From 48765b614b72018b81224128e95e1e3a732157ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:34:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/24] adding quadrule for assemble(nedelec space,double
 layer, raviarthomas)

 src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/maxwell/mwops.jl       | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/maxwell/nxdbllayer.jl  |  5 +++--
 src/quadrature/quadrule.jl | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl b/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl
index 9f0c196f..f4308306 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl
@@ -67,3 +67,26 @@ function restrict(ϕ::NDRefSpace{T}, dom1, dom2) where T
     return Q
+const _vert_perms_nd = [
+    (1,2,3),
+    (2,3,1),
+    (3,1,2),
+    (2,1,3),
+    (1,3,2),
+    (3,2,1),
+const _dof_perms_nd = [
+    (1,2,3),
+    (3,1,2),
+    (2,3,1),
+    (2,1,3),
+    (1,3,2),
+    (3,2,1),
+function dof_permutation(::NDRefSpace, vert_permutation)
+    i = findfirst(==(tuple(vert_permutation...)), _vert_perms_nd)
+    @assert i != nothing
+    return _dof_perms_nd[i]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
index 0cb87dec..21b2b061 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
@@ -136,6 +136,38 @@ function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::RTRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace,  i, τ, j
+function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::NDRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
+  qs::DoubleNumWiltonSauterQStrat)
+T = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
+hits = 0
+dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(T)
+dmin2 = floatmax(T)
+for t in τ.vertices
+    for s in σ.vertices
+        d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(t-s)
+        dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
+        hits += (d2 < dtol)
+    end
+hits == 3 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonFace(qd.gausslegendre[3])
+hits == 2 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonEdge(qd.gausslegendre[2])
+hits == 1 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonVertex(qd.gausslegendre[1])
+h2 = volume(σ)
+xtol2 = 0.2 * 0.2
+k2 = abs2(op.gamma)
+max(dmin2*k2, dmin2/16h2) < xtol2 && return WiltonSERule(
+    qd.tpoints[2,i],
+    DoubleQuadRule(
+        qd.tpoints[2,i],
+        qd.bpoints[2,j],),)
+return DoubleQuadRule(
+    qd.tpoints[1,i],
+    qd.bpoints[1,j],)
 function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::BDMRefSpace, f::BDMRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
diff --git a/src/maxwell/nxdbllayer.jl b/src/maxwell/nxdbllayer.jl
index 8772e354..e8fab643 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/nxdbllayer.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/nxdbllayer.jl
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ function (igd::Integrand{<:DoubleLayerRotatedMW3D})(x,y,f,g)
     # x = neighborhood(igd.test_chart,u)
     # y = neighborhood(igd.trial_chart,v)
-    j = jacobian(x) * jacobian(y)
+   # j = jacobian(x) * jacobian(y)
     nx = normal(x)
     r = cartesian(x) - cartesian(y)
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ function (igd::Integrand{<:DoubleLayerRotatedMW3D})(x,y,f,g)
     fvalue = getvalue(f)
     gvalue = getvalue(g)
-    jKg = cross.(Ref(K), j*gvalue)
+    #jKg = cross.(Ref(K), j*gvalue)
+    jKg = cross.(Ref(K), gvalue)
     jnxKg = cross.(Ref(nx), jKg)
     return _krondot(fvalue, jnxKg)
diff --git a/src/quadrature/quadrule.jl b/src/quadrature/quadrule.jl
index b4eda1b7..12cd7de1 100644
--- a/src/quadrature/quadrule.jl
+++ b/src/quadrature/quadrule.jl
@@ -20,6 +20,30 @@ function quadrule(op::IntegralOperator, g::RTRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace,  i, τ, j,
     hits == 2 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonEdge(qd.gausslegendre[2])
     hits == 1 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonVertex(qd.gausslegendre[1])
+    return DoubleQuadRule(
+        qd.tpoints[1,i],
+        qd.bpoints[1,j],)
+function quadrule(op::IntegralOperator, g::RTRefSpace, f::NDRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
+    qs::DoubleNumSauterQstrat)
+    T = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
+    hits = 0
+    dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(T)
+    dmin2 = floatmax(T)
+    for t in τ.vertices
+        for s in σ.vertices
+            d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(t-s)
+            dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
+            hits += (d2 < dtol)
+        end
+    end
+    hits == 3 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonFace(qd.gausslegendre[3])
+    hits == 2 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonEdge(qd.gausslegendre[2])
+    hits == 1 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonVertex(qd.gausslegendre[1])
     return DoubleQuadRule(

From d508af7629e6f6889994ceb945a568842276e6c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 18:22:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/24] update maxwell operator to any linear basis on

 src/maxwell/mwops.jl | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
index 21b2b061..a92d2b1e 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
@@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ end
 regularpart(op::MWDoubleLayer3D) = MWDoubleLayer3DReg(op.gamma)
 singularpart(op::MWDoubleLayer3D) = MWDoubleLayer3DSng(op.gamma)
-function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::RTRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
+const LinearRefSpaceTriangle = Union{RTRefSpace, NDRefSpace, BDMRefSpace, NCrossBDMRefSpace}
+function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::LinearRefSpaceTriangle, f::LinearRefSpaceTriangle,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
     T = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@ function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::BDMRefSpace, f::BDMRefSpace,  i, τ,
 function qrib(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::RTRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace, i, τ, j, σ, qd)
   dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(eltype(eltype(τ.vertices)))

From 9f65b9a8c149d6a4216e6ec61ad9c9fc9c15b1c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 14:14:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/24] integration of acustic singlelayer with all analytic

 Project.toml                           |   1 +
 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl       |  51 ++++++++++
 src/BEAST.jl                           |   1 +
 src/maxwell/mwops.jl                   |  29 +-----
 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl           |   3 +
 src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl         |   6 ++
 7 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
 create mode 100644 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index bbe15231..e2df26f8 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
 SparseMatrixDicts = "5cb6c4b0-9b79-11e8-24c9-f9621d252589"
 SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
 StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
+TimeDomainBEMInt = "0303f91b-5811-4998-82cd-e0687f55e8f9"
 WiltonInts84 = "a3e2863e-c0ee-5ff6-a523-307a4cdc8724"
diff --git a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d1a3f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+using CompScienceMeshes, BEAST, LinearAlgebra
+Γ = readmesh(joinpath(@__DIR__,""))
+Γ = meshsphere(radius=1.0, h=0.5)
+X = lagrangecxd0(Γ)
+Δt = 0.05
+Nt = 20
+T = timebasisshiftedlagrange(Δt, Nt, 0)
+U = timebasisdelta(Δt, Nt)
+V = X ⊗ T
+W = X ⊗ U
+duration = 2 * 20 * Δt
+delay = 1.5 * duration
+amplitude = 1.0
+gaussian = creategaussian(duration, delay, amplitude)
+direction, polarisation = ẑ, x̂
+E = planewave(polarisation, direction, derive(gaussian), 1.0)
+@hilbertspace j
+@hilbertspace j′
+SL = TDAcustic3D.acusticsinglelayer(speedofsound=1.0, numdiffs=1)
+# BEAST.@defaultquadstrat (SL, W, V) BEAST.OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat(7)
+tdacusticsl = @discretise SL[j′,j] == -1.0E[j′]   j∈V  j′∈W
+xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
+#corregere da qui 
+import Plots
+import Plotly
+fcr, geo = facecurrents(xefie[:,125], X)
+Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
+Xefie, Δω, ω0 = fouriertransform(xefie, Δt, 0.0, 2)
+ω = collect(ω0 .+ (0:Nt-1)*Δω)
+_, i1 = findmin(abs.(ω.-1.0))
+ω1 = ω[i1]
+ue = Xefie[:,i1] / fouriertransform(gaussian)(ω1)
+fcr, geo = facecurrents(ue, X)
+Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/BEAST.jl b/src/BEAST.jl
index 17e685d8..66b442fb 100644
--- a/src/BEAST.jl
+++ b/src/BEAST.jl
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ include("helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dops.jl")
+include("maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl")#support for acusticsinglelayer
diff --git a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
index a92d2b1e..866af4f6 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ singularpart(op::MWDoubleLayer3D) = MWDoubleLayer3DSng(op.gamma)
 const LinearRefSpaceTriangle = Union{RTRefSpace, NDRefSpace, BDMRefSpace, NCrossBDMRefSpace}
-function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::LinearRefSpaceTriangle, f::LinearRefSpaceTriangle,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
+function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::RTRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
     T = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::LinearRefSpaceTriangle, f::LinearRef
-function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::NDRefSpace, f::RTRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
+function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D,  g::LinearRefSpaceTriangle, f::LinearRefSpaceTriangle,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
 T = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
@@ -170,31 +170,6 @@ return DoubleQuadRule(
-function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::BDMRefSpace, f::BDMRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
-  qs::DoubleNumWiltonSauterQStrat)
-  hits = 0
-  dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(eltype(eltype(τ.vertices)))
-  dmin2 = floatmax(eltype(eltype(τ.vertices)))
-  for t in τ.vertices
-      for s in σ.vertices
-          d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(t-s)
-          dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
-          hits += (d2 < dtol)
-      end
-  end
-  hits == 3 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonFace(qd.gausslegendre[3])
-  hits == 2 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonEdge(qd.gausslegendre[2])
-  hits == 1 && return SauterSchwabQuadrature.CommonVertex(qd.gausslegendre[1])
-  h2 = volume(σ)
-  xtol2 = 0.2 * 0.2
-  k2 = abs2(op.gamma)
-  return DoubleQuadRule(
-      qd.tpoints[1,i],
-      qd.bpoints[1,j],)
diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1f4100c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+mutable struct AcusticSingleLayerTDIO{T} <: RetardedPotential{T}
+    "speed of sound in medium"
+    speed_of_light::T #for compatibility with the rest of the package I left light instead of sound
+    "weight"
+    weight::T
+    "number of temporal differentiations"
+    diffs::Int
+function Base.:*(a::Number, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO)
+	@info "scalar product a * op (acusticSL)"
+	AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(
+		op.speed_of_light,
+		a * op.weight,
+		op.diffs)
+AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(;speedofsound) = AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(speedofsound, one(speedofsound), 0)
+module TDAcustic3D
+import ...BEAST
+function acusticsinglelayer(;speedofsound, numdiffs)
+    @assert numdiffs >= 0
+        #controllare con Kristof che tipo di schema temporale viene utilizzato e come si con integrali rispetto al tempo extra
+        #return BEAST.integrate(BEAST.MWSingleLayerTDIO(speedoflight,-1/speedoflight,-speedoflight,2,0))
+	return BEAST.AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(speedofsound,one(speedofsound),numdiffs)
+end #of the module
+export TDAcustic3D
+defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
+function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
+    testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
+    return 0.0
+quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
+        p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::AllAnalyticalQStrat) = ZuccottiStrat(1.0)
+function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
+        testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat)
+    dmax = numfunctions(timerefs)-1
+    bn = binomial.((0:dmax),(0:dmax)')
+    V = eltype(testels[1].vertices)
+    ws = WiltonInts84.workspace(V)
+    # quadpoints(testrefs, testels, (3,)), bn, ws
+    quadpoints(testrefs, testels, (quadstrat.outer_rule,)), bn, ws
+quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
+        p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat) = WiltonInts84Strat(qd[1][1,p],qd[2],qd[3])
+function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::ZuccottiStrat) where T
+        if ι[1]<0
+           t1=0.0
+        else
+            t1=ι[1]
+        end
+          t2=ι[2]
+          @assert t2 > t1
+          sos = op.speed_of_light 
+          a1index,a2index,a3index,b1index,b2index,b3index=0,0,0,0,0,0
+    Tt = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
+    hits = 0
+    dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(Tt)
+    dmin2 = floatmax(Tt)
+    for t in 1:3
+        for s in 1:3
+            d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(τ[t]-σ[s])
+            dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
+            if (d2 < dtol) 
+                hits+=1
+                if hits==1
+                    a1index =t
+                    b1index = s 
+                elseif hits==2
+                    a2index=t
+                    b2index=s
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    #print(τ[1]," ",τ[2]," ",τ[3]," ",σ[1]," ",σ[2]," ",σ[3]," ",t1," ",t2," ",)
+          if hits==3 
+             z[1,1,1]+=TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2)
+          elseif hits==2
+            if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
+                a3index=mod1(a1index-1,3)
+            else
+                a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3)
+            end
+            if mod1(b1index+1,3)==b2index
+                b3index=mod1(a1index-1,3)
+            else
+                b3index=mod1(a1index+1,3)
+            end
+            z[1,1,1]+=TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[a3index],t1,t2)
+          elseif hits==1
+                a2index,a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3),mod1(a1index+2,3)
+                b2index,b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3),mod1(b1index+2,3)
+                z[1,1,1]+=TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2)
+          else
+             z[1,1,1]+=inttriangletriangle(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],σ[1],σ[2],σ[3],t1,t2)
+          end
+          #for the moment sos=1 but I will correct this
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl b/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
index 40d4bddb..1c583f07 100644
--- a/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
+++ b/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ struct OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat{R}
+struct AllAnalyticalQStrat{R}
+    rule::R
 defaultquadstrat(op, tfs, bfs) = defaultquadstrat(op, refspace(tfs), refspace(bfs))
 macro defaultquadstrat(dop, body)
diff --git a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
index 77a9c2e7..316c274f 100644
--- a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
+++ b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using WiltonInts84
+using TimeDomainBEMInt
 abstract type RetardedPotential{T} <: Operator end
 Base.eltype(::RetardedPotential{T}) where {T} = T
@@ -289,6 +290,9 @@ struct WiltonInts84Strat{T,V,W}
+struct ZuccottiStrat{T}
+	weight::T #Allanalyticalformula
 function momintegrals!(z, op, g, f, T, τ, σ, ι, qr::WiltonInts84Strat)
@@ -300,3 +304,5 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op, g, f, T, τ, σ, ι, qr::WiltonInts84Strat)

