A simple example to control the built-in led connected to a NodeMCU board (ESP8266).
- WiFiManager: To list the available Wifi AP and to connect to one of them.
- mDNS: To look for the IP address and the port of the local MQTT broker.
- OTA: To update the firmware over-the-air.
- sudo apt-get install avahi-deamon (installed by default)
- sudo nano /etc/avahi/services/mqtt.service
- Copy/paste the following lines:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
<name replace-wildcards="yes">%h</name>
- sudo service avahi-daemon restart
Warning: 'F90D5F' corresponds to the chip ID of my ESP8266. Your chip ID is visible in the logs and corresponds to the name of the initial AP.
configuration.yaml :
platform: mqtt
name: 'Office light'
state_topic: '9A6C95/light'
command_topic: '9A6C95/light/switch'
optimistic: false
- Select the Wifi AP provided by the ESP8266. A window is open,
- Select "Configure WiFi",
- Choose your Wifi AP in the list and enter your password,
- Enter the MQTT username and password. Press "save",
- Configure Home-Assitant.