A simple example to control a RGB led connected to a NodeMCU board (ESP8266).
configuration.yaml :
platform: mqtt
name: 'Office RGB light'
state_topic: 'office/rgb1/light/status'
command_topic: 'office/rgb1/light/switch'
brightness_state_topic: 'office/rgb1/brightness/status'
brightness_command_topic: 'office/rgb1/brightness/set'
rgb_state_topic: 'office/rgb1/rgb/status'
rgb_command_topic: 'office/rgb1/rgb/set'
brightness_scale: 100
optimistic: false
- LED leg 1 - Resistor 270 Ohms - D1/GPIO5
- LED leg 2 (longuest leg) - GND
- LED leg 3 - Resistor 270 Ohms - D2/GPIO4
- LED leg 4 - Resistor 270 Ohms - D3/GPIO0