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354 lines (257 loc) · 11.1 KB


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PHP client library for Coveralls.

API doc

API doc is generated by ApiGen



To install php-coveralls with Composer, just add the following to your composer.json file:

// composer.json
    "require-dev": {
        "satooshi/php-coveralls": "dev-master"

Then, you can install the new dependencies by running Composer’s update command from the directory where your composer.json file is located:

# install
$ php composer.phar install --dev
# update
$ php composer.phar update satooshi/php-coveralls --dev

# or you can simply execute composer command if you set it to
# your PATH environment variable
$ composer install --dev
$ composer update satooshi/php-coveralls --dev

You can see this library on Packagist.

Composer installs autoloader at ./vendor/autoloader.php. If you use php-coveralls in your php script, add:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

If you use Symfony2, autoloader has to be detected automatically.

Or you can use git clone command:

$ git clone
$ git clone [email protected]:satooshi/php-coveralls.git


Currently support clover style coverage report. php-coveralls collect coverage information from clover.xml.


Make sure that phpunit.xml.dist is configured to generate "coverage-clover" type log named clover.xml like the following configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit ...>
        <log type="coverage-clover" target="build/logs/clover.xml"/>

You can also use --coverage-clover CLI option.

phpunit --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml


Above settings are good for almost projects If your test suite is executed once a build and is not devided into several parts. But if your test suite is configured as parallel task or generates multiple coverage reports through a build, you can use either coverage_clover configuration in .coveralls.yml (see below coverage clover configuration section) to specify multiple clover.xml or phpcov for processing coverages reports.


phpcov is not ready for Packagist yet but you can install it via PEAR channel:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "sebastianbergmann/phpcov",
                "version": "1.1.0",
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
                "source": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "git",
                    "reference": "1.1.0"
                "bin": [
    "require-dev": {
        "satooshi/php-coveralls": "dev-master",
        "sebastianbergmann/phpcov": "1.1.0"

phpunit configuration

Make sure that phpunit.xml.dist is configured to generate "coverage-php" type log:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit ...>
        <log type="coverage-php" target="build/cov/coverage.cov"/>

You can also use --coverage-php CLI option.

# use --coverage-php option instead of --coverage-clover
phpunit --coverage-php build/cov/coverage-${component_name}.cov

phpcov configuration

And then, execute phpcov.php to merge coverage.cov logs.

# get information
php vendor/bin/phpcov.php --help

# merge coverage.cov logs under build/cov
php vendor/bin/phpcov.php --merge --clover build/logs/clover.xml --whitelist /path/to/src build/cov

# in case of memory exhausting error
php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/phpcov.php ...


php-coveralls collects count attribute in a line tag from clover.xml if its type attribute equals to stmt. When type attribute equals to method, php-coveralls excludes its count attribute from coverage collection because abstract method in an abstract class is never counted though subclasses implement that method which is executed in test cases.

<!-- this one is counted as code coverage -->
<line num="37" type="stmt" count="1"/>
<!-- this one is not counted -->
<line num="43" type="method" name="getCommandName" crap="1" count="1"/>

Travis CI

Add php vendor/bin/coveralls to your .travis.yml at after_script.

Please note that --dev must be set to composer install option.

# .travis.yml
language: php
  - 5.5
  - 5.4
  - 5.3

    - php: 5.5

  - curl -s | php
  - php composer.phar install --dev --no-interaction

  - mkdir -p build/logs
  - php vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist

  - php vendor/bin/coveralls
  # or enable logging
  - php vendor/bin/coveralls -v


Add pecl install xdebug to your circle.yml at dependencies section since currently Xdebug extension is not pre-installed. composer and phpunit are pre-installed but you can install them manually in this dependencies section. The following sample uses default ones.

    version: 5.4.10

## Customize dependencies
    - mkdir -p build/logs
    - composer install --dev --no-interaction
    - pecl install xdebug
    - cat ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/xdebug.ini | sed -e "s/;//" > xdebug.ini
    - mv xdebug.ini ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/xdebug.ini

## Customize test commands
    - phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist

Add php vendor/bin/coveralls to the "Test commands" textarea on Web UI (Edit settings > Tests > Test commands textarea).

COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=your_token php vendor/bin/coveralls

Please note that COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN should be set in the same line before coveralls command execution. You can not export this variable before coveralls command execution in other command since each command runs in its own shell and does not share environment variables (see reference on CircleCI).


You can configure CI process for Coveralls by adding the following commands to the textarea on Web UI (Project settings > Test tab).

In the "Modify your Setup Commands" section:

curl -s | php
php composer.phar install --dev --no-interaction
mkdir -p build/logs

In the "Modify your Test Commands" section:

php vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist
php vendor/bin/coveralls

Next, open Project settings > Environment tab, you can set COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN environment variable.

In the "Configure your environment variables" section:


From local environment

If you would like to call Coveralls API from your local environment, you can set COVERALLS_RUN_LOCALLY envrionment variable. This configuration requires repo_token to specify which project on Coveralls your project maps to. This can be done by configuring .coveralls.yml or COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN environment variable.


# either env var
$ export COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=your_token

# or .coveralls.yml configuration
$ vi .coveralls.yml
repo_token: your_token # should be kept secret!

php-coveralls set the following properties to json_file which is sent to Coveralls API (same behaviour as the Ruby library will do except for the service name).

  • service_name: php-coveralls
  • service_event_type: manual

CLI options

You can get help information for coveralls with the --help (-h) option.

php vendor/bin/coveralls --help
  • --config (-c): Used to specify the path to .coveralls.yml. Default is .coveralls.yml
  • --verbose (-v): Used to show logs.
  • --dry-run: Used not to send json_file to Coveralls Jobs API.
  • --exclude-no-stmt: Used to exclude source files that have no executable statements.


php-coveralls can use optional .coveralls.yml file to configure options. This configuration file is usually at the root level of your repository, but you can specify other path by --config (or -c) CLI option. Following options are the same as Ruby library (see reference on

  • repo_token: Used to specify which project on Coveralls your project maps to. This is only needed for repos not using CI and should be kept secret
  • service_name: Allows you to specify where Coveralls should look to find additional information about your builds. This can be any string, but using travis-ci or travis-pro will allow Coveralls to fetch branch data, comment on pull requests, and more.

Following options can be used for php-coveralls.

  • src_dir: Used to specify where the root level of your source files directory is. Default is src.
  • coverage_clover: Used to specify the path to clover.xml. Default is build/logs/clover.xml
  • json_path: Used to specify where to output json_file that will be uploaded to Coveralls API. Default is build/logs/coveralls-upload.json.
# .coveralls.yml example configuration

# same as Ruby lib
repo_token: your_token # should be kept secret!
service_name: travis-pro # travis-ci or travis-pro

# for php-coveralls
src_dir: src
coverage_clover: build/logs/clover.xml
json_path: build/logs/coveralls-upload.json

coverage clover configuration

You can specify multiple clover.xml logs at coverage_clover. This is useful for a project that has more than two test suites if all of the test results should be merged into one json_file.


# single file
coverage_clover: build/logs/clover.xml

# glob
coverage_clover: build/logs/clover-*.xml

# array
# specify files
  - build/logs/clover-Auth.xml
  - build/logs/clover-Db.xml
  - build/logs/clover-Validator.xml

Change log

See changelog


See wiki