = 21, cex = 1.7, bg = ham.col) +lines(dd, p.inf.IP(dd, pP.rat), lty = 1, lwd = 1.3, col = 'gray55') +xx.jitter = 10^(log10(IP.rat[,'dose'])+.1) # Jitter rat CIs so you can see CIs from both species +segments(x0 = xx.jitter, y0 = IP.CIs.rat[,1], y1 = IP.CIs.rat[,2], col = 'gray50', lwd = .7) +segments(x0 = IP.rat[,'dose'], y0 = IP.CIs.rat[,1], x1 = IP.rat[,'dose']*1.5, col = 'gray50', lwd = .7) +segments(x0 = IP.rat[,'dose'], y0 = IP.CIs.rat[,2], x1 = IP.rat[,'dose']*1.5, col = 'gray50', lwd = .7) +points(xx.jitter, IP.rat[,'died']/IP.rat[,'n'], pch = 22, cex = 1.2, bg = rat.col, col = 'gray') +legend('bottomright', legend = c('hamsters', 'rats'), lty = 1, bty = 'n', lwd = c(2,2), pch = c(21, 22), = c(ham.col, rat.col), col = c('black', 'gray50')) +text(.1, 1.15, 'F', font = 2, xpd = NA) +} +{ +pdf(fig4, height = 7) +# Define a function to make transparent colors +tns.col = function(, tns.pct){ +rgbvals = col2rgb( +tnscol = rgb(rgbvals[1], rgbvals[2], rgbvals[3], tns.pct/100*255,maxColorValue = 255) +tnscol +} +par(mfrow = c(2,1), mgp = c(2,1,0), mar = c(3,3,3,3)) +dd = c(1:8, 10^seq(1.7, 11, by = .15)) +p.inf.i = p.inf(dd,$minimum); p.inf.i[which(!is.finite(p.inf.i))] = 1 +plot(dd, p.inf.i, ylab = 'P(Infection), hamsters', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', col = cols[1], ylim = c(0,1.3), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, lwd = 3, bty= 'n', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', lty = 3) +axis(1, at = 10^(1:9), labels = 10^(1:9)) +lower = p.inf(dd, CI.intact[1]); lower[which(!is.finite(lower))] = 1 +upper = p.inf(dd, CI.intact[2]); upper[which(!is.finite(upper))] = 1 +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), y = c(lower, rev(upper)), border = NA, col = col2alpha(cols[1], .5)) +axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 1, by = .1)) +## Initialize storage and calculate bounds -- doses at which infection becomes possible, or certain +bounds = matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(c('min', 'always'), c('intact', 'shaved', 'conj', 'abraded', 'IP'))) +bounds[,1] = dd[c(max(which(p.inf.i < 0.1)), min(which(p.inf.i > 0.975)))] +#Shaved +p.inf.s = p.inf(dd,$minimum); p.inf.s[which(!is.finite(p.inf.s))] = 1 +lines(dd, p.inf.s, col = cols[2], lwd = 3, lty = 3) +lower = p.inf(dd, CI.shaved[1], best.pp = pP); lower[which(!is.finite(lower))] = 1 +upper = p.inf(dd, CI.shaved[2], best.pp = pP); upper[which(!is.finite(upper))] = 1 +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), y = c(lower, rev(upper)), border = NA, col = col2alpha(cols[2], .5)) +bounds[,2] = dd[c(max(which(p.inf.s < 0.1)), min(which(p.inf.s > 0.975)))] +#Abraded +yy.mixture.plot = p.inf.mixture( = dd, = pP, =$par[1], =$par[2]) +lines(dd, yy.mixture.plot, col = cols[3], lty = 4, lwd = 3) +############ Mixture model CIs for plotting ############### +# In the mixture model, the confidence envelope is defined by a vague elliptical curve of (alpha, beta) pairs +# Pairs on this curve have likelihoods near the threshold of the best nll + a threshold determined by the likelihood ratio method +# Above, we defined prof.acc as the set of all (alpha, beta) pairs whose neg log lilelihoods were under the threshold value +# Here, we'll downsample those values to extract pairs whose likelihood