So far in the course we have covered the basics of C and C++, and focused in particular on writing abstract data types and classes that encapsulate data structures and the algorithms that act upon them. In particular, last week we introduced C++ data types, classes, and templates.
This week, we introduce the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). It contains, among other things, a vector
template that is just like our TypedArray
, but scaled and optimized for production applications. The library includes varitions on templated, dynamic, sequential containers such as queues, lists, and arrays. It also includes maps, sets, and a set of generic algoprithms you can use to operate on these objects. Most C++ programs make heavy use of these templates and algorithms, avoiding dynamic memory management as much possible. These week we will introduce these templates at a high level. The complete documentation for the STL can be found at
Next week, we will begin to focus on the types and classes needed to represent common tasks in embedded systems. We will introduce classes for sensors, effectors, processes, a process manager, and a scheduler. Together, these classes will allow us to write complex, event driven, reactive systems that are at the heart of embedded systems and robotics control systems. We will build the classes and modules we need to implement these ideas almost exclusively using the STL.
Last week you used method chaining on the assignment operator. That was a bit tricky, so I want to show a simple example of method chaining. You'll do another one in the exercises.
Here is an example.
class Arith {
Arith() : _value(0) {}
void &zero() { _value = 0; }
void &add(int x) { _value += x; }
void &subtract(int x) { _value -= x; }
void &multiply(int x) { _value *= x; }
void ÷(int x) { _value /= x; }
int value() { return _value; }
int _value;
Without method chaining you would have to write
Arith a;
ASSERT(a.value(), -1);
Here is an example.
class Arith {
Arith() : _value(0) {}
Arith &zero() { _value = 0; return *this; }
Arith &add(int x) { _value += x; return *this; }
Arith &subtract(int x) { _value -= x; return *this; }
Arith &multiply(int x) { _value *= x; return *this; }
Arith ÷(int x) { _value /= x; return *this; }
int value() { return _value; }
int _value;
With method chaining you can do
Arith a;
A container class is one that contains some other class. Our TypedArray
class is an example. A sequential class is one in which the elements are stored and access sequentially, with indices 1, 2, ... and so on. The STL includes several templated sequential containers:
: Like ourTypedArray
class, except you can'tget
elements at an index until something has been put at that index.string
: A vector of characters with some special operations for manipulating strings.array
: A fixed-size array whose size must be declared at compile time. No dynamic memory allocation, so possibly faster.deque
: A double ended queue. Like avector
but optimized for adding elements to both ends (like ourTypedArray
: A doubly linked list.forward_list
: A singly linked list. The most commonly used containers arevector
, which we will cover here. The rest of the containers have fairly specialized uses, and many guides and textbooks advise that you simply don't use them, or that you prototype with 'vector' and 'string' and only switch to one of the more specialized classes if you can show it improves performance.
In the following notes, we will use vector
and string
for all of our examples. Many of the methods that act on these objects also act on the other ones.
To use the vector
container, you need to first include it:
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
To make a new vector
, you use the template sytnax we've already learned. For example
vector<double> t; // vector of doubles
vector<Imaginary> u; // vector of Imaginaries
vector<vector<double>> v; // essentially a matrix of doubles
You can also initialize a vector
when constructing it.
vector<int> t = { 1, 2, 3 }; // vector of three ints
vector<double> u(10,3.14); // vector of 10 3.14s
vector<double> v = u; // copy constructor with assignment operator
In the STL, a string
is a bit more than just a pointer to a char
as with C. In fact, a string
is a first class objects that is quite similar to a vector
. Strings can be constructed and initialized similarly.
string s;
string t = "hello";
string u = t;
Note that the following code
vector<string> v = { "embedded", "systems", "are", "cool" };
involves the constructor for the string
class, which takes a char *
as an argument. Thus, although it may look like this snippet makes an array of char *
values, it actually builds a vector
of strings.
