- Start the PostgreSQL Server with:
ssh -L 5432: vcm-23920.vm.duke.edu -l zz160
- To start the backend, cd into
and typenpm run type-start
. - In your browser, go to https://localhost:3000/api/users/all/page=0&size=0&sort=none&sortDir=none to check if the database is working locally!
Making a backend API call?
Tips and Tricks
- The Tables are refreshed and restarted on every restart with clean data each time your
run npm run type-start
. Accidentally delete or add bad data? No problem, justCTRL C
out of the npm script and rerun it. - Although status codes are returned; the wrapper should handle all the errors for you
Posting a New School:
await saveSchool({ name: "newnewnew@email.net", address: "NewFirstName", longitude: 1, latitude: 2, })
Updating an existing User: (note you need the UID)
await updateUser(2, { email: "newnewnew@email.net", firstName: "NewFirstName", middleName: "newMiddleName", lastName: "newLastName", address: "new Address", isAdmin: false, password: "testnewpassUpdated"});
Backend Options; can add additional calls to smooth out operations if needed:
- Can add soft delete / restore
Jackson: Bulk import:
- check deleting entry combinations
- esp for those with multiple errors in a single row