From 76cde4874137d29ac194f2acc305f18a8e4cab3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Josh Lospinoso
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 15:25:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Closes #87 #88 #89 #90 #91 #92 #93 #94 #95 #96 #97 #98 #100
#101 #102
docs/index.html | 16 ++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
index 40d5591..51a3d94 100755
--- a/docs/index.html
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -268,6 +268,8 @@ C++ Crash Course contains well over 500 code samples & nearly 100 exerci
+ - p. 41 "The usual format specifiers for a size_t are %zd for a decimal representation
+or %zx for a hexadecimal representation." The correct format specifier for size_t is %zu, which is the unsigned version of %zd. This error appears consistenly throughout the remainder of the book!
- p. 97 The C++ Standard says that thread_local variable lifetimes begin at latest upon first use by the thread. The text
implies that the thread_local life time is similar to a static lifetime. You can modify Listing 4-6 by inserting the line "const auto t2_ptr = &t2;" at the very beginning of main, or at
namespace scope.
@@ -282,6 +284,7 @@ Typos
- p. liv "the destructor cleans up file.file_pointer for you (2)" should read "...(3)"
- p. 18 "hexadecimal and octal output" shoud read "hexadecimal, decimal, and octal output"
- p. 21 "These symbols, // or /**/, tell the compiler" should read "The // symbol tells the compiler"
+ - p. 41 "C type in the header" should read "C type in the C library header "
- p. 62 "Whether array_5 is initialized or not..." Should read "Whether array_4 is initialized or not..."
- p. 76 In Listing 3-7, "*(lower + 4)" and "*(upper_ptr + 4)" should read "*(lower + 3)" and "*(upper_ptr + 3)", respectively.
- p. 78 "Each Element also contains a prefix array (5) and an operating_number
@@ -304,10 +307,12 @@
p. 137 (ebook only) The Note referring to Chapters 20 and 21 of "The C + + Programming Language" (4th Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup) should not contain hyperlinks.
+ p. 145 In listing 5-13, "// Include Listing 5-10" should read "// Include Listing 5-10"
p. 147 In Listing 5-14, "Bank(Logger* logger) : logger{ logger } ()" should read "Bank(Logger* logger) : logger{ logger } {}"
p. 149 (ebook only) The Martha Stewart quote should read "The more you adapt, the more interesting you are."
p. 155 "Notice that you need to provide only a single template parameter, the
return type, upon instantiation (1)(4)." should read "...upon instantiation (2)(5)."
+ p. 158 In Listing 6-12, "char mean(const char* values, size_t length)" should read "size_t mean(const size_t* values, size_t length)" and "char result{};" should read "size_t result{}".
p. 159 "For example, if a template function’s return type is a template argument," should read "For example, if a template function’s return type is a template argument that's entirely independent of other function and template arguments,"
p. 167 The paragraph "The concept is composed of three Boolean expressions AND-ed (&&) together: two type traits (1) (3) and a requires expression." should read as follows: "The concept is composed of a type trait (1) and a requires containing two requirement expressions (2) (3)."
@@ -323,7 +328,10 @@ Typos
p. 241 "Implement a PrimeNumberRange class that can be used in a range exception to iterate over" should read "Implement a PrimeNumberRange class that can be used in a range expression to iterate over"
p. 251 "..., you call va_list with the va_list structure" should read "..., you call va_end with the va_list structure"
- p. 277 Exercise 9-3, "template " should read "template "
+ p. 258 For clarity, the term "modifiers(5)" in the Lambda Usage listing should read "specifiers(5)".
+ p. 261 In listing 9-7, "transform(translate, base_int, a, l); (5)" should read "transform(translate, base_int, a, len); (5)" and "transform(translate, base_float, b, l); (6)" should read "transform(translate, base_float, b, l); (6)"
+ p. 277 Exercise 9-1, "print("Sum: %d\n", sum);" should read "printf("Sum: %d\n", sum);"
+ p. 277 Exercise 9-3, "template <typename Fn, typename In, typename Out>" should read "template <typename Fn, typename In>"
p. 284 Figure 10-1, the direction of the arrows, SpeedUpdate, CarDetected, BrakeCommand, are reversed.
p. 289 "That’s all you have to do; assert will throw an exception if the initial speed is zero." should read "isn't zero."
p. 291 "Listing 10-9: A unit test encoding the requirement that the initial speed be zero" should read "that the initial sensitivity is five"
@@ -334,9 +342,13 @@ Typos
p. 328 Table 10-2: "A<type>)()" should read "A<type>()"; "An<type>)()" should read "An<type>()"
p. 336 "IServiceBusMock" should read "IServiceBus mock"
p. 351 "ownership to son_of_aragorn. Because son_of_aragorn can" should read "ownership to son_of_arathorn. Because son_of_arathorn can"
+ p. 359 "to convert Listing 11-12 to use a shared pointer" should read "to convert Listing 11-13 to use a shared pointer"
+ p. 367 Listing 11-19: "my_alloc" should read "alloc"
p. 368 Exercise 11-1: Should read "Reimplement Listing 11-13 to use a ..."
p. 382 Table 12-6, "Convenience function for constructing a tuple" should read "Convenience function for constructing a variant"
+ p. 385 (ebook version only) '+boost::gregorian::date supports periods+' should read '"boost::gregorian::date supports periods"'
p. 385 Table 12-8, "Returns the month portion of the date" should read "Creates a period from d to d+n_days"
+ p. 391 "store into the time_per_addition variable (6)" should read "store into the time_per_division variable (6)"
p. 404 Table 12-16, table header "Distribution" should read "Operation".
p. 404 The subtitle "A Partial List of Random Number Distributions" should read "A Partial List of Operations Available in <ratio>".
p. 431 "Constructs a priority_queue of Ts using ctr as its internal container and srt as its comparator object." should read "...and cmp as its comparator object."
@@ -449,7 +461,7 @@ Chapter 3: Reference Types
p. 87: C++ Core
- p. 87: East End Functions
+ p. 87: East End Functions
p. 87: References