Vectors and strings have many methods in common, since they are based on essentially the same code. You can test if they are empty, find their sizes, compare them, and get their individual elements. So for vectors, you can write:
vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3 };
v[0]; // 1
v.back(); // 3
v.front(); // 1
v.empty(); // false
v.size(); // 4
v == v; // true
v > v; // false
v.pop_back(); // changes the array to { 1, 2 } (returns void)
and for strings, you can write
vector<int> s = "abc";
s[0]; // 'a'
s.back(); // 'c'
s.front(); // 'a'
s.empty(); // false
s.size(); // 4
s == s; // true
s > s; // false
v.pop_back(); // changes the array to { 1, 2 } (returns void)
The STL also defines the methods
s.clear(); // clears the string
s.insert(s.begin()+1, 'x'); // insert an 'x' into position 1
q.erase(5,2); // remove two elements starting at position 5, reindexing subsequent elements
One method that can be useful is called emplace
. It is use to construct new elements of the base type of, for example, a vector
. This is needed because constructing elements and then pushing them into the vector can be cumbersome. Thus, if you have a class Imaginary
with a constructor that takes two arguments, the real part and the imaginary part, you can do
vector<Imaginary> r;
which creates a vector
whose first element is the imaginary numer 2+3i
A new for loop form is available in C++ as well, allowing you to interate over the elements in a sequential container easily. FOr example, to iterate over the characters in a string, you can do:
for ( char c : s ) {
cout << c << "\n";
Or for a vector, you can write
vector<string> v = { "i", "am", "on", "a", "very", "bumpy", "flight" };
for (string s : v ) {
cout << s << "!\n";
Note that the for
pattern can request either a copy of the element, or a reference to it. You might want a copy if you are going to change the elements as you iterate through them, as in the following code:
vector<string> v = { "i", "am", "on", "a", "very", "bumpy", "flight" };
for (string &s : v ) {
The new for
pattern uses the :
operator. The sequential containers overload this operator to make this possible. If you define a new class, you can overload this operator for your new class as well.
Because strings are made of characters, it is often helpful to know the methods that are available for manipulating them.
int isalnum(int c);
int isalpha(int c);
int isblank(int c);
int iscntrl(int c);
int isdigit(int c);
int isgraph(int c);
int islower(int c);
int isprint(int c);
int ispunct(int c);
int isspace(int c);
int isupper(int c);
int isxdigit(int c);
int tolower(int c);
int toupper(int c);
Their names should be self-explanatory. These are in the library <cctype>
For example, you can use the toupper
method to convert a string to all caps:
for ( char &c : q ) {
c = toupper(c);
The string container also defines a number of string specific methods, such as assert
, append
, replace
, substr
, and find
whose definitions are mainly self-explanatory. There are also a number of methods for converting between strings and numbers, such as to_string
and atoi
Interestingly, since vectors and strings are dynamic classes much like the TypedArray
class we built earily, they have a capacity, which you can find with a simple method
v.capacity(); // some number bigger than v.size();
Also, if you need to keep the amount of space a sequential container takes up to a minimum, you can do:
Before the for(x:v)
form was introduced, the way to iterate through containers like vector
and string
was to use an iterator
. For example, the following code also changes all the characters in a string to caps:
for ( string::iterator i = q.begin(); i != q.end(); i++ ) {
*i = tolower(*i);
Here, q.begin()
returns an iterator that refers to the element at the beginning of the array, while q.end()
refers to a non-element that is "one past" the end of the array. The notation i++
is overloaded for iterators to mean "increment the iterator". Finally, the '*' operator is overloaded to return a reference to the element the iterator refers to.
Iterators are a good place to use the auto
keyword. For example, an iterator to a vector of vector of doubles would be declared and initialized by
vector<vector<double>>::iterator i = v.begin();
and it is a lot easier (and clearer) to write
auto i = v.begin();
I suspect that usages similar to this one were the reason the auto
keyword was introduced in the first place.
Iterators can be manipulated like indices into normal C arrays, via overloaded operators for +
, -
, <
, and so on. For example
auto i = v.begin();
auto j = i + v.size() / 2;
i < j; // true
It should be noted that iterators are not numbers. For example, if you do cout << i
, you will get a compiler error because i
is not some kind of number for which <<
is defined, and furthermore, <<
is not defined for iterators.
