-To achieve the goal of enabling software applications to become performant on a variety of systems, software testing must take place on a wide range of architectures. Integral to this effort at Sandia is the collection of machines referred to as the Heterogeneous Advanced Architecture Platforms or [HASPs](https://snl-wiki.sandia.gov/display/HAAPs). A subset of these machines are identified in Table 2.1 as the primary (P) test platforms, while other machines with similar characteristics are identified as alternate (or secondary (S) ) test machines that can be used in the event of maintenance or other outages of the primary. The HASPs link above (scroll to the Platforms section) is the official specifications for these machines. The Platforms table on the HASPs link contains specifications for both the CPUs and the GPUs (accelerators) when present on a particular platform. Note, the information in Table 2.1 is a subset of that presented in the HASPs table. The last column designates the network on which a particular machine exists (OHPC – Open Network, SRN – Sandia Restricted Network).
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