04 March 2023
- Add support for azwikimedia, gucwiki, gurwiki (:phab:`T317121`, :phab:`T326238`, :phab:`T327844`)
- Avoid error when replacement includes backslash (:phab:`T330021`)
- Copy snak IDs/hashes when using :meth:`page.WikibaseEntity.editEntity` (:phab:`T327607`)
- Add
to :meth:`pywikibot.WbTime.toTimestamp` (:phab:`T325868`) - L10N and i18n updates
21 January 2023
- Allow copying timezone from timestamp in :class:`pywikibot.WbTime` (:phab:`T325864`)
- Support federated Wikibase (:phab:`T173195`)
- Improve warning if a Non-JSON response was received from server (:phab:`T326046`)
- Allow normalization of :class:`pywikibot.WbTime` objects (:phab:`T123888`)
- Add parser for
<pages />
tag to :mod:`proofreadpage` addOnly
parameter of :func:`textlib.replaceLanguageLinks` and :func:`textlib.replaceCategoryLinks` were renamed toadd_only
attribute was added to :class:`family.WikimediaFamily` (:phab:`T325426`)- Unify representation for :class:`time.Timestamp` between CPython and Pypy (:phab:`T325905`)
- Implement comparison for :class:`pywikibot.WbTime` object (:phab:`T148280`, :phab:`T325863`)
- Create a cookie file for each account (:phab:`T324000`)
- Move data.api._login.LoginManager to :class:`login.ClientLoginManager`
- Let user the choice which section to be copied with :mod:`generate_user_files <pywikibot.scripts.generate_user_files>` (:phab:`T145372`)
- use :func:`roundrobin_generators<tools.itertools.roundrobin_generators>` to combine generators when limit option is given
- Ignore OSError if API cache cannot be written
- Update tools._unidata._category_cf from Unicodedata version 15.0.0
- :meth:`Timestamp.set_timestamp()<pywikibot.time.Timestamp.set_timestamp>` raises TypeError instead of ValueError if conversion fails
- Python 3.12 is supported
- All parameters of :meth:`APISite.categorymembers() <pywikibot.site._generators.GeneratorsMixin.categorymembers>` are provided with :meth:`Category.members()<page.Category.members>`, :meth:`Category.subcategories()<page.Category.subcategories>` (member_type excluded) and :meth:`Category.articles()<page.Category.articles>` (member_type excluded)
- Enable site-package installation from git repository (:phab:`T320851`)
- Enable 2FA login (:phab:`T186274`)
- :meth:`Page.editTime()<page.BasePage.editTime>` was replaced by :attr:`Page.latest_revision.timestamp<page.BasePage.latest_revision>`
- Raise a generic ServerError if requests response is a ServerError (:phab:`T320590`)
- Add a new variable 'private_folder_permission' to config.py (:phab:`T315045`)
- L10N and i18n updates
- Adjust subprocess args in :mod:`tools.djvu`
- Short site value can be given if site code is equal to family like
- Add highlighting to targeted code snippet within documentation (:phab:`T323800`)
- Add previous, next, index, and modules links to documentation sidebar (:phab:`T323803`)
- Introduce standard colors (legacy palette) in Furo theme (:phab:`T323802`)
- Improve basic content structure and navigation of documentation (:phab:`T323812`)
- Use
sphinx theme instead ofNatural
and improve documentation look and feel (:phab:`T322212`) - MediaWiki API cross reference was added to the documentation
- Fix representation string for :class:`page.Claim` stub instances (:phab:`T326453`)
- Don't raise StopIteration in :meth:`login.LoginManager.check_user_exists` if given user is behind the last user (:phab:`T326063`)
- Normalize :class:`WbTimes<pywikibot.WbTime>` sent to Wikidata (:phab:`T325860`)
- Fix :class:`pywikibot.WbTime` precision (:phab:`T324798`)
- Unquote title for red-links in class:proofreadpage.IndexPage
- Find month with first letter uppercase or lowercase with :class:`textlib.TimeStripper` (:phab:`T324310`)
- Fix disolving script_paths for site-package (:phab:`T320530`)
- Respect limit argument with Board.topics() (:phab:`T138215`, :phab:`T138307`)
package is mandatory (:phab:`T326498`)- Several package dependencies were updated
- All parameters of :meth:`Category.members()<page.Category.members>`, :meth:`Category.subcategories()<page.Category.subcategories>` and :meth:`Category.articles()<page.Category.articles>` are keyword only
- The
attributes of :class:`page.Revision` were removed in favour ofparentid
- Support for MediaWiki < 1.27 was dropped
- ListBoxWindows class of :mod:`userinterfaces.gui` was removed
- Require Python 3.6.1+ with Pywikibot and drop support for Python 3.6.0 (:phab:`T318912`)
- pymysql >= 0.9.3 is required (:phab:`T216741`)
- Python 3.5 support was dropped (:phab:`T301908`)
- See also Code cleanups below
script was removed (:phab:`T325426`)alphabetic_sv
attributes of :class:`Wiktionary<families.wiktionary_family.Family>` family were removed (:phab:`T325426`)alphabetic
attributes of :class:`family.Family` were removed (:phab:`T325426`)
08 January 2023
- Add support for shn-wikibooks, as quote, guw quote, got-wikt families (:phab:`T148280`, :phab:`T326141`, :phab:`T321285`, :phab:`T321297`)
03 December 2022
- Fix :class:`textlib.TimeStripper` for
site code (:phab:`T324310`)
10 October 2022
- New wikis are supported (:phab:`T314642`, :phab:`T314648`, :phab:`T316459`, :phab:`T317115`, :phab:`T319193`)
25 September 2022
- TypeError is raised if aliases parameter of :meth:`WikibasePage.editAliases <page.WikibasePage.editEntity>` method is not a list (:phab:`T318034`)
- Raise TypeError in :meth:`AliasesDict.normalizeData <pywikibot.page._collections.AliasesDict.normalizeData>` if data value is not a list (:phab:`T318034`)
- tools' threading classes were moved to :mod:`tools.threading` submodule
- No longer raise NotimplementedError in :meth:`APISite.page_from_repository <pywikibot.site._apisite.APISite.page_from_repository>` (:phab:`T318033`)
- Ability to set
environment variables with pwb wrapper (:phab:`T139847`) - OmegaWiki family was removed
- Provide global
option to specify the user config file name - Run :mod:`pywikibot.scripts.login` script in parallel tasks if
option is given (:phab:`T57899`) - Ability to preload categories was added to :meth:`APISite.preloadpages <pywikibot.site._generators.GeneratorsMixin.preloadpages>` (:phab:`T241689`)
- Add :class:`WikiBlame<page._toolforge.WikiBlameMixin>` support was added to get the five topmost authors
- Raise KeyError instead of AttributeError if :class:`page.FileInfo` is used as Mapping
- i18n and L10N updates
21 August 2022
- Add support for pcmwiki, guvwikt and bjnwikt (:phab:`T309059`, :phab:`T310882`, :phab:`T312217`)
- support not loading text :meth:`site.APISite.preloadpages` (:phab:`T67163`)
- :func:`textlib.TimeStripper.timestripper` removes HTML elements before searching for timestamp in text (:phab:`T302496`)
- backport :mod:`backports.pairwise()<backports>` from Python 3.10
- L10N updates
- Fix partial caching in :meth:`Category.subcategories()<page.Category.subcategories>` (:phab:`T88217`)
- Method :meth:`Page.has_content()<page.BasePage.has_content>` was added (:phab:`T313736`)
- Discard cache and reload it if cache was loaded without content and content is required in :meth:`Page.templates()<page.BasePage.templates>` (:phab:`T313736`)
- Add support for vikidia:oc
- Exit loop in PageFromFileReader if match.end() <= 0 (:phab:`T313684`)
- Allow Exception as parameter of pywikibot.exceptions.Error
- Make :func:`GoogleSearchPageGenerator<pagegenerators.GoogleSearchPageGenerator>` and :func:`PetScanPageGenerator<pagegenerators.PetScanPageGenerator>` a restartable Generator (:phab:`T313681`, :phab:`T313683`)
- Provide a :class:`collections.GeneratorWrapper<tools.collections.GeneratorWrapper>` class to start/restart a generator (:phab:`T301318`, :phab:`T312654`, :phab:`T312883`)
- tools' itertools functions were moved to :mod:`tools.itertools` submodule
- tools' collections classes were moved to :mod:`tools.collections` submodule
- Set successful login status for the OAuth case (:phab:`T313571`)
22 July 2022
- Add support for blkwiki (:phab:`T310875`)
- L10N Updates
- Fix duplicate source detection in :meth:`pywikibot.WikidataBot.user_add_claim_unless_exists`
- :mod:`pywikibot.textlib`.tzoneFixedOffset class was renamed to :class:`pywikibot.time.TZoneFixedOffset`
- Wrapper method :meth:`parsevalue()<pywikibot.site._datasite.DataSite.parsevalue>` around wbparsevalue was added (:phab:`T112140`, :phab:`T312755`)
- L10N updates
- Fix cp encodings in :func:`get_charset_from_content_type() <comms.http.get_charset_from_content_type>` (:phab:`T312230`)
- New :mod:`pywikibot.time` module with new functions in addition to Timestamp
- :meth:`Page.revisions()<page.BasePage.revisions>` supports more formats/types for starttime and endtime parameters, in addition to those allowed by :meth:`Timestamp.fromISOformat()<pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat>`.
- New :meth:`Timestamp.set_timestamp()<pywikibot.Timestamp.set_timestamp>` method
- Fully ISO8601 and POSIX format support with :class:`pywikibot.Timestamp`; formats are compliant with MediaWiki supported formats
- Handle asynchronous page_put_queue after KeyboardInterrupt in Python 3.9+ (:phab:`T311076`)
- No longer expect a specific namespace alias in cosmetic_changes :meth:`translateAndCapitalizeNamespaces <cosmetic_changes.CosmeticChangesToolkit.translateAndCapitalizeNamespaces>`
26 June 2022
- Provide Built Distribution with Pywikibot (PEP 427)
- Update WRITE_ACTIONS in used by :class:`api.Request<data.api.Request>`
- Move :func:`get_closest_memento_url<data.memento.get_closest_memento_url>` from weblinkchecker script to memento module.