Note: If you would like to access the elements of a vector
or string
in reverse, you can use v.rbegin()
and v.rend()
methods. If a vector
or string
was declared const
, you can use v.cbegin()
and v.cend()
, which return const_iterators
instead of iterators
(just use auto
if you are unsure).
Sometimes you just need to hold a few values in a tuple. For example, you might want two integers, or a string and a double. Here is how you do that in C++ with a tuple.
#include <tuple>
#include <string>
using std;
tuple<int, int> x = make_tuple(123,234);
int a = get<0>(x); // 123
int b = get<1>(x): // 234
Notice the interesting use of templates in defining the type of get
. In fact, get
has something like this signature:
template< int I, class... Types >
typename std::tuple_element<I, tuple<Types...> >::type const&&
get( const tuple<Types...>&& t );
It uses a size a plain old integer I
in the template so that it can declare getters for tuples of any size with only one definition.
Please don't ask me what the &&
operator does. Unless you would like to go on an hour long tangent about move semantics.
The STL uses function polymorphism to let you apply simple algorithms, such as finding and sorting, to pretty much any sequential container. One such method is called find
. Here are a few examples:
vector<string> v = { "The", "quick", "brown", "fox" };
string s = "this is a string";
int a[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
auto f1 = find(v.begin(), v.end(), "quick");
cout << *f1; // "quick"
auto f2 = find(s.begin(), s.end(), 'i');
cout << *f2; // `i`
auto f3 = find(begin(a), end(a), 6);
cout << *f3; // 6
In the first two cases, find
is using the begin
and end
methods of the vector
and string
containers. In the last case, we use the global methods begin
and end
to construct new iterators for the C style array a
, which doesn't have any methods of its own.
The find
algorithm works on any object that defines ==
. Other algorithms, such as sort
work on any object that defines <
. That's whjy they are called generic.
Here are a few more read only algorithms (ones that do not change their arguments) like find:
vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
w = { 2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8 };
accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0); // sum of elements in v
count(v.begin(), v.end(), 3); // number of occurences of 3 in v
equal(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin()); // true if first v.size() elements are equal to the
// first v.size() elements of w, which must have equal
// or greater length
These work equally well on any sequential container of values for which operations like ==
and +
are defined.
Algorithms that change the underlying array, include things like sort
and fill
sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // sort the elements
fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 1); // replace element with third argument
fill_n(v.begin(), 3, 1); // replace three elements at the beginning with 1
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin() + 3); // copy v into w starting at position 3
replace(v.begin(), v.end(), 3,-1); // replace element at position 3 with -1
Further documentation on generic algorithms can be found here.
You can define functions as in two ways in C++. The first is the standard way, as in this example which squares its argument
double square(double x) {
return x*x;
The other is with what are called lambda
expressions, named after the lambda calculus invented by Alonzo Church in the 1930s as a way to capture the essence of computation mathematically. A lambda expression defining the same function as above is:
[](double x) { return x*x; }
It is the same function, but it doesn't have a name. You can use evaluate lambda expressions by applying them like functions, as in:
([](double x) { return x*x; })(3.0); // 9.0
or you can set a variable equal to a lambda expression, and apply it later, as in
auto square = [](double x) { return x*x; }
square(3.0); // 9.0
Lambdas becomes useful when using generic algorithms, such as transform
, which take functions as arguments:
vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
v.begin(), // start of elements to transform
v.end(), // end of elements to transform
v.begin(), // start of where to put elements to transform
[](double x) { return x*x; }
Note that lambda expressions do not return function pointers. Rather, they return function objects, which are instantiations of a function class which overrides the ()
application operator.
The square brackets of a lambda expression can list variables to capture from the surrounding scope. For example, if we define a function like this:
void add_to_all(vector<int> &v, int x) {
[](int y) { return x+y; } // WRONG!
the C++ compiler will complain that the lambda expression does not have access to the variable x
in its scope. We can fix this by capturing x
as follows:
void add_to_all(vector<int> &v, int x) {
[x](int y) { return x+y; } // RIGHT!