From a75d2f918912ac6d0c347b1d9d66296dc9366965 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 14:52:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/24] update acustisl

 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl | 15 ++++++---------
 src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl         |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
index c1f4100c..9bbbcca0 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
 function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
     testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
-    return 0.0
+    return nothing
 quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-        p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::AllAnalyticalQStrat) = ZuccottiStrat(1.0)
+        p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::AllAnalyticalQStrat) = ZuccottiRule(1.0)
 function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
         testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat)
@@ -62,12 +62,9 @@ quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
         p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat) = WiltonInts84Strat(qd[1][1,p],qd[2],qd[3])
 function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::ZuccottiStrat) where T
-        if ι[1]<0
-           t1=0.0
-        else
-            t1=ι[1]
-        end
-          t2=ι[2]
+        t1=ι[1]
+        t2=ι[2]
           @assert t2 > t1
@@ -99,7 +96,7 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
           if hits==3 
           elseif hits==2
+            #pay attention with double layer and index permutation
             if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
diff --git a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
index 316c274f..3adc0d54 100644
--- a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
+++ b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ struct WiltonInts84Strat{T,V,W}
-struct ZuccottiStrat{T}
+struct ZuccottiRule{T}
 	weight::T #Allanalyticalformula

From 19c13ddb611924037d116436ded9f1b38ebe43e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 13:56:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/24] update in acoustic single layer methods

 examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl     |  20 ++-
 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl        |  60 +++++---
 src/helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dexc.jl |   1 +
 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl  | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl          |   6 +
 test/runtests.jl                        |   3 +-
 6 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl b/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl
index 0c7f6508..5db0c60b 100644
--- a/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl
+++ b/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ using CompScienceMeshes
 using BEAST
 using LinearAlgebra
-# G = meshsphere(1.0, 0.25)
 G = meshsphere(1.0, 0.30)
+#G = CompScienceMeshes.meshmobius(h=0.1)
 c = 1.0
 S = BEAST.HH3DSingleLayerTDBIO(c)
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ h = BEAST.gradient(e)
 # X = lagrangecxd0(G)
 X = lagrangecxd0(G)
-Y = duallagrangec0d1(G)
-# Y = lagrangecxd0(G)
+#Y = duallagrangec0d1(G)
+Y = lagrangecxd0(G)
 # X = duallagrangecxd0(G, boundary(G))
 # Y = lagrangec0d1(G)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Y = duallagrangec0d1(G)
 Δt, Nt = 0.16, 300
 # T = timebasisc0d1(Δt, Nt)
 P = timebasiscxd0(Δt, Nt)
-H = timebasisc0d1(Δt, Nt)
+#H = timebasisc0d1(Δt, Nt)
 δ = timebasisdelta(Δt, Nt)
 # assemble the right hand side
@@ -43,9 +43,17 @@ Zd = Z0d + (-0.5)*Z1d
 u = marchonintime(inv(Zd[:,:,1]), Zd, bd, Nt)
 bs = assemble(e, X ⊗ δ)
-Zs = assemble(S, X ⊗ δ, X ⊗ P, Val{:bandedstorage})
+Zs = assemble(S, X ⊗ δ, X ⊗ P)
 v = marchonintime(inv(Zs[:,:,1]), Zs, -bs, Nt)
+tdacusticsl = @discretise S[j′,j] == -1.0e[j′]   j∈ (X ⊗ P)  j′∈ (X ⊗ δ)
+xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
+import Plots
 U, Δω, ω0 = fouriertransform(u, Δt, 0.0, 2)
 V, Δω, ω0 = fouriertransform(v, Δt, 0.0, 2)
diff --git a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
index 5d1a3f71..4f049814 100644
--- a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
+++ b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
 using CompScienceMeshes, BEAST, LinearAlgebra
-Γ = readmesh(joinpath(@__DIR__,""))
-Γ = meshsphere(radius=1.0, h=0.5)
+#Γ = readmesh(joinpath(@__DIR__,""))
+Γ = meshsphere(radius=1.0, h=0.30)
 X = lagrangecxd0(Γ)
-Δt = 0.05
-Nt = 20
+Δt = 0.16
+Nt = 300
 T = timebasisshiftedlagrange(Δt, Nt, 0)
 U = timebasisdelta(Δt, Nt)
 V = X ⊗ T
 W = X ⊗ U
-duration = 2 * 20 * Δt
-delay = 1.5 * duration
-amplitude = 1.0
-gaussian = creategaussian(duration, delay, amplitude)
-direction, polarisation = ẑ, x̂
-E = planewave(polarisation, direction, derive(gaussian), 1.0)
+width, delay, scaling = 16.0, 24.0, 1.0
+gaussian = creategaussian(width, delay, scaling)
+e = BEAST.planewave(point(0,0,1), 1.0, gaussian)
 @hilbertspace j
 @hilbertspace j′
@@ -25,20 +22,34 @@ E = planewave(polarisation, direction, derive(gaussian), 1.0)
 SL = TDAcustic3D.acusticsinglelayer(speedofsound=1.0, numdiffs=1)
 # BEAST.@defaultquadstrat (SL, W, V) BEAST.OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat(7)
-tdacusticsl = @discretise SL[j′,j] == -1.0E[j′]   j∈V  j′∈W
+tdacusticsl = @discretise SL[j′,j] == -1.0e[j′]   j∈V  j′∈W
 xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
-#corregere da qui 
-import Plots
-import Plotly
-fcr, geo = facecurrents(xefie[:,125], X)
-Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
+Z = assemble(SL,W,V)
+#corregere da qui 
+#import Plots
+#import Plotly
+#fcr, geo = facecurrents(xefie[:,125], X)
+#Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
+import BEAST.ConvolutionOperators
+for a in 0:300
+    za=ConvolutionOperators.timeslice(Z,a)
+    #zawilton=ConvolutionOperators.timeslice(Zs,a)
+    for i in 1:numfunctions(X)
+        for j in 1:numfunctions(X)
+            if  (za[i,j])<0.0
+                println(a,[i,j]," ",za[i,j]," ",)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+parse(Float64, name)
 Xefie, Δω, ω0 = fouriertransform(xefie, Δt, 0.0, 2)
 ω = collect(ω0 .+ (0:Nt-1)*Δω)
@@ -48,4 +59,5 @@ _, i1 = findmin(abs.(ω.-1.0))
 ue = Xefie[:,i1] / fouriertransform(gaussian)(ω1)
 fcr, geo = facecurrents(ue, X)
-Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
\ No newline at end of file
+Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
diff --git a/src/helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dexc.jl b/src/helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dexc.jl
index 045ea0b8..9119ca5c 100644
--- a/src/helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dexc.jl
+++ b/src/helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dexc.jl
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ function planewave(direction, speedoflight::Number, signature, amplitude=one(spe
     PlaneWaveHH3DTD(direction, speedoflight, signature, amplitude)
+scalartype(p::PlaneWaveHH3DTD) = scalartype(p.amplitude)
 *(a, f::PlaneWaveHH3DTD) = PlaneWaveHH3DTD(f.direction, f.speed_of_light, f.signature, a*f.amplitude)
diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
index 9bbbcca0..d23edece 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ end #of the module
 export TDAcustic3D
-defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
+defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = #=nothing=# AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
+#nothing goes in hybrid qr, allanalytical goes in zuccottirule
@@ -44,24 +44,96 @@ end
 quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
         p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::AllAnalyticalQStrat) = ZuccottiRule(1.0)
-function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-        testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat)
+function quaddata(operator::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO,
+            test_local_space, trial_local_space, time_local_space,
+            test_element, trial_element, time_element, quadstrat::Nothing)
-    dmax = numfunctions(timerefs)-1
-    bn = binomial.((0:dmax),(0:dmax)')
+        dmax = numfunctions(time_local_space)-1
+        bn = binomial.((0:dmax),(0:dmax)')
-    V = eltype(testels[1].vertices)
-    ws = WiltonInts84.workspace(V)
-    # quadpoints(testrefs, testels, (3,)), bn, ws
-    quadpoints(testrefs, testels, (quadstrat.outer_rule,)), bn, ws
+        V = eltype(test_element[1].vertices)
+        ws = WiltonInts84.workspace(V)
+        order = 4
+        @show order
+        quadpoints(test_local_space, test_element, (order,)), bn, ws
+    end
-quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-        p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat) = WiltonInts84Strat(qd[1][1,p],qd[2],qd[3])
+    # See: ?BEAST.quadrule for help
+    function quadrule(operator::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO,
+            test_local_space, trial_local_space, time_local_space,
+            p, test_element, q, trial_element, r, time_element,
+            quad_data, quadstrat::Nothing)
+        # WiltonInts84Strat(quad_data[1,p])
+        qd = quad_data
+        HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat(qd[1][1,p],qd[2],qd[3])
+    end
+    function innerintegrals!(zlocal, operator::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO,
+            test_point,
+            test_local_space, trial_local_space, time_local_space,
+            test_element, trial_element, time_element,
+            quad_rule::HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat, quad_weight)
+        # error("Here!!!")
+        dx = quad_weight
+        x = cartesian(test_point)
+        # n = normal(test_point)
+        # a = trial_element[1]
+        # ξ = x - dot(x -a, n) * n
+        r = time_element[1]
+        R = time_element[2]
+        @assert r < R
+        N = max(degree(time_local_space), 1)
+        ∫G, ∫vG, ∫∇G = WiltonInts84.wiltonints(
+            trial_element[1],
+            trial_element[2],
+            trial_element[3],
+            x, r, R, Val{2}, quad_rule.workspace)
+        a = dx / (4*pi)
+        #D = operator.num_diffs
+        D=0
+        @assert D == 0
+        @assert numfunctions(test_local_space)  == 1
+        @assert numfunctions(trial_local_space) == 1
+        @inline function tmRoR_sl(d, iG)
+            sgn = isodd(d) ? -1 : 1
+            r = sgn * iG[d+2]
+        end
+        # bns = quad_rule.binomials
+        @assert D == 0
+        for k in 1 : numfunctions(time_local_space)
+            d = k - 1
+            d < D && continue
+            q = reduce(*, d-D+1:d ,init=1)
+            zlocal[1,1,k] += a * q * tmRoR_sl(d-D, ∫G)
+        end # k
+    end
-function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::ZuccottiStrat) where T
+qpclineline=10^8#quasiparallel case controller
+const qpc=[qpclineline, qpclinetriang, qpctriangtriang] 
+function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::ZuccottiRule) where T
@@ -92,11 +164,13 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
-    #print(τ[1]," ",τ[2]," ",τ[3]," ",σ[1]," ",σ[2]," ",σ[3]," ",t1," ",t2," ",)
           if hits==3 
-             z[1,1,1]+=TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2)
+            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+             z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2))/(4*π)
           elseif hits==2
-            #pay attention with double layer and index permutation
+            #pay attention with double layer and index permutation or in whatever case has nx 
             if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
@@ -104,19 +178,94 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
             if mod1(b1index+1,3)==b2index
-                b3index=mod1(a1index-1,3)
+                b3index=mod1(b1index-1,3)
-                b3index=mod1(a1index+1,3)
+                b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3)
+            #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-            z[1,1,1]+=TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[a3index],t1,t2)
+            z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
           elseif hits==1
-                z[1,1,1]+=TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2)
+                #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+                z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-             z[1,1,1]+=inttriangletriangle(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],σ[1],σ[2],σ[3],t1,t2)
+            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nv1=",σ[1],"\nv2=",σ[2],"\nv3=",σ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+             z[1,1,1]+=(inttriangletriangle(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],σ[1],σ[2],σ[3],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
           #for the moment sos=1 but I will correct this
+function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat) where T
+    t1=ι[1]
+    t2=ι[2]
+      @assert t2 > t1
+      sos = op.speed_of_light 
+      a1index,a2index,a3index,b1index,b2index,b3index=0,0,0,0,0,0
+    Tt = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
+    hits = 0
+    dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(Tt)
+    dmin2 = floatmax(Tt)
+    for t in 1:3
+        for s in 1:3
+            d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(τ[t]-σ[s])
+            dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
+            if (d2 < dtol) 
+                hits+=1
+                if hits==1
+                    a1index =t
+                    b1index = s 
+                elseif hits==2
+                    a2index=t
+                    b2index=s
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+        if hits==3 
+            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+            z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2))/(4*π)
+        elseif hits==2
+            #pay attention with double layer and index permutation or in whatever case has nx 
+            if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
+                a3index=mod1(a1index-1,3)
+            else
+                a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3)
+            end
+            if mod1(b1index+1,3)==b2index
+                b3index=mod1(b1index-1,3)
+            else
+                b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3)
+            end
+            #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+            z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
+        elseif hits==1
+                a2index,a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3),mod1(a1index+2,3)
+                b2index,b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3),mod1(b1index+2,3)
+                #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+                z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
+        else
+            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nv1=",σ[1],"\nv2=",σ[2],"\nv3=",σ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+            XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+            for p in 1 : length(XW)
+                x = XW[p].point
+                w = XW[p].weight
+                innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+            end
+        end
+      #for the moment sos=1 but I will correct this
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
index 5c6b10c2..1e2637e3 100644
--- a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
+++ b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
@@ -293,6 +293,12 @@ struct WiltonInts84Strat{T,V,W}
+struct HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat{T,V,W}
+    outer_quad_points::T
+    binomials::V
+    workspace::W
 struct ZuccottiRule{T}
 	weight::T #Allanalyticalformula
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index cf2ca17a..223922c9 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ include("test_tdrhs_scaling.jl")

