Replaced Jeweler by Bundler
Updated RSpec to 2.8
Fixed specs
Refactored the codebase
Fixed Ruby 1.9 compatibility issue
Added support for non-array reply_to addresses
Fixed bug that caused unexpected multiple email deliveries on Ruby1.9.2/Rails3.0.7
All delivery exceptions are now childs of Postmark::DeliveryError. Easier to rescue that way.
Fixed exception when content-type wasn’t explicitly specified.
Removed tmail from the list of dependencies.
Fixed a problem of HTML content detection when using Mail gem.
Fixed bug that caused full name to be dropped from From address.
Removed all “try” calls from the code. It’s not always available and not essential anyway.
Fixed “Illegal email address ‘]’” bug on Ruby 1.9
Fixed TypeError when calling Bounce.all.
Fixed NoMethodError when trying to read bounce info.
Added support for attachments.
Added support for Rails 3.