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Library Locking Technical Reference

Joshua Beretta edited this page May 5, 2021 · 40 revisions



Currently, only locking set within the XLSForm itself is supported, but will be incorporated into the form-builder at some point in the future.

"Library locking" refers to the feature enabling various aspects of a survey to be "locked" when created from a template containing locking attributes. All aspects of a form's editing are available to be locked through the assigning of "locking profiles" at the form, question or group level. These locking profiles can be assigned granular "restrictions" that group together locking functionalities, or the form can be fully locked down, preventing editing of all aspects.


There are three levels of restrictions that can be set (based on the working template):

  1. Question,
  2. Group, and
  3. Form

Additionally, there is a Boolean that can set in the settings sheet that will render the survey completely locked. If kobo--lock_all is set to True, then all additional granular restrictions are redundant as the form is fully locked down. If it is set to False or omitted from the settings sheet, then defined locking profiles must be used to control the locked behaviour:



The accepted strings for the value of kobo--lock_all are the same as in the survey sheet that pyxform supports. No error will be thrown if an invalid string is used, only the form will not function as intended from the user's perspective.

Note that the restriction name, such as choice_add below, is predefined and only the restrictions listed below are valid options.

Question-level Restrictions

Name Description
choice_add Add new choices to a select_* question
choice_delete Remove an existing choice from a select_* question
choice_value_edit Edit a choice value (name)
choice_label_edit Edit a choice label
choice_order_edit Reorder the choices of a select_* question
question_delete Delete a given question
question_label_edit Edit an existing label or hint
question_settings_edit Edit a question's settings (other than constraints or relevants)
question_skip_logic_edit Edit a question's skip logic settings
question_validation_edit Edit a question's validation criteria settings

Group-level Restrictions

Name Description
group_delete Delete group modal "Delete everything" button (or delete group button if paired with "group_split")
group_split Delete group modal "Ungroup questions" button (or delete group button if paired with "group_delete")
group_label_edit Edit a group label
group_question_add Adding or cloning questions inside given group (children groups included)
group_question_delete Delete any question from given group (children groups questions included)
group_question_order_edit Changing order of questions inside given group (children groups included)
group_settings_edit Changing "All group settings" from given group "Settings"
group_skip_logic_edit Changing "Skip Logic" from given group "Settings"

Form-level Restrictions

Name Description
form_appearance Changing form appearance from "Layout & Settings"
form_replace Replacing form using Replace Form modal
group_add Button for grouping questions
question_add Using "Insert cascading select" option and each Add Question and Clone Question button
question_order_edit Changing any questions order
translations_add Add new language in Translations Modal
form_meta_edit Edit meta questions from "Layout & Settings"

XLSForm Configuration

There are three sheets where locking profiles are defined and set: survey, settings and kobo--locking-profiles. The sheet of kobo--locking-profiles is not officially supported by pyxform and is KoBoToolbox-specific, handled in FormPack.

Form-level restrictions are defined in the settings sheet and question and group-level restrictions are defined in the survey sheet.

From within the kobo--locking-profiles sheet, all the locking profiles are defined in a matrix structure, using the keyword "locked" to assign a "restriction" to a specific "profile". For example:


Define the profiles and assign them restrictions

restriction profile_1 profile_2 profile_3
choice_add locked
choice_delete locked
choice_label_edit locked
choice_order_edit locked locked
form_appearance locked


Set form-level restrictions and kobo--lock_all Boolean

kobo--locking-profile kobo--lock_all
profile_3 false

Note that omitting kobo--lock_all from the settings sheet is the equivalent of setting it to False.


Set question and group-level restrictions

type name kobo--locking-profile
select_one country profile_1
select_one city profile_2

Form Validation

The following cases will currently throw a FormPackLibraryLockingError:

  • If a locking profile name (column header in the kobo--locking-profiles sheet) is "locked" (the same as the locking keyword): This is not a necessary requirement from the backend, but more just to prevent confusion in the UX of the XLSForm (ref)
  • If a restriction is listed in the kobo--locking-profiles restriction column that is invalid (not in the list of predefined restrictions) (ref)
  • If there is a sheet called kobo--locking-profiles but no restriction column (ref)
  • If no locking profiles are defined (column headers in the kobo--locking-profiles sheet) (ref)

Validation of the XLSForm library locking features will be expanded in the future.