From a1f19cfc3a5ef9bf600b94c6f12c241f4fd58448 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CompatHelper Julia <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 00:39:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 06/24] CompatHelper: bump compat for SparseMatrixDicts to 0.2,
 (keep existing compat)

 Project.toml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 8c427f99..1b5c0c44 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ NestedUnitRanges = "0.2"
 Requires = "1"
 SauterSchwab3D = "0.1"
 SauterSchwabQuadrature = "2.3.0"
-SparseMatrixDicts = "< 0.2.8"
+SparseMatrixDicts = "< 0.2.8, 0.2"
 SpecialFunctions = "0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 1, 2"
 StaticArrays = "0.8.3, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 1"
 WiltonInts84 = "0.2.5"

From 06589747517bcd74fc78ebd9b64af11e8711e332 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CompatHelper Julia <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 00:35:12 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 07/24] CompatHelper: bump compat for LinearMaps to 3, (keep
 existing compat)

 Project.toml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 8c427f99..6690ed8a 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ FastGaussQuadrature = "0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1"
 FillArrays = "0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 1"
 IterativeSolvers = "0.9"
 LiftedMaps = "0.5.1"
-LinearMaps = "3.7 - 3.9"
+LinearMaps = "3.7 - 3.9, 3"
 NestedUnitRanges = "0.2"
 Requires = "1"
 SauterSchwab3D = "0.1"

From fb0f1a7847195e37f75fe2e98bfc95c771939590 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 17:02:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/24] ncrossbdm permutation + minor changes

 examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl    | 10 ++--
 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl       | 34 +++++++-----
 src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl      | 22 ++++++++
 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl b/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl
index 5db0c60b..adf753ab 100644
--- a/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl
+++ b/examples/disabled/tdhh3d_neumann.jl
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ using CompScienceMeshes
 using BEAST
 using LinearAlgebra
-G = meshsphere(1.0, 0.30)
-#G = CompScienceMeshes.meshmobius(h=0.1)
+#G = meshsphere(1.0, 0.30)
+G = CompScienceMeshes.meshmobius(h=0.2)
 c = 1.0
 S = BEAST.HH3DSingleLayerTDBIO(c)
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ P = timebasiscxd0(Δt, Nt)
 # assemble the right hand side
 bd  = assemble(n⋅h,     X ⊗ P)
-Z1d = assemble(Id ⊗ Id, X ⊗ P, X ⊗ P, Val{:bandedstorage})
-Z0d = assemble(D,       X ⊗ P, X ⊗ P, Val{:bandedstorage})
+Z1d = assemble(Id ⊗ Id, X ⊗ P, X ⊗ P)
+Z0d = assemble(D,       X ⊗ P, X ⊗ P)
 Zd = Z0d + (-0.5)*Z1d
 u = marchonintime(inv(Zd[:,:,1]), Zd, bd, Nt)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Zs = assemble(S, X ⊗ δ, X ⊗ P)
 v = marchonintime(inv(Zs[:,:,1]), Zs, -bs, Nt)
-tdacusticsl = @discretise S[j′,j] == -1.0e[j′]   j∈ (X ⊗ P)  j′∈ (X ⊗ δ)
+tdacusticsl = @discretise D[j′,j] == 1.0(n⋅h)[j′]   j∈ (X ⊗ P)  j′∈ (X ⊗ δ)
 xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
diff --git a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
index 4f049814..b952de14 100644
--- a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
+++ b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 using CompScienceMeshes, BEAST, LinearAlgebra
 #Γ = readmesh(joinpath(@__DIR__,""))
-Γ = meshsphere(radius=1.0, h=0.30)
+Γ = CompScienceMeshes.meshsphere(1.0,0.3)#CompScienceMeshes.meshcuboid(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.3)
 X = lagrangecxd0(Γ)
-Δt = 0.16
-Nt = 300
+Δt, Nt = 0.08, 600 
 T = timebasisshiftedlagrange(Δt, Nt, 0)
 U = timebasisdelta(Δt, Nt)
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ e = BEAST.planewave(point(0,0,1), 1.0, gaussian)
 @hilbertspace j
 @hilbertspace j′
-SL = TDAcustic3D.acusticsinglelayer(speedofsound=1.0, numdiffs=1)
+SL = TDAcustic3D.acusticsinglelayer(speedofsound=1.0, numdiffs=0)
 # BEAST.@defaultquadstrat (SL, W, V) BEAST.OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat(7)
 tdacusticsl = @discretise SL[j′,j] == -1.0e[j′]   j∈V  j′∈W
@@ -27,27 +26,34 @@ xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
 Z = assemble(SL,W,V)
 #corregere da qui 
-#import Plots
+import Plots
-#import Plotly
+import Plotly
 #fcr, geo = facecurrents(xefie[:,125], X)
 #Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
 import BEAST.ConvolutionOperators
-for a in 0:300
+for a in 1:1
-    #zawilton=ConvolutionOperators.timeslice(Zs,a)
-    for i in 1:numfunctions(X)
-        for j in 1:numfunctions(X)
-            if  (za[i,j])<0.0
-                println(a,[i,j]," ",za[i,j]," ",)
+    zawilton=ConvolutionOperators.timeslice(Zs,a)
+    for i in 1:10 #numfunctions(X)
+        #for j in 1:numfunctions(X)
+            if  norm(za[i,i]-zawilton[i,i])>=10^(-6)
+                println(a," ",i," ",za[i,i]," ",zawilton[i,i])
-        end
+        #end
 parse(Float64, name)
diff --git a/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl b/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
index b7dc7504..fe2a2a85 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
@@ -18,3 +18,25 @@ function (f::NCrossBDMRefSpace{T})(p) where T
         (value= n × (u*tu)/j,         curl=d),
         (value= n × (v*tv)/j,         curl=d),]
+const _vert_perms_ncrossbdm = [
+    (1,2,3),
+    (2,3,1),
+    (3,1,2),
+    (2,1,3),
+    (1,3,2),
+    (3,2,1),
+const _dof_perms_ncrossbdm = [
+    (1,2,3,4,5,6),
+    (5,6,1,2,3,4),
+    (3,4,5,6,1,2),
+    (4,3,2,1,6,5),
+    (2,1,6,5,4,3),
+    (6,5,4,3,2,1),
+function dof_permutation(::NCrossBDMRefSpace, vert_permutation)
+    i = findfirst(==(tuple(vert_permutation...)), _vert_perms_ncrossbdm)
+    return _dof_perms_ncrossbdm[i]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
index d23edece..4a865d87 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ end #of the module
 export TDAcustic3D
-defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = #=nothing=# AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
+defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = nothing # AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
 #nothing goes in hybrid qr, allanalytical goes in zuccottirule
@@ -233,10 +233,26 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
         if hits==3 
-            z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2))/(4*π)
+            entry=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2))/(4*π)
+            if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
+                println("quadrature ",τ[1]," ",τ[2]," ",τ[3]," ", t1," ",t2," ",entry)
+                XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+                for p in 1 : length(XW)
+                    x = XW[p].point
+                    w = XW[p].weight
+                    innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+                end 
+            else
+                z[1,1,1]+=max(entry,0.0)
+            end
         elseif hits==2
-            #pay attention with double layer and index permutation or in whatever case has nx 
+           #= XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+            for p in 1 : length(XW)
+                x = XW[p].point
+                w = XW[p].weight
+                innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+            end=#
+             #pay attention with double layer and index permutation or whatever case has n cross product
             if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
@@ -250,22 +266,55 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
-            z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
+                entry=(TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
+                if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
+                    println("quadrature ",τ[a1index]," ",τ[a2index]," ",τ[a3index]," ",σ[b1index]," ",σ[b2index]," ",σ[b3index], t1," ",t2," ",entry)
+                    XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+                    for p in 1 : length(XW)
+                        x = XW[p].point
+                        w = XW[p].weight
+                        innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+                    end 
+                else
+                    z[1,1,1]+=max(0.0,entry)
+                end
         elseif hits==1
-                a2index,a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3),mod1(a1index+2,3)
-                b2index,b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3),mod1(b1index+2,3)
-                #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-                z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-        else
-            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nv1=",σ[1],"\nv2=",σ[2],"\nv3=",σ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-            XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+            #=XW = qr.outer_quad_points
             for p in 1 : length(XW)
                 x = XW[p].point
                 w = XW[p].weight
                 innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+            end=#
+               a2index,a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3),mod1(a1index+2,3)
+                b2index,b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3),mod1(b1index+2,3)
+                #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+                entry=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
+                if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
+                    println("quadrature ",τ[a1index]," ",τ[a2index]," ",τ[a3index]," ",σ[b2index]," ",σ[b3index], t1," ",t2," ",entry)
+                    XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+                    for p in 1 : length(XW)
+                        x = XW[p].point
+                        w = XW[p].weight
+                        innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+                    end 
+                else
+                    z[1,1,1]+=max(0.0,entry)
+                end
+        else
+            entry=0.1#(inttriangletriangle(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],σ[1],σ[2],σ[3],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
+            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nv1=",σ[1],"\nv2=",σ[2],"\nv3=",σ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+            if norm(entry)>0.0 || entry<-0.0001
+                XW = qr.outer_quad_points
+                for p in 1 : length(XW)
+                    x = XW[p].point
+                    w = XW[p].weight
+                    innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
+                end
+            else
+                z[1,1,1]+=max(0.0,entry)
       #for the moment sos=1 but I will correct this
\ No newline at end of file