is very close to the threshold +# Randomly sample points on or near this curve from the 2D profile +# Sample 50 points per unit on the BB axis +# Only sample points whose likelihoods are close to the threshold. THese should give the worst acceptable fits. +aa.coords.reduced = bb.coords.reduced = prof.vals.reduced = NULL +threshold = LR.Threshold($value, 2) +envelope = NULL +for(ii in 1:8){ +## The first condition verifies points near the threshold +## The second condition verifies that we're sampling relatively evenly from across the full range of beta values +valid = which(prof.acc$prof>threshold-.01 & prof.acc$bb > (-1+ii) & prof.acc$bb<= (0+ii)) +smp = sample(x = valid, size = min(25, length(valid)), replace = FALSE) +envelope = rbind(envelope, prof.acc[smp, ]) +} +# plot(envelope$aa, envelope$bb) ## The reduced set of points fall on the boundary of the confidence envelope +# ## Now, calculate model-predicted probabilities of infection for each dose, using each pair of (alpha, beta) values in the envelope +wrapper = function(AA, BB){ +tryCatch({ +out = p.inf.mixture( = dd, = pP, =AA, = BB) }, +error = function(e){ +print(e) +out = rep(NA, 71) +}, +warning = function(w){ +print(w) +}, +finally = function() {return(out)} +) +} +yy.CIs = mapply(FUN = wrapper, AA = envelope$aa, BB = envelope$bb) +#### Define CI envelope for plotting as the highest and lowest y value resulting from estimates using all sampled points from the CI envelope +yy.low = apply(X = yy.CIs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = min) # Estimates correspond to doses in dd +yy.high = apply(X = yy.CIs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = max) +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), +y = c(yy.low, rev(yy.high)), +col = tns.col(cols[3], 20), border = NA) +bounds[,4] = dd[c(1, min(which(yy.mixture.plot > 0.975)))]; #c(dd[min(1, which.max(yy.high <0.1))], 1e11) +#Conjunctval +p.inf.c = p.inf(dd,$minimum); p.inf.c[which(!is.finite(p.inf.c))] = 1 +lines(dd, p.inf.c, col = cols[4], lwd = 3) +lower = p.inf(dd, CI.conjunctival[1]); lower[which(!is.finite(lower))] = 1 +upper = p.inf(dd, CI.conjunctival[2]); upper[which(!is.finite(upper))] = 1 +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), y = c(lower, rev(upper)), border = NA, col = col2alpha(cols[4], .5)) +bounds[,3] = dd[c(max(which(p.inf.c < 0.1)), min(which(p.inf.c > 0.975)))] +## IP inoculation +dd = c(1:9, 10^seq(.95, 11, by = .15)) +p.IP = p.inf.IP(dose = dd, best.pp = pP); p.IP[which(!is.finite(p.IP))] = 1 +lines(dd, p.IP, lwd = 3) +lower = p.inf.IP(dose = dd, best.pp = CI.pP[1]) +upper = p.inf.IP(dose = dd, best.pp = CI.pP[2]) +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), y = c(lower, rev(upper)), border = NA, col = col2alpha('black', .5)) +bounds[,5] = dd[c(1, min(which(p.IP > 0.975)))] +#cols = c('firebrick1', 'deepskyblue', 'chocolate1', 'limegreen', 'darkgreen') +ys = seq(1.03, 1.27, length = 5)+.05 +segments(x0 = bounds[1,], x1 = bounds[2,], y0 = ys, col = c(cols[c(1,2,4,3)], 'black'), lty = 2, lwd = 2) +arrows(x0 = bounds[2,], x1 = 1e11, y0 = ys, col = c(cols[c(1,2,4,3)], 'black'), lty = 1, length = .1, lwd = 2) +segments(x0 = bounds[1,], y0 = ys, y1 = ys+.02, col = c(cols[c(1,2,4,3)], 'black'), lwd =2) +segments(x0 = bounds[2,], y0 = ys, y1 = ys+.02, col = c(cols[c(1,2,4,3)], 'black'), lwd = 2) +legend(4e9, y = .6, (c('intact', 'shaved', 'conjunctival', 'abraded', 'IP, no barrier')), col = rev(c('black', cols[c(3,4,2,1)])), fill = rev(c('black', cols[c(3,4,2,1)])), cex = .8, border = NA, lty = rev(c(1, 4, 1, 2, 3)), xpd = NA, lwd = rev(c(1,1,2,2,2,2)), bty = 'n') +legend(1e3, y = 1.67, c('infection possible at this dose', 'infection almost certain at this dose'), lty = c(2, 1), cex = .8, xpd = NA, bty = 'n') +text(.1, 1.3, 'A', font = 2, xpd = NA) +#### Repeat for rats +p.inf.a = p.inf(dd,$minimum, best.pp = pP.rat); p.inf.a[which(!is.finite(p.inf.a))] = 1 +plot(dd, p.inf.a, ylab = 'P(Infection), rats', xlab = 'Dose', type = 'l', col = cols[3], ylim = c(0,1.3), log = 'x', cex.lab = 1.1, lwd = 3, bty= 'n', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', lty = 4) +axis(1, at = 10^(1:9), labels = 10^(1:9)) +lower = p.inf(dd, CI.abraded.rat[1]); lower[which(!is.finite(lower))] = 1 +upper = p.inf(dd, CI.abraded.rat[2]); upper[which(!is.finite(upper))] = 1 +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), y = c(lower, rev(upper)), border = NA, col = col2alpha(cols[3], .2)) +axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 1, by = .1)) +## Initialize storage and calculate bounds -- doses at which infection becomes possible, or certain +bounds = matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c('min', 'always'), c('abraded', 'IP'))) +bounds[,1] = dd[c(max(which(p.inf.a < 0.1)), min(which(p.inf.a > 0.975)))] +## IP inoculation +lines(dd, p.IP, lwd = 3) +lower = p.inf.IP(dose = dd, best.pp = CI.pP.rat[1]) +upper = p.inf.IP(dose = dd, best.pp = CI.pP.rat[2]) +polygon(x = c(dd, rev(dd)), y = c(lower, rev(upper)), border = NA, col = col2alpha('black', .5)) +bounds[,2] = dd[c(1, min(which(p.IP > 0.975)))] +#cols = c('firebrick1', 'deepskyblue', 'chocolate1', 'limegreen', 'darkgreen') +ys = seq(1.05, 1.25, length = 4)+.05 +ys = ys[1:2] +segments(x0 = bounds[1,], x1 = bounds[2,], y0 = ys, col = c(cols[3], 'black'), lty = 2, xpd = NA, lwd = 2) +arrows(x0 = bounds[2,], x1 = 1e11, y0 = ys, col = c(cols[3], 'black'), lty = 1, length = .1, xpd = NA, lwd = 2) +segments(x0 = bounds[1,], y0 = ys, y1 = ys+.02, col = c(cols[3], 'black'),xpd = NA, lwd = 2) +segments(x0 = bounds[2,], y0 = ys, y1 = ys+.02, col = c(cols[3], 'black'),xpd = NA, lwd = 2) +legend(4e9, y = .6, (c('abraded', 'IP, no barrier')), col = rev(c('black', cols[3])), fill = rev(c('black', cols[3])), cex = .8, border = NA, lty = (c(4,1)), xpd = NA, lwd = rev(c(1,3)), bty = 'n') +legend(1e3, y = 1.5, c('infection possible at this dose', 'infection almost certain at this dose'), lty = c(2, 1), cex = .8, xpd = NA, bty = 'n') +text(.1, 1.3, 'B', font = 2, xpd = NA) +} +### Write a table template for experimental results = rbind(intact, shaved, abraded, conjunctival, IP) = rbind(abraded.rat, IP.rat) +## Write output files +write.csv(, file = hamdat_summary, row.names = FALSE) +write.csv(, file = ratdat_summary, row.names = FALSE) +xx =$par +xx[1]/sum(xx) +## This script checks numerically that the probability of infection in the basic model can be written as: P(Infection|Dose) = 1-exp(D0*p_p*p_c) +## Long-form equation: +## Let d represent the expected inoculum dose +## Let D0 represent the actual inoculum size +## Let Dw represent the reaches the within-host environment +## Let DI represent the infecting dose +## P(DI|d) = P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw) ## The probability of a given infectious dose, given the expected inoculum size +## P(Infection|d) = sum_DI=1:Inf sum_Dw=DI:Inf sum_D0=Dw:Inf P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw)) ## Long form probability of infection, , given the expected inoculum size +## Calculate the summand after algebraic rearrangement into three different poisson densities +compare = function(d, D0, Dw, DI, pp, pc){ +## This is the long-form equation for P(DI|d), as given in equation 4 of the main text methods +original = dpois(x = D0, lambda = d)*dbinom(x = Dw, size = D0, prob = pc)*dbinom(x = DI, size = Dw, prob = pp) +## This is an alternate representation of the summand, as shown in equation 5 of the main text methods +rearranged = dpois(x = DI, lambda = d*pc*pp)*dpois(x = D0-Dw, lambda = d*(1-pc))*dpois(x = Dw-DI, lambda = d*pc*(1-pp)) +return(c(original, rearranged)) +} +## Test the comparison function, which will return the value of the summand using the original long-form, and the algebraic rearrangement given in equation 5 +compare(1000, 998, 100, 20, .15, .001) +## Test for 1000 randomly chosen values of d, D0, Dw, DI, pp and pc +d.test = runif(n = 1000, 1, 10^9) +D0.test = sapply(d.test, function(dd) rpois(n = 1, dd)) +Dw.test = sapply(D0.test, function(D0) runif(1, 1, D0)) +DI.test = sapply(Dw.test, function(Dw) runif(1, 1, Dw)) +pp = runif(1000, 0, 1) +pc = runif(1000, 0, 1) +## Output comparison +test.outputs = mapply(FUN = compare, d= d.test, D0 = D0.test, Dw = Dw.test, DI = DI.test, pp = pp.test, pc = pc.test) +## This script checks numerically that the probability of infection in the basic model can be written as: P(Infection|Dose) = 1-exp(D0*p_p*p_c) +## Long-form equation: +## Let d represent the expected inoculum dose +## Let D0 represent the actual inoculum size +## Let Dw represent the reaches the within-host environment +## Let DI represent the infecting dose +## P(DI|d) = P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw) ## The probability of a given infectious dose, given the expected inoculum size +## P(Infection|d) = sum_DI=1:Inf sum_Dw=DI:Inf sum_D0=Dw:Inf P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw)) ## Long form probability of infection, , given the expected inoculum size +## Calculate the summand after algebraic rearrangement into three different poisson densities +compare = function(d, D0, Dw, DI, pp, pc){ +## This is the long-form equation for P(DI|d), as given in equation 4 of the main text methods +original = dpois(x = D0, lambda = d)*dbinom(x = Dw, size = D0, prob = pc)*dbinom(x = DI, size = Dw, prob = pp) +## This is an alternate representation of the summand, as shown in equation 5 of the main text methods +rearranged = dpois(x = DI, lambda = d*pc*pp)*dpois(x = D0-Dw, lambda = d*(1-pc))*dpois(x = Dw-DI, lambda = d*pc*(1-pp)) +return(c(original, rearranged)) +} +## Test the comparison function, which will return the value of the summand using the original long-form, and the algebraic rearrangement given in equation 5 +compare(1000, 998, 100, 20, .15, .001) +## Test for 1000 randomly chosen values of d, D0, Dw, DI, pp and pc +d.test = runif(n = 1000, 1, 10^9) +D0.test = sapply(d.test, function(dd) rpois(n = 1, dd)) +Dw.test = sapply(D0.test, function(D0) runif(1, 1, D0)) +DI.test = sapply(Dw.test, function(Dw) runif(1, 1, Dw)) +pp.