Following list shows the required debian libraries for using this library:
deb> libconvert-asn1-perl
deb> libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl
deb> libcrypt-openssl-pkcs10-perl
deb> libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl
For installing these packages automatically in Debian/Ubuntu based distributions, please execute the following shell one-liner (in two lines):
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install `grep '^ \+deb>' | sed 's#^ *deb>##'`
Pregenerated documentation is distributed with this program. Nevertheless, if you need to rebuild it, please execute the following command in the top directory:
The following files are produced:
doc/aest.1 AEST Manual page (you can read it with man -l pest.1)
doc/aest.html AEST HTML formatted manual page
doc/aest.txt AEST TXT formatted manual page
doc/pest.1 PEST Manual page (you can read it with man -l pest.1)
doc/pest.html PEST HTML formatted manual page
doc/pest.txt PEST TXT formatted manual page
doc/test.1 TEST Manual page (you can read it with man -l pest.1)
doc/test.html TEST HTML formatted manual page
doc/test.txt TEST TXT formatted manual page