From 7d6707e7743af615f24a92307c65e6fb1fbb9245 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CompatHelper Julia <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 00:38:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 09/24] CompatHelper: bump compat for CompScienceMeshes to 0.7,
 (keep existing compat)

 Project.toml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 6f052b4e..3108e7eb 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ AbstractTrees = "0.4.4"
 BlockArrays = "0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 0.16"
 CollisionDetection = "0.1.5"
 Combinatorics = "0.7, 1"
-CompScienceMeshes = "0.6.0"
+CompScienceMeshes = "0.6.0, 0.7"
 Compat = "2, 3, 4"
 ConvolutionOperators = "0.4"
 ExtendableSparse = "1.4"

From a75e2d0cec6d632edb128008484f04176b535576 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 14:41:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/24] minor modifications

 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl       | 7 ++++---
 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl | 7 ++++---
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
index b952de14..a55aa005 100644
--- a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
+++ b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 using CompScienceMeshes, BEAST, LinearAlgebra
 #Γ = readmesh(joinpath(@__DIR__,""))
-Γ = CompScienceMeshes.meshsphere(1.0,0.3)#CompScienceMeshes.meshcuboid(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.3)
+Γ = CompScienceMeshes.meshsphere(1.0,0.4)#CompScienceMeshes.meshcuboid(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.3)
 X = lagrangecxd0(Γ)
-Δt, Nt = 0.08, 600 
+Δt, Nt = 0.5, 200 
 T = timebasisshiftedlagrange(Δt, Nt, 0)
 U = timebasisdelta(Δt, Nt)
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ tdacusticsl = @discretise SL[j′,j] == -1.0e[j′]   j∈V  j′∈W
 xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
 Z = assemble(SL,W,V)
 #corregere da qui 
 import Plots
diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
index 4a865d87..f82e12bd 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ end #of the module
 export TDAcustic3D
-defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = nothing # AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
+defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
 #nothing goes in hybrid qr, allanalytical goes in zuccottirule
@@ -189,8 +189,9 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
           elseif hits==1
-                #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
+                print("\na1=",τ[a1index],"\na2=",τ[a2index],"\na3=",τ[a3index],"\nb1=",σ[b1index],"\nb2=",σ[b2index],"\nb3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}
                 if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
-                    println("quadrature ",τ[a1index]," ",τ[a2index]," ",τ[a3index]," ",σ[b2index]," ",σ[b3index], t1," ",t2," ",entry)
+                    println("quadrature ",τ[a1index]," ",τ[a2index]," ",τ[a3index]," ",σ[b2index]," ",σ[b3index], t1," ",t2," ",entry, " ",)
                     XW = qr.outer_quad_points
                     for p in 1 : length(XW)

From d204aac8efc53996252566eed01358f04eca4509 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:20:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/24] Building new structure for all analytical  ints

 Project.toml                           |   1 +
 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl |   6 +-
 src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl       | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 0f162a22..cc4444bb 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ SauterSchwab3D = "0a13313b-1c00-422e-8263-562364ed9544"
 SauterSchwabQuadrature = "535c7bfe-2023-5c1d-b712-654ef9d93a38"
 SharedArrays = "1a1011a3-84de-559e-8e89-a11a2f7dc383"
 SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
+SparseMatrixDicts = "5cb6c4b0-9b79-11e8-24c9-f9621d252589"
 SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
 StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
 TimeDomainBEMInt = "0303f91b-5811-4998-82cd-e0687f55e8f9"
diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
index f82e12bd..e25c5078 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
@@ -31,14 +31,12 @@ end #of the module
 export TDAcustic3D
-defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1)
+defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1) #nothing
 #nothing goes in hybrid qr, allanalytical goes in zuccottirule
 function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-    testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
+     testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)    
     return nothing
diff --git a/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl b/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bce9909e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+function minmax1d(vertex,edge)
+        T = eltype(τ[1])
+        m = norm(vertex-edge[1])
+        M = m
+        s=edge[1]-edge[2]
+        s/=norm(s)
+        ev1=edge[1]-vertex
+        x0=(edge[1]-dot(ev1,s)*s)
+        a=(edge[2]-x0)*s
+        b=(edge[1]-x0)*s
+        if a<=0 && b>=0
+           m=norm(vertex-x0)
+           abs(a)<abs(b) && (M=norm(vertex-edge[2]))
+        else
+            for j in 1:length(edge)
+                q = edge[j]
+                d = norm(vertex-q)
+                d < m && (m=d)
+                d > M && (M=d)
+            end
+        end
+        return m, M
+function rings1d(τ, σ, ΔR)
+	m, M = minmaxdist(τ, σ)
+	r0 = floor(Int, m/ΔR) + 1
+	r1 = ceil(Int, M/ΔR+1)
+	r0 : r1
+function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
+    testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
+    dimU=dimension(testels)
+    dimV=dimension(trialels)
+    #rigerenerare delta R
+    if dimU+dimV==1
+    #testelsboundary=skeleton(testels,dimU-1)
+   # trialelsboundary=skeleton(trialels,dimV-1) 
+        numnodes=length(testels)
+        numedges=length(trialels)
+        datavertexedge=Array{TimeDomainBEMInt.edgevertexgeo{T,P}, 2}(undef, numnodes, numedges)
+        rings=Array{UnitRange{Int},2}(undef, numnodes, numedges)
+        datarings=Array{Vector{Tuple{Int,Vector}},2}(undef,numnodes,numedges)#il type va bene
+        #fill datarings with zeross !
+        for p in 1:numnodes
+            τ = chart(testels,p)#testels[p]
+            for q in 1:numedges
+                σ = chart(trialels,q)
+                edgevertgeo=TimeDomainBEMInt.edgevertexinteraction(τ,σ[1],σ[2])
+                datavertexedge[p,q]=edgevertgeo
+                a,b=edgevertegeo.extint0[1],edgevertegeo.extint0[2]
+                rngs=rings1d(τ,σ,ΔR)
+                rings[p,q]=rngs
+                datarings[p,q]=[0,[0.0,0.0]]
+                for r in rngs
+                    r > numfunctions(timebasisfunction) && continue #serve?
+                    ι = ring(r,ΔR)
+                    # compute interactions between reference shape functions
+                    #fill!(z, 0)
+                    rp=τ #se e un simplex ok se no va messo chart(τ,1).vertices credo
+                    t2=ι[2]#needs a check
+                    extint=TimeDomainBEMInt.edgevertexinteraction(t2,edgevertgeo)
+                    push!(datarings[p,q],extint)
+                    # qr = quadrule(op, U, V, W, p, τ, q, σ, r, ι, qd, quadstrat)
+                    #momintegrals!(z, op, U, V, W, τ, σ, ι, qr)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        return datavertexedge
+    else
+        return "devo ancora scrivere"
+    end
+if vertsgn1[1]==1
+    a1,a2=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+    a2,a1=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+if vertsgn2[1]==1
+    b1,b2=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+    b2,b1=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+function intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datatimes,parcontrol,UB::Type{Val{N}}) where N
+    #nedges=length(edges)
+     #vertices=[a1,a2,a1′,a2′]
+    vertices=[a1,a2,b1,b2]
+    l12=norm(vertices[1]-vertices[2])
+    l12′=norm(vertices[3]-vertices[4])
+   #geo1=edgevertexinteraction(a1,a1′,a2′) 
+    #geo2=edgevertexinteraction(a2,a1′,a2′)
+    #geo3=edgevertexinteraction(a1′,a1,a2)
+    #geo4=edgevertexinteraction(a2′,a1,a2)
+    #datatime=Array{Tuple}(undef,2,4)?
+    I = maketuple(eltype(a1), UB)
+    K = maketuple(typeof(a1), UB)
+    x=geo[3].tangent
+    #z=cross(a12′,x)
+    #J=norm(z)
+    #if J blablabla
+    #z /= J
+    #h=dot(r22,z)
+    hdir=cross(geo[1].tangent,x)
+    n=hdir/norm(hdir)
+        sgnn=[+1,-1,-1,+1]
+        h=dot(a2-b2,n)
+        sgnh=[+1,-1,+1,-1]
+        angletot=0.0
+        dminv=Vector{eltype(edge1[1])}(undef, 4)
+        ξ=Vector{typeof(edge1[1])}(undef, 4)
+        for j in 1:4
+            dminv[j]=geo[j].dmin
+            dmaxv[j]=geo[j].dmax 
+            v=vertices[j]
+            ξ[j]=v-n*h*sgnh[j]*sgnn[j] 
+            angletot+=anglecontribution(ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,geo[j])
+        end
+    if abs(angletot-2π)<100*eps(eltype(edge1[1]))
+        dmin=abs(h)
+    else
+        dmin=min(dminv[1],dminv[2],dminv[3],dminv[4])
+    end
+    dmax=max(dmaxv[1],dmaxv[2],dmaxv[3],dmaxv[4])
+    r0 = floor(Int, dmin/ΔR) + 1
+	r1 = ceil(Int, dmax/ΔR+1) #recuperare deltaR
+	ringtot = r0 : r1
+    allint=Vector{typeof((I,K))}(undef,r1-r0+2)
+    fill!(allint,(I,K))
+    if norm(hdir) < (parcontrol[1])*eps(typeof(temp1))
+        I=intparallelsegment(a1,a2,b1,b2,temp1,temp2)[1] #attenzione qui non compatibile con quello che stiamo scrivendo
+    else
+        n=hdir/norm(hdir)
+        sgnn=[+1,-1,-1,+1]
+        h=dot(a2-a2′,n)
+        sgnh=[+1,-1,+1,-1]
+        for j in 1:4  
+            for i in ringtot[1]:(relrings[j][1]-1)
+                        P,Q  = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],0,[0,0],i*ΔR,UB)
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
+                        P,Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],-sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],0,[0,0],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
+            end
+            for i in relrings[j]
+                    #shall I put some check like i*deltaR > h
+                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+2][1],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+2][2],i*ΔR,UB) #salviamo 
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
+                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],-sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+1][1],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+1][2],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)                 
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
+                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
+            end #probabilmente va bene cosi anche con ceil(int,frac) invece di ceil(int,frac+1)
+            allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1]=multiply(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],1/(l12′*l12*norm(hdir)))
+            allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2]=multiply(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],1/(l12′*l12*norm(hdir))) 
+            #=   for i in (relrings[j][2]+1):ringtot[j][2]
+                    #shall I put some check like i*deltaR > h
+                        saveP[i],saveQ[i]  = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],1,[a,b],i*ΔR,UB) #dadefinire a e b 
+                        save,and,subtract = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],1,[a,b],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)
+            end =# #sembra che non serva a causa di ceil(int,frac+1)!
+        end
+            #I+=(1/abs(r12′[2]*r12[1]))*(3*(temp2^2-temp1^2)*d[1]-2*(temp2^3-temp1^3)*d[2])
+    end
+    return ringtot,allint #missing buidgrad since it is not yet adapted for int line line