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +pc.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +## Output comparison +test.outputs = mapply(FUN = compare, d= d.test, D0 = D0.test, Dw = Dw.test, DI = DI.test, pp = pp.test, pc = pc.test) +warnings() +## This script checks numerically that the probability of infection in the basic model can be written as: P(Infection|Dose) = 1-exp(D0*p_p*p_c) +## Long-form equation: +## Let d represent the expected inoculum dose +## Let D0 represent the actual inoculum size +## Let Dw represent the reaches the within-host environment +## Let DI represent the infecting dose +## P(DI|d) = P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw) ## The probability of a given infectious dose, given the expected inoculum size +## P(Infection|d) = sum_DI=1:Inf sum_Dw=DI:Inf sum_D0=Dw:Inf P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw)) ## Long form probability of infection, , given the expected inoculum size +## Calculate the summand after algebraic rearrangement into three different poisson densities +compare = function(d, D0, Dw, DI, pp, pc){ +## This is the long-form equation for P(DI|d), as given in equation 4 of the main text methods +original = dpois(x = D0, lambda = d)*dbinom(x = Dw, size = D0, prob = pc)*dbinom(x = DI, size = Dw, prob = pp) +## This is an alternate representation of the summand, as shown in equation 5 of the main text methods +rearranged = dpois(x = DI, lambda = d*pc*pp)*dpois(x = D0-Dw, lambda = d*(1-pc))*dpois(x = Dw-DI, lambda = d*pc*(1-pp)) +return(c(original, rearranged)) +} +## Test the comparison function, which will return the value of the summand using the original long-form, and the algebraic rearrangement given in equation 5 +compare(1000, 998, 100, 20, .15, .001) +## Test for 1000 randomly chosen values of d, D0, Dw, DI, pp and pc +d.test = round(runif(n = 1000, 1, 10^9)) +D0.test = sapply(d.test, function(dd) rpois(n = 1, dd)) +Dw.test = sapply(D0.test, function(D0) runif(1, 1, D0)) +DI.test = sapply(Dw.test, function(Dw) runif(1, 1, Dw)) +pp.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +pc.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +## Output comparison +test.outputs = mapply(FUN = compare, d= d.test, D0 = D0.test, Dw = Dw.test, DI = DI.test, pp = pp.test, pc = pc.test) +warnings() +d.test +D0.test +Dw.test +D0.test +## This script checks numerically that the probability of infection in the basic model can be written as: P(Infection|Dose) = 1-exp(D0*p_p*p_c) +## Long-form equation: +## Let d represent the expected inoculum dose +## Let D0 represent the actual inoculum size +## Let Dw represent the reaches the within-host environment +## Let DI represent the infecting dose +## P(DI|d) = P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw) ## The probability of a given infectious dose, given the expected inoculum size +## P(Infection|d) = sum_DI=1:Inf sum_Dw=DI:Inf sum_D0=Dw:Inf P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw)) ## Long form probability of infection, , given the expected inoculum size +## Calculate the