In this example you will deploy a Camel-K Service to deliver the Kogito Source Events to a Telegram chat. This is how it works in the cluster:
Before starting, make sure that you have installed the prereqs defined in the main README, and then:
- Install Camel-K in your cluster
- Create a bot and grab an API Token from the Telegram Bot Father
- Start a conversation with your bot and go to this website and grab the chat id
To make things easier for you, in this directory you will find a Quarkus Camel project that you can run locally in order to test the route before deploying it on Kubernetes. Follow the instructions in the project's README file to learn how to run it locally.
The first thing you will deploy is the Kogito Source to produce events to your Telegram chat. You can use the Order Processing example:
kubectl apply -f ${REPO}/sinks/inmemory-channel.yaml
kubectl apply -f ${REPO}/order-processing-workflow.yaml
To check if everything is running, run:
kubectl get kogitosource
kogito-order-processing True http://kogito-channel-kn-channel.kogito.svc.cluster.local 140m
Then you can deploy the Camel-K integration with:
AUTH_TOKEN=<grab one from the bot father>
CHAT_ID=<your chat ID>
kamel run \
${REPO}/camel-telegram/ \
--resource ${REPO}/camel-telegram/quarkus/src/main/resources/templates/ \
--name telegram-notification \
--property authorizationToken=${AUTH_TOKEN} \
--property defaultChatId=${CHAT_ID}
If you are on minikube, you can expose the Kogito Service deployed by the Knative Source to send CloudEvents messages directly to it with:
kubectl expose deployment ks-kogito-order-processing --type=NodePort --port=8080 --name=order-service-exposed
Grab the URL with:
minikube service order-service-exposed --url
Send an Order event like this:
"id": "f0643c68-609c-48aa-a820-5df423fa4fe0",
"country": "US",
"total": 10000,
"description": "iPhone 12"
You should see the messages in your phone:
Take a look at the original Order Processing project for more examples.