From c2d4539432b011e8054daa8d0d608d19e704749a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:10:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/24] Update analyticalints.jl

 src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl | 88 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl b/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
index bce9909e..97e4359a 100644
--- a/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
+++ b/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ end
 function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-    testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
+    testels::Vector{Simplex{3,0,3,1,T}}, trialels::Vector{Simplex{3,1,1,2,T}}, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat) where T
     #rigerenerare delta R
-    if dimU+dimV==1
+#quaddata 1D
+    #if dimU+dimV==1
    # trialelsboundary=skeleton(trialels,dimV-1) 
@@ -80,45 +80,59 @@ function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
         return datavertexedge
-    else
-        return "devo ancora scrivere"
-    end
+    #else
+     #   return "devo ancora scrivere"
+    #end
+function quaddata2Dee(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
+    testels::Vector{Simplex{3,1,1,2,T}}, trialels::Vector{Simplex{3,1,1,2,T}}, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
+    nnodes=length(nodes)
-if vertsgn1[1]==1
-    a1,a2=edge1[1],edge1[2]
-    a2,a1=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+    totrings=Array{UnitRange{Int},2}(undef, numedges, numedges)
+    datavalues=Array{Vector{Tuple{Int,Vector}},2}(undef,numedges,numedges)
+    cnnct=connectivity(edges,nodes)
+    for p in 1:numdges
+        for q in 1:numedges
+            edge1=chart(edges,p)
+            edge2=chart(edges,q)
+            vertind1=cnnct[1:nnodes,p].nzind
+            vertsgn1=cnnct[1:nnodes,p].nzval
+            vertind2=cnnct[1:nnodes,q].nzind
+            vertsgn2=cnnct[1:nnodes,q].nzval
+            if vertsgn1[1]==1
+                a1,a2=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+            else
+                a2,a1=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+            end
-if vertsgn2[1]==1
-    b1,b2=edge1[1],edge1[2]
-    b2,b1=edge1[1],edge1[2]
+            if vertsgn2[1]==1
+                b1,b2=edge2[1],edge2[2]
+            else
+                b2,b1=edge2[1],edge2[2]
+            end
+            geo1,rings1,datarings1=edgevertexgeo[vertind1[1],q],rings[vertind1[1],q],datarings[vertind1[1],q]
+            geo2,rings2,datarings2=edgevertexgeo[vertind1[2],q],rings[vertind1[2],q],datarings[vertind1[2],q]
+            geo3,rings3,datarings3=edgevertexgeo[vertind2[1],p],rings[vertind2[1],p],datarings[vertind2[1],p]
+            geo4,rings4,datarings4=edgevertexgeo[vertind2[2],p],rings[vertind2[2],p],datarings[vertind2[2],p]
+            geo=[geo1,geo2,geo3,geo4]
+            rings=[rings1,rings2,rings3,rings4]
+            datarings=[datarings1,datarings2,datarings3,datarings4]
+            totrings[p,q],datavalues[p,q]=intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datarings,[10^6,10^6,10^6],Val{0}) 
+        end
+    end
+    return totrings,datavalues
-function intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datatimes,parcontrol,UB::Type{Val{N}}) where N
+function intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datarings,parcontrol,UB::Type{Val{N}}) where N
@@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ function intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datatimes,parcontrol,UB::Type{V
         for j in 1:4  
-            for i in ringtot[1]:(relrings[j][1]-1)
+            for i in ringtot[1]:(rings[j][1]-1)
                         P,Q  = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],0,[0,0],i*ΔR,UB)
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
@@ -191,13 +205,13 @@ function intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datatimes,parcontrol,UB::Type{V
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
-            for i in relrings[j]
+            for i in rings[j]
                     #shall I put some check like i*deltaR > h
-                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+2][1],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+2][2],i*ΔR,UB) #salviamo 
+                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+2][1],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+2][2],i*ΔR,UB) #salviamo 
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
-                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],-sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+1][1],datarings[j][i-relrings[j][1]+1][2],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)                 
+                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],-sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+1][1],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+1][2],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)                 
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
                         allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
             end #probabilmente va bene cosi anche con ceil(int,frac) invece di ceil(int,frac+1)

From 68804cb5c5df02f78c27ccf933b70a40f9492177 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 12:47:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/24] Update runtests.jl

 test/runtests.jl | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index ac4f15cb..b642a5d2 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ include("test_variational.jl")
 using TestItemRunner

From 97f4c1d270894bb215537a4840e6a3b49c84f0c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 13:18:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/24] Cleaning master branch