summand after algebraic rearrangement into three different poisson densities +compare = function(d, D0, Dw, DI, pp, pc){ +## This is the long-form equation for P(DI|d), as given in equation 4 of the main text methods +original = dpois(x = D0, lambda = d)*dbinom(x = Dw, size = D0, prob = pc)*dbinom(x = DI, size = Dw, prob = pp) +## This is an alternate representation of the summand, as shown in equation 5 of the main text methods +rearranged = dpois(x = DI, lambda = d*pc*pp)*dpois(x = D0-Dw, lambda = d*(1-pc))*dpois(x = Dw-DI, lambda = d*pc*(1-pp)) +return(c(original, rearranged)) +} +## Test the comparison function, which will return the value of the summand using the original long-form, and the algebraic rearrangement given in equation 5 +compare(1000, 998, 100, 20, .15, .001) +## Test for 1000 randomly chosen values of d, D0, Dw, DI, pp and pc +d.test = round(runif(n = 1000, 1, 10^9)) +D0.test = sapply(d.test, function(dd) rpois(n = 1, dd)) +Dw.test = round(sapply(D0.test, function(D0) runif(1, 1, D0))) +DI.test = round(sapply(Dw.test, function(Dw) runif(1, 1, Dw))) +pp.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +pc.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +## Output comparison +test.outputs = mapply(FUN = compare, d= d.test, D0 = D0.test, Dw = Dw.test, DI = DI.test, pp = pp.test, pc = pc.test) +test.outputs +test.outputs[1,]-test.outputs[2,] +## This script checks numerically that the probability of infection in the basic model can be written as: P(Infection|Dose) = 1-exp(D0*p_p*p_c) +## Long-form equation: +## Let d represent the expected inoculum dose +## Let D0 represent the actual inoculum size +## Let Dw represent the reaches the within-host environment +## Let DI represent the infecting dose +## P(DI|d) = P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw) ## The probability of a given infectious dose, given the expected inoculum size +## P(Infection|d) = sum_DI=1:Inf sum_Dw=DI:Inf sum_D0=Dw:Inf P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw)) ## Long form probability of infection, , given the expected inoculum size +## Calculate the summand after algebraic rearrangement into three different poisson densities +compare = function(d, D0, Dw, DI, pp, pc){ +## This is the long-form equation for P(DI|d), as given in equation 4 of the main text methods +original = dpois(x = D0, lambda = d)*dbinom(x = Dw, size = D0, prob = pc)*dbinom(x = DI, size = Dw, prob = pp) +## This is an alternate representation of the summand, as shown in equation 5 of the main text methods +rearranged = dpois(x = DI, lambda = d*pc*pp)*dpois(x = D0-Dw, lambda = d*(1-pc))*dpois(x = Dw-DI, lambda = d*pc*(1-pp)) +return(c(original, rearranged)) +} +## Test the comparison function, which will return the value of the summand using the original long-form, and the algebraic rearrangement given in equation 5 +compare(1000, 998, 100, 20, .15, .001) +## Test for 1000 randomly chosen values of d, D0, Dw, DI, pp and pc +d.test = round(runif(n = 1000, 1, 10^9)) +D0.test = sapply(d.test, function(dd) rpois(n = 1, dd)) +Dw.test = round(sapply(D0.test, function(D0) runif(1, 1, D0))) +DI.test = round(sapply(Dw.test, function(Dw) runif(1, 1, Dw))) +pp.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +pc.