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深度学习在过去的几年里彻底改变了人工智能(AI)领域。微软的愿景是希望所有人都能够使用智能,而不仅仅是几家精英公司,为此开发了Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit(CNTK,微软认知工具箱)。这是一款免费的、可供任何人使用的、开源的深度学习工具包,它现在是GitHub上第三大热门的机器学习工具包,仅位于TensorFlow和Caffe之后(在MxNet、Theano、Torch等之前)。


  • 速度。 CNTK通常比TensorFlow快很多,特别是在循环网络上,可以快5-10倍。
  • 准确性。 CNTK可用于训练具有最高精度的深度学习模型。
  • API设计。 CNTK具有非常强大的C++ API,并且还具有低级的和易于使用的高级API(Python)。
  • 可伸缩性。 CNTK可以轻松地扩展到拥有数千个GPU的平台上。
  • 评估。 CNTK拥有C#/.NET/Java等多平台的评估接口,可以方便地将CNTK的评估功能集成到用户应用程序中。
  • 可扩展性。 CNTK可以方便地扩展layer和learner。
  • 内建的数据读取器。 CNTK内置了多种高效的数据读取器(支持分布式学习)。








最初由Google研究人员开发的Inception V3网络便是一个例子。 TensorFlow共享了Inception V3的训练脚本,并提供训练好的模型进行下载。然而,难以重新训练模型并达到相同的准确性,因为这需要对诸如数据预处理和增强之类的细节的额外理解。原论文的第三方报告(在Keras上)所达到的最佳准确度大约为0.6%。 经过CNTK团队的努力研究,CNTK已经能够训练一个top5错误为5.972%的Inception V3模型,甚至比原论文更好!训练脚本以示例的方式共享,您可以自己验证。



TensorFlow最初只包含一个微型的C++核心API,其大部分功能都是由Python实现的。这样设计的优势显而易见,Python易于使用而且更新很快。任何事情都是两面性的,就像我们上面提到的,它的速度很慢。另外,对于大多数的真实应用,比如C++编写的、对运行时间有严格要求,都很难嵌入Python代码。在TensorFlow 1.0中,C++ API变得更为广泛,尽管它的速度依然很慢。


另外,CNTK的Python API既包含低级实现,又包含高级实现。高级的Python API包含功能范例,而且非常紧凑和直观,特别是在处理循环神经网络时。TensorFlow刚好相反,TensorFlow的Python API通常都很低级。TensorFlow主要依靠第三方提供的高级API来弥补这方面的空白,例如TensorFlow Slim和Sonnet。



相比之下,CNTK的分布式学习一直是个很强大的亮点。就像CNTK仓库中的实例一样,从单GPU迁移到多GPU多机器,只需修改训练脚本中的几行代码就可以了。在微软内部,CNTK已经应用于包含许多机器、数百个GPU的任务上了。我们发明了一些具有创新性的并行训练方案,例如1位SGDBlock-Momentum SGD。这些算法有助于超参数的调整,从而在更短的时间内实现更好的模型,例如微软研究院语音识别小组的突破性研究

Reason 5: Inference

TensorFlow has a very nice story about serving. It supports multiple versions of models, saving model optimized for serving, multiple meta graphs inside the same model to support serving on different devices, and plug-ins to support user customization. With their XLA AoT compilation, TF can transform the model into executable, which significantly reduces model sizes for mobile and embedded devices and latency.

Compared to TensorFlow, CNTK is more focusing on direct integration of CNTK Eval into user applications. Besides Python and C++, CNTK provides C#/.NET API for inference. The C#/.NET API is built directly upon the C++ API with least performance overhead. Java API will be available soon. If you are building a .NET application and would like to choose a deep learning toolkit for inference, CNTK is a much more natural choice than TensorFlow.

CNTK also supports parallel evaluation of multiple requests with very limited memory overhead. This provides great advantage for deploying models in a service environment like Web application. For edge devices, CNTK supports both Intel and ARM platform.

Reason 6: Extensibility

TensorFlow is a very flexible toolkit, and one can almost implement any model with it. However, if you are a current Caffe user, you are out of luck. There is no easy way to convert your Caffe script to TensorFlow, other than rewriting everything from scratch. Similarly, if you would like to try a new layer invented by someone else and written in a different toolkit, your options are either to implement it yourself, or to wait for someone else to implement it for you.

CNTK is arguably the most extensible toolkit available as there exists no such restriction. Through UserFunctions, any operator can be implemented in pure Python. Having NumPy arrays as the interface between core CNTK and the Python bindings, you simply implement the forward and backward pass, and the newly created operator can be immediately placed into the graph. Furthermore, it is straightforward to even place other toolkit’s graph execution into a CNTK UserFunction and thus speed up the experimentation phase tremendously.

Same applies to the gradient update algorithms. Although CNTK provides most algorithms like RMSProp or Adam out of the box, you have full freedom to implement new learning approaches in pure Python.

Reason 7: Built-in readers

Deep learning shines when there's a lot of training data. For some applications, the data is so large that it does not fit in RAM and sometimes not even on a single machine. Even when the data fits in RAM, a naïve training loop will spend a lot of its time transferring data from RAM to GPU. CNTK's built-in readers solve all the above problems by providing highly performant facilities for iterating through a dataset, without the need for the data to fit in RAM. They can be used either with a single disk or a distributed file system such as HDFS. Prefetching is used extensively so that the GPU is always utilized without stalling. CNTK's readers can also ensure that the model always receives the data in a properly shuffled order (that improves convergence) even if the underlying dataset is not shuffled. Finally, all these facilities are available to all current and future readers. Even if you write a reader for your exotic file format, you won't have to worry about implementing prefetching yourself.

To conclude the article, we promise you that if you adopt CNTK, you will be using exactly the same toolkit used by Microsoft product groups, such as Bing, Cortana, Windows, etc. We hope this will give you confidence that you are not compromised in any way because you choose CNTK. We welcome your contribution to CNTK, and together we make it the deep learning toolkit that truly democratize AI.