- Add :mod:`memento module<data.memento>` to fix memento_client package (:phab:`T185561`)
- L10N and i18n updates
- Fix Flow board topic continuation when iterating in reverse (:phab:`T138323`)
- Add Avestan transliteration
- Use Response.json() instead of json.loads(Response.text)
- Show an APIError if PetScanPageGenerator.query() fails (:phab:`T309538`)
- login.py is now a utiliy script even for site-package installation (:phab:`T309290`)
- preload_sites.py is now a utiliy script even for site-package installation (:phab:`T308912`)
- :attr:`generator_completed<bot.BaseBot.generator_completed>` became a public attribute
- Return gracefully from pwb.find_alternates if folder in user_script_paths does not exist (:phab:`T308910`)
21 May 2022
- Add support for kcgwiki (:phab:`T305282`)
- Raise InvalidTitleError instead of unspecific ValueError in ProofreadPage (:phab:`T308016`)
- Preload pages if GeneratorFactory.articlenotfilter_list is not empty; also set attribute
. - ClaimCollection.toJSON() should not ignore new claim (:phab:`T308245`)
- use linktrail via siteinfo and remove update_linkrtrails maintenance script
- Print counter statistic for all counters (:phab:`T307834`)
- Use proofreadpagesinindex query module
- Prioritize -namespaces options in pagegenerators.handle_args (:phab:`T222519`)
- Remove ThreadList.stop_all() method (:phab:`T307830`)
- L10N updates
- Improve get_charset_from_content_type function (:phab:`T307760`)
- A tiny cache wrapper was added to hold results of parameterless methods and properties
- Increase workers in preload_sites.py
- Close logging handlers before deleting them (:phab:`T91375`, :phab:`T286127`)
- Clear _sites cache if called with pwb wrapper (:phab:`T225594`)
- Enable short creation of a site if family name is equal to site code
- Use exc_info=True with pywikibot.exception() by default (:phab:`T306762`)
- Make IndexPage more robust when getting links in Page ns (:phab:`T307280`)
- Do not print log header twice in log files (:phab:`T264235`)
- Do not delegate logging output to the root logger (:phab:`T281643`)
- Add get_charset_from_content_type to extract the charset from the content-type response header
26 April 2022
- Make logging system consistent, add pywikibot.info() alias for pywikibot.output() (:phab:`T85620`)
- L10N updates
- Circumvent circular import in tools module (:phab:`T306760`)
- Don't fix html inside syntaxhighlight parts in fixes.py (:phab:`T306723`)
- Make layer parameter optional in pywikibot.debug() (:phab:`T85620`)
- Retry for internal_api_error_DBQueryTimeoutError errors due to :phab:`T297708`
- Handle ParserError within xmlreader.XmlDump.parse() instead of raising an exception (:phab:`T306134`)
- XMLDumpOldPageGenerator is deprecated in favour of a content parameter (:phab:`T306134`)
- use_disambig BaseBot attribute was added to hande disambig skipping
- Deprecate RedirectPageBot and NoRedirectPageBot in favour of use_redirects attribute
- tools.formatter.color_format is deprecated and will be removed
- A new and easier color format was implemented; colors can be used like:
'this is a <<green>>colored<<default>> text'
- Unused and unsupported xmlreader.XmlParserThread was removed
- Use upercased IP user titles (:phab:`T306291`)
- Use pathlib to extract filename and file_package in pwb.py
- Fix isbn messages in fixes.py (:phab:`T306166`)
- Fix Page.revisions() with starttime (:phab:`T109181`)
- Use stream_output for messages inside input_list_choice method (:phab:`T305940`)
- Expand simulate query result (:phab:`T305918`)
- Do not delete text when updating a Revision (:phab:`T304786`)
- Re-enable scripts package version check with pwb wrapper (:phab:`T305799`)
- Provide textlib.ignore_case() as a public method
- Don't try to upcast timestamp from global userinfo if global account does not exists (:phab:`T305351`)
- Archived scripts were removed; create a Phabricator task to restore some (:phab:`T223826`)
- Add Lexeme support for Lexicographical data (:phab:`T189321`, :phab:`T305297`)
- enable all parameters of APISite.imageusage() with FilePage.using_pages()
- Don't raise NoPageError with file_is_shared (:phab:`T305182`)
- Fix URL of GoogleOCR
- Handle ratelimit with purgepages() (:phab:`T152597`)
- Add movesubpages parameter to Page.move() and APISite.movepage() (:phab:`T57084`)
- Do not iterate over sys.modules (:phab:`T304785`)
26 March 2022
- Add FilePage.file_is_used property to determine whether a file is used on a site
- Add support for guwwiki and shnwikivoyage (:phab:`T303762`, :phab:`T302799`)
- TextExtracts support was aded (:phab:`T72682`)
- Unused get_redirect parameter of Page.getOldVersion() has been dropped
- Provide BasePage.get_parsed_page() as a public method
- Provide BuiltinNamespace.canonical_namespaces() with BuiltinNamespace IntEnum
- BuiltinNamespace got a canonical() method
- Enable nested templates with MultiTemplateMatchBuilder (:phab:`T110529`)
- Introduce APISite.simple_request as a public method
- Provide an Uploader class to upload files
- Enable use of deletetalk parameter of the delete API
- Fix contextlib redirection for terminal interfaces (:phab:`T283808`)
- No longer use win32_unicode for Python 3.6+ (:phab:`T281042`, :phab:`T283808`, :phab:`T303373`)
- L10N updates
- -cosmetic_changes (-cc) option allows to assign the value directly instead of toggle it
- distutils.util.strtobool() was implemented as tools.strtobool() due to PEP 632
- The "in" operator always return whether the siteinfo contains the key even it is not cached (:phab:`T302859`)
- Siteinfo.clear() and Siteinfo.is_cached() methods were added
26 February 2022
- i18n updates for date.py
- Add number transliteration of 'lo', 'ml', 'pa', 'te' to NON_LATIN_DIGITS
- Detect range blocks with Page.is_blocked() method (:phab:`T301282`)
- to_latin_digits() function was added to textlib as counterpart of to_local_digits() function
- api.Request.submit now handles search-title-disabled and search-text-disabled API Errors
- A show_diff parameter was added to Page.put() and Page.change_category()
- Allow categories when saving IndexPage (:phab:`T299806`)
- Add a new function case_escape to textlib
- Support inheritance of the __STATICREDIRECT__
- Avoid non-deteministic behavior in removeDisableParts
- Update isbn dependency and require python-stdnum >= 1.17
- Synchronize Page.linkedPages() parameters with Site.pagelinks() parameters
- Scripts hash bang was changed from python to python3
- i18n.bundles(), i18n.known_languages and i18n._get_bundle() functions were added
- Raise ConnectionError immediately if urllib3.NewConnectionError occurs (:phab:`T297994`, :phab:`T298859`)
- Make pywikibot messages available with site package (:phab:`T57109`, :phab:`T275981`)
- Add support for API:Redirects
- Enable shell script with Pywikibot site package
- Enable generate_user_files.py and generate_family_file with site-package (:phab:`T107629`)
- Add support for Python 3.11
- Pywikibot supports PyPy 3 (:phab:`T101592`)
- A new method User.is_locked() was added to determine whether the user is currently locked globally (:phab:`T249392`)
- A new method APISite.is_locked() was added to determine whether a given user or user id is locked globally (:phab:`T249392`)
- APISite.get_globaluserinfo() method was added to retrieve globaluserinfo for any user or user id (:phab:`T163629`)
- APISite.globaluserinfo attribute may be deleted to force reload
- APISite.is_blocked() method has a force parameter to reload that info
- Allow family files in base_dir by default
- Make pwb wrapper script a pywikibot entry point for scripts (:phab:`T139143`, :phab:`T270480`)
- Enable -version and --version with pwb wrapper or code entry point (:phab:`T101828`)
- Add title_delimiter_and_aliases attribute to family files to support WikiHow family (:phab:`T294761`)
- BaseBot has a public collections.Counter for reading, writing and skipping a page
- Upload: Retry upload if 'copyuploadbaddomain' API error occurs (:phab:`T294825`)
- Update invisible characters from unicodedata 14.0.0
- Add support for Wikimedia OCR engine with proofreadpage
- Rewrite :func:`tools.itertools.intersect_generators` which makes it running up to 10'000 times faster. (:phab:`T85623`, :phab:`T293276`)
- The cached output functionality from compat release was re-implemented (:phab:`T151727`, :phab:`T73646`, :phab:`T74942`, :phab:`T132135`, :phab:`T144698`, :phab:`T196039`, :phab:`T280466`)
- L10N updates
- Adjust groupsize within pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator (:phab:`T291770`)
- New "maxlimit" property was added to APISite (:phab:`T291770`)
- Don't raise an exception if BlockEntry initializer found a hidden title (:phab:`T78152`)
- Fix KeyError in create_warnings_list (:phab:`T301610`)
- Enable similar script call of pwb.py on toolforge (:phab:`T298846`)
- Remove question mark character from forbidden file name characters (:phab:`T93482`)
- Enable -interwiki option with pagegenerators (:phab:`T57099`)
- Don't assert login result (:phab:`T298761`)
- Allow title placeholder $1 in the middle of an url (:phab:`T111513`, :phab:`T298078`)
- Don't create a Site object if pywikibot is not fully imported (:phab:`T298384`)
- Use page.site.data_repository when creating a _WbDataPage (:phab:`T296985`)
- Fix mysql AttributeError for sock.close() on toolforge (:phab:`T216741`)
- Only search user_script_paths inside config.base_dir (:phab:`T296204`)
- pywikibot.argv has been fixed for pwb.py wrapper if called with global args (:phab:`T254435`)
- Only ignore FileExistsError when creating the api cache (:phab:`T295924`)
- Only handle query limit if query module is limited (:phab:`T294836`)
- Upload: Only set filekey/offset for files with names (:phab:`T294916`)
- Make site parameter of textlib.replace_links() mandatory (:phab:`T294649`)
- Raise a generic ServerError if the http status code is unofficial (:phab:`T293208`)
- Support of Python 3.5.0 - 3.5.2 has been dropped (:phab:`T286867`)
- generate_user_files.py, generate_user_files.py, shell.py and version.py were moved to pywikibot/scripts and must be used with pwb wrapper script
