Releases: kiwix/kiwix-js-pwa
Supplementary installation files for Kiwix JS Electron
Autoupdate files ONLY. Please go to for the main release.
Kiwix JS Linux/Windows 3.4.1
This build is out of date!
Please go to for the latest release.
Wikivoyage by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 3.3.10
This build is out of date!
Please go to for the latest release.
Supplementary installation files for Wikivoyage Electron
This contains only the supplementary installation files for the Wikivoyage Web-based installer. Please go to the main Wikivoyage release.
Supplementary installation files for Kiwix JS Electron
Autoupdate files ONLY. Please go to for the main release.
Kiwix JS Linux/Windows 3.3.8
This build is out of date!
Please go to for the latest release.
WikiMed by Kiwix (Linux/Windows) 3.3.4
This build is out of date!
Please go to for the latest release.
Supplementary installation files for WikiMed Electron
This contains only the supplementary installation files for the WikiMed Web-based installer. Please go to the main WikiMed release.
Supplementary installation files for Kiwix JS Electron
Autoupdate files ONLY. Please go to for the main release.
Kiwix JS Linux/Windows 3.3.2
This build is out of date!
Please go to for the latest release.