Assembling forms with internal variables #730
Replies: 6 comments 5 replies
I think this is correct. This is the kind of thing that I was learning about back in #24, which led to ex16 ‘Legendre's equation’. A recent update is that the coefficients no longer need to be interpolated onto the abscissæ before passing to the assembler, in case that helps. #697 |
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Perfect, thanks @gdmcbain !! I'll be back on this tomorrow. |
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Migrated to Discussions. |
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Here is a simple proof of concept. It is still surprising to me on how easy it was to incorporate this into existing code. The material model implemented is that of a Neo-Hookean solid with constant viscous dissipation, eqn-(8)-(9). And the boundary value problem is simple uniaxial loading and unloading. The convergence isn't Newton-like, but that is likely due to the fact that my tangent modulus isn't correct (on what is commonly referred to as the "consistent-tangent"). The code isn't super clean but I wanted to just check if it worked at all, and indeed it does. Codeimport numpy as np, os, meshio
from scipy.sparse import bmat
from skfem.helpers import grad, transpose, det, inv, identity
from skfem import *
from numba import prange, njit
import numpy.linalg as nla
# material parameters
mu, lmbda = 1., 1.e3
nu, eta = 1., 1.
def doubleInner(A, B):
return np.einsum("ij...,ij...", A, B)
def F1(w):
u = w["disp"]
p = w["press"]
Cv = w["Cv"]
Cvinv = inv(Cv.value)
F = grad(u) + identity(u)
Finv = inv(F)
J = det(F)
FCvinv = np.einsum("ik...,kj...->ij...", F, Cvinv)
return mu * F + p * J * transpose(Finv) + nu * FCvinv
def sPiola(w):
u = w["disp"]
p = w["press"]
Cv = w["Cv"]
Cvinv = inv(Cv)
F = grad(u) + identity(u)
Finv = inv(F)
J = det(F)
FCvinv = np.einsum("ik...,kj...->ij...", F, Cvinv)
return mu * F + p * J * transpose(Finv) + nu * FCvinv
def sPiola33(w):
return F1(w)[2, 2]
def F2(w):
u = w["disp"]
p = w["press"].value
F = grad(u) + identity(u)
J = det(F)
Js = .5 * (lmbda + p + 2. * np.sqrt(lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2)) / lmbda
dJsdp = ((.25 * lmbda + .25 * p + .5 * np.sqrt(lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2))
/ (lmbda * np.sqrt(lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2)))
return J - (Js + (p + mu / Js - lmbda * (Js - 1)) * dJsdp)
def A11(w):
u = w["disp"]
p = w["press"]
Cv = w["Cv"]
eye = identity(u)
F = grad(u) + eye
J = det(F)
Cvinv = inv(Cv.value)
Finv = inv(F)
L = (p * J * np.einsum("lk...,ji...->ijkl...", Finv, Finv)
- p * J * np.einsum("jk...,li...->ijkl...", Finv, Finv)
+ mu * np.einsum("ik...,jl...->ijkl...", eye, eye) +
+ nu * np.einsum("ik...,lj...->ijkl...", eye, Cvinv))
return L
def A12(w):
u = w["disp"]
F = grad(u) + identity(u)
J = det(F)
Finv = inv(F)
return J * transpose(Finv)
def A22(w):
u = w["disp"]
p = w["press"].value
Js = .5 * (lmbda + p + 2. * np.sqrt(lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2)) / lmbda