- See also Code cleanups below
- Deprecated http.get_fake_user_agent() function was removed
- FilePage.fileIsShared() was removed in favour of FilePage.file_is_shared()
- Page.canBeEdited() was removed in favour of Page.has_permission()
- BaseBot.stop() method were removed in favour of BaseBot.generator.close()
- showHelp() function was remove in favour of show_help
- CombinedPageGenerator pagegenerator was removed in favour of itertools.chain
- Remove deprecated echo.Notification.id
- Remove APISite.newfiles() method (:phab:`T168339`)
- Remove APISite.page_exists() method
- Raise a TypeError if BaseBot.init_page return None
- Remove private upload parameters in UploadRobot.upload_file(), FilePage.upload() and APISite.upload() methods
- Raise an Error exception if 'titles' is still used as where parameter in Site.search()
- Deprecated version.get_module_version() function was removed
- Deprecated setOptions/getOptions OptionHandler methods were removed
- Deprecated from_page() method of CosmeticChangesToolkit was removed
- Deprecated diff attribute of CosmeticChangesToolkit was removed in favour of show_diff
- Deprecated namespace and pageTitle parameter of CosmeticChangesToolkit were removed
- Remove deprecated BaseSite namespace shortcuts
- Remove deprecated Family.get_cr_templates method in favour of Site.category_redirects()
- Remove deprecated Page.put_async() method (:phab:`T193494`)
- Ignore baserevid parameter for several DataSite methods
- Remove deprecated preloaditempages method
- Remove disable_ssl_certificate_validation kwargs in http functions in favour of verify parameter (:phab:`T265206`)
- Deprecated PYWIKIBOT2 environment variables were removed
- version.ParseError was removed in favour of exceptions.VersionParseError
- specialbots.EditReplacement and specialbots.EditReplacementError were removed in favour of exceptions.EditReplacementError
- site.PageInUse exception was removed in favour of exceptions.PageInUseError
- page.UnicodeToAsciiHtml and page.unicode2html were removed in favour of tools.chars.string_to_ascii_html and tools.chars.string2html
- interwiki_graph.GraphImpossible and login.OAuthImpossible exception were removed in favour of ImportError
- i18n.TranslationError was removed in favour of exceptions.TranslationError
- WikiaFamily was removed in favour of FandomFamily
- data.api exceptions were removed in favour of exceptions module
- cosmetic_changes CANCEL_ALL/PAGE/METHOD/MATCH constants were removed in favour of CANCEL enum
- pywikibot.__release__ was removed in favour of pywikibot.__version__
- TextfilePageGenerator was replaced by TextIOPageGenerator
- PreloadingItemGenerator was replaced by PreloadingEntityGenerator
- DuplicateFilterPageGenerator was replaced by :func:`tools.itertools.filter_unique`
- ItemPage.concept_url method was replaced by ItemPage.concept_uri
- Outdated parameter names has been dropped
- Deprecated pywikibot.Error exception were removed in favour of pywikibot.exceptions.Error classes (:phab:`T280227`)
- Deprecated exception identifiers were removed (:phab:`T280227`)
- Deprecated date.FormatDate class was removed in favour of date.format_date function
- language_by_size property of wowwiki Family was removed in favour of codes attribute
- availableOptions was removed in favour of available_options
- config2 was removed in favour of config
- tools.RotatingFileHandler was removed in favour of logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
- tools.DotReadableDict, tools.LazyRegex and tools.DeprecatedRegex classes were removed
- tools.frozenmap was removed in favour of types.MappingProxyType
- tools.empty_iterator() was removed in favour of iter(())
- tools.concat_options() function was removed in favour of bot_choice.Option
- tools.is_IP was be removed in favour of tools.is_ip_address()
- textlib.unescape() function was be removed in favour of html.unescape()
- APISite.deletepage() and APISite.deleteoldimage() methods were removed in favour of APISite.delete()
- APISite.undeletepage() and APISite.undelete_file_versions() were be removed in favour of APISite.undelete() method
07 February 2022
- L10N updates
27 January 2022
- L10N updates
01 December 2021
- L10N updates
28 October 2021
- L10N updates (:phab:`T292423`, :phab:`T294526`, :phab:`T294527`)
21 September 2021
- Fix for removed action API token parameters of MediaWiki 1.37 (:phab:`T291202`)
- APISite.validate_tokens() no longer replaces outdated tokens (:phab:`T291202`)
- L10N updates
15 September 2021
- Drop piprop from meta=proofreadinfo API call (:phab:`T290585`)
- Remove use_2to3 with setup.py (:phab:`T290451`)
- Unify WbRepresentation's abstract method signature
- L10N updates
05 August 2021
- Add support for jvwikisource (:phab:`T286247`)
- Handle missingtitle error code when deleting
- Check for outdated setuptools in pwb.py wrapper (:phab:`T286980`)
- Remove traceback for original exception for known API error codes
- Unused strm parameter of init_handlers was removed
- Ignore throttle.pid if a Site object cannot be created (:phab:`T286848`)
- Explicitly return an empty string with OutputProxyOption.out property (:phab:`T286403`)
- Explicitly return None from ContextOption.result() (:phab:`T286403`)
- Add support for Lingua Libre family (:phab:`T286303`)
- Catch invalid titles in Category.isCategoryRedirect()
- L10N updates
- Provide structured data on Commons (:phab:`T213904`, :phab:`T223820`)
01 July 2021
- Add support for dagwiki, shiwiki and banwikisource
- Fix and clean up DataSite.get_property_by_name
- Update handling of abusefilter-{disallow,warning} codes (:phab:`T285317`)
- Fix terminal_interface_base.input_list_choice (:phab:`T285597`)
- Fix ItemPage.fromPage call
- Use *iterables instead of genlist in intersect_generators
- Use a sentinel variable to determine the end of an iterable in roundrobin_generators
- Require setuptools 20.8.1 (:phab:`T284297`)
- Add setter and deleter for summary_parameters of AutomaticTWSummaryBot
- L10N updates
- Add update_options attribute to BaseBot class to update available_options
- Clear put_queue when canceling page save (:phab:`T284396`)
- Add -url option to pagegenerators (:phab:`T239436`)
- Add add_text function to textlib (:phab:`T284388`)
- Require setuptools >= 49.4.0 (:phab:`T284297`)
- Require wikitextparser>=0.47.5
- Allow images to upload locally even they exist in the shared repository (:phab:`T267535`)
- Show a warning if pywikibot.__version__ is behind scripts.__version__ (:phab:`T282766`)
- Handle <ce>/<chem> tags as <math> aliases within textlib.replaceExcept() (:phab:`T283990`)
- Expand simulate query response for wikibase support (:phab:`T76694`)
- Double the wait time if ratelimit exceeded (:phab:`T270912`)
- Deprecated extract_templates_and_params_mwpfh and extract_templates_and_params_regex functions were removed
31 May 2021
- Check bot/nobots templates for cosmetic_changes hook (:phab:`T283989`)
- Remove outdated opt._option which is already dropped (:phab:`T284005`)
- Use IntEnum with cosmetic_changes CANCEL
- Remove lru_cache from botMayEdit method and fix it's logic (:phab:`T283957`)
- DataSite.createNewItemFromPage() method was removed in favour of ImagePage.fromPage() (:phab:`T98663`)
- mwparserfromhell or wikitextparser MediaWiki markup parser is mandatory (:phab:`T106763`)
28 May 2021
- Use different logfiles for multiple processes of the same script (:phab:`T56685`)
- throttle.pip will be reused as soon as possbile
- terminal_interface_base.TerminalHandler is subclassed from logging.StreamHandler
- Fix iterating of SizedKeyCollection (:phab:`T282865`)
- An abstract base user interface module was added
- APISite method pagelanglinks() may skip links with empty titles (:phab:`T223157`)
- Fix Page.getDeletedRevision() method which always returned an empty list
- Async chunked uploads are supported (:phab:`T129216`, :phab:`T133443`)
- A new InvalidPageError will be raised if a Page has no version history (:phab:`T280043`)
- L10N updates
- Fix __getattr__ for WikibaseEntity (:phab:`T281389`)
- Handle abusefilter-{disallow,warning} codes (:phab:`T85656`)
- MultipleSitesBot.site attribute was removed (:phab:`T283209`)
- Deprecated BaseSite.category_namespaces() method was removed
- i18n.twntranslate() function was removed in favour of twtranslate()
- siteinfo must be used as a dictionary ad cannot be called anymore
- APISite.has_transcluded_data() method was removed
- Deprecated LogEntry.title() method was removed
- Deprecated APISite.watchpage() method was removed
- OptionHandler.options dict has been removed in favour of OptionHandler.opt
- The toStdout parameter of ui.output has been dropped
- terminal_interface_base.TerminalFormatter was removed
- Move page functions UnicodeToAsciiHtml, unicode2html, url2unicode to tools.chars with renaming them
- Rename _MultiTemplateMatchBuilder to MultiTemplateMatchBuilder
- User.name() method was removed in favour of User.username property
- BasePage.getLatestEditors() method was removed in favour of contributors() or revisions()
- pagenenerators.handleArg() method was renamed to handle_arg() (:phab:`T271437`)
- CategoryGenerator, FileGenerator, ImageGenerator and ReferringPageGenerator pagegenerator functions were removed
- Family.ignore_certificate_error() method was removed in favour of verify_SSL_certificate (:phab:`T265205`)
- tools.is_IP was renamed to is_ip_address due to PEP 8
- config2.py was renamed to config.py
- Exceptions were renamed having a suffix "Error" due to PEP 8 (:phab:`T280227`)
17 April 2021
- interwiki_graph module was restored (:phab:`T223826`)
- proofreadpage: search for "new" class after purge (:phab:`T280357`)
- Enable different types with BaseBot.treat()
- Context manager depends on pymysql version, not Python release (:phab:`T279753`)
- Bugfix for Site.interwiki_prefix() (:phab:`T188179`)
- Exclude expressions from parsed template in mwparserfromhell (:phab:`T71384`)
- Provide an object representation for DequeGenerator
- Allow deleting any subclass of BasePage by title (:phab:`T278659`)
