You can actually sign a transaction "in advance", such that it might be valid in the future. To accomplish this, you add the hash of the transaction as a signer on the account. Then, when that transaction actually gets submitted to the network, it acts as if it was already signed by the account!
This guide will lead you to send a payment without a signature, which is called a preauthorized transaction. But to achieve this, several steps are necessary, which will be detailed below.
You need to have two funded accounts.
- For the first one: you will need to know the public and secret key. This account will send the payment.
- For the second one: you will need to know the public key. This account will receive the payment.
# payer's keypair
secret_key = "SECRET_SEED"
# destination public key
In order to create a pre-authorized transaction, you need to create a future transaction with the current sequence number + 2.
# 1. set the source account
source_account =
# 2. set the next sequence number + 1 for the source account
server = Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet()
{:ok, seq_num} = Stellar.Horizon.Accounts.fetch_next_sequence_number(server, pk1)
sequence_number = + 1)
# 3. build the payment operation
payment_op =
destination: destination_pk,
asset: :native,
amount: 25
# notice that the transaction does not include a signature
tx_build =
|> sequence_number)
|> Stellar.TxBuild.add_operation(payment_op)
# 5. get the transaction hash
{:ok, payment_tx_hash} = Stellar.TxBuild.hash(tx_build) # example: "0c771e0ac49dc7798097e222289fd350278bc4aef5cf82ae6fb39b1d869e18a2"
# 6. get the transaction envelope
{:ok, payment_tx_envelope} = Stellar.TxBuild.envelope(tx_build)
From this step, you have the hash (payment_tx_hash
) of the transaction, which is the value that you will need to add as a signer to the source account.
And you also have the transaction envelope (payment_tx_envelope
), which is the value that you will need to submit to the network.
In this step, you will add the transaction hash from the previous step as a signer to the source account.
This is done by using the Stellar.TxBuild.SetOptions
This transaction needs to be signed and submitted to the network to add officially the transaction hash as a signer to the source account. This transaction will be signed with the payer's secret key.
# 8. set the next sequence number (not adding 1 this time)
sequence_number =
# 9. build the set options operation setting the trasaction hash as a signer with weight 1
set_options_op =
signer: [
pre_auth_tx: payment_tx_hash,
weight: 1
# 10. build the signature for the set options transaction
signature = secret_key)
# 11. submit the set options transaction to Horizon
{:ok, set_options_tx_envelope} =
|> sequence_number)
|> Stellar.TxBuild.add_operation(set_options_op)
|> Stellar.TxBuild.sign(signature)
|> Stellar.TxBuild.envelope()
{:ok, submitted_set_options_tx} = Stellar.Horizon.Transactions.create(server, set_options_tx_envelope)
Finally, you'll submit the payment transaction.
Since it was added as a signer, it is already pre-authorized and don't need to be signed.
You only need to submit the transaction envelope to the network. ✅
{:ok, submitted_payment_tx} = Stellar.Horizon.Transactions.create(server, payment_tx_envelope)
Once this is submitted, the transaction will be removed from the account as a signer.
👍 That's it!
You have successfully sent a payment without a signature, which is called a pre-authorized transaction.