I moved my changes for time domain integration in a new master called time_domain+integration
 Project.toml                           |   2 -
 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl       |  70 ------
 src/BEAST.jl                           |   1 -
 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl | 319 -------------------------
 src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl           |   4 +-
 src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl       | 232 ------------------
 src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl         |  10 -
 7 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 637 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
 delete mode 100644 src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
 delete mode 100644 src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 6b722b59..98f53e4e 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -27,10 +27,8 @@ SauterSchwab3D = "0a13313b-1c00-422e-8263-562364ed9544"
 SauterSchwabQuadrature = "535c7bfe-2023-5c1d-b712-654ef9d93a38"
 SharedArrays = "1a1011a3-84de-559e-8e89-a11a2f7dc383"
 SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
-SparseMatrixDicts = "5cb6c4b0-9b79-11e8-24c9-f9621d252589"
 SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
 StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
-TimeDomainBEMInt = "0303f91b-5811-4998-82cd-e0687f55e8f9"
 TestItems = "1c621080-faea-4a02-84b6-bbd5e436b8fe"
 WiltonInts84 = "a3e2863e-c0ee-5ff6-a523-307a4cdc8724"
diff --git a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl b/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index a55aa005..00000000
--- a/examples/tdacusticsinglelayer.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-using CompScienceMeshes, BEAST, LinearAlgebra
-#Γ = readmesh(joinpath(@__DIR__,""))
-Γ = CompScienceMeshes.meshsphere(1.0,0.4)#CompScienceMeshes.meshcuboid(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.3)
-X = lagrangecxd0(Γ)
-Δt, Nt = 0.5, 200 
-T = timebasisshiftedlagrange(Δt, Nt, 0)
-U = timebasisdelta(Δt, Nt)
-V = X ⊗ T
-W = X ⊗ U
-width, delay, scaling = 16.0, 24.0, 1.0
-gaussian = creategaussian(width, delay, scaling)
-e = BEAST.planewave(point(0,0,1), 1.0, gaussian)
-@hilbertspace j
-@hilbertspace j′
-SL = TDAcustic3D.acusticsinglelayer(speedofsound=1.0, numdiffs=0)
-# BEAST.@defaultquadstrat (SL, W, V) BEAST.OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat(7)
-tdacusticsl = @discretise SL[j′,j] == -1.0e[j′]   j∈V  j′∈W
-xacusticsl = solve(tdacusticsl)
-Z = assemble(SL,W,V)
-#corregere da qui 
-import Plots
-import Plotly
-#fcr, geo = facecurrents(xefie[:,125], X)
-#Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
-import BEAST.ConvolutionOperators
-for a in 1:1
-    za=ConvolutionOperators.timeslice(Z,a)
-    zawilton=ConvolutionOperators.timeslice(Zs,a)
-    for i in 1:10 #numfunctions(X)
-        #for j in 1:numfunctions(X)
-            if  norm(za[i,i]-zawilton[i,i])>=10^(-6)
-                println(a," ",i," ",za[i,i]," ",zawilton[i,i])
-            end
-        #end
-    end
-parse(Float64, name)
-Xefie, Δω, ω0 = fouriertransform(xefie, Δt, 0.0, 2)
-ω = collect(ω0 .+ (0:Nt-1)*Δω)
-_, i1 = findmin(abs.(ω.-1.0))
-ω1 = ω[i1]
-ue = Xefie[:,i1] / fouriertransform(gaussian)(ω1)
-fcr, geo = facecurrents(ue, X)
-Plotly.plot(patch(geo, norm.(fcr)))
diff --git a/src/BEAST.jl b/src/BEAST.jl
index 79b1b6ce..d14a5ee2 100644
--- a/src/BEAST.jl
+++ b/src/BEAST.jl
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ include("helmholtz3d/timedomain/tdhh3dops.jl")
-include("maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl")#support for acusticsinglelayer
diff --git a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl b/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index e25c5078..00000000
--- a/src/maxwell/timedomain/acustictdops.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-mutable struct AcusticSingleLayerTDIO{T} <: RetardedPotential{T}
-    "speed of sound in medium"
-    speed_of_light::T #for compatibility with the rest of the package I left light instead of sound
-    "weight"
-    weight::T
-    "number of temporal differentiations"
-    diffs::Int
-function Base.:*(a::Number, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO)
-	@info "scalar product a * op (acusticSL)"
-	AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(
-		op.speed_of_light,
-		a * op.weight,
-		op.diffs)
-AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(;speedofsound) = AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(speedofsound, one(speedofsound), 0)
-module TDAcustic3D
-import ...BEAST
-function acusticsinglelayer(;speedofsound, numdiffs)
-    @assert numdiffs >= 0
-        #controllare con Kristof che tipo di schema temporale viene utilizzato e come si con integrali rispetto al tempo extra
-        #return BEAST.integrate(BEAST.MWSingleLayerTDIO(speedoflight,-1/speedoflight,-speedoflight,2,0))
-	return BEAST.AcusticSingleLayerTDIO(speedofsound,one(speedofsound),numdiffs)
-end #of the module
-export TDAcustic3D
-defaultquadstrat(::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, tfs, bfs) = AllAnalyticalQStrat(1) #nothing
-#nothing goes in hybrid qr, allanalytical goes in zuccottirule
-function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-     testels, trialels, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)    
-    return nothing
-quadrule(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-        p, testel, q, trialel, r, timeel, qd, ::AllAnalyticalQStrat) = ZuccottiRule(1.0)
-function quaddata(operator::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO,
-            test_local_space, trial_local_space, time_local_space,
-            test_element, trial_element, time_element, quadstrat::Nothing)
-        dmax = numfunctions(time_local_space)-1
-        bn = binomial.((0:dmax),(0:dmax)')
-        V = eltype(test_element[1].vertices)
-        ws = WiltonInts84.workspace(V)
-        order = 4
-        @show order
-        quadpoints(test_local_space, test_element, (order,)), bn, ws
-    end
-    # See: ?BEAST.quadrule for help
-    function quadrule(operator::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO,
-            test_local_space, trial_local_space, time_local_space,
-            p, test_element, q, trial_element, r, time_element,
-            quad_data, quadstrat::Nothing)
-        # WiltonInts84Strat(quad_data[1,p])
-        qd = quad_data
-        HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat(qd[1][1,p],qd[2],qd[3])
-    end
-    function innerintegrals!(zlocal, operator::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO,
-            test_point,
-            test_local_space, trial_local_space, time_local_space,
-            test_element, trial_element, time_element,
-            quad_rule::HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat, quad_weight)
-        # error("Here!!!")
-        dx = quad_weight
-        x = cartesian(test_point)
-        # n = normal(test_point)
-        # a = trial_element[1]
-        # ξ = x - dot(x -a, n) * n
-        r = time_element[1]
-        R = time_element[2]
-        @assert r < R
-        N = max(degree(time_local_space), 1)
-        ∫G, ∫vG, ∫∇G = WiltonInts84.wiltonints(
-            trial_element[1],
-            trial_element[2],
-            trial_element[3],
-            x, r, R, Val{2}, quad_rule.workspace)
-        a = dx / (4*pi)
-        #D = operator.num_diffs
-        D=0
-        @assert D == 0
-        @assert numfunctions(test_local_space)  == 1
-        @assert numfunctions(trial_local_space) == 1
-        @inline function tmRoR_sl(d, iG)
-            sgn = isodd(d) ? -1 : 1
-            r = sgn * iG[d+2]
-        end
-        # bns = quad_rule.binomials
-        @assert D == 0
-        for k in 1 : numfunctions(time_local_space)
-            d = k - 1
-            d < D && continue
-            q = reduce(*, d-D+1:d ,init=1)
-            zlocal[1,1,k] += a * q * tmRoR_sl(d-D, ∫G)
-        end # k
-    end
-qpclineline=10^8#quasiparallel case controller
-const qpc=[qpclineline, qpclinetriang, qpctriangtriang] 
-function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::ZuccottiRule) where T
-        t1=ι[1]
-        t2=ι[2]
-          @assert t2 > t1
-          sos = op.speed_of_light 
-          a1index,a2index,a3index,b1index,b2index,b3index=0,0,0,0,0,0
-    Tt = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
-    hits = 0
-    dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(Tt)
-    dmin2 = floatmax(Tt)
-    for t in 1:3
-        for s in 1:3
-            d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(τ[t]-σ[s])
-            dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
-            if (d2 < dtol) 
-                hits+=1
-                if hits==1
-                    a1index =t
-                    b1index = s 
-                elseif hits==2
-                    a2index=t
-                    b2index=s
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-          if hits==3 
-            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-             z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2))/(4*π)
-          elseif hits==2
-            #pay attention with double layer and index permutation or in whatever case has nx 
-            if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
-                a3index=mod1(a1index-1,3)
-            else
-                a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3)
-            end
-            if mod1(b1index+1,3)==b2index
-                b3index=mod1(b1index-1,3)
-            else
-                b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3)
-            end
-            #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-            z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-          elseif hits==1
-                a2index,a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3),mod1(a1index+2,3)
-                b2index,b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3),mod1(b1index+2,3)
-                print("\na1=",τ[a1index],"\na2=",τ[a2index],"\na3=",τ[a3index],"\nb1=",σ[b1index],"\nb2=",σ[b2index],"\nb3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-                z[1,1,1]+=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-          else
-            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nv1=",σ[1],"\nv2=",σ[2],"\nv3=",σ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-             z[1,1,1]+=(inttriangletriangle(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],σ[1],σ[2],σ[3],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-          end
-          #for the moment sos=1 but I will correct this
-function momintegrals!(z, op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, g::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, f::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3}, t::MonomialBasis{T,0,1}, τ, σ, ι, qr::HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat) where T
-    t1=ι[1]
-    t2=ι[2]
-      @assert t2 > t1
-      sos = op.speed_of_light 
-      a1index,a2index,a3index,b1index,b2index,b3index=0,0,0,0,0,0
-    Tt = eltype(eltype(τ.vertices))
-    hits = 0
-    dtol = 1.0e3 * eps(Tt)
-    dmin2 = floatmax(Tt)
-    for t in 1:3
-        for s in 1:3
-            d2 = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(τ[t]-σ[s])
-            dmin2 = min(dmin2, d2)
-            if (d2 < dtol) 
-                hits+=1
-                if hits==1
-                    a1index =t
-                    b1index = s 
-                elseif hits==2
-                    a2index=t
-                    b2index=s
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-        if hits==3 
-            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-            entry=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcoinctriangles(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],t1,t2))/(4*π)
-            if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
-                println("quadrature ",τ[1]," ",τ[2]," ",τ[3]," ", t1," ",t2," ",entry)
-                XW = qr.outer_quad_points
-                for p in 1 : length(XW)
-                    x = XW[p].point
-                    w = XW[p].weight
-                    innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
-                end 
-            else
-                z[1,1,1]+=max(entry,0.0)
-            end
-        elseif hits==2
-           #= XW = qr.outer_quad_points
-            for p in 1 : length(XW)
-                x = XW[p].point
-                w = XW[p].weight
-                innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
-            end=#
-             #pay attention with double layer and index permutation or whatever case has n cross product
-            if mod1(a1index +1,3)==a2index
-                a3index=mod1(a1index-1,3)
-            else
-                a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3)
-            end
-            if mod1(b1index+1,3)==b2index
-                b3index=mod1(b1index-1,3)
-            else
-                b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3)
-            end
-            #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-                entry=(TimeDomainBEMInt.inttriangletriangleadjacent(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b1index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-                if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
-                    println("quadrature ",τ[a1index]," ",τ[a2index]," ",τ[a3index]," ",σ[b1index]," ",σ[b2index]," ",σ[b3index], t1," ",t2," ",entry)
-                    XW = qr.outer_quad_points
-                    for p in 1 : length(XW)
-                        x = XW[p].point
-                        w = XW[p].weight
-                        innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
-                    end 
-                else
-                    z[1,1,1]+=max(0.0,entry)
-                end
-        elseif hits==1
-            #=XW = qr.outer_quad_points
-            for p in 1 : length(XW)
-                x = XW[p].point
-                w = XW[p].weight
-                innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
-            end=#
-               a2index,a3index=mod1(a1index+1,3),mod1(a1index+2,3)
-                b2index,b3index=mod1(b1index+1,3),mod1(b1index+2,3)
-                #print("\np1=",τ[a1index],"\np2=",τ[a2index],"\np3=",τ[a3index],"\nv1=",σ[b1index],"\nv2=",σ[b2index],"\nv3=",σ[b3index],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-                entry=(TimeDomainBEMInt.intcommonvertex(τ[a1index],τ[a2index],τ[a3index],σ[b2index],σ[b3index],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-                if norm(entry)>10.0 || entry<-0.0001
-                    println("quadrature ",τ[a1index]," ",τ[a2index]," ",τ[a3index]," ",σ[b2index]," ",σ[b3index], t1," ",t2," ",entry, " ",)
-                    XW = qr.outer_quad_points
-                    for p in 1 : length(XW)
-                        x = XW[p].point
-                        w = XW[p].weight
-                        innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
-                    end 
-                else
-                    z[1,1,1]+=max(0.0,entry)
-                end
-        else
-            entry=0.1#(inttriangletriangle(τ[1],τ[2],τ[3],σ[1],σ[2],σ[3],t1,t2,qpc))/(4*π)
-            #print("\np1=",τ[1],"\np2=",τ[2],"\np3=",τ[3],"\nv1=",σ[1],"\nv2=",σ[2],"\nv3=",σ[3],"\nt1=",t1,"\nt2=",t2)
-            if norm(entry)>0.0 || entry<-0.0001
-                XW = qr.outer_quad_points
-                for p in 1 : length(XW)
-                    x = XW[p].point
-                    w = XW[p].weight
-                    innerintegrals!(z, op, x, g, f, t, τ, σ, ι, qr, w)
-                end
-            else
-                z[1,1,1]+=max(0.0,entry)
-            end
-        end
-      #for the moment sos=1 but I will correct this
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl b/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
index 632da895..3187a55b 100644
--- a/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
+++ b/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ struct OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat{R}
-struct AllAnalyticalQStrat{R}
-    rule::R
 defaultquadstrat(op, tfs, bfs) = defaultquadstrat(op, refspace(tfs), refspace(bfs))
 macro defaultquadstrat(dop, body)
diff --git a/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl b/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e4359a..00000000
--- a/src/timedomain/analyticalints.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-function minmax1d(vertex,edge)
-        T = eltype(τ[1])
-        m = norm(vertex-edge[1])
-        M = m
-        s=edge[1]-edge[2]
-        s/=norm(s)
-        ev1=edge[1]-vertex
-        x0=(edge[1]-dot(ev1,s)*s)
-        a=(edge[2]-x0)*s
-        b=(edge[1]-x0)*s
-        if a<=0 && b>=0
-           m=norm(vertex-x0)
-           abs(a)<abs(b) && (M=norm(vertex-edge[2]))
-        else
-            for j in 1:length(edge)
-                q = edge[j]
-                d = norm(vertex-q)
-                d < m && (m=d)
-                d > M && (M=d)
-            end
-        end
-        return m, M
-function rings1d(τ, σ, ΔR)
-	m, M = minmaxdist(τ, σ)
-	r0 = floor(Int, m/ΔR) + 1
-	r1 = ceil(Int, M/ΔR+1)
-	r0 : r1
-function quaddata(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-    testels::Vector{Simplex{3,0,3,1,T}}, trialels::Vector{Simplex{3,1,1,2,T}}, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat) where T
-    dimU=dimension(testels)
-    dimV=dimension(trialels)
-    #rigerenerare delta R
-#quaddata 1D
-    #if dimU+dimV==1
-    #testelsboundary=skeleton(testels,dimU-1)
-   # trialelsboundary=skeleton(trialels,dimV-1) 
-        numnodes=length(testels)
-        numedges=length(trialels)
-        datavertexedge=Array{TimeDomainBEMInt.edgevertexgeo{T,P}, 2}(undef, numnodes, numedges)
-        rings=Array{UnitRange{Int},2}(undef, numnodes, numedges)
-        datarings=Array{Vector{Tuple{Int,Vector}},2}(undef,numnodes,numedges)#il type va bene
-        #fill datarings with zeross !
-        for p in 1:numnodes
-            τ = chart(testels,p)#testels[p]
-            for q in 1:numedges
-                σ = chart(trialels,q)
-                edgevertgeo=TimeDomainBEMInt.edgevertexinteraction(τ,σ[1],σ[2])
-                datavertexedge[p,q]=edgevertgeo
-                a,b=edgevertegeo.extint0[1],edgevertegeo.extint0[2]
-                rngs=rings1d(τ,σ,ΔR)
-                rings[p,q]=rngs
-                datarings[p,q]=[0,[0.0,0.0]]
-                for r in rngs
-                    r > numfunctions(timebasisfunction) && continue #serve?
-                    ι = ring(r,ΔR)
-                    # compute interactions between reference shape functions
-                    #fill!(z, 0)
-                    rp=τ #se e un simplex ok se no va messo chart(τ,1).vertices credo
-                    t2=ι[2]#needs a check
-                    extint=TimeDomainBEMInt.edgevertexinteraction(t2,edgevertgeo)
-                    push!(datarings[p,q],extint)
-                    # qr = quadrule(op, U, V, W, p, τ, q, σ, r, ι, qd, quadstrat)
-                    #momintegrals!(z, op, U, V, W, τ, σ, ι, qr)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        return datavertexedge
-    #else
-     #   return "devo ancora scrivere"
-    #end
-function quaddata2Dee(op::AcusticSingleLayerTDIO, testrefs, trialrefs, timerefs,
-    testels::Vector{Simplex{3,1,1,2,T}}, trialels::Vector{Simplex{3,1,1,2,T}}, timeels, quadstrat::AllAnalyticalQStrat)
-    nnodes=length(nodes)
-    totrings=Array{UnitRange{Int},2}(undef, numedges, numedges)
-    datavalues=Array{Vector{Tuple{Int,Vector}},2}(undef,numedges,numedges)
-    cnnct=connectivity(edges,nodes)
-    for p in 1:numdges
-        for q in 1:numedges
-            edge1=chart(edges,p)
-            edge2=chart(edges,q)
-            vertind1=cnnct[1:nnodes,p].nzind
-            vertsgn1=cnnct[1:nnodes,p].nzval
-            vertind2=cnnct[1:nnodes,q].nzind
-            vertsgn2=cnnct[1:nnodes,q].nzval
-            if vertsgn1[1]==1
-                a1,a2=edge1[1],edge1[2]
-            else
-                a2,a1=edge1[1],edge1[2]
-            end
-            if vertsgn2[1]==1
-                b1,b2=edge2[1],edge2[2]
-            else
-                b2,b1=edge2[1],edge2[2]
-            end
-            geo1,rings1,datarings1=edgevertexgeo[vertind1[1],q],rings[vertind1[1],q],datarings[vertind1[1],q]
-            geo2,rings2,datarings2=edgevertexgeo[vertind1[2],q],rings[vertind1[2],q],datarings[vertind1[2],q]
-            geo3,rings3,datarings3=edgevertexgeo[vertind2[1],p],rings[vertind2[1],p],datarings[vertind2[1],p]
-            geo4,rings4,datarings4=edgevertexgeo[vertind2[2],p],rings[vertind2[2],p],datarings[vertind2[2],p]
-            geo=[geo1,geo2,geo3,geo4]
-            rings=[rings1,rings2,rings3,rings4]
-            datarings=[datarings1,datarings2,datarings3,datarings4]
-            totrings[p,q],datavalues[p,q]=intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datarings,[10^6,10^6,10^6],Val{0}) 
-        end
-    end
-    return totrings,datavalues
-function intlinelineglobal(a1,a2,b1,b2,geo,rings,datarings,parcontrol,UB::Type{Val{N}}) where N
-    #nedges=length(edges)
-     #vertices=[a1,a2,a1′,a2′]
-    vertices=[a1,a2,b1,b2]
-    l12=norm(vertices[1]-vertices[2])
-    l12′=norm(vertices[3]-vertices[4])
-   #geo1=edgevertexinteraction(a1,a1′,a2′) 
-    #geo2=edgevertexinteraction(a2,a1′,a2′)
-    #geo3=edgevertexinteraction(a1′,a1,a2)
-    #geo4=edgevertexinteraction(a2′,a1,a2)
-    #datatime=Array{Tuple}(undef,2,4)?
-    I = maketuple(eltype(a1), UB)
-    K = maketuple(typeof(a1), UB)
-    x=geo[3].tangent
-    #z=cross(a12′,x)
-    #J=norm(z)
-    #if J blablabla
-    #z /= J
-    #h=dot(r22,z)
-    hdir=cross(geo[1].tangent,x)
-    n=hdir/norm(hdir)
-        sgnn=[+1,-1,-1,+1]
-        h=dot(a2-b2,n)
-        sgnh=[+1,-1,+1,-1]
-        angletot=0.0
-        dminv=Vector{eltype(edge1[1])}(undef, 4)
-        ξ=Vector{typeof(edge1[1])}(undef, 4)
-        for j in 1:4
-            dminv[j]=geo[j].dmin
-            dmaxv[j]=geo[j].dmax 
-            v=vertices[j]
-            ξ[j]=v-n*h*sgnh[j]*sgnn[j] 
-            angletot+=anglecontribution(ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,geo[j])
-        end
-    if abs(angletot-2π)<100*eps(eltype(edge1[1]))
-        dmin=abs(h)
-    else
-        dmin=min(dminv[1],dminv[2],dminv[3],dminv[4])
-    end
-    dmax=max(dmaxv[1],dmaxv[2],dmaxv[3],dmaxv[4])
-    r0 = floor(Int, dmin/ΔR) + 1
-	r1 = ceil(Int, dmax/ΔR+1) #recuperare deltaR
-	ringtot = r0 : r1
-    allint=Vector{typeof((I,K))}(undef,r1-r0+2)
-    fill!(allint,(I,K))
-    if norm(hdir) < (parcontrol[1])*eps(typeof(temp1))
-        I=intparallelsegment(a1,a2,b1,b2,temp1,temp2)[1] #attenzione qui non compatibile con quello che stiamo scrivendo
-    else
-        n=hdir/norm(hdir)
-        sgnn=[+1,-1,-1,+1]
-        h=dot(a2-a2′,n)
-        sgnh=[+1,-1,+1,-1]
-        for j in 1:4  
-            for i in ringtot[1]:(rings[j][1]-1)
-                        P,Q  = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],0,[0,0],i*ΔR,UB)
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
-                        P,Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],-sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],0,[0,0],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
-            end
-            for i in rings[j]
-                    #shall I put some check like i*deltaR > h
-                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+2][1],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+2][2],i*ΔR,UB) #salviamo 
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
-                        P, Q = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],-sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+1][1],datarings[j][i-rings[j][1]+1][2],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)                 
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],P)
-                        allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2] = add(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],Q)
-            end #probabilmente va bene cosi anche con ceil(int,frac) invece di ceil(int,frac+1)
-            allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1]=multiply(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][1],1/(l12′*l12*norm(hdir)))
-            allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2]=multiply(allint[i-ringtot[1]+2][2],1/(l12′*l12*norm(hdir))) 
-            #=   for i in (relrings[j][2]+1):ringtot[j][2]
-                    #shall I put some check like i*deltaR > h
-                        saveP[i],saveQ[i]  = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],1,[a,b],i*ΔR,UB) #dadefinire a e b 
-                        save,and,subtract = arcsegcontribution(v,ξ[j],sgnn[j]*n,sgnh[j]*h,geo[j],1,[a,b],(i-1)*ΔR,UB)
-            end =# #sembra che non serva a causa di ceil(int,frac+1)!
-        end
-            #I+=(1/abs(r12′[2]*r12[1]))*(3*(temp2^2-temp1^2)*d[1]-2*(temp2^3-temp1^3)*d[2])
-    end
-    return ringtot,allint #missing buidgrad since it is not yet adapted for int line line
diff --git a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
index 9834e5bc..8ec3cd44 100644
--- a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
+++ b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 using WiltonInts84
-using TimeDomainBEMInt
 abstract type AbstractSpaceTimeOperator end
 abstract type SpaceTimeOperator <: AbstractSpaceTimeOperator end # atomic operator
@@ -315,15 +314,6 @@ struct WiltonInts84Strat{T,V,W}
-struct HybridZuccottiWiltonStrat{T,V,W}
-    outer_quad_points::T
-    binomials::V
-    workspace::W
-struct ZuccottiRule{T}
-	weight::T #Allanalyticalformula
 function momintegrals!(z, op, g, f, T, τ, σ, ι, qr::WiltonInts84Strat)