- Add support for API:Revisiondelete with Site.deleterevs() method (:phab:`T276726`)
- L10N updates
- Family files can be collected from a zip folder (:phab:`T278076`)
- mwparserfromhell or wikitextparser are strictly recommended (:phab:`T106763`)
- Require Pillow>=8.1.1 due to vulnerability found (:phab:`T278743`)
- TkDialog of GUI userinterface requires Python 3.6+ (:phab:`T278743`)
- Enable textlib.extract_templates_and_params with wikitextparser package
- Add support for PyMySQL 1.0.0+
- APISite.resolvemagicwords(), BaseSite.ns_index() and remove BaseSite.getNamespaceIndex() were removed
- Deprecated MoveEntry.new_ns() and new_title() methods were removed
- Unused NoSuchSite and PageNotSaved exception were removed
- Unused BadTitle exception was removed (:phab:`T267768`)
- getSite() function was removed in favour of Site() constructor
- Page.fileUrl() was removed in favour of Page.get_file_url()
- Deprecated getuserinfo and getglobaluserinfo Site methods were removed
20 March 2021
- Add support for taywiki, trvwiki and mnwwiktionary (:phab:`T275838`, :phab:`T276128`, :phab:`T276250`)
16 March 2021
- interwiki_graph module was removed (:phab:`T223826`)
- Require setuptools >= 20.2 due to PEP 440
- Support of MediaWiki < 1.23 has been dropped (:phab:`T268979`)
- APISite.loadimageinfo will no longer return any content
- Return requests.Response with http.request() instead of plain text (:phab:`T265206`)
- config.db_hostname has been renamed to db_hostname_format
- tools.PY2 was removed (:phab:`T213287`)
- Site.language() method was removed in favour of Site.lang property
- Deprecated Page.getMovedTarget() method was removed in favour of moved_target()
- Remove deprecated Wikibase.lastrevid attribute
- config settings of archived scripts were removed (:phab:`T223826`)
- Drop startsort/endsort parameter for site.categorymembers method (:phab:`T74101`)
- Deprecated data attribute of http.fetch() result has been dropped (:phab:`T265206`)
- toStdout parameter of pywikibot.output() has been dropped
- Deprecated Site.getToken() and Site.case was removed
- Deprecated Family.known_families dict was removed (:phab:`T89451`)
- Deprecated DataSite.get_* methods was removed
- Deprecated LogEntryFactory.logtypes classproperty was removed
- Unused comms.threadedhttp module was removed; threadedhttp.HttpRequest was already replaced with requests.Response (:phab:`T265206`)
- Raise a SiteDefinitionError if api request response is Non-JSON and site is AutoFamily (:phab:`T272911`)
- Support deleting and undeleting specific file versions (:phab:`T276725`)
- Only add bot option generator if the bot class have it already
- Raise a RuntimeError if pagegenerators -namespace option is provided too late (:phab:`T276916`)
- Check for LookupError exception in http._decide_encoding (:phab:`T276715`)
- Re-enable setting private family files (:phab:`T270949`)
- Move the hardcoded namespace identifiers to an IntEnum
- Buffer 'pageprops' in api.QueryGenerator
- Ensure that BaseBot.generator is a Generator
- Add additional info into log if 'messagecode' is missing during login (:phab:`T261061`, :phab:`T269503`)
- Use hardcoded messages if i18n system is not available (:phab:`T275981`)
- Move wikibase data structures to page/_collections.py
- L10N updates
- Add support for altwiki (:phab:`T271984`)
- Add support for mniwiki and mniwiktionary (:phab:`T273467`, :phab:`T273462`)
- Don't use mime parameter as boolean in api.Request (:phab:`T274723`)
- textlib.removeDisabledPart is able to remove templates (:phab:`T274138`)
- Create a SiteLink with __getitem__ method and implement lazy load (:phab:`T273386`, :phab:`T245809`, :phab:`T238471`, :phab:`T226157`)
- Fix date.formats['MonthName'] behaviour (:phab:`T273573`)
- Implement pagegenerators.handle_args() to process all options at once
- Add enabled_options, disabled_options to GeneratorFactory (:phab:`T271320`)
- Move interwiki() interwiki_prefix() and local_interwiki() methods from BaseSite to APISite
- Add requests.Response.headers to log when an API error occurs (:phab:`T272325`)
24 January 2021
- Use string instead of Path-like object with "open" function in UploadRobot for Python 3.5 compatibility (:phab:`T272345`)
- Add support for trwikivoyage (:phab:`T271263`)
- UI.input_list_choice() has been improved (:phab:`T272237`)
- Global handleArgs() function was removed in favour of handle_args
- Deprecated originPage and foundIn property has been removed in interwiki_graph.py
- ParamInfo modules, prefixes, query_modules_with_limits properties and module_attribute_map() method was removed
- Allow querying alldeletedrevisions with APISite.alldeletedrevisions() and User.deleted_contributions()
- data attribute of http.fetch() response is deprecated (:phab:`T265206`)
- Positional arguments of page.Revision aren't supported any longer (:phab:`T259428`)
- pagenenerators.handleArg() method was renamed to handle_arg() (:phab:`T271437`)
- Page methods deprecated for 6 years were removed
- Create a Site with AutoFamily if a family isn't predefined (:phab:`T249087`)
- L10N updates
12 January 2021
- Add support for niawiki, bclwikt, diqwikt, niawikt (:phab:`T270416`, :phab:`T270282`, :phab:`T270278`, :phab:`T270412`)
- Delete page using pageid instead of title (:phab:`T57072`)
- version.getversion_svn_setuptools function was removed (:phab:`T270393`)
- Add support for "musical notation" data type to wikibase
- -grepnot filter option was added to pagegenerators module (:phab:`T219281`)
- L10N updates
2 January 2021
- Re-enable reading user-config.py from site package (:phab:`T270941`)
- LoginManager.getCookie() was renamed to login_to_site()
- Deprecation warning for MediaWiki < 1.23 (:phab:`T268979`)
- Add backports to support some Python 3.9 changes
- Desupported shared_image_repository() and nocapitalize() methods were removed (:phab:`T89451`)
- pywikibot.cookie_jar was removed in favour of pywikibot.comms.http.cookie_jar
- Align http.fetch() params with requests and rename 'disable_ssl_certificate_validation' to 'verify' (:phab:`T265206`)
- Deprecated compat BasePage.getRestrictions() method was removed
- Outdated Site.recentchanges() parameters has been dropped
- site.LoginStatus has been removed in favour of login.LoginStatus
- L10N Updates
19 December 2020
- Allow using pywikibot as site-package without user-config.py (:phab:`T270474`)
- Python 3.10 is supported
- Fix AutoFamily scriptpath() call (:phab:`T270370`)
- Add support for skrwiki, skrwiktionary, eowikivoyage, wawikisource, madwiki (:phab:`T268414`, :phab:`T268460`, :phab:`T269429`, :phab:`T269434`, :phab:`T269442`)
- wikistats methods fetch, raw_cached, csv, xml has been removed
- PageRelatedError.getPage() has been removed in favour of PageRelatedError.page
- DataSite.get_item() method has been removed
- global put_throttle option may be given as float (:phab:`T269741`)
- Property.getType() method has been removed
- Family.server_time() method was removed; it is still available from Site object (:phab:`T89451`)
- All HttpRequest parameters except of charset has been dropped (:phab:`T265206`)
- A lot of methods and properties of HttpRequest are deprecared in favour of requests.Resonse attributes (:phab:`T265206`)
- Method and properties of HttpRequest are delegated to requests.Response object (:phab:`T265206`)
- comms.threadedhttp.HttpRequest.raw was replaced by HttpRequest.content property (:phab:`T265206`)
- Desupported version.getfileversion() has been removed
- site parameter of comms.http.requests() function is mandatory and cannot be omitted
- date.MakeParameter() function has been removed
- api.Request.http_params() method has been removed
- L10N updates
10 December 2020
- Remove deprecated args for Page.protect() (:phab:`T227610`)
- Move BaseSite its own site/_basesite.py file
- Improve toJSON() methods in page.__init__.py
- _is_wikibase_error_retryable rewritten (:phab:`T48535`, 268645)
- Replace FrozenDict with frozenmap
- WikiStats table may be sorted by any key
- Retrieve month names from mediawiki_messages when required
- Move Namespace and NamespacesDict to site/_namespace.py file
- Fix TypeError in api.LoginManager (:phab:`T268445`)
- Add repr() method to BaseDataDict and ClaimCollection
- Define availableOptions as deprecated property
- Do not strip all whitespaces from Link.title (:phab:`T197642`)
- Introduce a common BaseDataDict as parent for LanguageDict and AliasesDict
- Replaced PageNotSaved by PageSaveRelatedError (:phab:`T267821`)
- Add -site option as -family -lang shortcut
- Enable APISite.exturlusage() with default parameters (:phab:`T266989`)
- Update tools._unidata._category_cf from Unicode version 13.0.0
- Move TokenWallet to site/_tokenwallet.py file
- Fix import of httplib after release of requests 2.25 (:phab:`T267762`)
- user keyword parameter can be passed to Site.rollbackpage() (:phab:`T106646`)
- Check for {{bots}}/{{nobots}} templates in Page.text setter (:phab:`T262136`, :phab:`T267770`)
- Remove deprecated UserBlocked exception and Page.contributingUsers()
- Add support for some 'wbset' actions in DataSite
- Fix UploadRobot site attribute (:phab:`T267573`)
- Ignore UnicodeDecodeError on input (:phab:`T258143`)
- Replace 'source' exception regex with 'syntaxhighlight' (:phab:`T257899`)
- Fix get_known_families() for wikipedia_family (:phab:`T267196`)
- Move _InterwikiMap class to site/_interwikimap.py
- instantiate a CosmeticChangesToolkit by passing a page
- Create a Site from sitename
- pywikibot.Site() parameters "interface" and "url" must be keyworded
- Lookup the code parameter in xdict first (:phab:`T255917`)
- Remove interwiki_forwarded_from list from family files (:phab:`T104125`)
- Rewrite Revision class; each data can be accessed either by key or as an attribute (:phab:`T102735`, :phab:`T259428`)
- L10N-Updates
1 November 2020
- Avoid conflicts between site and possible site keyword in api.Request.create_simple() (:phab:`T262926`)
- Remove wrong param of rvision() call in Page.latest_revision_id
- Do not raise Exception in Page.get_best_claim() but follow redirect (:phab:`T265839`)
- xml-support of wikistats will be dropped