dJsdp = ((.25 * lmbda + .25 * p + .5 * np.sqrt(lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2))
/ (lmbda * np.sqrt(lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2)))
d2Jdp2 = .25 * mu / (lmbda * mu + .25 * (lmbda + p) ** 2) ** (3/2)
L = (-2. * dJsdp - p * d2Jdp2 + mu / Js ** 2 * dJsdp ** 2 - mu / Js * d2Jdp2
+ lmbda * (Js - 1.) * d2Jdp2 + lmbda * dJsdp ** 2)
return L
def volume(w):
dw = w["disp"].grad
F = dw + identity(dw)
J = det(F)
return J
def Cvdot(Cv, C, nu_m, eta_m):
Cvinv = inv(Cv)
CCvinv = doubleInner(C, Cvinv)
Cvdot = nu_m/eta_m * (C - 1./3 * CCvinv * Cv)
return Cvdot
def calculateCStrain(gradu):
F = gradu + identity(gradu)
C = np.einsum("ki...,kj...->ij...", F, F)
return C
def evolEq(dt, Cvn, C, Cn, nu_m, eta_m):
C_half = Cn + 0.5 * (C - Cn)
C_quart = Cn + 0.25 * (C - Cn)
C_three_quart = Cn + 0.75 * (C - Cn)
G1 = Cvdot(Cvn, Cn, nu_m, eta_m)
G2 = Cvdot(Cvn + G1 * dt/2., C_half, nu_m, eta_m)
G3 = Cvdot(Cvn + dt/16. * (3. * G1 + G2), C_quart, nu_m, eta_m)
G4 = Cvdot(Cvn + G3 * dt/2., C_half, nu_m, eta_m)
G5 = Cvdot(Cvn + 3. * dt/16. * (-G2 + 2. * G3 + 3. * G4), C_three_quart, nu_m, eta_m)
G6 = Cvdot(Cvn + dt/7. * (G1 + 4. * G2 + 6. * G3 - 12. * G4 + 8. * G5), C, nu_m, eta_m)
return Cvn + dt / 90.0 * (7.0 * G1 + 32.0 * G3 + 12.0 * G4 + 32.0 * G5 + 7.0 * G6)
def solveSystem(du, dp, Cv, I, basis):
uv = basis["u"].interpolate(du)
pv = basis["p"].interpolate(dp)
K11 = asm(b11, basis["u"], basis["u"], disp=uv, press = pv, Cv=Cv)
K12 = asm(b12, basis["p"], basis["u"], disp=uv, press = pv)
K22 = asm(b22, basis["p"], basis["p"], disp=uv, press = pv)
f = np.concatenate((
asm(a1, basis["u"], disp=uv, press = pv, Cv=Cv),
asm(a2, basis["p"], disp=uv, press = pv)
K = bmat(
[[K11, K12],
[K12.T, K22]], "csr"
uvp = solve(*condense(K, -f, I=I))
delu, delp = np.split(uvp, [du.shape[0]])
du += delu
dp += delp
normu = nla.norm(delu)
normp = nla.norm(delp)
norm_res = nla.norm(f[I])
# print(f"{itr+1}, norm_du: {normu}, norm_dp: {normp}, norm_res = {norm_res}")
sbar = stress.assemble(basis["u"], disp=uv, press=pv, Cv=Cv)
Cstrain = calculateCStrain(uv.grad)
return (norm_res, np.copy(du), np.copy(dp), sbar, Cstrain)
# mesh = from_meshio("fenicsmesh.xdmf"))
mesh = MeshTet()
uelem = ElementVectorH1(ElementTetP2())
pelem = ElementTetP1()
elems = {
"u": uelem,
"p": pelem
basis = {
field: Basis(mesh, e, intorder=2)
for field, e in elems.items()
du = np.zeros(basis["u"].N)
dp = -1. * (mu + nu) * np.ones(basis["p"].N)
stretch_ = 0.0
dofsold = [
basis["u"].find_dofs({"left":mesh.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] < 1.e-6)}, skip=["u^2", "u^3"]),
basis["u"].find_dofs({"bottom":mesh.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[1] < 1.e-6)}, skip=["u^1", "u^3"]),
basis["u"].find_dofs({"back":mesh.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[2] < 1.e-6)}, skip=["u^1", "u^2"]),
basis["u"].find_dofs({"front":mesh.facets_satisfying(lambda x: np.abs(x[2]-1.) < 1.e-6 )}, skip=["u^1", "u^2"])
dofs = {}
for dof in dofsold:
du[dofs["left"].all()] = 0.
du[dofs["bottom"].all()] = 0.
du[dofs["back"].all()] = 0.