Sometimes you want to send a function to another function. For example, you might do
sleep_then(10, []() { cout << "Ten seconds have passed\n"; });
cout << "I am waiting\n";
If the sleep function executes in another thread waiting for ten seconds and then running its callback, then you would get the output:
I am waiting
Ten seconds have passed
We will get to code like this in a few weeks.
std::vector<int> map(std::vector<int> v, std::function< int(int) > f) {
std::vector<int> result;
for ( auto x : v ) {
return result;
TEST(Lambda, Argument) {
std::vector<int> v = { 1,2,3,4,5 };
auto f = [](int x) { return x*x; };
std::vector<int> u = map(v, f);
for ( auto x : u ) {
std::cout << x << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
template ...
Further reading on lambda expressions can be found here.
Associative containers are different from sequential containers in that they index the container with keys, kind of like a struct
, dictionary, or database. The associative containers defined in the STL are 'map', 'set', 'multimap', and 'multiset'. We will focus here on 'map', which can be used to illustrate the main features.
In a map
, a set of keys are used to index a set of values. For example, you might define a map
as follows:
map<string,string> person;
person["First"] = "Alan";
person["Last"] = "Turing";
person["job"] = "Code breaker";
Note that the map
template takes two types, the key type and the value type. They do not have to be the same:
map<string, vector<int>> sequence;
sequence["ints"] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
sequence ["squares"] = { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 };
sequence["fib"] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 };
or another (inefficient) way to make an array of doubles
map<unsigned int, double> a;
a[0] = 123;
a[5] = 34;
int x = a[3]; // 0. Non-existent keys map to default values of the value type
Some implementations of Javascript actually look something like this for arrays.
You can iterate through the keys and values of a map
with iterators. The order in which the iterators visit the elements of the map is not guaranteed, so do not depend on it. For example, using the definition of m
for(auto i = person.begin(); i != person.end(); i++) {
cout << (*i).first << ": " << (*i).second << "\n";
which can also be written
for(auto i = person.begin(); i != person.end(); i++) {
cout << i->first << ": " << i->second << "\n";
When you dereference an iterator in a map
you get a pair
object (also defined by the STL). It will have the same types as the map. In the above example, *i
as the type pair<string,string>
. The pair object has a first
and second
field that references to the actual key and value of the map to which the iterator refers.
You can erase key/value pairs from a map using either keys or iterators.
More information about map containers can be found here.
To illustrate how to use the various STL containers, we will build a simple database class for storing information about celestial bodies. The class will support:
- Construction of a new database
- Insertion of a new planet name, mass (in earths) and distance (in astronomical units).
- Assigning entries unique keys
- Deletion of a database entry
- Finding an entry by key
- Search the database with a lambda
The code for this example is in examples/
, examples/db.h
, and examples/
The methods described above are declared formally below.
class DB {
// Rows in the database will be of the form
// [key,name,mass,distance]
typedef tuple<int,string,double,double> Row;
DB &insert(const string, double, double);
DB &drop(int);
Row find(int) const;
vector<Row> where(function<bool(const Row)> f) const;
Note the typedef
allows us to avoid writing out the entire tuple
definition over and over again.
Also note the use of const
on the string argument, and in find
and where
Hidden from the user, we need to actually store that data somewhere. One way to do that is with an associative map that makes integer keys to tuple values.
We will also need a counter for the keys.
class DB {
// ...
typedef tuple<string,double,double> Value;
map<int,Value> _data;
int _next_key;
Note that it is customary to prefix private variables with an underscore.
we implement all the methods, starting with the constructor, which just sets the key counter to zero. Since we are using the STL library, we do not need to do any memory allocation.
DB::DB() : _next_key(0) {}
To insert an entry, we compute a key, then map that key to a new tuple that contains the value.
Note we return *this
so we can method chain.
DB &DB::insert(const string name, double mass, double distance) {
int key = _next_key++;
_data[key] = make_tuple(name, mass, distance);
return *this;
To drop the entry corresponding to a given key, we use map's find
method. It returns an iterator, which we have to make sure is not pointing to end()
Note we return *this
so we can method chain.