- Remove deprecated mime_params in api.Request()
- cleanup interwiki_graph.py and replace deprecated originPage by origin in Subjects
- Upload a file that ends with the 'r' byte (:phab:`T132676`)
- Fix incorrect server time (:phab:`T266084`)
- L10N-Updates
- Support Namespace packages in version.py (:phab:`T265946`)
- Server414Error was added to pywikibot (:phab:`T266000`)
- Deprecated editor.command() method was removed
- comms.PywikibotCookieJar and comms.mode_check_decorator were deleted
- Remove deprecated tools classes Stringtypes and UnicodeType
- Remove deprecated tools function open_compressed and signature and UnicodeType class
- Fix http_tests.LiveFakeUserAgentTestCase (:phab:`T265842`)
- HttpRequest properties were renamed to request.Response identifiers (:phab:`T265206`)
19 October 2020
- Add support for smn-wiki (:phab:`T264962`)
- callback parameter of comms.http.fetch() is desupported
- Fix api.APIError() calls for Flow and Thanks extension
- edit, move, create, upload, unprotect and prompt parameters of Page.protect() are deprecated (:phab:`T227610`)
- Accept only valid names in generate_family_file.py (:phab:`T265328`, :phab:`T265353`)
- New plural.plural_rule() function returns a rule for a given language
- Replace deprecated urllib.request.URLopener with http.fetch (:phab:`T255575`)
- OptionHandler/BaseBot options are accessable as OptionHandler.opt attributes or keyword item (see also :phab:`T264721`)
- pywikibot.setAction() function was removed
- A namedtuple is the result of textlib.extract_sections()
- Prevent circular imports in config2.py and http.py (:phab:`T264500`)
- version.get_module_version() is deprecated and gives no meaningfull result
- Fix version.get_module_filename() and update log lines (:phab:`T264235`)
- Re-enable printing log header (:phab:`T264235`)
- Fix result of :func:`tools.itertools.intersect_generators` (:phab:`T263947`)
- Only show _GLOBAL_HELP options if explicitly wanted
- Deprecated Family.version() methods were removed
- Unused parameters of page methods like forceReload, insite, throttle, step was removed
- Raise RuntimeError instead of AttributeError for old wikis (:phab:`T263951`)
- Deprecated script options were removed
- lyricwiki_family was removed (:phab:`T245439`)
- RecentChangesPageGenerator parameters has been synced with APISite.recentchanges
- APISite.recentchanges accepts keyword parameters only
- LoginStatus enum class was moved from site to login.py
- WbRepresentation derives from abstract base class abc.ABC
- Update characters in the Cf category to Unicode version 12.1.0
- Update __all__ variable in pywikibot (:phab:`T122879`)
- Use api.APIGenerator through site._generator (:phab:`T129013`)
- Support of MediaWiki releases below 1.19 has been dropped (:phab:`T245350`)
- Page.get_best_claim () retrieves preferred Claim of a property referring to the given page (:phab:`T175207`)
- Check whether _putthead is current_thread() to join() (:phab:`T263331`)
- Add BasePage.has_deleted_revisions() method
- Allow querying deleted revs without the deletedhistory right
- Use ignore_discard for login cookie container (:phab:`T261066`)
- Siteinfo.get() loads data via API instead from cache if expiry parameter is True (:phab:`T260490`)
- Move latest revision id handling to WikibaseEntity (:phab:`T233406`)
- Load wikibase entities when necessary (:phab:`T245809`)
- Fix path for stable release in version.getversion() (:phab:`T262558`)
- "since" parameter in EventStreams given as Timestamp or MediaWiki timestamp string has been fixed
- Methods deprecated for 6 years or longer were removed
- Page.getVersionHistory and Page.fullVersionHistory() methods were removed (:phab:`T136513`, :phab:`T151110`)
- Allow multiple types of contributors parameter given for Page.revision_count()
- Deprecated tools.UnicodeMixin and tools.IteratorNextMixin has been removed
- Localisation updates
2 September 2020
- Don't check for valid Family/Site if running generate_user_files.py (:phab:`T261771`)
- Remove socket_timeout fix in config2.py introduced with :phab:`T103069`
- Prevent huge traceback from underlying python libraries (:phab:`T253236`)
- Localisation updates
28 August 2020
- Add support for ja.wikivoyage (:phab:`T261450`)
- Only run cosmetic changes on wikitext pages (:phab:`T260489`)
- Leave a script gracefully for wrong -lang and -family option (:phab:`T259756`)
- Change meaning of BasePage.text (:phab:`T260472`)
- site/family methods code2encodings() and code2encoding() has been removed in favour of encoding()/encodings() methods
- Site.getExpandedString() method was removed in favour of expand_text
- Site.Family() function was removed in favour of Family.load() method
- Add wikispore family (:phab:`T260049`)
18 August 2020
- Add support for lldwiki to Pywikibot
- Fix getversion_git subprocess command
16 August 2020
- Enable Pywikibot for Python 3.9
- APISite.loadpageinfo does not discard changes to page content when information was not loaded (:phab:`T260472`)
- tools.UnicodeType and tools.signature are deprecated
- BaseBot.stop() method is deprecated in favour of BaseBot.generator.close()
- Escape bot password correctly (:phab:`T259488`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
4 August 2020
- Read correct object in SiteLinkCollection.normalizeData (:phab:`T259426`)
- tools.count and tools classes Counter, OrderedDict and ContextManagerWrapper were removed
- Deprecate UnicodeMixin and IteratorNextMixin
- Restrict site module interface
- EventStreams "since" parameter settings has been fixed
- Unsupported debug and uploadByUrl parameters of UploadRobot were removed
- Unported compat decode parameter of Page.title() has been removed
- Wikihow family file was added (:phab:`T249814`)
- Improve performance of CosmeticChangesToolkit.translateMagicWords
- Prohibit positional arguments with Page.title()
- Functions dealing with stars list were removed
- Some pagegenerators functions were deprecated which should be replaced by site generators
- LogEntry became a UserDict; all content can be accessed by its key
- URLs for new toolforge.org domain were updated
- pywikibot.__release__ was deprecated
- Use one central point for framework version (:phab:`T106121`, :phab:`T171886`, :phab:`T197936`, :phab:`T253719`)
- rvtoken parameter of Site.loadrevisions() and Page.revisions() has been dropped (:phab:`T74763`)
- getFilesFromAnHash and getImagesFromAnHash Site methods have been removed
- Site and Page methods deprecated for 10 years or longer have been removed
- Support for Python 2 and 3.4 has been dropped (:phab:`T213287`, :phab:`T239542`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
3 July 2020
- Page.botMayEdit() method was improved (:phab:`T253709`)
- PageNotFound, SpamfilterError, UserActionRefuse exceptions were removed (:phab:`T253681`)
- tools.ip submodule has been removed (:phab:`T243171`)
- Wait in BaseBot.exit() until asynchronous saving pages are completed
- Solve IndexError when showing an empty diff with a non-zero context (:phab:`T252724`)
- linktrails were added or updated for a lot of sites
- Resolve namespaces with underlines (:phab:`T252940`)
- Fix getversion_svn for Python 3.6+ (:phab:`T253617`, :phab:`T132292`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
9 June 2020
- Fix page_can_be_edited for MediaWiki < 1.23 (:phab:`T254623`)
- Show global options with pwb.py -help
- Usage of SkipPageError with BaseBot has been removed
- Throttle requests after ratelimits exceeded (:phab:`T253180`)
- Make Pywikibot daemon logs unexecutable (:phab:`T253472`)
- Check for missing generator after BaseBot.setup() call
- Do not change usernames when creating a Site (:phab:`T253127`)
- pagegenerators: handle protocols in -weblink (:phab:`T251308`, :phab:`T251310`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
8 May 2020
- Unify and extend formats for setting sitelinks (:phab:`T225863`, :phab:`T251512`)
- Do not return a random i18n.translation() result (:phab:`T220099`)
- tools.ip_regexp has been removed (:phab:`T174482`)
- Page.getVersionHistory and Page.fullVersionHistory() methods has been desupported (:phab:`T136513`, :phab:`T151110`)
- Update wikimediachapter_family (:phab:`T250802`)
- Raise SpamblacklistError with spamblacklist APIError (:phab:`T249436`)
- SpamfilterError was renamed to SpamblacklistError (:phab:`T249436`)
- Do not removeUselessSpaces inside source/syntaxhighlight tags (:phab:`T250469`)
- Restrict Pillow to 6.2.2+ (:phab:`T249911`)
- Fix PetScan generator language and project (:phab:`T249704`)
- test_family has been removed (:phab:`T228375`, :phab:`T228300`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
5 April 2020
- Fix regression of combining sys.path in pwb.py wrapper (:phab:`T249427`)
- Site and Page methods deprecated for 10 years or longer are desupported and may be removed (:phab:`T106121`)
- Usage of SkipPageError with BaseBot is desupported and may be removed
- Ignore InvalidTitle in textlib.replace_links() (:phab:`T122091`)
- Raise ServerError also if connection to PetScan timeouts
- pagegenerators.py no longer supports 'oursql' or 'MySQLdb'. It now solely supports PyMySQL (:phab:`T243154`, :phab:`T89976`)
- Disfunctional Family.versionnumber() method was removed
- Refactor login functionality (:phab:`T137805`, :phab:`T224712`, :phab:`T248767`, :phab:`T248768`, :phab:`T248945`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
26 March 2020
- site.py and page.py files were moved to their own folders and will be split in the future
- Refactor data attributes of Wikibase entities (:phab:`T233406`)
- Functions dealing with stars list are desupported and may be removed
- Use path's stem of script filename within pwb.py wrapper (:phab:`T248372`)
- Disfunctional cgi_interface.py was removed (:phab:`T248292`, :phab:`T248250`, :phab:`T193978`)
- Fix logout on MW < 1.24 (:phab:`T214009`)
- Fixed TypeError in getFileVersionHistoryTable method (:phab:`T248266`)
- Outdated secure connection overrides were removed (:phab:`T247668`)
- Check for all modules which are needed by a script within pwb.py wrapper