In some spreadsheet editors, two single dashes (--) are automatically converted to an m-dash (—), therefore making it difficult to type kobo-- into a cell. The backend handles this gracefully(?) and converts all instances of n- and m-dashes into two single dashes (when prefixed with kobo). Therefore an XLSForm with the sheet name of "kobo—locking-profiles" will be converted to "kobo--locking-profiles" and similarly for the column headers. When the form is exported from the UI, the new double-dash will be exported and therefore the original and exported XLSForms will not be identical.

JSON Representation

There are two attributes of the asset where locking information can be accessed and modified: asset.summary and asset.content.

If kobo--locking-profile is a column name in the survey sheet, it will also be listed in the asset.summary.columns array.

In the summary, the following two Boolean attributes describe an overview of the form's locking structure (and locking appearance in the list view in the UI):

  • lock_all, and
  • lock_any

The logic by which each of those Booleans are set is as follows:

  • lock_all is True only if kobo--lock_all is set to True in the settings sheet, otherwise it's False
  • lock_any is set to True if any of the following cases are True:
    • lock_all is True,
    • A kobo--locking-profile is set in the settings sheet, or
    • At least one kobo--locking-profile is set in the survey sheet

In the example above, the following will be present in the asset.summary:

  "columns": [
  "lock_all": false,
  "lock_any": true,

In the content, an attribute of content.kobo--locking-profiles exists as an array of JSON objects with the following structure:

    "name": "profile_1",
    "restrictions": [

In content.settings, the following will be present in a JSON object:

  "kobo--locking-profile": "profile_3",
  "kobo--lock_all": false

And finally in content.survey, each question that has been assigned a locking profile will have a kobo--locking-profile attribute as follows:

    "name": "country",
    "type": "select_one",
    "kobo--locking-profile": "profile_1"
    "name": "city",
    "type": "select_one",
    "kobo--locking-profile": "profile_2"

Locking Profiles and Asset Types

Of the four asset types (asset, template, question and block), only templates and surveys handle library locking features and the locks are enforced only on surveys. Practically, this means the following:

Assume an XLSForm containing valid locking features is imported:

  • If imported as a block (imported through the Library section), then all traces of locking are excluded and/or stripped from the asset. This results in a block asset that will be equivalent to a form uploaded without any locking features;
  • If imported as a survey (imported through the Projects section) or template (not yet supported) then all locks are intact:
    • If, from within the form-builder:
      • a question is added to the library, then all locks are stripped from the new question asset
      • a group of questions is added to the library as a block (not yet support), then all locks are stripped
    • If a template is created from the locked survey asset, then that template will inherit all the locks the survey had,
    • If a survey is created from a locked template, the survey will inherit all the locks that the template had
Original Asset Type Process Resulting Asset's Status
survey - locked
survey survey to template locked
survey survey to question not locked
survey survey to block not locked
template - locked
template template to survey locked
template template to question not locked
template template to block not locked
block - not locked
block import to survey not locked
block import to template not locked
block block to question not locked
question - not locked
question import to survey not locked
question import to template not locked
question question to block not locked

Importing Locked XLSForms

Until uploading of XLSForms directly to templates is implemented, there are three main ways of obtaining a locked template:

  • Import a locked XLSForm as a survey and clone to a template
  • Import directly to a template with temporary hack:
    • Include a calculate question named kobo--template-test in the survey sheet
  • Manually PATCH an "unlocked" template

Useful Links



The exception class defined in FormPack that will be thrown in the event of a library-locking-specific error.


Attribute containing a Boolean value, set in the settings sheet and applies all locking restrictions to the form and all questions and groups (rendering granular locking profiles redundant).


Column name in the survey and settings sheets where the locking profile is assigned to a question or group (in survey) or to the form (in settings).


Sheet name where restrictions are assigned to profiles.


Keyword used to assign a restriction to a profile in the kobo--locking-profiles sheet.


The name assigned to a group of restrictions, defined in the kobo--locking-profiles sheet. It is assigned to questions and groups in the survey sheet and to the from in the settings sheet.


A granular locking attribute that can be assigned to a profile and control the locking behaviour at the question, group or form level.


A form containing no locking attributes.