The Deep Ensemble Learning Approaches and the director of this git was set as below:
|-- Dataset
| |
| |-- heart.dat
| |-- Depresjon
| | |
| | |-- condition
| | |-- control
| |
| |-- chest_xray
| |
| |-- test
| | |-- NORMAL
| |-- train
| | |-- NORMAL
| |-- val
| |-- NORMAL
|-- Deep Aggregation Learning
| |
| |-- Image_Data [XRay]
| | |
| | |-- DL_model_Bagging
| | |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| | |--Bagging_On Image.ipynb
| |
| |-- Numeric_Data [Heart Disease]
| | |
| | |-- DL_model_Bagging_Numeric
| | |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| | |-- Bagging_On_DL_HeartRate.ipynb
| |
| |-- TimeSeries_Data [Depresjon]
| |
| |-- DL_model_Bagging
| |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| |-- Bagging with Timeseries_WithAttention.ipynb
|-- Deep Stacked Generalization Ensemble Learning
| |
| |-- Image_Data [XRay]
| | |
| | |-- models/
| | |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| | |-- Stacked_Image.ipynb
| |
| |-- Numeric_Data [Heart Disease]
| | |
| | |-- DL_model_Bagging_Numeric
| | |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| | |-- Stack_HeartDesease.ipynb
| |
| |-- TimeSeries_Data [Depresjon]
| |
| |-- models
| |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| |-- Stacking_With_Timeseries_ipynb.ipynb
|-- Gradient Deep Learning Boosting
|-- Image_Data [XRay]
| |
| |-- DL_model/
| |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| |-- GBoost_On Image.ipynb
|-- Heart_Numeric_Data
| |
| |-- DL_model_Heart
| |-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
| |-- GBoostWithHeartDisease.ipynb
|-- TimeSeries_Data [Depresjon]
|-- Result_OverIteration_Bagging_Numeric
|-- GB_With_Timeseries.ipynb