- Check for all modules which are mandatory within pwb.py wrapper script
- Enable -help option with similar search of pwb.py (:phab:`T241217`)
- compat module has been removed (:phab:`T183085`)
- Category.copyTo and Category.copyAndKeep methods have been removed
- Site.page_restrictions() does no longer raise NoPage (:phab:`T214286`)
- Use site.userinfo getter instead of site._userinfo within api (:phab:`T243794`)
- Fix endprefix parameter in Category.articles() (:phab:`T247201`)
- Fix search for changed claims when saving entity (:phab:`T246359`)
- backports.py has been removed (:phab:`T244664`)
- Site.has_api method has been removed (:phab:`T106121`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
6 March 2020
- Fix mul Wikisource aliases (:phab:`T242537`, :phab:`T241413`)
- Let Site('test', 'test) be equal to Site('test', 'wikipedia') (:phab:`T228839`)
- Support of MediaWiki releases below 1.19 will be dropped (:phab:`T245350`)
- Provide mediawiki_messages for foreign language codes
- Use mw API IP/anon user detection (:phab:`T245318`)
- Correctly choose primary coordinates in BasePage.coordinates() (:phab:`T244963`)
- Rewrite APISite.page_can_be_edited (:phab:`T244604`)
- compat module is deprecated for 5 years and will be removed in next release (:phab:`T183085`)
- ipaddress module is required for Python 2 (:phab:`T243171`)
- tools.ip will be dropped in favour of tools.is_IP (:phab:`T243171`)
- tools.ip_regexp is deprecatd for 5 years and will be removed in next release
- backports.py will be removed in next release (:phab:`T244664`)
- stdnum package is required for ISBN scripts and cosmetic_changes (:phab:`T132919`, :phab:`T144288`, :phab:`T241141`)
- preload urllib.quote() with Python 2 (:phab:`T243710`, :phab:`T222623`)
- Drop isbn_hyphenate package due to outdated data (:phab:`T243157`)
- Fix UnboundLocalError in ProofreadPage._ocr_callback (:phab:`T243644`)
- Deprecate/remove sysop parameter in several methods and functions
- Refactor Wikibase entity namespace handling (:phab:`T160395`)
- Site.has_api method will be removed in next release
- Category.copyTo and Category.copyAndKeep will be removed in next release
- weblib module has been removed (:phab:`T85001`)
- botirc module has been removed (:phab:`T212632`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
11 January 2020
- Fix broken get_version() in setup.py (:phab:`T198374`)
- Rewrite site.log_page/site.unlock_page implementation
- Require requests 2.20.1 (:phab:`T241934`)
- Make bot.suggest_help a function
- Fix gui settings for Python 3.7.4+ (:phab:`T241216`)
- Better api error message handling (:phab:`T235500`)
- Ensure that required props exists as Page attribute (:phab:`T237497`)
- Refactor data loading for WikibaseEntities (:phab:`T233406`)
- replaceCategoryInPlace: Allow LRM and RLM at the end of the old_cat title (:phab:`T240084`)
- Support for Python 3.4 will be dropped (:phab:`T239542`)
- Derive LoginStatus from IntEnum (:phab:`T213287`, :phab:`T239533`)
- enum34 package is mandatory for Python 2.7 (:phab:`T213287`)
- call LoginManager with keyword arguments (:phab:`T237501`)
- Enable Pywikibot for Python 3.8 (:phab:`T238637`)
- Derive BaseLink from tools.UnicodeMixin (:phab:`T223894`)
- Make _flush aware of _putthread ongoing tasks (:phab:`T147178`)
- Add family file for foundation wiki (:phab:`T237888`)
- Fix generate_family_file.py for private wikis (:phab:`T235768`)
- Add rank parameter to Claim initializer
- Add current directory for similar script search (:phab:`T217195`)
- Release BaseSite.lock_page mutex during sleep
- Implement deletedrevisions api call (:phab:`T75370`)
- assert_valid_iter_params may raise AssertionError instead of pywikibot.Error (:phab:`T233582`)
- Upcast getRedirectTarget result and return the appropriate page subclass (:phab:`T233392`)
- Add ListGenerator for API:filearchive to site module (:phab:`T230196`)
- Deprecate the ability to login with a secondary sysop account (:phab:`T71283`)
- Enable global args with pwb.py wrapper script (:phab:`T216825`)
- Add a new ConfigParserBot class to set options from the scripts.ini file (:phab:`T223778`)
- Check a user's rights rather than group memberships; 'sysopnames' will be deprecated (:phab:`T229293`, :phab:`T189126`, :phab:`T122705`, :phab:`T119335`, :phab:`T75545`)
- proofreadpage.py: fix footer detection (:phab:`T230301`)
- Add allowusertalk to the User.block() options (:phab:`T229288`)
- botirc module will be removed in next release (:phab:`T212632`)
- weblib module will be removed in next release (:phab:`T85001`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
22 July 2019
- Increase the throttling delay if maxlag >> retry-after (:phab:`T210606`)
- deprecate test_family: Site('test', 'test'), use wikipedia_family: Site('test', 'wikipedia') instead (:phab:`T228375`, :phab:`T228300`)
- Add "user_agent_description" option in config.py
- APISite.fromDBName works for all known dbnames (:phab:`T225590`, 225723, 226960)
- remove the unimplemented "proxy" variable in config.py
- Make Family.langs property more robust (:phab:`T226934`)
- Remove strategy family
- Handle closed_wikis as read-only (:phab:`T74674`)
- TokenWallet: login automatically
- Add closed_wikis to Family.langs property (:phab:`T225413`)
- Redirect 'mo' site code to 'ro' and remove interwiki_replacement_overrides (:phab:`T225417`, :phab:`T89451`)
- Add support for badges on Wikibase item sitelinks through a SiteLink object instead plain str (:phab:`T128202`)
- Remove login.showCaptchaWindow() method
- New parameter supplied in suggest_help function for missing dependencies
- Remove NonMWAPISite class
- Introduce Claim.copy and prevent adding already saved claims (:phab:`T220131`)
- Fix create_short_link method after MediaWiki changes (:phab:`T223865`)
- Validate proofreadpage.IndexPage contents before saving it
- Refactor Link and introduce BaseLink (:phab:`T66457`)
- Count skipped pages in BaseBot class
- 'actionthrottledtext' is a retryable wikibase error (:phab:`T192912`)
- Clear tokens on logout(:phab:`T222508`)
- Deprecation warning: support for Python 2 will be dropped (:phab:`T213287`)
- botirc.IRCBot has been dropped
- Avoid using outdated browseragents (:phab:`T222959`)
- textlib: avoid infinite execution of regex (:phab:`T222671`)
- Add CSRF token in sitelogout() api call (:phab:`T222508`)
- Refactor WikibasePage.get and overriding methods and improve documentation
- Improve title patterns of WikibasePage extensions
- Add support for property creation (:phab:`T160402`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
30 April 2019
- Unicode literals are required for all scripts; the usage of ASCII bytes may fail (:phab:`T219095`)
- Don't fail if the number of forms of a plural string is less than required (:phab:`T99057`, :phab:`T219097`)
- Implement create_short_link Page method to use Extension:UrlShortener (:phab:`T220876`)
- Remove wikia family file (:phab:`T220921`)
- Remove deprecated ez_setup.py
- Changed requirements for sseclient (:phab:`T219024`)
- Set optional parameter namespace to None in site.logpages (:phab:`T217664`)
- Add ability to display similar scripts when misspelled (:phab:`T217195`)
- Check if QueryGenerator supports namespaces (:phab:`T198452`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
1 March 2019
- Fix version comparison (:phab:`T164163`)
- Remove pre MediaWiki 1.14 code
- Dropped support for Python 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 (:phab:`T191192`)
- Fix header regex beginning with a comment (:phab:`T209712`)
- Implement Claim.__eq__ (:phab:`T76615`)
- cleanup config2.py
- Add missing Wikibase API write actions
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
4 February 2019
- Support python version 3.7
- pagegenerators.py: add -querypage parameter to yield pages provided by any special page (:phab:`T214234`)
- Fix comparison of str, bytes and int literal
- site.py: add generic self.querypage() to query SpecialPages
- echo.Notification has a new event_id property as integer
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
6 January 2019
- Ensure "modules" parameter of ParamInfo._fetch is a set (:phab:`T122763`)
- Support adding new claims with qualifiers and/or references (:phab:`T112577`, :phab:`T170432`)
- Support LZMA and XZ compression formats
- Update correct-ar Typo corrections in fixes.py (:phab:`T211492`)
- Enable MediaWiki timestamp with EventStreams (:phab:`T212133`)
- Convert Timestamp.fromtimestampformat() if year, month and day are given only
- tools.concat_options is deprecated
- Additional ListOption subclasses ShowingListOption, MultipleChoiceList, ShowingMultipleChoiceList
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
3 December 2018
- Remove compat module references from autogenerated docs (:phab:`T183085`)
- site.preloadpages: split pagelist in most max_ids elements (:phab:`T209111`)
- Disable empty sections in cosmetic_changes for user namespace
- Prevent touch from re-creating pages (:phab:`T193833`)
- New Page.title() parameter without_brackets; also used by titletranslate (:phab:`T200399`)
- Security: require requests version 2.20.0 or later (:phab:`T208296`)
- Check appropriate key in Site.messages (:phab:`T163661`)
- Make sure the cookie file is created with the right permissions (:phab:`T206387`)
- pydot >= 1.2 is required for interwiki_graph
- Move methods for simple claim adding/removing to WikibasePage (:phab:`T113131`)
- Enable start timestamp for EventStreams (:phab:`T205121`)
- Re-enable notifications (:phab:`T205184`)
- Use FutureWarning for warnings intended for end users (:phab:`T191192`)
- Provide new -wanted... page generators (:phab:`T56557`, :phab:`T150222`)
- api.QueryGenerator: Handle slots during initialization (:phab:`T200955`, :phab:`T205210`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
22 September 2018
- Enable multiple streams for EventStreams (:phab:`T205114`)
- Fix Wikibase aliases handling (:phab:`T194512`)
- Remove cryptography support from python<=2.7.6 requirements (:phab:`T203435`)
- textlib._tag_pattern: Do not mistake self-closing tags with start tag (:phab:`T203568`)
