If you are just beginning with open source then let's make your first contribution in this repository !
This repository is intended to help beginners get started by making simple contributions. A tutorial has been made where you will learn to use git and github effectively to make your first contribution at konoha. This will make you aware about how contributions are going to happen in our upcoming projects where we will be working in a highly collaborative manner.
- You will work on your page at the website made for this starter project.
- Basically you have to follow the tutorial linked above and make the pull request(git and github part is explained in there). After that your pull request will be reviewed by one of the reviewers and will be merged in this repository.
- Once your pull request is merged you will be one of the contributors of this project. Then you can navigate to the website and input your github username on the main page. After that you can click on the
Go to page
button and then you will be able to see your own page.