We are assuming that the Renderer and point-match services (and associated database) are set up and accessible for example at http://tem-services.int.janelia.org. Also, you are using Matlab 2016b and above with toolboxes: Computer Vision Systems (or Video and Blockset), ImageProcessing, Statistics, (optional) Matlab compiler and (optional) Parallel computing. The EM_aligner directory and subdirectories are on your Matlab path.
Montaging of one section by calculating and using SURF point-matches: non-deployed point-match generation + solve
Use this only if you don't have precalculated point-matches. A full montage of a specific section (a set of tiles sharing the same z value) defined by "source_collection" and "section_number" will calculate point-matches using SURF features between tile pairs, persist those point-matches in a point-match database collection "target_point_match_collection", solve the registration problem using "solver_options", and persist the resulting transformations into the Renderer collection "target_collection".
at the Matlab prompt:
[1] fn = 'full_path_to_json_configuration_file.json'; %% specify the input json file
[2] montage_section_SL_prll(fn); %% perform montage
If CATMAID dynamic rendering is set up, you can view your registered montage using a URL for example similar to this: http://tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080/render-ws/view/stacks.html?owner=flyTEM&project=test&dynamicRenderHost=renderer:8080&catmaidHost=renderer-catmaid:8000
An example json input file is provided below.
"__comments": {
"comment_0": "IMPORTANT: Before running check: source_collection, target_collection ...",
"comment_1": "... target_point_match_collection, scratch and section_number",
"comment_2": "Parameters to tweak I : solver_options.scale, solver_options.lambda",
"comment_3": "Parameters to tweak II: solver_options.min_points, solver_options.max_points",
"comment_4": " common values: solver_options.scale 0.3-0.5, solver_options.lambda = 0.0001 - 100",
"comment_5": " common values: solver_options.min_points = 3, solver_options.max_points = 100"
"solver_options": {
"min_tiles": 3,
"degree": 1,
"outlier_lambda": 1000,
"solver": "backslash",
"min_points": 10,
"max_points": 50,
"nbrs": 0,
"xs_weight": 0.05,
"stvec_flag": 0,
"conn_comp": 1,
"distributed": 0,
"lambda": 0.1,
"edge_lambda": 0.1,
"small_region_lambda": 10,
"small_region": 5,
"calc_confidence": 1,
"translation_fac": 1,
"dthresh_factor": 1.2,
"scale": 0.5,
"use_peg": 1,
"peg_weight": 0.0001,
"peg_npoints": 5
"SURF_options": {
"SURF_NumOctaves": 2,
"SURF_NumScaleLevels": 3,
"SURF_MetricThreshold": 1000,
"SURF_MaxFeatures": 100
"source_collection": {
"stack": "v1_acquire",
"owner": "flyTEM",
"project": "spc",
"service_host": "tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080",
"baseURL": "http://tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080/render-ws/v1",
"verbose": 1
"target_collection": {
"stack": "v1_montage_SURF_kk04_P2",
"owner": "flyTEM",
"project": "spc",
"service_host": "tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080",
"baseURL": "http://tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080/render-ws/v1",
"verbose": 1,
"versionNotes": "experiments to find optimal parameters for Allen dataset"
"target_point_match_collection": {
"server": "http://tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080/render-ws/v1",
"owner": "flyTEM",
"match_collection": "spc_test"
"section_number": 3357,
"image_filter": "true",
"scratch": "/gpfs1/scratch/spc/matlab_work/montage/scratch",
"renderer_client": "/groups/flyTEM/flyTEM/render/bin/render.sh",
"verbose": 2,
"ncpus": 8,
"complete": 0
Under directory matlab_compiled, open the file "compile_montage_section" for editing. Edit lines 4 and 5 and run the script. Now the "compiled" output file can be called from a the shell (or used in a qsub system) by passing it the path to the json input file without need for additional Matlab licenses. An example for deploying multiple montage jobs (using a Matlab script) is provided [here] (/template_production_scripts/SPC_scripts/script_to_montage_multiple_sections_using_deployed_montager.m).
Use this if you already have precalculated point-matches. It perfoms a solve only. A montage of a specific section (a set of tiles sharing the same z value) defined by "source_collection" and "section_number". This will solve the registration problem using "solver_options", and persist the resulting transformations into the Renderer collection "target_collection".
Usage: At the Matlab prompt:
[1] fn = 'full_path_to_json_configuration_file.json'; %% specify the input json file
[2] solve_montage_SL(fn); %% perform montage
If CATMAID dynamic rendering is set up, you can view your registered montage using a URL for example similar to this: http://tem-services.int.janelia.org:8080/render-ws/view/stacks.html?owner=flyTEM&project=test&dynamicRenderHost=renderer:8080&catmaidHost=renderer-catmaid:8000
An example json input file is provided below.
