I'll try to keep track, here, of all the changes that
- I had to make, and what that
- Broke
- Necessitated further changes in
- I wanted to make but could not / was not allowed to and
- Why I wanted to
- Why I wasn't able to
- The downstream consequences of this block
- New rules
- PK's
- Every table's PK is managed by Django as an AI ID field
- This does not rule out Unique legacy fields, like the Geographic SPSS codes
- Relationality
- Names should be normalized, even if through one-to-one keys
- No more alias tables, in other words
- And no more free-floating data like the sound recordings
- Caching
- NO! NO!
- See "Infrastructure"
- For the sake of my "exposing the ORM" strategy, we're going to reserve "label"
- This necessitates 9 changes to the Voyages model (see June 13 commit)
- For the sake of my "exposing the ORM" strategy, we're going to reserve "label"
- PK's
- Prelim DB Migrations
- As of June 1, db state has 2 layers of migrations
- A. Migrate june-1-2023-dellamonica-enslaversmerge for May 24 staging dump
- then run the mysql-migration script
- with one tweak -- dropped unique_together on enslavedname / lang
- B. Migrate june-1-2023-johnconnor for MINIMAL API-ready changes
- then run the management script
- What are those changes?
- all comma-spliced date fields mirrored with
- -sparsedate suffixed fields
- that are 1:1 on a numeric triple SparseDate object
- the 1:1 field itself being nullable
- and of course the individual numeric SD fields being nullable
- place,region,broadregion
- get an extra geo location field
- that is 1:1'd to a generic Location object
- voyagedatasetmanager GONE
- all comma-spliced date fields mirrored with
- A. Migrate june-1-2023-dellamonica-enslaversmerge for May 24 staging dump
- As of June 1, db state has 2 layers of migrations
- Down the pike
- We want documents
- to attach to each sourceconnection table
- & in doing so to attach to Zotero
- We need to reform the PAST app
- Enslaver aliases is nonsense
- Multifarious
- Nobody knows how "roles" work
- Enslaved names are multi-fielded
- Voyage Itinerary, Dates, and numbers tables need to be unified (into events?)
- However this will break impute beyond repair
- We want documents
- Caching
- No more in-memory db's in Django. It's unreliable.
- Such work will be done by microservices, usually Flask:
- Pandas
- NetworkX