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Releases: kmkolasinski/AwesomeBump

How to build AB since 3.0 version.

23 Mar 17:29
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Since Pi version you can build AB with openGL 3.30 compatibility!

AwesomeBumpv2.1 for Win7/8 x32

15 Feb 20:31
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Binary package of AwesomeBump 2.1 for Win7x32.
Download, unpack and run.

New in 2.1: see

AwesomeBumpv2.1 for Linux x64 (Ubuntu/Mint)

15 Feb 20:32
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Binary package of AwesomeBump 2.1 for Linux x64.
Package was builded on Linux Ubuntu 14.04LTS.
Download, unpack and run.

New in 2.1: see

AwesomeBumpv2.0 for Win7/8 x32

25 Jan 10:25
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Binary package of AwesomeBump 2.0 for Win7x32.
Download, unpack and run.

New in 2.0: see

AwesomeBumpv2.0 for Linux x64 (Ubuntu/Mint)

25 Jan 11:01
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inary package of AwesomeBump 2.0 for Linux x64.
Package was builded on Linux Ubuntu 14.04LTS.
Download, unpack and run.

New in 2.0: see

AwesomeBumpv1.0 for Win7/8 x32

28 Dec 18:49
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Binary package of AwesomeBump 1.0 for Win7x32.
Downlaod, unpack and run.

Whats new:
0) New GUI icons (now each button has a tool tip)

  1. TGA format is now supported
  2. 3D image control improved with new Camera class
  3. 2D image now can be dragged or zoomed or paned in UV space
  4. Simple perspective correction is allowed for 2D image
  5. Program output is redirected to log.txt file. See this file in case of problems.
  6. Some improvements in tilling algorithm. Added mirror mode functionality.
  7. Fixed image initialization at application start up.
  8. and other minor fixes

AwesomeBumpv1.0 for Linux x64 (Ubuntu/Mint)

27 Dec 08:06
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Binary package of AwesomeBump 1.0 for Linux x64.
Package was builded on Linux Ubuntu 14.04LTS.
Downlaod, unpack and run.

Whats new:

  1. New GUI icons (now each button has a tool tip)
  2. TGA format is now supported
  3. 3D image control improved with new Camera class
  4. 2D image now can be dragged or zoomed or paned in UV space
  5. Simple perspective correction is allowed for 2D image
  6. Program output is redirected to log.txt file. See this file in case of problems.
  7. Some improvements in tilling algorithm. Added mirror mode functionality.
  8. Fixed image initialization at application start up.
  9. and other minor fixes