From 7537d702461c9c96c95884e846dcc60a6cd66345 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 16:38:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/24] Update quadstrats.jl

 src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl b/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
index 3187a55b..534f9a46 100644
--- a/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
+++ b/src/quadrature/quadstrats.jl
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ struct OuterNumInnerAnalyticQStrat{R}
 defaultquadstrat(op, tfs, bfs) = defaultquadstrat(op, refspace(tfs), refspace(bfs))
 macro defaultquadstrat(dop, body)
     @assert dop.head == :tuple

From 95789fa4a7bdd232d7a50f4ecb53ffb5148a6cb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bmergl <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 18:39:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/24] VIE bugfix

Fix for VIE momintegrals! and grideval.
(This was needed due to changes in momintegrals! and numfunctions.)
Activates the VIE unit test.
 src/bases/local/laglocal.jl             |  5 +++--
 src/postproc/segcurrents.jl             | 12 ++++++++----
 src/volumeintegral/sauterschwab_ints.jl | 19 +++++++++++--------
 test/runtests.jl                        |  2 ++
 test/test_hh_lsvie.jl                   | 18 +++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bases/local/laglocal.jl b/src/bases/local/laglocal.jl
index 21355e0f..0adea811 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/laglocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/laglocal.jl
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ numfunctions(s::LagrangeRefSpace{T,1,3}, ch::CompScienceMeshes.ReferenceSimplex{
 numfunctions(s::LagrangeRefSpace{T,2,3}, ch::CompScienceMeshes.ReferenceSimplex{2}) where {T} = 6
 numfunctions(s::LagrangeRefSpace{T,Dg}, ch::CompScienceMeshes.ReferenceSimplex{D}) where {T,Dg,D} = binomial(D+Dg,Dg)
-valuetype(ref::LagrangeRefSpace{T}, charttype) where {T} =
-        SVector{numfunctions(ref), Tuple{T,T}}
+# valuetype(ref::LagrangeRefSpace{T}, charttype) where {T} =
+#         SVector{numfunctions(ref), Tuple{T,T}}
+valuetype(ref::LagrangeRefSpace{T}, charttype) where {T} = T
 # Evaluate constant lagrange elements on anything
 (ϕ::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0})(tp) where {T} = SVector(((value=one(T), derivative=zero(T)),))
diff --git a/src/postproc/segcurrents.jl b/src/postproc/segcurrents.jl
index a02e37c9..844f2eec 100644
--- a/src/postproc/segcurrents.jl
+++ b/src/postproc/segcurrents.jl
@@ -29,21 +29,25 @@ function grideval(points, coeffs, basis; type=nothing)
     V = valuetype(refs, eltype(charts))
     T = promote_type(eltype(coeffs), eltype(V))
-    P = similar_type(V, T)
+    if !(V <: SVector)
+        P = T
+    else
+        P = similar_type(V, T)
+    end
-    type != nothing && (P = type)
+    type !== nothing && (P = type)
     values = zeros(P, size(points))
     chart_tree = BEAST.octree(charts)
     for (j,point) in enumerate(points)
         i = CompScienceMeshes.findchart(charts, chart_tree, point)
-        if i != nothing
+        if i !== nothing
             # @show i
             chart = charts[i]
             u = carttobary(chart, point)
             vals = refs(neighborhood(chart,u))
-            for r in 1 : numfunctions(refs)
+            for r in 1 : numfunctions(refs, domain(chart))
                 for (m,w) in ad[i, r]
                     values[j] += w * coeffs[m] * vals[r][1]
diff --git a/src/volumeintegral/sauterschwab_ints.jl b/src/volumeintegral/sauterschwab_ints.jl
index 68385e7a..6b8fc46d 100644
--- a/src/volumeintegral/sauterschwab_ints.jl
+++ b/src/volumeintegral/sauterschwab_ints.jl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function reorder_dof(space::RTRefSpace,I)
     return SVector(K),SVector{3,Int64}(1,1,1)
-function reorder_dof(space::LagrangeRefSpace{Float64,0,3,1},I)
+function reorder_dof(space::LagrangeRefSpace{T,0,3,1},I) where T
     return SVector{1,Int64}(1),SVector{1,Int64}(1)
@@ -102,16 +102,19 @@ function reorder_dof(space::LagrangeRefSpace{T,1,4,4},I) where T
 function momintegrals!(out, op::VIEOperator,
-    test_local_space::RefSpace, test_ptr, test_tetrahedron_element,
-    trial_local_space::RefSpace, trial_ptr, trial_tetrahedron_element,
+    test_functions::Space, test_ptr, test_tetrahedron_element,
+    trial_functions::Space, trial_ptr, trial_tetrahedron_element,
+    local_test_space = refspace(test_functions)
+    local_trial_space = refspace(trial_functions)
     #Find permutation of vertices to match location of singularity to SauterSchwab
     J, I= SauterSchwab3D.reorder(strat.sing)
     #Get permutation and rel. orientatio of DoFs 
-    K,O1 = reorder_dof(test_local_space, I)
-    L,O2 = reorder_dof(trial_local_space, J)
+    K,O1 = reorder_dof(local_test_space, I)
+    L,O2 = reorder_dof(local_trial_space, J)
     #Apply permuation to elements
     if length(I) == 4
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ function momintegrals!(out, op::VIEOperator,
     #Define integral (returns a function that only needs barycentric coordinates)
     igd = VIEIntegrand(test_tetrahedron_element, trial_tetrahedron_element,
-        op, test_local_space, trial_local_space)
+        op, local_test_space, local_trial_space)
     #Evaluate integral
     Q = SauterSchwab3D.sauterschwab_parameterized(igd, strat)
@@ -161,8 +164,8 @@ function momintegrals!(out, op::VIEOperator,
 function momintegrals!(z, biop::VIEOperator,
-    tshs, tptr, tcell,
-    bshs, bptr, bcell,
+    test_functions::Space, tptr, tcell,
+    trial_functions::Space, bptr, bcell,
     # memory allocation here is a result from the type instability on strat
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index bbcee67f..f99b04bf 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ include("test_variational.jl")
 using TestItemRunner
diff --git a/test/test_hh_lsvie.jl b/test/test_hh_lsvie.jl
index 899c55b1..cc16cb35 100644
--- a/test/test_hh_lsvie.jl
+++ b/test/test_hh_lsvie.jl
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ using Test
 @testset "Lippmann Schwinger Volume Integral Equation" begin
     # Environment
-    ε1 = 1.0*ε0
-    μ1 = μ0
+    ε1 = 1.0*SphericalScattering.ε0
+    μ1 = SphericalScattering.μ0
     # Dielectic Sphere
-    ε2 = 5.0*ε0
-    μ2 = μ0
+    ε2 = 5.0*SphericalScattering.ε0
+    μ2 = SphericalScattering.μ0
     r = 1.0
     sp = DielectricSphere(; radius = r, filling = Medium(ε2, μ2))
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ using Test
     # Assembly
-    b = assemble(Φ_inc, X)
+    b = real.(assemble(Φ_inc, X))
     Z_I = assemble(I, X, X)
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ using Test
     Z_version2 = Z_I + Z_Y
     # MoM solution
-    u_version1 = Z_version1 \ Vector(b)
-    u_version2 = Z_version2 \ Vector(b)
+    u_version1 = Z_version1 \ b
+    u_version2 = Z_version2 \ b
     # Observation points
     range_ = range(-1.0*r,stop=1.0*r,length=14)
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ using Test
     Φ = field(sp, ex, ScalarPotential(points_sp))
     # MoM solution inside the dielectric sphere
-    Φ_MoM_version1 = BEAST.grideval(points_sp, u_version1, X, type=Float64)
-    Φ_MoM_version2 = BEAST.grideval(points_sp, u_version2, X, type=Float64)
+    Φ_MoM_version1 = BEAST.grideval(points_sp, u_version1, X)
+    Φ_MoM_version2 = BEAST.grideval(points_sp, u_version2, X)

