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Developer_3.x Getting started Demo

Stefan Weil edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

How to run Kitodo.Production in demo mode


  • Make sure you have Java SE Development Kit in at least version 11 installed.
  • Make sure you have Git installed.
  • Make sure you have Maven installed.
  • Make sure that the TCP port 8080 which is used for the demo web application is not used otherwise.

Get the source code

If you have not done yet, fork the project repository on GitHub. Use Git (using a tool like TortoiseGit, or the command line) to clone the repository as a subdirectory.

Start the application

On the command line, change to the directory you just cloned and execute the following command:

mvn clean install '-Pdemo,!development'

(without ' ' on windows cmd)

This will set up the environment (elastic search, H2 database, Apache Tomcat webserver) and provides some example data. Connect to the demo web application with URL http://localhost:8080/. To stop the application just hit Ctrl + c at the command line window. Be aware that every data which has been inserted is lost when the application is stopped. Do not use in a production system!

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