"solver_options": {
"min_tiles": 3,
"degree": 1,
"outlier_lambda": 1000,
"solver": "backslash",
"min_points": 3,
"max_points": 20,
"stvec_flag": 0,
"conn_comp": 1,
"distributed": 0,
"lambda": 0.1,
"edge_lambda": 0.1,
"small_region_lambda": 10,
"small_region": 5,
"calc_confidence": 1,
"translation_fac": 1,
"use_peg": 1,
"peg_weight": 0.0001,
"peg_npoints": 5
"source_collection": {
"stack": "v12_acquire_merged",
"owner": "flyTEM",
"project": "FAFB00",
"service_host": "",
"baseURL": "",
"verbose": 1
"source_point_match_collection": {
"server": "",
"owner": "flyTEM",
"match_collection": "v12_dmesh"
"target_collection": {
"stack": "EXP_test_montage_solver_1",
"owner": "flyTEM",
"project": "test",
"service_host": "",
"baseURL": "",
"verbose": 1,
"initialize": 0,
"complete": 1
"z_value": 1,
"filter_point_matches": 1,
"verbose": 1,
"disableValidation": 0
Use this if you already have precalculated point-matches. It perfoms a solve only. Montage one or more sections. This will solve the registration problem using "solver_options", and persist the resulting transformations into the Renderer collection "target_collection". See example below for montaging FAFB
% solver options
disp('----only performing translation as regularizer');
sl.solver_options.translation_only = 1;
sl.solver_options.degree = 1;
sl.solver_options.solver = 'backslash';
sl.solver_options.min_points = 3;
sl.solver_options.max_points = 50;
sl.solver_options.lambda = 1e-1; % regularization parameter
sl.solver_options.edge_lambda = sl.solver_options.lambda;
sl.solver_options.translation_fac = 1;
sl.solver_options.use_peg = 1; % peg
sl.solver_options.peg_weight = 1e-5; % peg
sl.solver_options.peg_npoints = 50; % peg
sl.solver_options.da = 0.1;
sl.solver_options.distributed = 0;
sl.solver_options.min_tiles = 3;
sl.solver_options.verbose = 0;
sl.solver_options.nbrs = 0;
sl.solver_options.filter_point_matches = 1;
sl.solver_options.dir_scratch = '/scratch/khairyk';
sl.solver_options.verbose = 0;
sl.solver_options.pmopts.NumRandomSamplingsMethod = 'Desired confidence';
sl.solver_options.pmopts.MaximumRandomSamples = 7000;
sl.solver_options.pmopts.DesiredConfidence = 99.5;
sl.solver_options.pmopts.PixelDistanceThreshold = 0.1;
% configure source collection
sl.source_collection.stack = 'v12_acquire_merged';
sl.source_collection.owner = 'flyTEM';
sl.source_collection.project = 'FAFB00';
sl.source_collection.service_host = '';
sl.source_collection.baseURL = '';
sl.source_collection.verbose = 0;
% configure target collection
sl.target_collection.stack = 'kk14_montage';
sl.target_collection.owner = 'flyTEM';
sl.target_collection.project = 'FAFBv14_kk';
sl.target_collection.service_host = '';
sl.target_collection.baseURL = '';
sl.target_collection.versionNotes = 'Created using script /nrs/flyTEM/khairy/FAFB00v13/matlab_production_scripts/Beautification_script_generate_all_montages.m';
sl.target_collection.verbose = 0;
sl.target_collection.complete = 0;
sl.target_collection.initialize = 0;
% configure point-match collection(s)
clear pm;
pmix = 1;
pm(pmix).server = '';
pm(pmix).owner = 'flyTEM';
pm(pmix).match_collection = 'FAFB_pm_7';pmix = pmix + 1;
sl.source_point_match_collection = pm;
% other configurations
sl.z_value = 1;
sl.temp_dir = '/scratch/khairyk';
sl.dir_scratch = sl.temp_dir;
sl.verbose = 0;
temp_config_fn ='/nrs/flyTEM/khairy/FAFB00v14/matlab_production_scripts/sl.mat';
save (temp_config_fn, 'sl');
%% call solve_montage_SL for every section and save diagnostics
failed = zeros(100,1);
save sl sl;
parfor ix = 1:7062
c = load(temp_config_fn, 'sl');
config = c.sl;
config.z_value = ix;
catch err_montage
failed(ix) = 1;
resp = set_renderer_stack_state_complete(sl.target_collection); % complete the stack
if sum(failed)
disp('Failed section list:');