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xDai has captured the attention & imagination of the entire community |
The xDai Chain has been one of crypto's breakout success stories. Its prominent use at mainstream Eth events and support from the crypto community have made some of the biggest names in Ethereum stand up, listen, and experience the magic of xDai for themselves.
Below are some mentions xDai has received from influencers in the community. We continue to add more recent mentions to the list, so scroll down to see the latest accolades.
We will introduce a Substrate to Parity-Ethereum-PoA bridge, very similar to our existing Parity Bridge that sits at the heart of the xDAI chain...
Dr Gavid Wood, co-founder of Ethereum
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xDAI is a
first experience for people. Ric showed it to me and I've used it multiple times with those unfamiliar with crypto. It leads to them wanting to learn more very quickly.Anthony "Pomp" Pompliano, Co-founder & Partner at Morgan Creek Digital
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Burner Wallet (website, explainer article) is an "insta-wallet" that's very easy to use: just load it up on your desktop or phone, and there you have it. It was used successfully at EthDenver to sell food from food trucks, and generally many people appreciate its convenience. Its main weaknesses are lower security and that one of its features, support for xDAI, is dependent on a permissioned chain.
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum
{% hint style="success" %} Note: After xDai moved to POSDAO, the permissioned critique is less valid {% endhint %}
{% embed url="" %} Review of Gitcoin grants with quote on xDai {% endembed %}
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At EthDenver, the user experience was really, really smooth.... (xDai and the Burner Wallet) enables ease of use & easy onboarding for people.
Joseph Lubin, co-founder of Ethereum
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Founder and CEO at Aave sums it up with 1 word!!
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Head of DTC Capital describes the coming wave of L2 scalability with xDai leading the charge.
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Author of The Infinite Machine
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