- page.Link.langlinkUnsafe: Always set _namespace to a Namespace object (:phab:`T203491`)
- Enable Namespace.content for mw < 1.16
- Allow terminating the bot generator by BaseBot.stop() method (:phab:`T198801`)
- Allow bot parameter in set_redirect_target
- Do not show empty error messages (:phab:`T203462`)
- Show the exception message in async mode (:phab:`T203448`)
- Fix the extended user-config extraction regex (:phab:`T145371`)
- Solve UnicodeDecodeError in site.getredirtarget (:phab:`T126192`)
- Introduce a new APISite property: mw_version
- Improve hash method for BasePage and Link
- Avoid applying two uniquifying filters (:phab:`T199615`)
- Fix skipping of language links in CosmeticChangesToolkit.removeEmptySections (:phab:`T202629`)
- New mediawiki projects were provided
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
23 August 2018
- Don't reset Bot._site to None if we have already a site object (:phab:`T125046`)
- pywikibot.site.Siteinfo: Fix the bug in cache_time when loading a CachedRequest (:phab:`T202227`)
- pagegenerators._handle_recentchanges: Do not request for reversed results (:phab:`T199199`)
- Use a key for filter_unique where appropriate (:phab:`T199615`)
- pywikibot.tools: Add exceptions for first_upper (:phab:`T200357`)
- Fix usages of site.namespaces.NAMESPACE_NAME (:phab:`T201969`)
- pywikibot/textlib.py: Fix header regex to allow comments
- Use 'rvslots' when fetching revisions on MW 1.32+ (:phab:`T200955`)
- Drop the '2' from PYWIKIBOT2_DIR, PYWIKIBOT2_DIR_PWB, and PYWIKIBOT2_NO_USER_CONFIG environment variables. The old names are now deprecated. The other PYWIKIBOT2_* variables which were used only for testing purposes have been renamed without deprecation. (:phab:`T184674`)
- Introduce a timestamp in deprecated decorator (:phab:`T106121`)
- textlib.extract_sections: Remove footer from the last section (:phab:`T199751`)
- Don't let WikidataBot crash on save related errors (:phab:`T199642`)
- Allow different projects to have different L10N entries (:phab:`T198889`)
- remove color highlights before fill function (:phab:`T196874`)
- Fix Portuguese file namespace translation in cc (:phab:`T57242`)
- textlib._create_default_regexes: Avoid using inline flags (:phab:`T195538`)
- Not everything after a language link is footer (:phab:`T199539`)
- code cleanups
- New mediawiki projects were provided
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
10 July 2018
- Enable any LogEntry subclass for each logevent type (:phab:`T199013`)
- Deprecated pagegenerators options -<logtype>log aren't supported any longer (:phab:`T199013`)
- Open RotatingFileHandler with utf-8 encoding (:phab:`T188231`)
- Fix occasional failure of TestLogentries due to hidden namespace (:phab:`T197506`)
- Remove multiple empty sections at once in cosmetic_changes (:phab:`T196324`)
- Fix stub template position by putting it above interwiki comment (:phab:`T57034`)
- Fix handling of API continuation in PropertyGenerator (:phab:`T196876`)
- Use PyMySql as pure-Python MySQL client library instead of oursql, deprecate MySQLdb (:phab:`T89976`, :phab:`T142021`)
- Ensure that BaseBot.treat is always processing a Page object (:phab:`T196562`, :phab:`T196813`)
- Update global bot settings
- New mediawiki projects were provided
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
3 June 2018
- Move main categories to top in cosmetic_changes
- shell.py always imports pywikibot as default
- New roundrobin_generators in tools
- New BaseBot method "skip_page" to adjust page counting
- Family class is made a singleton class
- New rule 'startcolon' was introduced in textlib
- BaseBot has new methods setup and teardown
- UploadBot got a filename prefix parameter (:phab:`T170123`)
- cosmetic_changes is able to remove empty sections (:phab:`T140570`)
- Pywikibot is following PEP 396 versioning
- pagegenerators AllpagesPageGenerator, CombinedPageGenerator, UnconnectedPageGenerator are deprecated
- Some DayPageGenerator parameters has been renamed
- unicodedata2, httpbin and Flask dependency was removed (:phab:`T102461`, :phab:`T108068`, :phab:`T178864`, :phab:`T193383`)
- New projects were provided
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Documentation updates
- Localisation updates (:phab:`T194893`)
- Translation updates
5 May 2018
- Enable makepath and datafilepath not to create the directory
- Use API's retry-after value (:phab:`T144023`)
- Provide startprefix parameter for Category.articles() (:phab:`T74101`, :phab:`T143120`)
- Page.put_async() is marked as deprecated (:phab:`T193494`)
- Deprecate requests-requirements.txt (:phab:`T193476`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- New mediawiki projects were provided
- Localisation updates
3 April 2018
- Deprecation warning: support for Python 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 will be dropped (:phab:`T191192`)
- Dropped support for Python 2.6 (:phab:`T154771`)
- Dropped support for Python 3.3 (:phab:`T184508`)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
4 March 2018
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
2 March 2018
- Changed requirements for requests and sseclient
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
4 February 2018
- Deprecation warning: support for py2.6 and py3.3 will be dropped
- Changed requirements for cryprography, Pillow and pyOpenSSL
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
8 January 2018
- Maintenance script to download Wikimedia database dump
- Option to auto-create accounts when logging in
- Ship wikimania family file
- Drop battlestarwiki family file
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
12 December 2017
- Introduce userscripts directory
- Generator settings inside (user-)fixes.py
- BaseUnlinkBot has become part of the framework in specialbots.py
- Decommission of rcstream
- Script files added to https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/
- Other documentation updates
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
1 August 2017
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
13 July 2017
- Deprecate APISite.newfiles()
- Inverse of pagegenerators -namespace option
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
- CODE_OF_CONDUCT included
- Manage temporary readonly error (:phab:`T154011`)
- Unbreak wbGeoShape and WbTabularData (:phab:`T166362`)
- Clean up issue with _WbDataPage (:phab:`T166362`)
- Re-enable xml for WikiStats with py2 (:phab:`T165830`)
- Solve httplib.IncompleteRead exception in eventstreams (:phab:`T168535`)
- Only force input_choise if self.always is given (:phab:`T161483`)
- Add colon when replacing category and file weblink (:phab:`T127745`)
- API Request: set uiprop only when ensuring 'userinfo' in meta (:phab:`T169202`)
- Fix TestLazyLoginNotExistUsername test for Stewardwiki (:phab:`T169458`)
- Introduce the new WbUnknown data type for Wikibase (:phab:`T165961`)
- djvu.py: add replace_page() and delete_page()
- Build GeoShape and TabularData from shared base class
- Remove non-breaking spaces when tidying up a link (:phab:`T130818`)
- Replace private mylang variables with mycode in generate_user_files.py
- FilePage: remove deprecated use of fileUrl
- Make socket_timeout recalculation reusable (:phab:`T166539`)
- FilePage.download(): add revision parameter to download arbitrary revision (:phab:`T166939`)
- Make pywikibot.Error more precise (:phab:`T166982`)
- Implement pywikibot support for adding thanks to normal revisions (:phab:`T135409`)
- Implement server side event client EventStreams (:phab:`T158943`)
- new pagegenerators filter option -titleregexnot
- Add exception for -namepace option (:phab:`T167580`)
- InteractiveReplace: Allow no replacements by default
- Encode default globe in family file
- Add on to pywikibot support for thanking normal revisions (:phab:`T135409`)
- Add log entry code for thanks log (:phab:`T135413`)
- Create superclass for log entries with user targets
- Use relative reference to class attribute
- Allow pywikibot to authenticate against a private wiki (:phab:`T153903`)
- Make WbRepresentations hashable (:phab:`T167827`)
- Update linktails
- Update languages_by_size
- Update cross_allowed (global bot wikis group)
- Add atjwiki to wikipedia family file (:phab:`T168049`)
- remove closed sites from languages_by_size list
- Update category_redirect_templates for wikipedia and commons Family
- Update logevent type parameter list
- Disable cleanUpSectionHeaders on jbo.wiktionary (:phab:`T168399`)
- Add kbpwiki to wikipedia family file (:phab:`T169216`)
- Remove anarchopedia family out of the framework (:phab:`T167534`)
21 May 2017
- Support for Python 2.6 but higher releases are strictly recommended
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
- Increase the default socket_timeout to 75 seconds (:phab:`T163635`)
- use repr() of exceptions to prevent UnicodeDecodeErrors (:phab:`T120222`)
- Handle offset mismatches during chunked upload (:phab:`T156402`)
- Correct _wbtypes equality comparison (:phab:`T160282`)
- Re-enable getFileVersionHistoryTable() method (:phab:`T162528`)
- Replaced the word 'async' with 'asynchronous' due to py3.7 (:phab:`T106230`)
- Raise ImportError if no editor is available (:phab:`T163632`)
- templatesWithParams: cache and standardise params (:phab:`T113892`)
- getInternetArchiveURL: Retry http.fetch if there is a ConnectionError (:phab:`T164208`)
- Remove wikidataquery from pywikibot (:phab:`T162585`)
- Introduce user_add_claim and allow asynchronous ItemPage.addClaim (:phab:`T87493`)
- Enable private edit summary in specialbots (:phab:`T162527`)
- Make a decorator for asynchronous methods
- Provide options by a separate handler class
- Show a warning when a LogEntry type is not known (:phab:`T135505`)
- Add Wikibase Client extension requirement to APISite.unconnectedpages()
- Update content after editing entity
- Make WbTime from Timestamp and vice versa (:phab:`T131624`)
- Add support for geo-shape Wikibase data type (:phab:`T161726`)
- Add async parameter to ItemPage.editEntity (:phab:`T86074`)
