A site used for development purposes and code examples showcasing packages possibilities.
# In the root folder
npm install # install all required packages
npm run build # build the latest version of the packages
# open the /site folder
cd site
npm run develop # runs `gatsby develop` command
Now you could browse the site on http://localhost:8000 and see GraphQL explorer on http://localhost:8000/___graphql.
# open the /site folder
cd site
npm run lint
# open the /site folder
cd site
npm run build # runs `gatsby build` command
The following examples are showcasing, how it is possible to use the Kontent.ai packages. There are many possibilities that Gatsby offers to adjust the data you need before using them in the application.
See /examples/navigation for the example.
See /examples/resolution for the example.
See /examples/relationships to see how it is possible to make a relationship among the data provided by the Kontent.ai source plugin.
There are various ways to render an image on your site.
The best solution is to use Kontent.ai Image transformation API (optionally with Asset Renditions) for simple scenarios and ImageElement for more complex ones, because it allows to use full power of gatsby-plugin-image support.
See the "author page" as a showcase, how you could render the profile photo different way (live preview).
If you want to see how to fetch the timezone information, see the See the "articles page".
This site is showcasing the feature Slice API. To gain more information about this feature, follow this link. If you want to see the implementation used on this site look at the slice definition in gatsby-node.js and the component footer.js .
Based on official Gatsby Hello World starter.