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +## Output comparison +test.outputs = mapply(FUN = compare, d= d.test, D0 = D0.test, Dw = Dw.test, DI = DI.test, pp = pp.test, pc = pc.test) +## Verify that both versions of the summand give exactly the same answer +test[1,]-test[2,] +## Q.E.D. +## This script checks numerically that the probability of infection in the basic model can be written as: P(Infection|Dose) = 1-exp(D0*p_p*p_c) +## Long-form equation: +## Let d represent the expected inoculum dose +## Let D0 represent the actual inoculum size +## Let Dw represent the reaches the within-host environment +## Let DI represent the infecting dose +## P(DI|d) = P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw) ## The probability of a given infectious dose, given the expected inoculum size +## P(Infection|d) = sum_DI=1:Inf sum_Dw=DI:Inf sum_D0=Dw:Inf P(D0|d)P(Dw|D0)P(DI|Dw)) ## Long form probability of infection, , given the expected inoculum size +## Calculate the summand after algebraic rearrangement into three different poisson densities +compare = function(d, D0, Dw, DI, pp, pc){ +## This is the long-form equation for P(DI|d), as given in equation 4 of the main text methods +original = dpois(x = D0, lambda = d)*dbinom(x = Dw, size = D0, prob = pc)*dbinom(x = DI, size = Dw, prob = pp) +## This is an alternate representation of the summand, as shown in equation 5 of the main text methods +rearranged = dpois(x = DI, lambda = d*pc*pp)*dpois(x = D0-Dw, lambda = d*(1-pc))*dpois(x = Dw-DI, lambda = d*pc*(1-pp)) +return(c(original, rearranged)) +} +## Test the comparison function, which will return the value of the summand using the original long-form, and the algebraic rearrangement given in equation 5 +compare(1000, 998, 100, 20, .15, .001) +## Test for 1000 randomly chosen values of d, D0, Dw, DI, pp and pc +d.test = round(runif(n = 1000, 1, 10^9)) +D0.test = sapply(d.test, function(dd) rpois(n = 1, dd)) +Dw.test = round(sapply(D0.test, function(D0) runif(1, 1, D0))) +DI.test = round(sapply(Dw.test, function(Dw) runif(1, 1, Dw))) +pp.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +pc.test = runif(1000, 0, 1) +## Output comparison +test.outputs = mapply(FUN = compare, d= d.test, D0 = D0.test, Dw = Dw.test, DI = DI.test, pp = pp.test, pc = pc.test) +## Verify that both versions of the summand give exactly the same answer +test.outputs[1,]-test.outputs[2,] +## Q.E.D. diff --git a/Full_analysis_script_revised_submission.R b/Full_analysis_script_revised_submission.R index 87d88b1..7f4353f 100644 --- a/Full_analysis_script_revised_submission.R +++ b/Full_analysis_script_revised_submission.R @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ setwd('~/Dropbox/R/Hamsters/') # Set working directory library(parallel) library(ggplot2) library(binom) +library(RColorBrewer) library(gridExtra) library(reshape2) @@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ ggsave(filename = figS1, plot = outplot, width = 5, height = 7, dpi = 'print', d AICcalc = function(, nll){ 2**nll } -AIC.basic.ham = AICcalc( = 2, nll =$value) +AIC.basic.ham = AICcalc( = 2, nll =$objective) AIC.mixture.ham = AICcalc( = 3, nll =$value) del.AIC.hamster = c(AIC.basic.ham, AIC.mixture.ham); del.AIC.hamster = del.AIC.hamster-min(del.AIC.hamster) del.AIC.hamster diff --git a/code_outputs/sessionInfo.txt