This library provides integration for PHP-DI with Zend Framework 2.
PHP-DI is a Dependency Injection Container for PHP.
If you are looking for Zend Framework 1 integration, head over here.
Require the libraries with Composer:
"require": {
"mnapoli/php-di": "*",
"mnapoli/php-di-zf2": "*"
To use PHP-DI in your ZF2 application, you need to edit application_root/module/Application/config/module.config.php
// ...
'modules' => array(
// ...
'service_manager' => array(
// ...
'factories' => array(
'DI\Container' => function () {
$builder = new DI\ContainerBuilder();
// Configure your container here
return $builder->build();
That's it!
Now you dependencies are injected in your controllers!
Head over to PHP-DI's documentation if needed.