- There seems to be a problem with exclusion rulesets and timezones. There is
a possibility that different results for start and end dates are produced. This has to be fixed (documented above in howto).
- Andreas Jung reported a problem where the enddate is incorrectly validated. This
has to be fixed.
- Check all packages for correct Licenses
- Add tests to ensure, DateRecurringIndex is actually installed.
- Make event.recurrence not an ATFieldProperty, since that is deprecated
- For recurring events, which have occurences in the future, show future
occurences first and hide past occurences with javascript or so. Needs new methods (next_occurences, past_occurences, next_occurence, previous_occurence) in RecurrenceSupport event adapter. - upgrade step for portlets move into plone.app.event. see traceback http://pastebin.com/YFyCytXg - add <property name="index_naive_time_as_local">True</property> property for
start and end indexes in catalog.xml as soon as P.DRI has that extra property
- write tests to check if events and calendar portlets work with recurrence. manual test was ok.
- add deprecation warnings for imports from ATContentTypes
- make BBB back-imports of CT, utilities, interfaces, etc in ATContentTypes and deprecate them
- leave utils.txt with it's date conversion functions and test_bugs.py back in P.ATCT, but deprecate them.
- upgrade step to recatalog the start and end indexes
- make calendar widget display (hidden) the timezone
- add a hook to getICal(), getVCal() for retrieving additional data from derived event types
- check how much sense start&end metadata columns in catalog.xml make sense. they return start&end of first occurence but nothing else. --> guess its used by folder_listing displaying start and end time from brain info.
- think about storing all dates in utc and converting them on display to localized time. usecase where this won't work: dates going over DST borders. like meeting from oktober-november shouldn't change the relative time
OUT OF SCOPE FOR NOW - let P.Archetypes set the timezone regarding the timezone set in the request/user's browser.
OK - Make event.whole_day not an ATFieldProperty, since that is deprecated OK - Check dependencies in setup.py for every package OK - set start and end for wholedayevents to 0:00, resp, 23:59:59
- test whole day event handler
- OK - check display of recurring events
- OK - start date included twice OK - line breaks btw dates OK - recurrence dates wrongly displayed
- OK - use plone.event.utils.pydt instead of DT2dt - it uses real timezones and
- converts the date to UTC if the timezone cant be retrieved (like: GMT+1 is a GMT/UTC offset, but not a "real" timezone where daylight saving changes can be derived).
OK - update calendar-portlet and move it into plone.app.event OK - update events-portlet and move it into plone.app.event OK - actually test, if calendar and events portlets work with recurrence OK - check use of MessageFactory. should message factory be in plone namespace?
OK - synchronize package with newest ATContentTypes (diff modified with trunk) OK - clean up recurrence code and only use new rrulestring implementation OBSOLETE - rename package to plone.app.calendar and create one for
plone.calendar (e.g. for RFC2445 definitions)
- OK - test for disabled recurrence and None values to store in recurrence field.
- see how index is behaving
- integrate hcal microformat
- use plone.testing and plone.app.testing
OK - depend on plone.app.event Ok - include plone.app.event package in configure.zcml OK - include plone.app.event in metadata.xml GS profile OK - remove catalog index and metadata column and use those in plone.app.event