b/code_outputs/sessionInfo.txt index 034c2c6..d094f90 100644 --- a/code_outputs/sessionInfo.txt +++ b/code_outputs/sessionInfo.txt @@ -10,20 +10,22 @@ locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: -[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base +[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets +[7] methods base other attached packages: - [1] gridExtra_2.3 RColorBrewer_1.1-2 TailRank_3.2.1 oompaBase_3.2.6 binom_1.1-1 forcats_0.3.0 stringr_1.3.1 - [8] dplyr_0.7.8 purrr_0.2.5 readr_1.3.1 tidyr_0.8.2 tibble_2.0.1 tidyverse_1.2.1 viridis_0.5.1 -[15] viridisLite_0.3.0 bindrcpp_0.2.2 ggpubr_0.2 magrittr_1.5 reshape2_1.4.3 lubridate_1.7.4 reshape_0.8.8 -[22] ggplot2_3.1.0 +[1] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 reshape2_1.4.3 gridExtra_2.3 +[4] binom_1.1-1 ggplot2_3.1.0 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): - [1] tidyselect_0.2.5 haven_2.0.0 lattice_0.20-38 oompaData_3.1.1 colorspace_1.4-0 generics_0.0.2 - [7] yaml_2.2.0 utf8_1.1.4 rlang_0.3.1 pillar_1.3.1 glue_1.3.0 withr_2.1.2 -[13] BiocGenerics_0.26.0 modelr_0.1.2 readxl_1.2.0 audio_0.1-5.1 bindr_0.1.1 plyr_1.8.4 -[19] munsell_0.5.0 gtable_0.2.0 cellranger_1.1.0 rvest_0.3.2 Biobase_2.40.0 labeling_0.3 -[25] fansi_0.4.0 broom_0.5.1 Rcpp_1.0.0 scales_1.0.0 backports_1.1.3 jsonlite_1.6 -[31] hms_0.4.2 digest_0.6.18 stringi_1.2.4 grid_3.5.0 cli_1.0.1 tools_3.5.0 -[37] beepr_1.3 lazyeval_0.2.1 cluster_2.0.7-1 crayon_1.3.4 pkgconfig_2.0.2 xml2_1.2.0 -[43] assertthat_0.2.0 httr_1.4.0 rstudioapi_0.9.0 R6_2.3.0 nlme_3.1-137 compiler_3.5.0 + [1] Rcpp_1.0.0 rstudioapi_0.9.0 bindr_0.1.1 + [4] magrittr_1.5 tidyselect_0.2.5 munsell_0.5.0 + [7] colorspace_1.4-0 R6_2.3.0 rlang_0.3.1 +[10] stringr_1.3.1 plyr_1.8.4 dplyr_0.7.8 +[13] tools_3.5.0 grid_3.5.0 gtable_0.2.0 +[16] withr_2.1.2 digest_0.6.18 yaml_2.2.0 +[19] lazyeval_0.2.1 assertthat_0.2.0 tibble_2.0.1 +[22] crayon_1.3.4 bindrcpp_0.2.2 purrr_0.2.5 +[25] glue_1.3.0 labeling_0.3 stringi_1.2.4 +[28] compiler_3.5.0 pillar_1.3.1 scales_1.0.0 +[31] pkgconfig_2.0.2 diff --git a/manuscript_figures/Fig2_par_ests.pdf b/manuscript_figures/Fig2_par_ests.pdf index 6c2c5105f8ed2d524061a4a62d9d29c06e696776..b9b597883977eeaee8c6d12760924756124e243c 100644 GIT binary patch delta 48 wcmbQ4Gc#v`nW~9_p`n4Hk)g3Bm%eX)ic4Zis)B}#m63s=r2$-SWAr{#085b#F#rGn delta 48 wcmbQ4Gc#v`nX0jorJ=E*fr+Umm%eX)ic4Zis)B}#m63s=r2$-SWAr{#08UK}PXGV_ diff --git a/manuscript_figures/Fig3_model_fits.pdf b/manuscript_figures/Fig3_model_fits.pdf index e615003f14452983fa117823316c3d9e2f11ef17..7760fa58ea1cd51eff0d89f3b25a2851dfb001cc 100644 GIT binary patch delta 50 ycmdnK z5h$y!Y|RswEO-~6k#0x{Ild%+oJ%eck4zisD$-oS!I^1~j@Mx{^wVhT$&e`ua^G_r zh0ea?J^xtd=m8U^bkn-z!r$X_K zS-+>&TYb7U4qiYVyj` zUq5L%13TTkJO9dg&zg)+(d0~Lb?Pev;g7v-h|e7AIOjsD&=?0#Q6wms6{F4+%#C)C zSxks%jhU`YhwP&u@G6stLpqc>uUb9OopV4D?mr+Nq4Xj9caPCUcxs{?x){CmJefYrlY z2FFq>qXi_krlQjG+WY5*M~q~XTd8sZmQ93bN%7mQn1`b;QGR&{<-t0 z*Bh@X+QEx5^~}c%#LwJfRQ5k*Y7bqCVFy}3e(TjW(1FPt3U#pDq{;ksE#P%4w_WIl zD=YCssmWpJ8Taidjo~^57&i29Tg;~y4%lF1IX}M1r;s6Z6wQ!QsB4=spKBX8eD~Q> z3f{Ii$T|3;w42PLv+h&fn^n3eWgW%Y2A0Hig0{O%Ma4FT?DV%KtudID#iy?C%lfczldVGI{WKFWaMH;(c@*^pGCdv$@+px#e{V&OM>T zn}i&0MixWT>cuK-Ly)JGSul#?MBeG0UXQQPc%*qcc5q_dqSS&Car9J8g2Dv^S9dKy 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