- Make sparql use Site to access sparql endpoint and entity_url (:phab:`T159956`)
- timestripper: search wikilinks to reduce false matches
- Set Coordinate globe via item
- use extract_templates_and_params_regex_simple for template validation
- Add _items for WbMonolingualText
- Allow date-versioned pypi releases from setup.py (:phab:`T152907`)
- Provide site to WbTime via WbTime.fromWikibase
- Provide preloading via GeneratorFactory.getCombinedGenerator() (:phab:`T135331`)
- Accept QuitKeyboardInterrupt in specialbots.Uploadbot (:phab:`T163970`)
- Remove unnecessary description change message when uploading a file (:phab:`T163108`)
- Add 'OptionHandler' to bot.__all__ tuple
- Use FilePage.upload inside UploadRobot
- Add support for tabular-data Wikibase data type (:phab:`T163981`)
- Get thumburl information in FilePage() (:phab:`T137011`)
- Update languages_by_size in family files
- wikisource_family.py: Add "pa" to languages_by_size
- Config2: limit the number of retries to 15 (:phab:`T165898`)
3 April 2017
- First major release from master branch
- requests package is mandatory
- Deprecate previous 2.0 branches and tags
- Use default summary when summary value does not contain a string (:phab:`T160823`)
- Enable specialbots.py for PY3 (:phab:`T161457`)
- Change tw(n)translate from Site.code to Site.lang dependency (:phab:`T140624`)
- Do not use the "imp" module in Python 3 (:phab:`T158640`)
- Make sure the order of parameters does not change (:phab:`T161291`)
- Use pywikibot.tools.Counter instead of collections.Counter (:phab:`T160620`)
- Introduce a new site method page_from_repository()
- Add pagelist tag for replaceExcept (:phab:`T151940`)
- logging in python3 when deprecated_args decorator is used (:phab:`T159077`)
- Avoid ResourceWarning using subprocess in python 3.6 (:phab:`T159646`)
- load_pages_from_pageids: do not fail on empty string (:phab:`T153592`)
- Add missing not-equal comparison for wbtypes (:phab:`T158848`)
- textlib.getCategoryLinks catch invalid category title exceptions (:phab:`T154309`)
- Fix html2unicode (:phab:`T130925`)
- Ignore first letter case on 'first-letter' sites, obey it otherwise (:phab:`T130917`)
- textlib.py: Limit catastrophic backtracking in FILE_LINK_REGEX (:phab:`T148959`)
- FilePage.get_file_history(): Check for len(self._file_revisions) (:phab:`T155740`)
- Fix for positional_arg behavior of GeneratorFactory (:phab:`T155227`)
- Fix broken LDAP based login (:phab:`T90149`)
- Simplify User class
- Renamed isImage and isCategory
- Add -property option to pagegenerators.py
- Add a new site method pages_with_property
- Allow retrieval of unit as ItemPage for WbQuantity (:phab:`T143594`)
- return result of userPut with put_current method
- Provide a new generator which yields a subclass of Page
- Implement FilePage.download()
- make general function to compute file sha
- Support adding units to WbQuantity through ItemPage or entity url (:phab:`T143594`)
- Make PropertyPage.get() return a dictionary
- Add Wikibase Client extension requirement to APISite.unconnectedpages()
- Make Wikibase Property provide labels data
- APISite.data_repository(): handle warning with re.match() (:phab:`T156596`)
- GeneratorFactory: make getCategory respect self.site (:phab:`T155687`)
- Fix and improve default regexes
- Update linktrails
- Update languages_by_size
- Updating global bot wikis, closed wikis and deleted wikis
- Deprecate site.has_transcluded_data
- update plural rules
- Correcting month names in date.py for Euskara (eu)
- Linktrail for Euskara
- Define template documentation subpages for es.wikibooks
- self.doc_subpages for Meta-Wiki
- Updating Wikibooks projects which allows global bots
- Updated list of closed projects
- Add 'Bilde' as a namespace alias for file namespace of nn Wikipedia (:phab:`T154947`)
17 August 2016
- Last stable 2.0 branch
- Establish the project's name, once and for all
- setup.py: Add Python 3.4 and 3.5 to pypi classifiers
- Remove item count output in page generators
- Test Python 3.5 on Travis
- Fix docstring capitalization in return types and behavior
- Stop reading 'cookieprefix' upon login
- Fix travis global environment variables
- Fix notifications building from JSON
- pywikibot: Store ImportError in imported variable
- Use default tox pip install
- Add asteroids that are being used as locations
- [bugfix] Fix test_translateMagicWords test
- Fix ID for Rhea
- [bugfix] pass User page object to NotEmailableError
- Allow pywikibot to run on Windows 10 as well
- listpages.py: Fix help docstring
- pwb.py: make sure pywikibot is correctly loaded before starting a script
- win32_unicode: force truetype font in console
- Update main copyright year to 2016
- [L10N] add "sco" to redirected category pages
- date.py: fix Hungarian day-month title
- Prevent <references.../> from being destroyed
- [FIX] Page: Use repr-like if it can't be encoded
- pywikibot.WARNING -> pywikibot.logging.WARNING
- Do not expand text by default in getCategoryLinks
- Typo fix
- Prevent AttributeError for when filename is None
- Split TestUserContribs between user and non-user
15 December 2015
- Remove dependency on pYsearch
- Require google>=0.7
- Desupport Python 2.6 for Pywikibot 2.0 release branch
- config: Don't crash on later get_base_dir calls
- cosmetic_changes: merge similar regexes
- Update revId upon claim change
- Update WOW hostnames
- Mark site.patrol() as a user write action
- Fix interwikiFormat support for Link
- Changes are wrongly detected in the last langlink
- getLanguageLinks: Skip own site
- fix intersection of sets of namespaces
- Import textlib.TimeStripper
- Change "PyWikiBot" to "Pywikibot"
- Stop crashing item loads due to support of units
- __all__ items must be bytes on Python 2
- Omit includeredirects parameter for allpages generator
- Performance fix for sites using interwiki_putfirst option
- Fix Persian Wikipedia configuration
- rollback: Use Revision instance properly
- Add must_be to DataSite write actions
- Remove unneeded site argument to AutoFamily
- Fix ComparableMixin
- Deprecate ParamInfo.query_modules_with_limits
- be-x-old is renamed to be-tarask
- Correctly identify qualifier from JSON
30 September 2015
- New Wikipedia site: azb
- Indexes in str.format
- MediaWikiVersion: Accept new wmf style
- i18n: always follow master
- Bugfixes
- Localisation updates
- i18n: always follow master branch
- exception.UploadWarning was replaced by data.api.UploadWarning
9 July 2015
- Changing the sandbox content template on Fa WP
- Remove broken wikis from battlestarwiki family
- Adding euskara and sicilianu languages to Vikidia family
- WOW Wiki subdomains hr, ro & sr deleted
- Add new Wikipedia languages gom and lrc
- fix UnicodeDecodeError on api error
- pwb.py now correctly passes arguments to generate_family_file
- Fix Win32 config.editor detection
- open_compressed: Wrap BZ2File in Py 2.7
- Skip RC entries without a title
- PatrolEntry: Allow cur/prev id to be str
- Updates to i18n changes
- Do not use ParamInfo during action=login
- Let pydot encode labels for Python 3 support
- Fix and test interwiki_graph
- textlib: replaceExcept: Handle empty matches
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
25 May 2015
Major improvements include:
- Sphinx documentation at https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/
- Initial ProofreadPage support
- Improved diff output, with context
- Batch upload support
- Compat scripts patrol.py and piper.py ported
- isbn.py now supports wikibase
- RecentChanges stream (rcstream) support
Pywikibot API improvements include:
- Python 3 ipaddress support
- Support for Python warning system
- Wikibase:
- added ISBN support
- added redirect support
- Optionally uses external library for improved isbn validation
- Automatically generating user files when -user, -family and -lang are provided to a script
- Page.content_model added
- Page.contributors() and Page.revision_count() added
- APISite.compare added
- Site.undelete and Page.undelete added
- DataSite.search_entities support
- FilePage.latest_file_info and FilePage.oldest_file_info added
- ItemClaimFilterPageGenerator added
Low-level changes include:
- Switch to JSON-based i18n data format
- Unicode_literals used throughout source code
- API badtoken recovery
- API client side prevention of anonymous writes
- API layer support for boolean and date datatypes
- Improved MediaWiki version detection
- PageNotFound exception is no longer used
- UserActionRefuse exception was replaced by UserRightsError and NotEmailableError
Other changes include:
- Python 3 support fixes
- Daemonize support
- Allow pywikibot to load without i18n data
- AppVeyor CI Win32 builds
- New scripts patrol.py and piper.py ported from old compat branch
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Localisation updates
30 November 2014
- Library initialisation no longer connects to servers
- generate_user_files.py rewritten
- API Version 1.14 support
- Support HTTPS for families with certificate validation errors (Python 2 only)
- API HTTP(S) GET support
- API simplified continuation support
- Upload uses a fake filename to avoid various MIME encoding issues
- API class ParamInfo inspects API modules
- Several QueryGenerator efficiency improvements
- Improved 'same title' detection and 'get redirect target' handling
- Site interwiki methods now use dynamic Interwikimap
- Site methods return Namespace object instead of int
- New WikiStats module
- New PatchManager module used for showDiff
- New pagegenerators, including -intersect support
- Several category_redirect.py improvements
- archivebot: support more languages
- reflinks: changed from GPL to MIT
- Bugfixes and improvements
7 October 2014
- Bugfixes and improvements
26 August 2013
- First stable release branch
19 June 2007
- BeautifulSoup becomes mandatory
- new scripts were added
- new family files were supported
- some scripts were archived
26 September 2005
- First PyWikipediaBot framework release
- scripts and libraries for standardizing content
- tools for making minor modifications
- script making interwiki links