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Chapter 22 Proof and Calculation




22.0.1 Coordinate Descent Algorithm for Lasso


For a general design matrix \(X\), there is no closed form for the Lasso solution and the computational details of the Lasso procedure are more involved. A fast method to solve the general Lasso regression problem is the coordinate descent algorithm which minimizes loss function over one \(\beta_j\) at a time with the others kept fixed. It then cycles through all the parameters until convergence (Friedman et al.,2008).


Suppose all the values of \(\beta_k\) for \(k\neq j\) are held fixed at their current value \(\tilde \beta_k\), so that \(Q(\tilde\beta)\) can be written as +\[ +Q(\tilde{\beta})=\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(Y_{i}-\sum_{k \neq j} x_{i k} \tilde{\beta}_{k}-x_{i j} \beta_{j}\right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{k \neq j}\left|\tilde{\beta}_{k}\right|+\lambda\left|\beta_{j}\right| +\] +也就是写成两块,一块是fixed的\(\beta_k\),\(k\neq j\), 一块是当作变量的\(\beta_j\).这样就是一个关于\(\beta_j\)的单变量函数。关于\(\beta_j\) 解单变量lasso,解就能写成soft threshold的形式: +\[ +\widehat{\beta}(\lambda)=S\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i} y_{i}, \lambda\right) +\] +这时候对应的元素应该是:\(r_{i}^{(j)}=Y_{i}-\sum_{k \neq j} x_{i k} \tilde{\beta}_{k}\).则解就能直接写出来: +\[ +\tilde{\beta}_{j} \leftarrow S\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i j} r_{i}^{(j)}, \lambda\right) +\] +这时候算法对所有\(\beta_j\)重复,\(j=1,2,...p,1,2,...p,...\)直到\(\tilde \beta\)收敛。 +一般来说,\(Lasso\)的解\(\hat\beta\)的characterization是通过KKT条件,极小化convex function。接下来是个定理,说明平方损失函数那块的梯度表示为\(\beta\)的函数的话,\(\hat\beta\)是解的充分必要条件是如果\(\hat\beta\neq 0\),则梯度是\(-\operatorname{sign}\left(\widehat{\beta}_{j}\right) \lambda\),如果\(\hat\beta=0\),则梯度的绝对值小于\(\lambda\). +不太理解所以不写了,需要去看书。

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