DB &DB::drop(int key) {
auto e = _data.find(key);
if ( e != _data.end() ) {
return *this;
To find an entry with a given key, we use map's find
again. If no such entry is found, an exception is thrown.
DB::Row DB::find(int key) const {
auto e = _data.find(key);
if ( e != _data.end() ) {
return to_row(key,e->second);
} else {
throw runtime_error("Could not find an entry with the given key");
This method has to convert the tuple found in the map to a row so it can return it to the user. To make this cleaner, we have defined a private to_row
function as follows:
DB::Row DB::to_row(int key, const DB::Value value) const {
return make_tuple(key, get<0>(value), get<1>(value), get<2>(value));
Note the use of tuple's templated get
Where is pretty interesting. We have to collect all the rows for which the supplied function evaluates to true.
vector<DB::Row> DB::where(function<bool(const DB::Row)> f) const {
vector<Row> rows;
for( auto [key, value] : _data ) {
auto row = to_row(key,value);
if ( f(row) == true ) {
return rows;
Here are a few tests.
TEST(DB,Basics) {
DB db;
db.insert("earth", 1, 1)
.insert("mars", 0.11, 1.524)
.insert("moon", 0.011, 1.05)
.insert("exoplanet one", 1, 1054.4)
.insert("jupiter", 318, 5.2);
ASSERT_EQ(NAME(db.find(0)), "earth");
auto rows = db.where([](DB::Row row) { return MASS(row) < 1; });
ASSERT_EQ(rows.size(), 2);
try {
} catch ( runtime_error e ) {
ASSERT_STREQ(e.what(), "Could not find an entry with the given key");
Note that the macros KEY, NAME, MASS, and DISTANCE have been defined for convenience:
#define KEY get<0>
#define NAME get<1>
#define MASS get<2>
#define DISTANCE get<3>
Start by reading up on the standard template library here. Tuples and functionals are described under "Other" in the menu on the left.
Write a function called
that takes a reference to a vector of doubles and sorts it with a comparison function that says that x < y if and only if the absolute value of x is less than the absolute value of y. For example, -5 would be greater than 4 because |-5| > |4|. Use the generic algorithmsort
(which you can look up on the c++ reference we page) and a lambda expression for your comparison function. Declare this method inexamples.h
as well, and implement it
. -
Write a method
vector<int> primes(int n);
that returns all the prime numbers less than or equal to
using the Sieve of Eratosthenes method. Declare this method inexamples.h
as well, and implement it
. -
Write a method
vector<tuple<int,int>> twins(vector<int> nums);
that takes a list
of integers and returns all pairs of numbers that are consecutive in the list and differ by two. For example, if you calltwins
on [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,23] you would get [(3,5),(5,7),(11,13)]. Use your function in a test to determine the number of twin primes less than 1000. Note that we may test your code with a largern
. Declare this method inexamples.h
as well, and implement it
. -
Modify the
method of the database example to throw aruntime_error
with the message "Name already exists" if the user attempts to insert a planet with the same name as one already in the database. -
To the database example, add a method
Row find_by_name(const string) const;
that returns the row in the database whose name matches the argument to the method. It should throw a
with the message "Could not find row by name" if there is no such row. -
Databases are often tested with randomly generated data. Create a method
DB &create_test_data(int n);
That inserts n random entries into the database. Invent some way to create a different name for each insert (to avoid duplicate names). Names should be at least eight characters long. The mass should vary from 0.01 to 1000 and the distance from 0.1 to 10,000,000.
To the database example, add a method
int size() const;
that returns the number of entries in the database.
To the database example, add a method
double accumulate(function<double(const Row)> f) const;
that evaluates
on every entry in the database and returns the sum of the results. For example, to find the total mass of a planet, you could writedouble total_mass = db.accumulate([](DB::Row row) { return MASS(row); });
To the database example, add a method, add the methods
double average_mass() const; double average_distance() const;
that return the average mass and distance, respectively.
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