From 4d485d145644e8de9acfa1ca244ad00294d510b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:04:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/24] Update builddual.jl

 examples/builddual.jl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/examples/builddual.jl b/examples/builddual.jl
index 84308adc..cba47e7c 100644
--- a/examples/builddual.jl
+++ b/examples/builddual.jl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using BEAST
 Faces = meshsphere(1.0, 0.35)
 Edges = skeleton(Faces,1)
 faces = barycentric_refinement(Faces)
 edges = skeleton(faces,1)
 # verts = skeleton(faces,0)

From d234b221cf423a3edab29effd692615bac8769ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:06:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/24] Update builddual.jl

 examples/builddual.jl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/examples/builddual.jl b/examples/builddual.jl
index cba47e7c..84308adc 100644
--- a/examples/builddual.jl
+++ b/examples/builddual.jl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using BEAST
 Faces = meshsphere(1.0, 0.35)
 Edges = skeleton(Faces,1)
 faces = barycentric_refinement(Faces)
 edges = skeleton(faces,1)
 # verts = skeleton(faces,0)

From f387b8a7f73f7819e905e76aca2fbae0268d2112 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:25:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/24] Update Project.toml

 Project.toml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index a898b184..1b31d623 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ FillArrays = "0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 1"
 Infiltrator = "1.8.2"
 IterativeSolvers = "0.9"
 LiftedMaps = "0.5.1"
-LinearMaps = "3.7 - 3.9, 3"
+LinearMaps = "3.7 - 3.9, 3.11.2"
 NestedUnitRanges = "0.2"
 Requires = "1"
 SauterSchwab3D = "0.1"
-SauterSchwabQuadrature = "2.3.0"
+SauterSchwabQuadrature = "2.4.0"
 SpecialFunctions = "0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 1, 2"
 StaticArrays = "0.8.3, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 1"
 TestItems = "0.1.1, 1"

From 4fa214fea3a5d521ed5d92a294026dd5b56e0d73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:55:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/24] Update ncrossbdmlocal.jl

 src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl b/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
index 72bd24e5..8ec3dced 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ function (f::NCrossBDMRefSpace{T})(p) where T
         (value= n × (v*tv)/j,         curl=d),]
+numfunctions(x::NCrossBDMRefSpace, dom::CompScienceMeshes.ReferenceSimplex{2}) = 6
 const _vert_perms_ncrossbdm = [
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ const _dof_perms_ncrossbdm = [
 function dof_permutation(::NCrossBDMRefSpace, vert_permutation)
     i = findfirst(==(tuple(vert_permutation...)), _vert_perms_ncrossbdm)
     return _dof_perms_ncrossbdm[i]

From 809e480beecc158035d58a8d5fc8ada5444a6264 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:36:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/24] perms of curl conf spaces not needed

 src/bases/local/bdmlocal.jl       |  2 ++
 src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl | 22 ----------------------
 src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl        | 23 -----------------------
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bases/local/bdmlocal.jl b/src/bases/local/bdmlocal.jl
index 1c83f5f7..605963d9 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/bdmlocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/bdmlocal.jl
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ end
 divergence(ref::BDMRefSpace, sh, el) = [Shape(sh.cellid, 1, sh.coeff/(2*volume(el)))]
+numfunctions(x::BDMRefSpace, dom::CompScienceMeshes.ReferenceSimplex{2}) = 6
 const _vert_perms_bdm = [
diff --git a/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl b/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
index 8ec3dced..cb332499 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/ncrossbdmlocal.jl
@@ -20,25 +20,3 @@ function (f::NCrossBDMRefSpace{T})(p) where T
 numfunctions(x::NCrossBDMRefSpace, dom::CompScienceMeshes.ReferenceSimplex{2}) = 6
-const _vert_perms_ncrossbdm = [
-    (1,2,3),
-    (2,3,1),
-    (3,1,2),
-    (2,1,3),
-    (1,3,2),
-    (3,2,1),
-const _dof_perms_ncrossbdm = [
-    (1,2,3,4,5,6),
-    (5,6,1,2,3,4),
-    (3,4,5,6,1,2),
-    (4,3,2,1,6,5),
-    (2,1,6,5,4,3),
-    (6,5,4,3,2,1),
-function dof_permutation(::NCrossBDMRefSpace, vert_permutation)
-    i = findfirst(==(tuple(vert_permutation...)), _vert_perms_ncrossbdm)
-    return _dof_perms_ncrossbdm[i]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl b/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl
index 93a31471..a4b3bd17 100644
--- a/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl
+++ b/src/bases/local/ndlocal.jl
@@ -68,26 +68,3 @@ function restrict(ϕ::NDRefSpace{T}, dom1, dom2) where T
     return Q
-const _vert_perms_nd = [
-    (1,2,3),
-    (2,3,1),
-    (3,1,2),
-    (2,1,3),
-    (1,3,2),
-    (3,2,1),
-const _dof_perms_nd = [
-    (1,2,3),
-    (3,1,2),
-    (2,3,1),
-    (2,1,3),
-    (1,3,2),
-    (3,2,1),
-function dof_permutation(::NDRefSpace, vert_permutation)
-    i = findfirst(==(tuple(vert_permutation...)), _vert_perms_nd)
-    @assert i != nothing
-    return _dof_perms_nd[i]
\ No newline at end of file

From 105923207aab9140260b9a6188d50e40356932b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: azuccott <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:51:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/24] space correction

 src/maxwell/mwops.jl           | 2 --
 src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl | 2 --
 2 files changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
index 3e8429b4..dbac76e5 100644
--- a/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
+++ b/src/maxwell/mwops.jl
@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@ singularpart(op::MWDoubleLayer3D) = MWDoubleLayer3DSng(op.alpha, op.gamma)
 # function quadrule(op::MaxwellOperator3D, g::BDMRefSpace, f::BDMRefSpace,  i, τ, j, σ, qd,
 #   qs::DoubleNumWiltonSauterQStrat)
diff --git a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
index a0c1bee9..73bcb201 100644
--- a/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
+++ b/src/timedomain/tdintegralop.jl
@@ -328,5 +328,3 @@ function momintegrals!(z, op, g, f, T, τ, σ, ι, qr::WiltonInts84Strat)

From 263926d826fdff3475248042411ba791907a611e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kristof Cools <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 11:07:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/24] some tests got unborken by update in WiltonInts

 test/test_tdmwdbl.jl | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl b/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl
index 81fb700f..60d6c453 100644
--- a/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl
+++ b/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ qrl = BEAST.quadrule(K, refspace(X), refspace(Y), refspace(T2),
     1, test_els[1], 1, trial_els[1], 1, time_els[1], qdt, qs)
 z = zeros(Float64, 3, 3, 10)
 BEAST.innerintegrals!(z, K, x, refspace(X), refspace(Y), refspace(T2), test_els[1], trial_els[1], (0.0, 20.0), qrl, w)
-@test_broken !any(isnan.(z))
+@test !any(isnan.(z))
 verts = trial_els[1].vertices
 import WiltonInts84
@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ h = 0.0
 using StaticArrays
 m = SVector(-0.7071067811865474, 0.7071067811865478, -0.0)
 iG, vG = WiltonInts84.segintsg(a, b, p, h, m, Val{2})
-@test_broken !any(isnan.(iG))
+@test !any(isnan.(iG))

From 0f4fa419ac787ba3e1bd03a98c7bdf60d8fd8ea0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kristof Cools <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 11:40:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/24] unbreak tests in tdmwdbl

 test/test_tdmwdbl.jl | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl b/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl
index 81fb700f..60d6c453 100644
--- a/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl
+++ b/test/test_tdmwdbl.jl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ qrl = BEAST.quadrule(K, refspace(X), refspace(Y), refspace(T2),
     1, test_els[1], 1, trial_els[1], 1, time_els[1], qdt, qs)
 z = zeros(Float64, 3, 3, 10)
 BEAST.innerintegrals!(z, K, x, refspace(X), refspace(Y), refspace(T2), test_els[1], trial_els[1], (0.0, 20.0), qrl, w)
-@test_broken !any(isnan.(z))
+@test !any(isnan.(z))
 verts = trial_els[1].vertices
 import WiltonInts84
@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ h = 0.0
 using StaticArrays
 m = SVector(-0.7071067811865474, 0.7071067811865478, -0.0)
 iG, vG = WiltonInts84.segintsg(a, b, p, h, m, Val{2})
-@test_broken !any(isnan.(iG))
+@test !any(isnan.(iG))