du[dofs["front"].all()] = stretch_
I = np.hstack((
basis["u"].N + np.arange(basis["p"].N)
def a1(v, w):
return np.einsum("ij...,ij...", F1(w), grad(v))
def a2(v, w):
return F2(w) * v
def b11(u, v, w):
return np.einsum("ijkl...,ij...,kl...", A11(w), grad(u), grad(v))
def b12(u, v, w):
return np.einsum("ij...,ij...", A12(w), grad(v)) * u
def b22(u, v, w):
return A22(w) * u * v
def vol(w):
return volume(w)
def stress(w):
return sPiola33(w)
ldot = 1.0
dt = 0.05
final_stretch = 2.
Tf = 2. * final_stretch/ldot
num_steps = Tf/dt
timevals = np.linspace(0., Tf, int(num_steps + 1))
t1 = timevals[timevals <= Tf/2.]
t2 = timevals[timevals > Tf/2.]
stretchVals = np.hstack((
np.linspace(1., final_stretch, t1.shape[0]),
np.linspace(final_stretch - ldot * dt, 1., t2.shape[0])
meshioPoints = mesh.p.T
meshioCells = [("tetra", mesh.t.T)]
results_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "resultsViscoTimeSteps")
os.makedirs(results_dir, exist_ok=True)
filename = os.path.join(results_dir, f"disps_{ldot}.xdmf")
avgStress = np.zeros_like(stretchVals)
func_dict = {
"disp": duv,
"press": basis["p"].interpolate(dp),
"Cv": Cv
with meshio.xdmf.TimeSeriesWriter(filename) as writer:
writer.write_points_cells(meshioPoints, meshioCells)
for idx, tv in enumerate(timevals):
print(f"Time: {tv} of {Tf}")
dispVal = stretchVals[idx] - 1.
du[dofs["front"].all()] = dispVal
maxiters = 10
for itr in range(maxiters):
norm_res, du, dp, sbar, Cstrain = solveSystem(du, dp, Cv, I, basis)
print(f"res: {norm_res}")
Cv = evolEq(dt, Cvn, Cstrain, Cn, nu, eta)
if norm_res < 1.e-6:
converged = True
Cvn = Cv.copy()
Cn = Cstrain.copy()
vol_def = vol.assemble(basis["u"], disp=basis["u"].interpolate(du))
tv, point_data={
"u": du[basis["u"].nodal_dofs].T,
"p": dp[basis["p"].nodal_dofs].T,
avgStress[idx] = sbar
np.savetxt(os.path.join(results_dir, f"stresses_{ldot}.txt"), avgStress)
np.savetxt(os.path.join(results_dir, f"stretches_{ldot}.txt"), stretchVals)
np.savetxt(os.path.join(results_dir, f"timevals_{ldot}.txt"), timevals) ResultsI reproduced a simple uniaxial calculation (solving an ODE instead of the entire full blown 3D elasticity) and it is correct. |
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As a side note, I think computing the deformed volume in ex36 is also a more meaningful check. Given that it is "nearly incompressible hyperelasticity". |
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Hmmm, switching to
The above examples raises
I am not sure what would be the best way around here. One way could be to create something like an To add this wouldn't be a problem with 1D arrays like a variable material (scalar) property as those can be interpolated at quadrature points using existing machinery. Happy to be proven wrong though. |
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I am trying to implement a rubber-viscoelastic model in
. This can be thought of as an extension of hyperelasticity (ex36) but now with internal variables at each quadrature point. Physically, this would correspond to dissipative phenomena with history dependence such as plasticity, viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity. With aDiscreteField
object, I feel this should be straightforward, namelyHere
is a numpy array of shape likedu
(in this case3, 3, num_elems, num_quad_points
) which can be updated at each time step at quadrature point by some update rule.Am I thinking this correctly? Or is there something that I am missing. I will test things tomorrow. The complete code is quite long. Let me see if I can shorten it up a bit to illustrate the main points.
I'll also put together a non-numba version as the code above is excessively convoluted.
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